Being natural is best but are you happy with your breast size or want augmentation/reduction?
Be a man to treat me like a princess and fuck me like a whore.
I am happy with what I have. Definitely one of my best features.
I am very happy with what I have. I know a girl that had a reduction and she is much happier. I have mixed feeling about augmentation, I would never consider it
I used to want a reduction, but then I learned to embrace what I have. No complaints so far.
I am very happy with what I have, yes. I could not have asked for better breasts really, so I got lucky there. I do not need larger and I do not want any surgery to enlarge or reduce, nor have I had any. Mine are large and still the same shape, etc. No problems there. (My boyfriend would have been happy & content with a size or two less, and most guys I knew said "C's" or a little bigger were what they liked best, yet all I have known thought mine were "perfect." If my partner thinks they are beautiful & just right, then, like I said, it is always a nice bonus. I have always gotten a lot of compliments, even from my OBGYN or doctors, and I really appreciate it when a medical doctor of mine comments something complimentary, TOO. Breasts are not the most important aspect, to me, not by any means, but I am very happy with what I was given there.
I am very happy with them and have not had complaints. I think if they were a cup bigger I might have issues, but they are not so why dwell ;)
...I thought that maybe a new life, a different life, wouldn’t be so bad. But where the hell did I put the receipt, and could you return something that was over twenty years old? Where do you go to get a new life when your old one has you so puzzled you don’t know how to fix it? Wish I knew.
-Anita Blake (Laurell K. Hamilton)
I am happy and never had complaints from others
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I'm fine with them.
I've given reduction a fleeting thought on those days when my breasts are being an absolute pain in the ass (we all have those days), but I'd never really go through with it.
░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░
Mine are small, too, and I'm fine with them, even though I get self-conscious at times, cosmetic surgery has never crossed my mind.
Actually, yes. I get teased a bit but i'm not exactly a fan of huge boobs. I like that i don't have to always wear a bra, and i would never ever consider surgery.
I'm a 44DD & they sag horribly. I hate my body
I am told I should be happy. Large enough to make clothing look good and small enough that I can go braless most any time I want.
I did have a Doctor call his partner to come in and check them out once. So they must have thought they were OK. Of course that was purely clinical.VkRvAvLlNVo9vHx0
The girls do attract some attention only wish is that they will fight gravity forever
very much so...i am braless most of the time, unless i am working...if not working, more than likely you could get a closer look as i love to wear low cut tops or sheer tops
Yes I am I think I have nice breast small and firm
Most of the time I am. Occasionally when I am running I wish they were smaller but they are pretty firm and sports bras do wonders so Ill keep them! LOL
They are pretty big I guess but I can go braless without looking sloppy.
I tend to have a lot of fun with mine, no complaints here.
Very! I couldn't ask for more ;)