I'm a meower.oztz2dFx4A9fh15S
Both depending on the lover.
moaner but i do screamer now and then
Hard to know because I am not real coherent during a series of orgasms. But I am told I am along ways from Quiet!
I build upward ;) but tend to moan loudly
Moaner for sure... Nobody has made me scream before ha.
Both depends on my partner
A Moaner when necessary.......A screamer.......love to let the guy know I m enjoying him fucking me or eating me?
Definitely both....not quiet!
I shout random things in hebrew.
Probably both, but I'm pretty loud either way!!!
I love to moan and scream. And when moans turn to screams? Yes. Those are amazing.
I'm a cryer. Is that one of the options? lol
Make love to me and I moan. Fuck me and make me scream.
Neither. When I am getting there, I breathe hard, like the letter h being drawn out for a long time: hhhhhhhhhhhhh
When I do get there, I purr.....I guess that fits with my nickname being Kat (short for Kathy)