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writing erotica & being a Christian

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Any advice on how I can get these 2 very important parts of who I am to settle down & play nice?

I love what I write and it calms me down when I'm upset but a part of me keeps telling me it's a sin & I'm going to hell.

It's all very depressing because I don't want to stop & I don't want to go to hell.
Is the bible not one of the original sources of violence, , , , , murder etc etc?? (I mean, that list is HUGE)

I'm pretty certain that, apart from going into it in minute detail, there's not much you can put on screen that hasn't already been covered in there?

If you want to keep your morals squeaky clean, you might want to avoid cheating spouses and illegal activities such as the "I" word?

Other than that, I mean the "holy books" can be interpreted to suit just about everyone's needs and agendas, so I'm fairly sure your wee soul will be quite safe from the burny fire...

If you really are worried, perhaps you could just try and keep your stories wholesome and fun, maybe throw in a wee moral here and there - good guys get rewarded, bad guys get punished? I dunno..
Head Nurse
One of the earlier pieces of erotica is Song of Solomon, in the old testament. Writing fiction doesn't have to conflict with your faith. You have to know first who you are inside. What are your lines? This is the same for everyone here, no matter what their faith. You have to decide what you find are okay for you.

There are things you wont find me ever writing about, and there are things I write about that I would never-ever conceive of doing in real life. One of the stories I had the most fun writing is a story that touched what is for me a strong line. But exploring that line through writing helped me understand who I am better and allowed me to chase down the darker recesses of my mind, without acting out something that I might never be able to cleanse from my spirit.
Active Ink Slinger
You are quite safe! There isn't a Hell, so you won't be going there. This life, fortunately, is all there is. No Paradise for the self-satisfied though often well-meaning-but-deluded. No hell for the nasty evil buggers or for the generally nice folk who sometimes fancy a quick wank. And thank god (small g) for that. Be excellent to each other, be sensible and safe and have a long happy life, for beyond it - or so all the evidence suggests - there is nothing.

And even if there is a God, a kind forgiving soul somewhat like the Jesus who lived here for a short while, surely he would not be so mean, petty, small-minded and vindictive to condemn to an eternity of torment his beloved, often inherently weak and stupid creations for sins committed in what must be to him the blink of an eye? Surely?

You just couldn't make it up, could you?
"If I sign off with pithy quotations, ignore all preceding opinion for I am undoubtedly a fool. And if, after our discourse, I abuse you by proffering my vulgar produce, cast me into the gutter."
Active Ink Slinger
Here is my take on your question, I too am a Christian, one very little known fact about me is that I was once enrolled in a seminary to be a Catholic priest. I believe that God created us all and created each of us so diverse on purpose. Much the way that not everyone looks the same, our thought patterns are also equally different. It is with this God given ability that we are to create. With our minds. For some it could be scientific and mathematical theories. Others it could be music, art, dance, a host of other possibilities including literature. One subsection of it is erotica.

God gave us the ability to have sex and to enjoy it. He also gave us our minds to create fantasies. Whether they be moral, immoral, or some grey area; they are all fantasies. The Great Gatsby is a fantasy. A figment of someone's imagination. Writing about a topic or creating a story that excites you is no more diabolical or sinful then writing a classic novel. The Father above wants us to create, to explore, to use our minds. If he has given you a gift, use it. The context of your gift can be used in whatever fashion you see fit.

Trust me your not going to hell because you came up with a story about people having sex. Even freaky hot sex. Just isn't going to happen. If you believe that the the Son sacrificed his life for yours with all of your heart than you are saved.

John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the light; For no one comes to the father but through me.
John 3:16-19 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
Ephesians 2:8-9 8For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.

I included these three quotes from the Holy Bible to show you that by faith alone, that is your salvation. Not by your works. Remember the first soul to accompany the Son to heaven was the man to his right also on the cross. It was with faith alone. I hope this in some small way helps.
Chivalry is the only "wingman" you need.

Please read and comment on my story
Quote by Haineko
Any advice on how I can get these 2 very important parts of who I am to settle down & play nice?

I love what I write and it calms me down when I'm upset but a part of me keeps telling me it's a sin & I'm going to hell.

It's all very depressing because I don't want to stop & I don't want to go to hell.
I'm an atheist, but I can assure you that you are certainly not compromising your faith any more than the average practicing christian.
Devil's Advocate
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. There's barely enough room downstairs for all the lawyers as it is.

Help others. Be kind. Be true to yourself. And write the filthiest fucking smut you possibly can. You'll be fine.

Otherwise we wouldn't have been given brains and hands that can reach our own junk.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Haineko
Any advice on how I can get these 2 very important parts of who I am to settle down & play nice?

I love what I write and it calms me down when I'm upset but a part of me keeps telling me it's a sin & I'm going to hell.

It's all very depressing because I don't want to stop & I don't want to go to hell.

Can't you just ask for forgiveness later when you're all done writing erotica?

In all seriousness, the way I read the Bible's take on hell, it isn't like what we say it is. Yes, the "fires of Gehennim" or whatever are "unquenchable," but that doesn't mean that the soul will burn forever or be tortured forever. Just like if you were to jump into a volcano, you wouldn't burn alive forever; you would die quickly.

Furthermore, many religions that believe in heaven also don't believe in hell. Jews, for example, do not, and nor do Jehovah's Witnesses. Mormons believe only the worst of the worst go to hell.

So if I were you, I wouldn't worry about it, but I'm an agnostic...nominally Catholic but not in agreement with much of anything they preach. A CINO if you will.
I don't believe if you like to write erotica you are going to hell or it is a sin.

In fact if writing makes you feel better then it is a good thing.

People have been writing erotica for ages!

I mean the Chinese for one....

the bible is a guide

a source of inspiration written a LONG time ago by men

heck watching the Masters of Sex in the late 50's women were not even supposed to have an orgasm they had too IMMATURE sex organs (can you believe that)

we have come a long way baby!!

So you use the ten commandments as your guiding star

and realize that as long as you are good kind and respectful of others

what you write is not a sin

lying and cheating to me are THE UBER bad boys of life

so carry on honey

God has other things to worry about starvation death destruction wars etc

and who knows maybe God does enjoy a little erotic reading too smile
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Haineko
Any advice on how I can get these 2 very important parts of who I am to settle down & play nice?

I love what I write and it calms me down when I'm upset but a part of me keeps telling me it's a sin & I'm going to hell.

It's all very depressing because I don't want to stop & I don't want to go to hell.

I haven't read all the posts and I wil come back to the thread after I do but I want to ask one question if this is about sinning.
Do you know what a sin is to a Christian? I mean what the actual act of sinning is?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Wilful
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. There's barely enough room downstairs for all the lawyers as it is.

Help others. Be kind. Be true to yourself. And write the filthiest fucking smut you possibly can. You'll be fine.

Otherwise we wouldn't have been given brains and hands that can reach our own junk.

What! No politicians, only lawyers!
Head Nurse
Quote by dpw

I haven't read all the posts and I wil come back to the thread after I do but I want to ask one question if this is about sinning.
Do you know what a sin is to a Christian? I mean what the actual act of sinning is?

Faith is such a personal thing. Even within the same church, within the same congregation, two people will have two separate beliefs regarding sin.

Sin isn't simply a Christian belief.
Quote by dpw

What! No politicians, only lawyers!

Here in Canada, a lot of our politicians have traditionally come from law so it's a twofer. Though that has changed in recent Parliaments (our current PM is an economist, for instance, and the most popular opposition leader has an eclectic mish-mash of half-finished degrees).
I did write erotica (but only for my own ... um ... enjoyment) while still a Christian and it didn't particularly bother me. However, I was on the liberal fringe of a rather liberal church and eventually moved off into other things (I've been formally a Unitarian Universalist for a decade and flirted with UU'ism for probably a decade prior to joining). Sin, esp. around sex, wasn't a big part of my Christianity which was more focussed on justice and forgiveness of transgressions than punishment. God made sex so presumably he wanted us to enjoy it and, to my mind, it only became sin when you got into using it as a tool for control or abuse (which were the real sins).
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by naughtynurse

Faith is such a personal thing. Even within the same church, within the same congregation, two people will have two separate beliefs regarding sin.

Sin isn't simply a Christian belief.

A sin for a Christian is the same thing.
Always be true to yourself. [-o<
Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
the bible has its own erotic poems , its called son of Solomon, talks about twin fawns etc very sexy language
Head Nurse
Quote by dpw

A sin for a Christian is the same thing.

Hardly. MY idea of a sin is wildly different from my mothers, whose is different from my fathers, whose is different from their neighbors.

That's what makes religion such a hot topic. Everyone has different beliefs, and opinions. Just as we learned in grade school, opinions(and beliefs) are personal, and neither right nor wrong. But many people forget that beliefs and opinions are not the same as facts and are will to argue vehemently that their way is the correct way. Look at the religious thread that we have here, they get filled with angry diatribes ascribing their way to the only way.

This is why I said in my first response that the OP must look at her beliefs first. She must discover for herself if she believes its a sin.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm a recent born-again Christian and although it affects what I do online, it does not affect my love of erotic writing.
In custody.

I love baseball!!!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by hornyirishman
Here is my take on your question, I too am a Christian, one very little known fact about me is that I was once enrolled in a seminary to be a Catholic priest. I believe that God created us all and created each of us so diverse on purpose. Much the way that not everyone looks the same, our thought patterns are also equally different. It is with this God given ability that we are to create. With our minds. For some it could be scientific and mathematical theories. Others it could be music, art, dance, a host of other possibilities including literature. One subsection of it is erotica.

God gave us the ability to have sex and to enjoy it. He also gave us our minds to create fantasies. Whether they be moral, immoral, or some grey area; they are all fantasies. The Great Gatsby is a fantasy. A figment of someone's imagination. Writing about a topic or creating a story that excites you is no more diabolical or sinful then writing a classic novel. The Father above wants us to create, to explore, to use our minds. If he has given you a gift, use it. The context of your gift can be used in whatever fashion you see fit.

Trust me your not going to hell because you came up with a story about people having sex. Even freaky hot sex. Just isn't going to happen. If you believe that the the Son sacrificed his life for yours with all of your heart than you are saved.

John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the light; For no one comes to the father but through me.
John 3:16-19 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
Ephesians 2:8-9 8For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.

I included these three quotes from the Holy Bible to show you that by faith alone, that is your salvation. Not by your works. Remember the first soul to accompany the Son to heaven was the man to his right also on the cross. It was with faith alone. I hope this in some small way helps.

This. Exactly this.
In custody.

I love baseball!!!
The Linebacker
Writing erotica will not send you to hell. Forgiveness of sins is a free gift and cannot be earned. Christ came to fullfill the law. You live by the love in your heart, not the law. Legalism is not true Christianity, but a lie spread by false Christians who want to control you for their own selfish power & greedy purposes. I am a born again Christian and I write erotica.
Advanced Wordsmith
Ephesians 2:9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."

It is a fundamental tenet of Christianity that salvation and an eternal relationship with God are based on faith. One cannot earn one's way into salvation through ones works. The corollary principle is that one cannot be condemned by one's works (the condemnation of humans - speaking from fundamental Christian orthodoxy - is based on Adam's original sin and salvation through faith is the only escape hatch, if you will).

So the application here is that you don't get to say, "I didn't write any erotic, therefore I am saved." By the corollary, there is no basis in Christian doctrine that says, "You wrote erotic, therefore you are not saved."

However, having said all that, almost every Christian church, denomination, sect, cult, and ministry has its (often unique and imaginative) list of legalisms and taboos that either prevent salvation or trigger condemnation. Matters involving nudity, sex, and reproduction (and since erotica is typically about those subjects then writing erotica gets rolled aboard) are the prime foundations on which those organizations build elaborate structures about what acts in those areas get one saved (by not doing them) or condemned (by doing them). Dietary rules are another favorite area for legalisms and taboos.

So, it's simply a matter of how you want to go. Would you prefer to believe the basic doctrines of Christianity, or the legalisms and taboos dreamed up by people and their organizations?
It's just writing in the end. One of my favorite smut writers is Christian and she does a fabulous job. She's a wonderful person too and her writing is separate from her writing. I never think anyone is what they write, knowing a lot of writers pretty well. I write really dark away from this site and it doesn't mean anything. Just my muse talking to me.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by naughtynurse

Hardly. MY idea of a sin is wildly different from my mothers, whose is different from my fathers, whose is different from their neighbors.

That's what makes religion such a hot topic. Everyone has different beliefs, and opinions. Just as we learned in grade school, opinions(and beliefs) are personal, and neither right nor wrong. But many people forget that beliefs and opinions are not the same as facts and are will to argue vehemently that their way is the correct way. Look at the religious thread that we have here, they get filled with angry diatribes ascribing their way to the only way.

This is why I said in my first response that the OP must look at her beliefs first. She must discover for herself if she believes its a sin.

Exactly my point.
A sin to a Christian is the doing something that you believe is wrong. You must have a "guilty mind" to commit sin.
This in effect means that two people can do the same thing and it may be a sin for one but not the other. It may sound odd but sin is a very personal thing, as only you know your beliefs.
Head Nurse
Quote by dpw

Exactly my point.
A sin to a Christian is the doing something that you believe is wrong. You must have a "guilty mind" to commit sin.
This in effect means that two people can do the same thing and it may be a sin for one but not the other. It may sound odd but sin is a very personal thing, as only you know your beliefs.

My apologies for misunderstanding you than. I took your post as all Christians have the same ideas on sin.
Active Ink Slinger
The pastor from the church that I go to said that God invented sex...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by naughtynurse

My apologies for misunderstanding you than. I took your post as all Christians have the same ideas on sin.

Don't apologize, my wording was vague.
My point is that we all have our own sins and very few are universal. Take killing, thou shalt not kill. What about self defence? Nobody thinks that killing in self defence is a sin but a Christian is told to "turn the other cheek". Does that mean you allow someone to kill you, if so, no Christian could join the armed forces.
Only those that feel that writing erotica is sinful but do it anyway, are sinning. Personally I find nothing wrong in it, it doesn't go against my ethics but they are MY ethics.
Active Ink Slinger
and on the seventh day he rested
I am a Christian as well and even have a Bachelor's degree in Theology. But I am also widowed and only 42. The church avoids the question of sexuality as much as they can unless it is to condemn it so I did not feel I had anywhere to turn with my sexual frustration after I lost my husband. I have been widowed for 2and1/2 years and have not dated anyone in all of that time. To deal with my sexual frustration I found lush and started writing out my fantasies. I would NEVER act on these fantasies but it is a way for me to safely deal with my sexual nature. I did not even know Lush existed until long after my husband's death so I am not cheating on anyone in any way by being on this site and using my fantasy writings as a way to deal with my sexual nature. I hope that if I ever meet another man to share my life with that I can also share my fantasy life with him too. But that is yet to be seen. My advice to you is to follow what your conscious is telling you. If this not feel right for you then it isn't right.
Head Nurse
Quote by dpw

Don't apologize, my wording was vague.
My point is that we all have our own sins and very few are universal. Take killing, thou shalt not kill. What about self defence? Nobody thinks that killing in self defence is a sin but a Christian is told to "turn the other cheek". Does that mean you allow someone to kill you, if so, no Christian could join the armed forces.
Only those that feel that writing erotica is sinful but do it anyway, are sinning. Personally I find nothing wrong in it, it doesn't go against my ethics but they are MY ethics.

Yes, that was exactly what I was attempting to express as well.