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Who'd like $200 First Prize in our new competition?

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This is perhaps our toughest competition to date. Bordering on "flash fiction", stories must be 1500 words or less. In light of the length restriction, the stories need to be "quickies".

Competition Theme

Quickie sex stories are usually intense, urgent, and a little explosive. The plot is normally quite scant, and the characters are thrust into the action almost from the word go. Other than the word count restriction, this competition is open to interpretation.

Full details of the competition can be found here.

I'm not modeling your itchy, sweater stocking man thong, nicola!

1st place is mine! Even if I have to write 3 different scenarios to get the best one possible.
I'm rather excited to write for this one. I dont have a lot of time to devote to writing just now, but a ultra short story written over the holidays might be doable biggrin
I best get my thinking cap on and come up with an idea!
Holy hammers, Nicola! It usually takes me 1,500 words to describe what her panties look like. Hmm...

I want that sweater. I hope it's knitted for the husky gentleman.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
I'm with Wilful, between My name and My copyright info, I'm already over the limit! LOL! Guess I sit this one out!
Come on guys, don't be like that!

We had some excellent entries to our 140 characters of sexiness competition, which we ran on Twitter.

That gives me an idea for the following competition
1500 words? I've cut more than that from some of my stories! biggrin
Still, that would be, what? Seven and a half cents a word... Righteous bucks!
Or a sweater. A sweater is nice too. Can't wait to see it in the third place winner's avatar pic!

That's the spirit!

I think she *almost* carries the look off!

Initially, I was a little dubious about such a small word count limit but on reflection, I think it's a great idea.

It takes skill to pack enough good words into such a small story, I think it will be an interesting challenge.

If you concentrate too much on the sex act itself, characters can appear flat. Too much story and character development, you can lose the element of carnal abandon.

Time to mix an erotic cocktail smile
I may have to see if I can reduce my word count to this. Normally I go for deep descriptions and drawn out action, but this could seriously test my brief writing skills - Thinking cap on.
I've always been attracted to rich short stories, while I'm not as skilled as some, it is a theme that makes me want to write, and that is half the battle!
Well, I've actually started my story already!!

Hopefully have it ready soon... Inspiration struck and I'm going with it!!!
Ah, I can't resist this one! 1,500 words is going to be a challenge though. Gotta make it snappy! smile
Make that 5 story ideas now...

Yes, I plan on writing all 5 of them as well...

Well, at least 3.
Don't forget the one story per contest rule
is there a minimum length on this one? (serious question).

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

No minimum length stipulated
Now, I have a serious point here too - When the 101 word poems were all the rage, I did one and it got posted, but then I got a PM to say it was over the 101 limit. This led to me getting grumpy, because it was bang on 101 according to Lush, and doing some comparisons (I got a Bug Slayer badge too btw thankyouverymuch)

Anyway, point being that I've written 505 words so far, according to wordcounttool. net/, but when I paste it into the Lush submit box, it only comes up at 477, which on such a short story comp, could make quite a big difference - obviously it would let the competitors post a story longer than 1.5k, or would the count be external? (Is it something to do with other characters or something?)

Anyway, I just thought it worth mentioning now, given that everyone will be paying a much closer eye on how many words they will be submitting and it is sure to become a headache otherwise...


EDIT: okay, so a 1,500 word count on wordcounttool comes in at 1415 on the Lush submit box... Just FYI (because I wondered)
Quote by Mazza
Now, I have a serious point here too - When the 101 word poems were all the rage, I did one and it got posted, but then I got a PM to say it was over the 101 limit. This led to me getting grumpy, because it was bang on 101 according to Lush, and doing some comparisons (I got a Bug Slayer badge too btw thankyouverymuch)

Anyway, point being that I've written 505 words so far, according to wordcounttool. net/, but when I paste it into the Lush submit box, it only comes up at 477, which on such a short story comp, could make quite a big difference - obviously it would let the competitors post a story longer than 1.5k, or would the count be external? (Is it something to do with other characters or something?)

Anyway, I just thought it worth mentioning now, given that everyone will be paying a much closer eye on how many words they will be submitting and it is sure to become a headache otherwise...


see? because of me, you got a badge!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

see? because of me, you got a badge!

You da bomb!!!

I still owe you for that.... *wink*
ok, fuck you all - you're all right - no point in entering - no way you can write a good story in 1500 or less. hey, Nic? if i'm the only entry, do i get all 3 prizes?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
ok, fuck you all - you're all right - no point in entering - no way you can write a good story in 1500 or less. hey, Nic? if i'm the only entry, do i get all 3 prizes?

I can totally do this... silly

You and me outside, now! Stripped to the waist...

*casually throwing a glove in your direction (and running away, giggling)*
Quote by Mazza

I can totally do this... silly

You and me outside, now! Stripped to the waist...

*casually throwing a glove in your direction (and running away, giggling)*

is it one of those latex gloves? cause you really don't need it - i keep my bum hole spotless.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

is it one of those latex gloves? cause you really don't need it - i keep my bum hole spotless.

Thank you, I just guffawed chocolate over my keyboard...
Quote by Mazza

Thank you, I just guffawed chocolate over my keyboard...

oo! need help licking that up? i mean, if you got any on your lap as well, that is...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Did some one ask for gloves? *giggling* I think we established that I have a plentiful supply.
Quote by naughtynurse
Did some one ask for gloves? *giggling* I think we established that I have a plentiful supply.

Your gloves are the best gloves...

*still sore from last time*