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turned on by your own stories

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Yes, my stories turned me on! I need to make my erotic stories into erotic films!
a lot of what I talk and write about is from real life memories and happenings so YES
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by shadowcat
When i write if i don't get turned on i scrap the story. How can you turn other people on with your story if it doesn't turn you on.

I don't know, but it can happen, I guess.

I started off writing my memories. But it was a very cerebral exercise, as opposed to emotional/physical - I simply wrote exactly what I remembered. I just wanted to see if anybody would like to read them. And when they did, I tried to branch out a little with some mixed results in made-up material. But I have been told by some that they found them having positive effect on their Happy Bits. When I write from imagination (as opposed to memory), I try to put my whole self into the situation, but the experience happens more in my head and heart area (my brain gets very focussed, and my heart almost seems to lead me forward physically), but I don't actually get turned on elsewhere by what I write as I write it. The one time I was wholly physically affected by it was a very negative experience, which I have since learnt from.

I still don't know what I'm doing here, I guess. I just enjoy writing and learning from other writers and the forums, but to know people are physically engaged with what I write, as well as mentally, is something that, whilst I am not (yet?) very comfortable with it, encourages me to explore a little more. And I do wonder if, one day in the future, I will find myself engaging in deeper ways as I write.
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Rookie Scribe
Remains to be seen whether my writing is as much a turn-on for other people as it is for me, but I've found that even with plot-heavy, sex-light writing, I still get turned on by my own work. Testament to the brain doing as much for the experience as the body, when it's all in my head, I suppose.
My stories were generally written with someone in mind.

Indeed, that's how I ended up in Lush in the first place - I wrote stories purely to titillate a friend, so of course, I put myself into that situation and yes, I got very turned on, not only as I wrote them, but also as I anticipated their reaction. As they were so well-received, I decided that I'd love to see what other people thought of them.

That's why I usually write them in the first person. It's how I would see events naturally unfolding.

Lush was the first site that came up in a google search and it's the only one I've ever frequented.

I'm in agreement with what most of the others have said, that if your story doesn't turn you on, how can you expect others to get turned on by them?

I write now to please myself, but with the reader in mind, so I dare say my style will chance accordingly. In fact, a recent collaboration was quite different to anything I'd written before and was really well received, so maybe that's the way to go...

Anyway, in answer to the original question, yes, I do get turned on by my own stories. There are some very fine writers here, on Lush, whose stories also turn me on a great deal!!
Active Ink Slinger
I got turned on by my story before I start typing. When I start planning the story in my mind, the plot, character and all the hot sex scenes get me excited and hot.

Usually I let those ideas bake in my mind for a few days before I start writing. So by the time I start tpying them in, I already have a clear view what the story would be when it's done.

When I start putting those thoughts in paper, I pay more attention to the details like if the conversation or action matches my character's personality, if the scene makes sense, if I used same verb in the last paragraph that might make my reader feels bored...small things like that. So by that time, because I focus on the flow of the story, it does not turn me on as much as when all the scenes were forming up in my mind.

And as to the editing stage, I put much effort in checking the spellings, correcting word usage and making grammar corrections that the story hardly turns me on anymore.
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Head Penguin
I always get turned on by my own stories, whether they're just fantasy or by reliving the real ones!

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

OMG yes. Totally! If you're own words, stories and thoughts don't arouse you then how can you expect someone else (the reader) to get aroused.

I'd say that I'm more aroused when writing erotica that any other form e.g. pictures, videos, chat or indeed readers other peoples stories.

Fiction is better than fact for me for 2 reasons. 1st I don't have that many 'true' stories that would be that intresting to others. 2nd in fiction you can totally go wild, go where you want to go.

I have fantasies that I'd never want to happen in real life.

Kimi X
Rookie Scribe
Fucking A I'm turned on by my own stories! Why? Because most of them are true! XD
Active Ink Slinger
IN a word, yes. I type my stories out as quickly as I can, because I am usually imagining myself in the story. So in first draft, they are loaded with typos, missing words, and all sorts of other eggregious errors. I set them aside for a day or two, then come back to them and edit them so they're readable. I am usually turned on by them at that stage, too, so sometimes it takes several edits to get the mess straightened out. After that, I go back through them, changing a word here or there, to avoid repetition. At that stage, the story is not a turn-on, because what I am doing with it is so mechanical, and I am so focused on a single sentence or paragraph.

I prefer to write stories out longhand, using a fountain pen. When I write them that way, there are very few errors that need to be repaired when I transcribe them into the computer. Often, the first hand-written draft needs no editing whatsoever.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
Purveyor of Sweetness
mostly yes.... if they are sexy i am turned on and longing for that person.... i feel the pain if they are painful ones.... i write from my emotions if not from real life.....
Active Ink Slinger
I can get turned on by re-reading my older stories. When I'm writing I need all the blood in my head, and am thinking about characters, plotting, grammar, etc., too much to get aroused.
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Active Ink Slinger
I often will find myself reading other stories in between finishing up my story. The actual writing of the stories doesn't always make me hot because I tend to get goal focused and want to finish for the sake of finishing. I do, however, find that I'm more horny whenever I am writing and I want to attack my husbands bones shortly after. He always wonders what's gotten in to me. Especially, when I want to try new things.
Getting turned on as I write is usually a measurement (for myself) of how well I've developed the characters and the situations. Like many others in this thread, I've based alot of my characters on people I know. The female characters, usually. Funnily, basing a male character on someone I knew once backfired when it came to writing the sexual aspects of the story. His personality and look fit the story but I didn't really care for him in real life so I had trouble envisioning the explicit scenes and ended up just plowing through them to get them done. Yeah, that sounds about as arousing as you could imagine.

Anyway, if everything comes together as I write, my mind comes into vivid clarity almost as if I'm in the room watching it unfold (or better yet, experiencing it myself). I can't tell you how many times I've caught myself realizing my typing has slowed only because one hand has somehow drifted down to my crotch!
I do get turned on by my stories, if I didn't who would? That's one of the reasons I write erotica and if I didn't turn myself on, I'd probably not bother publishing it. I've even been known to fall in love with my characters, it's what makes a good story into a great story (not that I'm saying my stories are great, but if you don't enjoy writing them, I'd wager that would show through in the finished product)
I wouldn't get such enjoyment from writing stories if I wasn't turned on by them myself. In fact I don't think I'd see the point of working at stories like this if I didn't get some kind of excitement from doing it writing them.

It's actually a measure of if the stories are any good. There have been stories I've gotten bored with half way through, when writing, and just deleted, because it's a sure sign to me that they aren't any good.
If I did not find my stories arousing, I would toss them and start over again. Which is something I have frequently done.

But more important are the other emotions. I need to feel all the emotions that play in a story...
because of that, some stories will bring tears to my eyes when I read them, even much later.
Internet Philosopher
As others have said if the story doesn't excite me as it progresses then I know it isn't working. If on the other hand I am tempted to relieve my excitement then I keep going because I know then something special is happining with the story.
If I'm not getting that horney feeling while I'm writing the story, then I know something isn't working quite right; how can someone else get turned on if it isn't moving me in any way.
Some stories I've wrote are fave and turn me on more than other's. But marginally other peoples stories turn me on way much more!
I absolutely get turned on as I'm writing. Especially my true stories because I have a very vivid memory, so the sexual encounter I'm writing about plays back in my mind as I'm writing it. [Moans] Such a turn on.
Active Ink Slinger
I got turned on by my story as I was first designing it and dumping it out, but as it turned into a project, it became more work, and with re-reading it over and over, it's - alas - lost quite a bit of heat for me, personally.

But that's ok. In the end, I didn't really write it for *me*. smile
My novel, The Society, is available now in the Kindle Store:
Rookie Scribe
Every time I write my stories I always get turn on. All my stories so far are about my wife and I. So when I write I see my wife in my head and it turns me on. Once my story is finish, I give to my wife for review an editing. Once she is does I get to read it again and I just love what she does to it.
Yes, yes, yes!!! When I first get an idea for a story, I kind of transform into an entirely erotic creature. My libido totally takes over. I kind of loose contact with normal guidelines for decent behaviour.

As an example: When I once thought of putting in a scene of the leading character (which as a fact was me) sitting on a train opposite of a nice-looking woman, getting so turned on by a glimpse of her knickers under her skirt, that she slowly, seemingly unintentionally, lets her skirt ride higher and higher up on her thighs, and, when she gets the woman's attention, slips her hand in between her thighs, and -- well, she ends up caressing herself in front of the foreign woman.

Mmm... where was I? Sorry, was just overwhelmed by a wave of horniness... Anyway, to get the true impression of the scene I got on a train and strolled through the wagons until I found a single woman, that would fit perfectly in my story, in a compartment. I sat down opposite her and started my teasing act. And it worked! I won't write the full story here, but can tell, that we spent the night at a small hotel.

Well, I'm very fond of background researches . Think they are very important --- And then the actual writing process... I have to put towels on my chair to avoid stains. When I've finished my story, I have to re-write it because the original version lacks words here and there, and, obviously when I've got especially aroused, sometimes I've repeated the same sentence over and over again .
oh absolutley and i always masturbate at least three times to whatever i write as they are wickedly juicy ones i write
I began reading very early in life compared to the statistics kept on such bullshit, and I found that words themselves turned me on even then, oh not sexually, but emotionally. I read things like "Old Yeller" and the " Yearling" and sobbed and sobbed. As I developed, my taste in literature developed to Shakespeare who had a way with words unequaled even today. Then the first writer that made my dick wiggle was Harold Robbins when he described a woman bringing her pussy juices to her anus to prepare it for a stiff dick! OMG.

I was hooked.

A few months ago, I picked up an old article from a mens ragazine, and came across a story of an older woman that was on a journey of finding her sexual boundaries. It was delightfully funny, yet deliciously sexy as she opened her mind and her legs and let it happen. My cock grew stiffer and stiffer as I read how she suddenly loved oral sex, anal sex, toyed with some minor taboos, that finally led to an orgasm that was Guiness Book of World Records worthy!

I came in my slacks and found myself panting...then I realized...the story was written by me in 2005!

Apparently my own writing turns me on even years later. If I don't get an erection during writing or cybering..whats the point? I don't write for me..I write for you..

So, after that long narrative, my answer is absolutely...There. I said it.
Rookie Scribe
I always get in this predicament where I decide to go to a bookstore and write. It's never a good idea...
Mid way through the story I find myself wiggling in my seat, wishing I was in the privacy of my own home. I think the fact that I DO write it in public places makes it even more of a turn-on, since anyone, at any time, can steal a peek at my screen.
Room101~ {I am sending back the key that let me into bluebeard's study - Sylvia Plath}
Weaver of Words
The very first story i wrote had me so turned on and horny, I found myself trying to relieve the aching parts of my body in numerous fashions multiple times a day for the entire time it took me to complete the story (two weeks, three books). Even then I was still quite aroused and finally had to visit my significant other (who lived 150 miles away) where I finally got the relief I so desperately needed. The erotic stories I write these days, still turn me on, though not to the extent the first ones did.
I don't usually try to start writing when I'm aroused. I wrote one story from start to finish without becoming aroused and it was terrible. There was bad writing, awful editing, and an obvious lack of inspiration. I was rushed to get out the door and when I had my girlfriend read it the next morning it was a terrible experience for all involved. Even the characters were embarrassed. There was a lack of passion in it and some editing issues (stemming from a lack of attention) which inadvertently changed the topic and mood of the story. Outright reversed it really, making it not only poor writing without any entertainment value, but actually a very unpleasant read.

Since then, I try to let the story arouse me as it progresses. It allows for the formation of a reasonably long story, as well as allowing the characters to find themselves in a sexual situation naturally. The exception to that of course is when your story starts in a sexual situation, but even then some backtracking usually has to take place within the narrative. Sometimes I stop and play, or go find my girlfriend, but mostly I've been trying to treat it like the rest of my writing. If I'm not feeling something because of what I'm writing, I'm doing something wrong or I'm just not in the right state to be writing at that moment. If it's erotica I'm writing, then I should be feeling aroused.