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In which person do you prefer to read or write?

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Active Ink Slinger
It seems this HAS to have been covered somewhere in these forums (but I'm not going to comb through all of them looking for it).

Do you prefer to read or write 1st, 2nd or 3rd person porn?

For me, it's all 1st person, although I just co-wrote a 2nd person story here, because the story screamed for that POV. 1st person puts me there in the moment.

I mostly skip 3rd person porn (although I read my friends' stories no matter what, because it's important to me to support them). For sex, it's rare that the omnipotent POV works for me (completely subjectively, not at all objectively).

2nd person can be interesting, because it also feels intimate.

What are your preferences?
Rainbow Warrior
I seem to split my writing between first person and third person most often, but I've done one flash story in second person.
Mana wahine
I split between writing first person and third person. If depends on how I feel the story needs to be written, whether first or third person is better.

I have no preference when it comes to reading.
The Right Rev of Lush
First person is the most intimate, personal pov but it can be limiting.

Third person is easily the most common in today's commercial fiction market. What it lacks in intimacy it makes up for in flexibility.

Second person should be avoided unless the writer just wants a challenge. I've read a few good second-person stories here on Lush, Bethany's comes to mind. but they are the exception, not the rule. There is also little call for it in the publishing world.

FWIW, I have no preference either as a reader or writer. Depends on the story.

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Devil's Advocate
I much prefer to read stories in first person. As Rumple says, it's more intimate and to me it feels like I'm being told the story by someone who was actually there. For erotica, that makes it much hotter.

Third person's somewhat impersonal. It's almost like I'm watching it, rather than reliving it through the author's telling. Although, a decent writer can easily overcome that disconnect by engaging you and hooking you into the story. And of course, there's the out-of-body perspective that can quite often enhance the overall experience.

For that reason, first person's easier to write. But I'm stretching myself more and more into third these days.

As for second, Dancing Doll's Hard Candy. Trust me.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
1st person is the easiest to write in, because it's a limited PoV. You embody a particular character and then write from that perspective. Writing from 3rd person requires writing from multiple points of view, which is more difficult to do authentically. When done well both can be great to read. As a writer, I've done both, but tend toward 1st person or close 3rd person PoV.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Active Ink Slinger
I prefer both reading and writing in first person...and not just here, but any book seems like I'm having a conversation with the author, that they're telling me their story directly. Third person is ok, but first person is aces.
For generations our ancestors fought proudly as warriors against the Jedi. Reclaim our armored past for an unending future.
I find I like 1st for erotica. It's about feelings, both physical and emotional, so the intimacy of 1st person works well. Ditto other genres where getting deep into one person's experience matters.

For more general fiction, I tend towards 3rd. It may be less intimate, but it is also easier to shift perspectives and you have the option of doing "omniscient narrator" for descriptive passages or describing background events that the characters may not actually witness.

2nd I have so far avoided. Just feels too much like "telling" the other person how they experience something and I'm not comfortable doing that.
Definitely first person is my favorite. It is why Fight Club is such a great read, especially as an audiobook. I love a combination of both first and third person. Third person feels way too classic, and antiquated, and only is good when the author is extremely skilled at writing, and describing a complete world, full of grandiose characters. I feel it is totally unnecessary when the material doesn't warrant it.
However, 2nd Person "As in, you watch me as I glance over at the seductive stripper, over at the bar. Our eyes cascade over the scene, playfully," and so on, is also incredibly personal, and erotic. Like a shared interior monologue, especially when the perspective shifts from different character, within the same 2nd person perspective. In the hands of a skilled writer, it can really invoke some terrific, erotic atmosphere.
Active Ink Slinger
First person usually, because I write mainly about things that happened to me, maybe not in the exact situation, but similar enough so I can relate, and in first person I can describe the physical and emotional sensations experienced by the person in the story.
Active Ink Slinger
I tend to spilt between first and third, mostly first.
My body begged for release and for more; for a perfect moment, a sublime stalemate held

Tori and Mr Renshaw (Part 1)

December 2017
The Linebacker
If I'm going to write in some other person I guess I'll take Sprite. In that case, I'd be like a body snatcher... at least until the story is finished. I wonder if it'd be kind of like how a spirit would jump into a body in that movie Ghost.

Of course, if there are any of y'all offering up your bodies, I could write in someone who has big titties.
The Linebacker
Quote by HeraTeleia

Oooh!! Me! Me! Come write whilst inside of me! Wait...that doesn't read quite right somehow...

Raised on Blackroot
All of them. At the same time. In the same story. With the same character.
Active Ink Slinger
I quite like reading in first-person, but I prefer writing in third. I don't know - somehow I find it more challenging, and I like that.
Well, it's competition time again - so if you want to read an erotic poem about love, lust and heartbreak, check out
I wanted more

Other stories I'd heartily recommend (and wish I'd written myself) include:
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by HeraTeleia

Oooh!! Me! Me! Come write whilst inside of me!

Haha! I might use this as a chat up line!
Well, it's competition time again - so if you want to read an erotic poem about love, lust and heartbreak, check out
I wanted more

Other stories I'd heartily recommend (and wish I'd written myself) include:
Active Ink Slinger
Today mostly in the 3rd person although the last story was in the 1st person as it was the story of our first swingers meet. Might try 2nd person at some point but guess it depends on whether the narrative requires it.
Active Ink Slinger
For me, I always write in the 3rd person as its quite simply the was I've always written (and continue to write).
Active Ink Slinger
For me, I always write in the 3rd person as its quite simply the was I've always written (and continue to write).
writing in first person is definitely easiest to write in. It allows a lot more insight into the character's mindset and motivations. I've been trying to write in 3rd person lately but it takes a lot more research into the setting. You need to use external factors to show the protagonists motivations. If most of your writing is based on personal experiences then first person is invaluable.

I've had a lot of issues writing stories lately where i tend to switch between narratives unintentionally. Third person seems almost antiquated these days. Another issue that I've had with writing first person stories is that a large percentage of male readers take offense and see it as "bragging". My first person stories have the highest scores among female readers and the lowest score among male readers.

I get called a "douche" when i write first person stories in the same manner that women probably get called a slut when they do so.

Iv'e bee trying to write stories that involve different narratives but it seems to be quit difficult.
I tend to lean more towards 1st but it makes me feel lazy. Then again, one time I wrote about 2,000 words of a story in 1st and then switched to 3rd with less editing that I expected. It kind of worried me because I felt there should be more differentiation between them. I want to write more in third and move between the characters but I find it really difficult. 1st person just seems like the easy way and I really need to work at 3rd.
I haven’t checked but I’d bet mine are probably half first-person and half third-person (although I remember a weird oddity: before I considered first and third person views, I wrote my first story here in a weird second-person).
First person has the advantage of immediacy and puts the reader straight into the protagonist’s head. But it also means the story has to be told through that person, so it can be narrowing as you can only interpret what other people are doing. That probably isn’t a problem with stories here, and I’d imagine it’s easier to write any short story this way than a novel.
I like writing third person, but tend to write very narrowly, so I still only see it from the perspective of the protagonist. One story I wrote was in third person on the page, but it’s clearly written by the protagonist and I always read it in her voice (a pantomime southern drawl if you’re interested).
If I was to advise anyone – and really, you’d be as well off listening to the old lady who sings to herself at my bus-stop every morning – I’d say do both, or do whichever feels right. Or whichever feels wrong. Yes, do that.
Sexy Seductive Siren
First person, at least for now. Just wrote my first story (Deflowering Meagan's Virgin Butt). Hope to see it posted soon.
I do a 50/50 thing with my writing. Really depends on the character or characters. As for reading I prefer the first pov. Some may say writing in the first is the "lazy" way out of writing a good story. I tend to disagree writing in third person is alot easier for me personally.
Trust people to be themselves...
First person is way easier to write in. Mainly due to the fact you can inject so much personality into it.

Third person for me feels stiffer, but I rely on it when the female character is the main character. I wish I could make it as interesting as say Gillian Flynn does in Dark Places.

My last published story: Good For Nothing

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CarltonStJames
First person is way easier to write in. Mainly due to the fact you can inject so much personality into it.

Third person for me feels stiffer, but I rely on it when the female character is the main character. I wish I could make it as interesting as say Gillian Flynn does in Dark Places.

I cannot write in the first person, I did have one attempt in my 120+ stories that I have on here but I found it very difficult.

As all of my stories are written from imagination I find it relatively easy to write in the third person where I attempt to put
myself in the mind and body of those involved, including female participants.

I find (or at least believe) that I can develop the characters of those involved by 'watching' them and their actions.

I have no idea if this makes sense to anyone else but it makes sense to me!
Active Ink Slinger
I can use both, it depends. Sometimes I relate with the character or the story like something happened to me, and I become the narrator.
Sometimes I'm only telling a story.



Active Ink Slinger
I write in the first person. I imagine myself being the main character. It helps me relate to the story. And, of course, it excites me because I feel like I'm the one having sex.