I was reading one of Mysteria's great stories, and saw a comment from her that really struck a chord with me.
Simplicity - Long month indeed for little sister. Nicely written M.
1 hour ago reply | like
Lush Gold member
Mysteria27 - Thanks so much for reading and your lovely comment...I guess we will have to see what happens...when I write this stuff I never know where it's going. I giggled when I saw what I typed. Xo
1 hour ago like
I can't tell you how many of my stories start with an idea, and as I write, the story builds itself in ways I didn't expect. As a writer, I love when that happens and its good. I was wondering how many other authors find themselves writing words that they didn't expect to create.
Honestly... almost all the time. I'll start with an idea going one way only to have it change directions mid-way through. Sometimes I'll start with one point of view... only to realize it would be better told differently. I'll plan on ending to begin with...then find my story has gone in such a different direction that the ending I had initially planned will no longer work.
It's just the fun of writing... seeing how the story will go and where it might take you.
Many times. Often I'll start with just a sex scene or an idea for a character(s) and then the story around it fills in as I write.
Very seldom, surprisingly. I usually plot out the story in my head from beginning to end before I start typing.
Ending up somewhere I didn't expect - very rarely.
Getting from the starting point to the ending point - frequently.
I always have an ending in mind, and rarely deviate from it, but my characters take over and walk their own road there quite often. Usually, if things are shifting away from the ending I had in mind, the story stalls out.
Never. I plot all my stories with little bullet points before I start and then stick very close to that plan all the way through.
About half the time I have a 'movie reel' of the story in my head when I start to write. The other half, an intriguing character shows up, and I have to start writing to see what he/she is up to.
With creative writing, most of the time, I find it builds on me. In short, my opening pages are often enough to make me see more, so the theme expands or changes, etc.
Occasionally. While I have a beginning and end, I often let the middle fill itself in. Which occasionally will send the story to a different/better ending than originally intended. Also, I occasionally will start without having an end intentionally, so I have no idea where it will end in the first place.
Most of the time..I really don't plan things I just start typing things as they come to me...
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Very rarely: If it's erotic fiction - the end is going to be people fucking.
But to be a little more serious, I often contemplate a scenario that leads to people fucking for a little while before I set words to page. I figure out how these people might come together to cum together. What's unexpected is the creative problem-solving in getting there. For example, in an upcoming story I have two characters develop an online-relationship prior to discovering they know each other in real life (loosely based on the shitty 90s rom-com You've Got Mail). From the outset, I know they're going to hook up in real life, but how do they discover each other? What circumstances are required for them to get together? What deus ex machina will guide them to their inevitable climax? Those details are often a surprise to me.
Don't believe everything that you read.
I am currently in this situation where I started a story somewhere and it went somewhere else. I also have the situation where I didn't get to the sex quickly enough and as a result I believe I have lost reader interest. I do need to finish this storyline out to some reasonable conclusion, but this exercise has got me thinking about what good erotica really is?
VERY RARELY do I know where I'm going...
(The CHARACTERS do what they do as you write...)
Obviously, there has to be a STRUCTURE, a DELIVERY, a RESOLUTION...
(But often that comes ORGANICALLY and just HAPPENS!)
xx SF
Once I KNOW what's going to happen IT'S WORK!!! And I HATE work! Mysteria and I wrote 'Cricket Vaughn And The Don' and talked the progressing story over through several episodes. (Her ideas took it somewhere else...) Honestly, it's QUITE brilliant. I CANNOT bring myself to work on it now that I know how it ends...
But I HAVE to at some point... (It's THAT good!!!)
xx SF
All the time, I usually just have a general idea and go from there. It can be good and bad at the same time. You may have it be completely different then what you originally wanted, but that could be a good thing or a bad thing. Depends on how it came out I suppose.
Most of the time I start with an inspiration, which may be a word, a phrase, or an illustration. Then I proceed from there. It seems that often my stories and poems simply write themselves (with my guidance, of course.)
Usually I have the story in my head, as I am writing this might change a bit , but mostly, goes where I want it. There as been times , I have decided at the last minute to throw a twist at the end. But as many have said, The story normally builds itself.
Oh yes. My Google Drive has at least six stories on it that...well, they essentially wandered off into the woods to be eaten by bears. Sometimes, I'm able to "save" them, get them back, but sometimes they just are too far gone to be bothered with.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!
Generally I stick with my preset script throughout, but on rare occasion I have veered some.
Once I have an idea in my head, I begin to plan it out in my head. I'll make notes and sure they may change once I start typing the story out. But for the most part, I know where I'm going. The only thing I hardly ever plan is the sex. That's the easiest part for me.
I typically write knowing the characters and the end, but nothing in between. The rare times I don't know the end, I have to really sit on a story and fix it, otherwise I know it'll contain no surprises.
Almost all the time. I will start out with a picture or a very vague idea of what I want - for example "I want to do a MILF story about a college kid coming home for the summer". From that I let the story take over. I don't know how the story will go, how long it will take to get there or even if I will end up in the place I first headed out to go! Very often I start out in one category and end up in a completely different one... That MILF story may end up being a Lesbian story or Slut Wife story!
Trust people to be themselves...
I jot the plot down along with the characters and such, but sometimes the path to get to certain plot points is unplanned. Sometimes, during a story I may realise I have to change an ending due to the paths taken that stray slightly from said plot.
i am usually so high or drunk (or both) while writing that i have no idea what i'm doing, let alone how it's doing to end up...
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
They usually go in a direction I don't expect. I'm trying to change that though, and be a better plotter. Right now I waste WAY too much time on stuff that ends up on the cutting room floor (so to speak).