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How many stories do people have on the go at once?

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Okay, here's the issue.

I will be in the middle of writing a story when another idea comes along. It might be from a comment on the forums, a picture or something I read in the papers, but suddenly I will have a new story bubbling away in my head. Sometimes I can keep it on the back burner until I have finished one of my other stories. At other times it kind of takes over and I find it difficult to concentrate until I have made a start on it.

I wouldn't mind if it meant I only had one or two stories on the go at once but I was checking the draft folder on my blog and I have eleven stories in various stages of completeness... ...and I have ideas for a couple more rolling round my head.

I was just wondering if other people find themselves in a similar situation, or am I just incredibly undisciplined?
nope - i do the same thing too - in fact, most of my stories on here, or at least the multi part ones, have another chapter in various stages of writing - sometimes those chapters get shelved for days, weeks, months, years when an idea hits me that i want to explore. i can honestly say that, for Lush stories alone, i have 6 or 7 unfinished tales, that doesn't include the stuff that doesn't get published on Lush, btw, my non erotica. if it did, you'd probably have to triple that number.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I generally try to start and finish a short story in the same night, I'm sort of of the belief that a short story should be written in one night, for the same reason you would normally read a short story in one is one complete thought...does that make sense?

Anyway, so I don't have a lot of unfinished stories kicking around, unless I get too tired or something...

I think I do have a couple of unfinished stories though, one erotic, one not that I can think of...

Poems are a whole different story, btw...they normally sit around unfinished for weeks...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
I always have more stories going at once. As I write this, I have four that I have already started, all of them completely different. I tend to do that all the time and I actually work on all of them at the same time until I am finished with each one.

Sometimes though, one will take precedence over the other, but most times, I can write on each of them at the same time separately until complete.
"So don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
Don't lie to me,
Just get your things.
I've made up your mind."

I'm having the same issue... 14 stories started/drafted/plotted and I'm stuck on each one of them - your not alone.
Don't get me started....Seriously, i get an idea, start writing and then BAM! another idea pops into my head and i'm abandoning and rediscovering and putting bits of this into that because it seems better and dear lord, i annoy myself. I usually end up deleting unfinished stories or taking the good bits out and putting them in another one. But yeah, totally a big problem for me!
Currently, I have like 3 or 4 stories unfinished... SOOOO unfocussed!!
Currently I have 2 or 3 on the go, but i also have quite a lot that I got bored of writing and just abandoned, though I do like to keep them saved, just on the off chance that I'll get back to writing them.
Hm, yes. Looking at the list of draft stories I have started, I must admit that there are a few that I have effectively abandoned.
i generally have about three or four stories going on at once. from completed stories "queued" to on to the site to some in middle stages needing to be finnished and some with a pargraph with a spark of an idea or outline for new story.
at this very moment i have 3 completed ready to go up. and two in the middle of writing.
I have a lot more going on in my head than on paper.

Currently, I have two finished (although not published for various reasons), one started (not close to finished), about 2-3 that are just a few paragraphs or pages, one story brewing in my head that is basically finished (yes, I have the arc more-or-less worked out but haven't put it down to paper). Up until a week ago, I had yet another story being edited by another person (published as of today).

You aren't undisciplined -- just creative! smile It's always good to have ideas going. That's how the creative mind works. Always gathering nuggets, recombining them, tearing them apart, thinking about them, playing with them. Writing is an art -- not a science (okay, it's really an art-science-craft, but you get the point) :P
I generally try to start and finish my stories in the same day, although there are two that I haven't finished. They've both been on the back burner for months, so far.
I usually have at least three short erotica stories on the go (they're fun to pick up when I get sick of writing and editing my other stuff). Probably two full length novels, and for the past 2 years I've had two 650 pagers following me around, wanting the final edit done... boring! Also, reams of notes for other stories, otherwise my head would explode.
Leigh Jarrett
Come Play In My World...
Currently I have about ten. Too many series to keep up with and then new ideas come along.
Somewhere over 20 part written and another 30+ in the ideas file.

Over the years these files increase faster than the list of published stories. If anyone wants any ideas, just ask.
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I have three on the go at the moment that I'm seriously trying to finish and another four floating around that aren't really going anywhere.
Sometimes I feel like I've got some sort of attention deficit problem. I mean, with all the writing I've done over the years, I've only actually written -two- stories, one short and one longish, and that just recently. I've got a follow-up to that in the works, but every time I start on it, my brain flips over to a half-dozen other different ideas I've got running around in my head, stories that have had false starts but haven't gone anywhere, one that is in such desperate need of polishing that it can't rightly be called a story and- oooooooo a pretty butterfly!

I am a prolific and extremely verbose writer.

Of drab, exceedingly boring, industrial garbage and business-speak. I have, at last count, some 30 odd erotic story starts on my hard drive, none of which I've paid attention to in months.

Not that I consider any of my Lush published stuff to be of any quality (certainly not when compared to many others situated here), but nothing I have on tap...can share space with what has already been accepted.

It's mostly fit for a different arena. The kind which makes the reader, almost vurp a little into their mouth.

Erotipornbellylaughter stuff.

I think it deserves it's own website instead of soiling Lush.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I have 7 - 10 stories on the go at any time. And about 25 more ideas I need to plot out a bit more.
Normally I get the one idea, mull it over to get my setting for a day or so, and then sit and just write it in two or more hours.

At the moment, though, my creativity fell out somewhere and I am partway through writing one story with one sapling and one seedling growing stronger. I just can't motivate myself to write, I have to wait for the mood to strike. It will annoy me if I go on to one of the others before I have finished that last one.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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I have so many stories going at once that the other day I wanted to work on one and it took me an hour to find the file. Apparently in my brilliance I decided I wanted to call the story Unknown and I forgot. unkown.docx was not exactly screaming out to me as I looked through many files and folders.
I currently have four stories for Lush half-written, but I also have four non-erotica novels outlined, and am actually working on two of them (get bored easily).

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

I'm working on three different stories at the moment, and am helplessly bogged down on all three. I may never finish any of them.
Quote by CoopsRuthie
I'm working on three different stories at the moment, and am helplessly bogged down on all three. I may never finish any of them.

It's simple...just put the three together and make one story, works like a charm...I have used parts of "abandoned" stories in other real well with poems as well, btw...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Two for me; the latest chapters of my two epics: The Slave Princess (Chapter 9) and Claudia Incarnata (Chapter 5) After these are finally finished, no more multi-part stories for me. There's just too much work involved.

I am planning a story about a 'Girl Band from Hell' and a sequel to my earlier novella 'Loretta' so I guess you could say I have four stories on the go at once.
I have three which I'm working on just now.

Thankfully I have some good friends who keep kicking my arse to get on with them!
Oh I can always count on you!

I can only do one at a time. I'm not the fastest writer in the world. So other ideas I have a write a quick outline and save it for later.
I currently have about six or seven on the go... My problem is writers block. Some days I can write for a couple hours at a time and the words just seem to float out the tips of my fingers and wind up on the screen, but other days my mind is somewhere else and the screen will mock me.

Sometimes I just don't know where I want the story to go (not a problem with my true stories though) and I get bogged down in details.

I will open a story that I haven't looked at in a week, read what I have so far and then add a paragraph or two and then close it again for a few more weeks.
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