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How long does it take you to write a story?

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Poetry normally flows very quickly and so usually it takes less than an hour to write. Stories take a long time. I typically get an idea in my head of something sensual and write it down along with a paragraph or two, solidifying the idea in my mind, and then write the story later. Some aren't picked up to be completed for months. I'd imagine most of my stories take five to eight hours to complete. (In case it isn't obvious, I'm rather slow.) At any given time I have about four or five dozen stories started just waiting to be finished.
It takes me about 4-8 hours to write a story, and an equal amount of time to revise and edit it. I NEVER, NEVER submit anything without at least a couple editing passes.
Well it depends on the story, but I spend at least two or three weeks on each story. I usually have about ten stories on the go in various stages of editing/writing. I re-read, edit, revise with at least three complete run-throughs once the story is complete and I still find mistakes after publishing and that bugs me like crazy. Sometime work takes me away for a while and I can't write and then I come back. With some stories the characters "take off" and write themselves. Other times I struggle to create the connection between the characters and developing their motivations and background.
My life is so busy that anything beyond a couple of hours grows stale for me. So, I take about 2 to 3 hours to write the story and then about 1/2 and hour editing it. That's for my short stories.

I'm writing a longer erotica that has been going on for about three weeks now. And that's only because the short stories have been screaming to be let out. My goal is to write about 10,000 words for the longer story and to actually get it published. My shorter stories tend to be no less than 2,000 words.
For my poems, it usually took me a day to build up in mind, a few hours to write it out, then anothre few hours for editing.

For my stories, it took much longer time. Usually 2-3 weeks of writing the initial draft and one week for first round editing. Then another week or two finding an author friend for proofreading and final editing.
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But it varies. I haven't seriously written a story in years, so it's just a combination
of me being rusty, and writer's block. So, yeah...interminable. lol
Are you truly awake?
The first stories I published here took a few days to write, then I tried adding a bit more plot and creativity which added another two days. then I tried multi chapter stories and wanted to finish each chapter with an enticement and twist leading on to the next one. My latest story has taken over me, mutates every day as I develop more sub plots and each chapter takes one to two weeks. I will slow down at some point and refine my writing style which at the moment is as it comes into to mind and goes more or less straight to page with only a little tweaking.
The length of time it may take me to right a story........ All depends on my mood, and what the story entails. These things are not to be rushed. I enjoy writing, so I like to take my time, and make sure it reads as I wish it to......
Well, since I am working on my first story, this one has taken me just under two weeks. But if I were to write a shorter story, I would say 2 - 4 days max.
Its hard to say...Sometimes a story can take weeks, if I keep on putting it down and coming back to it. On the other hand, sometimes I get inspired and the story almost writes itself.

In one recent case, I wrote it in a few hours and submitted it the same day, without feeling the need to come back to it and make lots of changes. And I don't think it's any worse than the ones that took ages.

That's unusual for me though. Usually I find it hard to know when to stop and submit.

22 February 2024 - How about a quick plug for one of my filthiest recent stories? It's all in the title - Naked Pool Party Swingers | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

It usually takes a few weeks, mainly because I haven't enough uninterrupted time (aside from time I should be sleeping). I will write some paragraphs or dialogue, fill in with some ideas and come back later.

The worst part is getting started, even if I already have an idea. That can take months!
An old favorite story of mine: The Chaise Lounge
I spend an hour or so every morning writing, which sets me up nice for the day. If I don't have that moment to myself I get very grumpy. If I have time on my hands and feel inspired, I might sneak an hour at other times of the day. It's surprising how much can be written very quickly. I find that it actually takes longer to revise and refine than to get the basic story down.
Writing the story is the easy part... I will have a visual of the first scene and allow the story to create itself, I only follow the flow. Using Word, I type about 800 to 1200 words per hour if I don't hit a plot snag.

Once written, I will proof-read the story for logic and continuity, to be sure of the basics... such as insuring that clothing does not mysteriously disappear and that the flow is realistic.

Then it becomes more difficult, I have learned to wait several days before final spell checking and editing. I need to be able to read the story as a fresh story to prevent my mind passing over those typos. It is during this process that I will usually make a few changes to suit my taste; changing props, names and such. Then I cross my fingers and submit.

Poetry I write when I feel it, and only when I feel it... taking about 30 minutes for a poem. Proof-reading and editing are just as quick.
It depends on how the story flows in my mind. If I have the entire story written in my head, it can take 5-6 hours. It mainly depends on how descriptive I want to be and how much of a build up I choose to put in. But on average, my stories take about 15 to 20 hours. That's a few hours here, a couple hours there, etc.
any where from a few to a couple of days, depending on the subject and my mood
It's hard to say because I work on several stories at once. Whatever mood I'm in dictates which story I work on. Each story from start to finish could take anywhere from a few days to a year depending on how often I work on it.
I take about two or three weeks, inspiration just seems to take forever to come to me and i usualy struggle with the editing and re-writing
It depends on what kinda story it is. If I'm knowledgeable on the subject of my story than I'll finish a story quickly, but if not it'll take awhile.
Wow. I think I need to consider these answers...maybe I'm not taking long enough. When I write, it takes me, at most, about two hours to write and proof a story, and about ten minutes to write and proof a poem. I get distracted too easily, otherwise.

I have no idea what I'm going to write sometimes; I might have the concept or a character in mind, but I only solidify my plot as I'm actually typing. I think having this sort of impulsive tendency works for me most of the time, because when I try to outline a story first, I feel a sense of writer's block trying to go with it. My true stories were, without a doubt, the hardest to write. I just basically let it flow otherwise and, to me, that feels more comfortable.

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

At any one time I have 5/6 different stories running around in my mind. Before beginning to write I will spend a week thinking exclusively about a single story until its voice, structure and narrative flow are clear in my mind. Once I start, I normally can't write for more than 45 minutes before sufferring 'brain freeze'. Generally a 2,000 word story will take me about a week to produce a 1st draft. I usually do four edits that will focus on word usage and alternatives, narrative flow, the rhythm (most of my stories accelerate as they progress), punctuation, balance, characterisation and dialogue ... often this will include writing additional paragraphs or completely re-writing existing ones. The editing process will take a minimum of 3 days and often takes a week.

At its worst this is an exhausting process; The Stalker Series (8 Chapters) was started in August 2009 and finished in April 2012, so I have developed a couple of 'blitz' styles where I am capable of 'churning out' a story in 24 to 48 hours (Attention Whore & Blog Series).

Recently I decided to write a Sonnet to celebrate the 450th Anniversary of Shakespeare's baptism ... his birth date is unknown ... to do this I spent 2 days researching Sonnets and reading some of Shakespeare's so that I could appreciate the complexity of the form. The actual 14 lines of poetry took a mere 4 hours including edits and re-writes.

But then, I can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to what I write.
Yes, you should have a hazard label on you, "warning CG will be your every fantasy"

Quote by naughtiestmommy
Wow. I think I need to consider these answers...maybe I'm not taking long enough. When I write, it takes me, at most, about two hours to write and proof a story, and about ten minutes to write and proof a poem. I get distracted too easily, otherwise.

I have no idea what I'm going to write sometimes; I might have the concept or a character in mind, but I only solidify my plot as I'm actually typing. I think having this sort of impulsive tendency works for me most of the time, because when I try to outline a story first, I feel a sense of writer's block trying to go with it. My true stories were, without a doubt, the hardest to write. I just basically let it flow oherwise and, to me, that feels more comfortable.
hmm youuu so right..its just how i just go with that flow of impulsive feelings ..otherwise its boing to go at it again lol
it usually takes me a few days of 1 hour shifts to write a story. i have backlogs of stries already written and half written stories.
Ages I don't think I've ever finished a story, i'm like a constant starter <__< i might get 3-5 pgs in and that's as far as i get very frustrating!
Good question.

For me? Anywhere from a month to 6 months and about another week to edit. I'm pretty slow on the output.

In any case, tweak to make the overall story better. Resist the desire to tweak the small stuff. Set a time limit and then STOP and publish. Come back to the story 2-6 months later. Give yourself time to get some distance from the story. You'll be in a better position to see it with fresh eyes and, in the meantime, you will have written other things and your writing will have improved. Double bonus: you'll come back to it with fresher eyes AND more skill. Booyah! (that's my $0.02 to resist tweaking a story to death. It's what I do).
Depends on what I'm writing. Usually it woud take me about six to eight weeks to plan my story and write it out. The last two I have on here I wrote in quick bursts and edited them with my muse. With poetry, i can write and edit those in ten minutes. I'm on a kick to try various poetic styles instead of the free verse poems I've been writing.

I have time constraints on me right now with working so the third installment of my three-part story is talking a lot longer to write and edit the thing for this site, and to extend the story into an eBook for sale.

Latest story:

  • TBD

  • Bump in the Night-Microfiction

  • Smoke Break-Interracial

I can write a story in about six to eight hours..
Quite a while.

I procrastinate like it's going out of style. This is probably why I'm not done yet with my first story.
Last week I knocked out a poem in about half an hour.

Currently working on a story that I originally started last year.
I have now written a meagre 3 stories, but intend adding some more. I have found that it takes me 3-4 days to produce a story. I research places and locations for my stories to give a factual account of some things which add authenticity to the story, almost realistic as many people attest to. Then its a matter of recalling certain events in my life or embellishments to cater for the readers interests. These all have to be sorted out chronologically, with dates given and all need to be 100% accurate. Then that aspect breaks my stories into 10-12 mini stories, which I work on. I delve deeply into human emotions, feelings. how people would act and react into any given situation. In that way, the characters come to life, giving the story continuity and an autobiographical sense of things.

I will then read through the story 2-3 times, deleting some things, while adding other material. You can always make improvements. Only when I am entirely happy with my harsh edits do I believe its ready for publication. I put a lot of thought and time into my stories which I am proud o, and the great beneficiaries are the wonderful readers who like them and pass positive comments back to me. I cannot believe that my first story, Mother and Son, has been read by over 350,000 people, making it the third most read story here.

My thanks and inspiration goes to all you wonderful readers in Lush.
Quote by clum
Last week I knocked out a poem in about half an hour.

Poems vary considerably for me, far more than stories...sometimes I can "knock one out" as you say in a half hour...other times they'll sit on my hard drive for weeks until I can find the words for the last verse or something...

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