I've just received my first score of one, lol.
Apparently an author took umbrage to me giving a score of three for their new story, so I get a one in retaliation.
There were some grammatical errors and mistaken use of words. The sex was unrealistic and overall, treated the reader like a juvenile, with explanation after explanation.
I thought this sort of behaviour might happen in High School, but not here. We are all meant to be adults, aren't we?
I was wondering if this is a regular occurrance or a one off?
Do people expect every score to be a five?
Should I stop scoring on stories that I feel don't deserve a five?
Childish behavior by adults is quite common, just look at professional politicians.
So, answer to your all 4 questions is: Yes -high school, Yes - regular would be if people would score another author with 3 or less, Yes - they do of course, all brilliant authors, Yes - it would be easier.
Over the years here I've learned that this is just how Lush rolls. You play with it or don't but if you don't than you get revenges high school behavior. I tended to be honest I believe just in my few first scores and comments, but fast realized that I have no intention to brake someones bubbles. Now, it is much easier for me, if I manage to make it to the end, I score, 5, if I don't like it I move on. If I really like it, I leave comment.
I most definitely wouldn't pay much attention what others think in both cases, you continue with your system or change it to Lush system. Lush crowd is not Pulitzer committee after all.
There are exceptions to the rule, of course.
A score of ONE is a Badge Of Honour!!!
(I think I have a few... And I've given one or two... But GENERALLY I only do that when I am either very drunk or very annoyed... Or both... And, sad bastard that I am, I invariably PM to apologize when I sober up/calm down...)
Not mentioning any names...
xx Steph
(Balls. Everybody's going to give me ONES now, aren't they?)
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Of course. It happens to everyone at some point or another.
You piss off the wrong person via the internet and they retaliate the best way they can. On Lush, it's done through story votes because the results are immediate...and obviously quite effective if this thread is any indication.
C'est la vie.
The best you can do in these situations is ignore the immature twit who chooses to lash out this way. Sure you're amused and all, but they're probably reading this thread and snickering and patting themselves on the back for a job well done.
As far as your scoring choices go, score/vote as you see fit. That's the only chance we have of keeping any integrity to this voting system.
░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░
I've personally never given anyone a one before. If I think a story is that bad, I just won't bother scoring at all. Actually, I probably wouldn't even finish reading the story to bother. I never score a story if I don't finish it. Why bother? I don't see the point in giving someone a score of a one or two, if I don't like it, I'm going to simply stop reading it. I know some people will disagree with this, but I think it is kind of asshole-ish to give someone a one or two.
And yes, I've gotten a very few ones in my time. I didn't seek revenge on them. We're not in grade school.
I think we are all writers, some more the others. Like anyplace-anytime, there are those who will underscore for no particular reason but spite. A four doesn't dill my flesh, but less, pickles my juice. If one think's it stinks, then wink and grin, but move on to another four or five.
Welcome to the One Club..
I have gotten it once that I know of for sure. He was mad the poem wasn't written for him.
You have a Recommended Read, that's great!!
As annoying as it may be to you, I wouldn't put much stock in it.
My advice would be to block them.
I like everyones' replies.
(I think that's where I put the apostrophe.)
Whenever you publish something or display artwork publicly you open yourself to public scrutiny. No one likes a negatve review and sometimes it can be hard to take. Some people will react to good critism with maturity and some will whine.
I really don't care.
I tend to go by group consensus.
Actually, one of my least favorite features of Lush is that authors can tell who scored them with what score. This tends to lead to score inflation, in my opinion, as nobody is willing to be honest and score stories below 4 even if they are not very good. My only other experience with erotic story postings with scores (where my stories are for now, because I'm too lazy to port them) had a much greater score spread, which meant that a score of 4 was objectively good, because some stories got 1s and 2s, and the median score was close to 3. Even there, however, I hardly ever scored lower than a 3, mostly because you had to get to the end of the story to give it a score (stories might be spread out on multiple pages), and if I gave up before the end, the story was mostly likely deserving of a 1-2. Even now I still go back to "the dark side ;-)" to read stories because the 4+ stories were universally good stories. Not always without grammar and spelling distractions, mind (I think the Lush story reviewers are less overwhelmed), but good stories.
I refused to cyber with someone once, in retaliation they scored 3 of my stories back to back the day after with a 1. I changed my settings after that to only allow a vote if a comment's left. It's not scores of 1 that bother me. I'm not the greatest writer in the world and I do appreciate honest and constructive feedback, but to score 1's out of spite is truly pathetic!!! I soon discovered the block button after that!!!