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Help! Vagina, Pussy, Cunt... what to call it....

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My newly discovered favorite word is "kiwi fruit" or kiwi....I think it's rather sweet and fitting lol.
Check out my tumblr and follow me: indecentespresso
Pleasure cove.
(Why am I telling You this......)

In Ireland, (and in England) we refer, affectionately, to The Moist Muffin as a "Fanny"....

In my wild youth, I used to shorten this to the simpler "fan", as in, "Just lift your Fan, there's a Good Girl...." My girlfriends still like 'Fan' as a pet name for their waterpark.... It's cute and it's intimate and it's personal.... (But I'd NEVER use it in a story!!!!) It's TOO cute!!!!

xx SF
Quote by stephanie

(Why am I telling You this......)

In Ireland, (and in England) we refer, affectionately, to The Moist Muffin as a "Fanny"....

In my wild youth, I used to shorten this to the simpler "fan", as in, "Just lift your Fan, there's a Good Girl...." My girlfriends still like 'Fan' as a pet name for their waterpark.... It's cute and it's intimate and it's personal.... (But I'd NEVER use it in a story!!!!) It's TOO cute!!!!

xx SF

Actually..... Muffin ain't bad either.... Considering it's moist and you eat it.......

xx SF
You can "fan" me off, anytime.
center of paradise, cleft between her legs, damp, moist needy place, entrance of her femininity, fiery furnace, inner thigh, most secret place, portal of her womanhood, passion-moistened depths, pulsating core, warm damp entrance, vulva, womanhood
My Aunt calls it a whisker biscuit LOL. . It cracks me up
As someone else wrote, what word to use for female (or male) anatomy depends on context.

Firstly, vagina is an internal organ, and pussy connotes more the external female genitalia, though the definition of pussy is not exact, and it can be used with great latitude.

If, in a story, a narrator is speaking, then I use proper English. A narrator does not directly express emotion, so vagina, vulva, and labia are preferred. However, pussy, though I am not altogether a fan of the word, has become ubiquitous, so, as I said, it can be used with great latitude.

If a man is talking to his wife of then pussy or cunt is not appropriate. Vagina or vulva is preferable.

If a modern young woman is talking to another modern young woman then pussy might be okay. Cunt would not be okay.

If a man is talking about a woman who he is angry with, such as a woman who strung him along and didn't come across, he might say something about what he'd like to do to her cunt.

Pussy connotes something soft, furry, and cuddly, so it might be used as a term of endearment, such as, "I love your pussy... I mean, I love all of you, but..." It wouldn't sound as good to say, "I love your vulva" or "vagina" or "cunt."

Terms like nether lips or secret garden are crap and should not be used, though I have used feminine core as in, "Her legs spread, and he could see deep into her dark wet feminine core.

Be imaginative, but don't slip into purple prose, and make sure the tone of the terms you choose fit the feelings of the context within which you place them.
Modern women don't use cunt?
Where's the world coming too...

Thanks everyone again for all your contributions, really nice ones!

I heard the term "Butterfly lips" a while ago.XBZprsPn3paX5r4f
Delta of Venus
Yeah, okay, here I am throwing in my two cents a week later. Better late than never, I hope.

I had a rough minute over this issue just recently while writing my first story for Lush. After some intense evaluation of the subject, and the review of several "erotic thesauruses", here's what I was able to determine:

1. Genital word choice is a matter of subjective opinion. Everyone has a different emotional response to different specific words. Most notable is the word "cunt" -- many hate it (especially women), some are indifferent to it, and some really enjoy it. A writer's word choice is going to be affected by his own tastes, of course, but I think he should also take into consideration how the majority of his readers are likely to react. Personally, I see the word "cunt" as the feminine counterpart to the word "cock", and it disturbs my sense of balance that the former is, overall, less acceptable than the latter.

2. The words used should be chosen for their appropriateness to the context in which they're used. "Cock" and "cunt" aren't soft, romantic words that one would use while making love; they're the sweaty, lust-driven, animal-level words of fucking. "Pussy" seems to be pretty neutral; I don't think you'll find many that object to its use in any context.

3. Some synonyms and euphemisms sound sophomoric and adolescent, and should be avoided most or all of the time. This makes useless most of the content of the so-called "sexual thesauruses" I've seen. Words like "meat", "pole", "rod", "slit", "gash", "muff", and phrases like "love hole" and "man meat" just seem to make a story sound like it was written by a sixth grader (probably consulting a sexual thesuarus), and totally break the mood. Now, (here's me being imbalanced right after complaining of it in others, go figuresmile "dick" seems to me to be the counterpart of "pussy", but just sounds too juvenile and unsophisticated for general use. There is one situation I find "dick" useful in, though, and that is...

4. Another context issue is the vocabulary of a character's dialogue, both inner and spoken. Most men, I think, generally refer to their sexual organ as their "dick" in their own heads, and in casual conversation with other men -- for women in the same context, again, this would be "pussy". I just can't bring myself to use "dick" in 3rd-person narration UNLESS what's being narrated is a man's inner dialogue.

5. The best technique I've found, overall, is to use ANY direct synonym or euphemism as sparingly as is feasible, and to refer to the sexual organs indirectly the rest of the time. Equating the organ with its owner by way of pronoun is the common strategy here, i.e., referring to the penis as "him" and to vagina as "her". For example, "she took him in her hand" or "he loved the taste of her".

6. "Penis" and "vagina" are just too formal, too cold and clinical, for fiction meant to get the blood boiling. When was the last time you heard a woman in the throes of climax scream, "Yes! Oh, yes! Insert that penis into my vagina!" ??

6. Lastly, there are no hard-and-fast rules here; what I've written above are guidelines at best. Everything depends on the context in which a word or phrase is used. I've found situations that render a normally juvenile-sounding word more than acceptable. The combination of certain words can have that effect as well.

Bearing in mind the above caveats, here are the words I prefer to use most:



This list is probably far from complete; I expect I'll be adding a few more as time goes by and I come across others.

I hope some of you find this little diatribe useful in your own writing...
Thanks for your contribution. One day I will finish that story. lol
Not having waded through all of the above, so risking repeats, I would like to offer the following words;

Mound (or love mound) (and perhaps a description IE hairy, bald, soft etc)
Mott (the mound in a mott and baily castle)
Tunnel (again add Love if needed, or fuck if it suits)
Secret place
Twat (if a little crudity is required)
Receptical (possibly proceeded by cum or sperm etc)

I hope this helps even if it's a bit late for the originator.
I call it delicious
Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by scooter
I call it delicious

Put down the knife and fork Scooter...that's not how you're supposed to eat it...

good point Dirty

Quote by eviotis
Pleasure cove.

Oh I LIKE that!
Fantasy: imagination unrestrained by reality; fulfilling a need not gratified in the real world
If I'm writing, I'd use "pussy" for the whole female genital area. I sometimes like to use the formal anatomical terms - labia, pubis, vagina, clitoris - when I'm being tender, progressing to "slit", "hole", "clit", as I get dirtier. "Cunt" is the ultimate "dirty" word, and I'd tend to use it sparingly, usually when someone is near to orgasm! It's good to have so many different terms - adds variety!

07 February 2025 - My latest dirty story is now online. Free Spirit on the Nudist Beach - Part 2 | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

"Vagina," makes me feel like I'm sitting in a doctor's office. The word I like best for mine is pussy, and I use that most when I'm writing. I like clit better than clitoris, lips better than labia and usually avoid using cunt because I just don't like the word. I think it sometimes though. I only use cunt and twat when they are part of a conversation I'm writing, almost never in real life, and save them mostly for when I'm really in the throes of sexual excitement, or when one of my characters is. Love muffin is one cuteism that I like. Goody is good too. When I'm talking to my girlfriends I might say cooter or coochie, but seldom with a guy. Tootie is okay, but not a word I use much. Variations on cooter and tootie, like coot and toot, or cooch I don't like as well. Snatch, of course, which reminds me of an old blues song that I heard once called "Snatch it on the Wall," and the Junior Wells song "Snatch it Back and Hold It." Also, the velvet love canal, the honey peach, the silken kitty, the vertical smile, cookie, and the peter heater.
Here in Sweden the word muff often is used, which I understand better than muffin.
"warm covering for the hands," 1599, from Du. mof "a muff," shortened from M.Du. moffel "mitten, muff," from M.Fr. moufle "mitten," from O.Fr. moufle "thick glove," from M.L. muffula "a muff," of unknown origin. In 17c.-18c. also worn by men. Meaning "vulva and pubic hair" is from 1699; muff-diver "one who performs cunnilingus" is from 1935.
Good topic
I have a new poem coming out soon, here's my
:: "Will the delicacy of my 'love flower' tempt you," ::
I don't care what you like to call it, just treat it with tlc please
Wow! 2 years six months and counting. Some popular thread.

Mons du Venus
Love Glove

For your sentence:
"The sunrays gently embrace her ..

There is no need for a specific reference. You could go with with subtle references:

The sunrays gently embrace her favorite spot.
The sunrays gently embrace her womanly gifts.
The sunrays gently embrace her from head to unclothed toe.

What did you use to finish that story anyway?
I didn't. It's still in my unfinished stories folder along with lots of others.
I'll finish it someday, I'm sure.

The contributions of lovely names for it will never end, I hope.
My favourite has to be pussy, mmmm.
Vagina is what he doctor calls it, Cunt during sex maybe
Pussy. It's actually the first curse word I remember using as a child. My mom was pissed!! It's my word of choice in all arenas used. I use cunt just to have an alternative when writing. . Vagina . um no. . Isn't it funny how the anatomical word is seen as more vulgar than all the other words . . Hence all of the other words used to say "vagina"
Quote by Guest
hey Catnip, IMHO, it kid of depends on the situation you are writing about, for me, pussy is fine, vagina (strangly enough) is also very erotic when used in the right context, I think Cunt is fine when used in a strictly non-derogatory way (and in moderation), but why not use words that describe the particular aspect of the genitalia you are writing about, eg, labia, pussy lips, clitoral hood, mons.

other phrases I have read include "juncture of her thighs" and "her sex"

Don't kow if this answers your question, but I hope it helps

agree that it can depend on the situation -i like to read the writer -by that i mean i want to hear how the writer speaks -this aspect of a writer can be entertaining in its self: )
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.