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Have you been plagiarized?

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A recent article on CBC got me thinking of an increasing issue with us writers.

Some people feel the need to comb the internet for material, then publish it under their own name. This has been going on for a while. I remember years ago, there was a person stealing material from lush and then selling it as their own on Amazon. When one of the moderators contacted Amazon, they acted as if we were the irritants in the system.

I've honestly never cared if someone takes my stories and uses them. When Ashley Madison started up they asked if they could use some of my early cheating wife stories in their promotion and I allowed it.

I've also had sites take my stories and post them without recognition... I really don't care. But when someone takes my stuff, publishes it under their own name and posts their "work" for sale on Amazon it irritates me.

Have you been the victim of plagiarism? Maybe do a google check and see. Cut and paste some passages from your work and post it in google. See who is stealing your stuff.
Yes. I’ve found my stories on ASSTR, and a few other sites. Some blogger in Africa lifted a number of the best stories on lush and took one of mine with them. I actually wouldn’t care at all if those who did it credited me with my work.

In the end, though, it’s a hopeless battle to fight. One nice thing about posting my work here first is that I always have a date attached to prove I was the original writer. One can’t well claim it was theirs if it was here three years before they posted the copy.

Really as long as people are reading it, I’m happy it’s out there
I've had my stuff lifted and posted on other sites without my permission. I got told once that I "should be honoured," by my work being taken. I guess that means it's good? I don't know, but it irritates the hell out of me.
Quote by Milik_the_Red
Yes. I’ve found my stories on ASSTR, and a few other sites. Some blogger in Africa lifted a number of the best stories on lush and took one of mine with them. I actually wouldn’t care at all if those who did it credited me with my work.

In the end, though, it’s a hopeless battle to fight. One nice thing about posting my work here first is that I always have a date attached to prove I was the original writer. One can’t well claim it was theirs if it was here three years before they posted the copy.

Really as long as people are reading it, I’m happy it’s out there

I honestly don't mind either.... I just don't want someone making money off my work.
There have been a few instances where shady websites have stolen a lot of material from Lushstories. Mine have been among the stories lifted. A few of those sites are so amateur that they even included my copyright and reference to Lushstories.

If any had asked my permission and been up front and honest, as well as make sure my stories are credited to me, l'd give them a copy to post.

I actually did post a few stories on one small, reputable site that invited me to post stories with them.

But thieves, stealing other people's stories and worse stealing credit by changing the author's name are just scumbags.

Protect your work with copyrights. Also, you can threaten the irreputable thieving sites with legal action.

Here on Lushstories, we particularly hate plagiarism. If you find that someone here has copied your story, please notify Lush with our contact information and let one of the mods know.
I’ve been told it’s happened, but I never followed up.

However, the weirdest time was in a university alumni magazine; you know, the ones that include updates on alumni.

Some moron copied verbatim what I had submitted and was published in the previous issue. He changed a few things, but whole paragraphs were identical. When I complained to the alumni office, they contacted him. I demanded a public apology. He and they refused. I had them remove my name from their mailing list and I severed ties with that institution. Gutless fucks.
Quote by Ping
I’ve been told it’s happened, but I never followed up.

However, the weirdest time was in a university alumni magazine; you know, the ones that include updates on alumni.

Some moron copied verbatim what I had submitted and was published in the previous issue. He changed a few things, but whole paragraphs were identical. When I complained to the alumni office, they contacted him. I demanded a public apology. He and they refused. I had them remove my name from their mailing list and I severed ties with that institution. Gutless fucks.

Do you have beef with a lot of institutions? McDonalds, Alumni.....who else?
I did some checking after one of the bigger "scraping" incidents but that was years ago. Haven't done any searching recently. Just don't have the time to be policing stories as well as writing them. So basically, if I find one out there without my credit or Lush mentioned, I'll probably do a takedown, but it's not something I spend a lot of time on.
Quote by Lauradj

Do you have beef with a lot of institutions? McDonalds, Alumni.....who else?

I'm battling the City over their interpreted 'infraction' which they have no appeal process in place. WTF is that? Judge and jury. Guilty with no defense or recourse?

Yes, there are others, SMART ASS. I have serious issues... er, I mean, I have serious issues with those that abuse their position of, and over, power.

Fuck The Establishment!

Yes, Antidisestablishmentarianism and iconoclastic are words I learned very young.

Over the years I have personally been responsible for the take down of three websites illegally copying content from Lush. Each one felt damn good when they finally went offline and rightly so (theiving bastards), but as quick as one bites the dust another pops up in its place.

This site will probably be next on my hit list but the time it takes to fill out the report forms and send the emails to the various companies involved is not insubstantial. However, if your copyrighted content appears on there you are well within your rights to report this domain yourselves if you wish.

The domain registrar is GoDaddy and the hosting company appears to be

Edit: Found most of you on there.

Quote by Liz
Over the years I have personally been responsible for the take down of three websites illegally copying content from Lush. Each one felt damn good when they finally went offline and rightly so (theiving bastards), but as quick as one bites the dust another pops up in its place.

This site will probably be next on my hit list but the time it takes to fill out the report forms and send the emails to the various companies involved is not insubstantial. However, if your copyrighted content appears on there you are well within your rights to report this domain yourselves if you wish.

The domain registrar is GoDaddy and the hosting company appears to be

Edit: Found most of you on there.


Found me too:
Best Friend Exchange Club: Here
Artist stories start at Artist -- Chapter 1
Starbucks Reverie at Starbucks Reverie

Teacher at Teacher

And please read my competition entry:There's Always Time. A sweet love story set in a time traveling universe.
Quote by Liz
Over the years I have personally been responsible for the take down of three websites illegally copying content from Lush. Each one felt damn good when they finally went offline and rightly so (theiving bastards), but as quick as one bites the dust another pops up in its place.

This site will probably be next on my hit list but the time it takes to fill out the report forms and send the emails to the various companies involved is not insubstantial. However, if your copyrighted content appears on there you are well within your rights to report this domain yourselves if you wish.

The domain registrar is GoDaddy and the hosting company appears to be

Edit: Found most of you on there.


Well, holy heck. I had no idea. At least they kept me as the author. I’m not sure if I should be flattered or furious.

Get ‘em Liz!
I haven't checked lately, but this topic was brought up about 3 years ago on another thread, and a few of my stories turned up on other erotica sites. If they credit my name, I'm okay with it. Otherwise... POX on them!
Plagiarism comes in many forms. I once had a site tell me that I had published an article they had exclusive rights to. I still have the email giving me permission to use it. I modified my software to display the dates I first published articles, and since this one predated the other site's copy by three years they dropped their claim. I notified the original author and several others I recognised, and the site eventually sank without trace.

I am a very good writer and my husband is even better. Sometimes someone will steal my husband's work and change it a little in an attempt to disguise the source. The changes are always poorly written, but the original shines through.

I occasionally place a classified ad in a local paper. Somebody once asked if they would publish my ad and just change the phone number to his. The lady in charge of classifieds did not tell him to go fuck himself, she's too polite for that, but the intent was implied.

So far I haven't looked for my erotica elsewhere, but it's too new and there are only a few stories. If I find my work stolen I will tell Lush immediately.

Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.

Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True

The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)

With the Lush stories, a bunch. It's despicable behavior, but I don't care that much. Particlularly if they give me credit. It's the nature of the internet.

With the stories I've taken off here and put on Amazon, I've gotten notices from Amazon they are publicly availble, assumedly because they were scraped off Lush and posted somewhere else before I deleted them. All you have to do is tell Amazon that you wrote them and they are chill. They don't even require you to hunt down the plagiarism.
Quote by Charlotte_

Found me too:

Me, too. I have to say, I do like their layout and formatting quite a bit. But damn it, folks, you're supposed to ask before posting someone else's stuff somewhere. At least they left it credited to "seeker4". Some past ones either removed all attribution or took credit themselves.
Quote by Liz
Over the years I have personally been responsible for the take down of three websites illegally copying content from Lush. Each one felt damn good when they finally went offline and rightly so (theiving bastards), but as quick as one bites the dust another pops up in its place.

This site will probably be next on my hit list but the time it takes to fill out the report forms and send the emails to the various companies involved is not insubstantial. However, if your copyrighted content appears on there you are well within your rights to report this domain yourselves if you wish.

The domain registrar is GoDaddy and the hosting company appears to be

Edit: Found most of you on there.


I found 62 of mine on there, sheesh! I used to go searching for similar sites and complain and then be totally ignored. One site in Europe replied and told me to sue them, yeah right. It looks like they almost totally copied the Lush story category list and added a couple.

I just published a new story, It's a Flash with a humorous twist and, of course, hot sex. So quick, fun read. Hope you enjoy!

Then there's A wife is home alone when two criminals break in to rob her. She's afraid and that's when it gets interesting A super story full of great sex, with a BDSM slant, that will hold your interest.

If you enjoy either, please comment. My ego needs a boost, ha! Thanks.

Quote by Kee

I found 62 of mine on there, sheesh! I used to go searching for similar sites and complain and then be totally ignored. One site in Europe replied and told me to sue them, yeah right. It looks like they almost totally copied the Lush story category list and added a couple.

my entire library is there. *shrugs* at least they're under my name. silly

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

my entire library is there. *shrugs* at least they're under my name. silly

Oh my I see what you mean, they have almost all of mine including the two I published on Lush 12 and 16 days ago. Also under my name I see.

They keep up to date, Kimmibegood's story published today (11th August) on lush is already on Sex Shelter.

The one story missing of mine is my Pride competition winning story. Is there a reason for that, I wonder?

Do check out my latest story:

Unleashed competition: Bull Shite, Bull Dykes, Bull Fights: That’s Your Everyday D/s Love Story. | Lush Stories

And my other stories, including 5 EPs, 22 RR's, and 15 competition top 10's including my pride competition winner: On Oxford Street, This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls

My stories are all over the internet. I post on several sites so they’re easy to grab.

Luckily they always leave my name. I’m fine as long as I still get the credit.

Only once did somebody steal and put on Amazon...but I was able to have it removed quickly.

yes I've seen mine elsewhere
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
Herbert Spencer
New to this site.
I have been posting my stories online for years now (slowly uploading my librery here too) but I never found someone plagiarizing my work. In all honesty, I am terrefied of the day it might happen and hope that day will never come.
If My Work Earned Your Attention Please Consider Commenting Or Emailing Me.

Got me too. Even a story just posted today!
I post a few places but they're definitely scraping from lush, it's the only place I've got Red Hot Summer split into three parts.

My first thought was putting something like my twitter in the author notes so at least I get potential splash-off from the site, but it looks like they're thorough enough to remove the author notes and post only the body of the work.
I've found my stories in other places as well. Sometimes they are word for word sometimes there are subtle changes but still I know it's my story. There's not much you can do about it so it's not worth losing sleep over. At least they liked the story enough to steal it!
Quote by Liz
Looks like that ‘’ site has gone. Let’s hope it stays gone.

So I found... a couple of time outs and a blank page. Teach me to keep up with threads.

As for being plagiarised, I thought I've not been writing long enough, but then it only takes moments to steal a story.

I'm not aware of it, yet.
I did do some designs for another site which were ripped and sold by someone else for a short while.
I think for me, the 2 important things are, give me credit and don't make money from them, unless of course we agree and I get a cut.

Kite's Kinky Tales

My latest offering -

Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty

My 2 previous submissions:

Both Love Poems


As The New Year Dawns

Please read and enjoy. If you really enjoyed a story someone has written; how about clicking on 'Like' and/or 'Favorite'.
Why not leave a comment too?

I doubt it. I wish I was worth plagiarizing. Though what I've written has actually happened and was written out by hand before being posted here. I will admit to some cringey things I put at the end to make the 3000 character minimum. I usually start with how I feel then the actual punishment-I post to the Spanking section-and if I hit short I over explain the ending for like 3 sentences. I was actually called out on it in a review and admitted to it.