I need to give a shout out to Wilful. I was really lazy with my last story (you know how you get when you just want it posted) and didn't edit it at all. He fixed all my little mistakes, and for that I owe him a huge thank you!
I will say that I'm really proud of the fact that I belong to such a great team of mods! You all are great!
In addition to my previous post, I need to give some love to sweet_as_candy, who had the good sense to tell me that a story written whilst I was under emotional duress was really, truly a piece of crap (not that she put it quite like that, but it truly was); I killed that story and turned the basic elements into another, "Under Fire", which has been running straight 5's since posting last summer.
Also, love to SITTING and Echelon, the former for catching the formatting and punctuation errors in the original version of my most recent story (I was coming off a long shift at work when I submitted the story, if that's any excuse) and the latter for approving the second, improved version of the story.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!
I do have mods as friends but I interact with them as friends only. I mean I do not go to chat room much now, neither I am an author who submits stories to a mod. But I have seen Lush grow and glow over a period of time and that's enough to say that right kind of people are handling the affairs here and I love and respect them all. However, there was a time when some mods, who somehow intervened in the privacy of members, got record of their chat and sort of harass and black mailed members. Such crimes had obvious profound effects on effected members. I believe such black sheeps have now been sorted out. Overall I think mods do an amazing job. They gives their precious time to better the site we all love to be a part of and deserve appreciation.
The Mod Community is the actual driving force that has brought qualitative improvement in the site and continues to do so. Thank you for the wonderful job you do.
I like the way you make me feel even when I'm nowhere near...
We've had two especially engaging new mods in The Ladies Room recently that have been a welcome addition. Thank you to Stillundecided and Trinityx. Looking forward to having you around.
Recently a big thank you to Buz.
He's a really nice guy, really helpful and recently pointed out some things for me after he noted a troll had given me a 1 score on a poem. He explained to me how the system works and this was really helpful and I passed this on to some writer friends who were unaware.
Thank you Buz, it was really sweet of you to note that and take the time to email me [bh] I know you mods are all really busy and I really appreciate you taking the time to do that.
I would like to add that I had not said anything to the mods at all re the 1 score, but Buz took the time after reading to explain and also to tell me that it was in his opinion a nice poem and encouraged me to keep writing.
Much appreciation for Buz right now he is an awsome mod.
I have to say that the moderating team here is the most helpful bunch of people. They just want to help you get to the front page. When I first came here, my stuff was often rejected and so many of the moderators have helped me along the way. The ones who have really gone out of their way for me are:
Stephanie - who is no longer a mod helped me tremendously with telling me when you rhyme poems they have to really work and not be forced because if they are they sound adolescent and ridiculous. He has helped me with suggestions and any other help that I may have needed. Always lending an ear. Encouraging me to keep on writing.
Liz - Pushed me to try other forms of poetry. Giving me tips and tricks, always having a helpful ear. I can never thank her enough. Telling me there are other forms of poetry and to try to have fun with other styles. Always very helpful with getting my stuff to the front page. Always encouraging me to keep on writing.
Danielle - Also helped with my poetry and teaching me to stay in tense. Just offering tips and tricks to make my writing flow better. Always encouraging me to keep on writing.
Sweet_as_Candy - very helpful and always trying to get me to the front page, suggesting helpful ideas. Teaching me to stay in tense. Showing me how to do dialog. Always encouraging me to keep on writing.
Nymphwriter - has always helped me with small edits and has always been around to answer questions I may have on things. She is always going out of her way to help me. She is very easy going and listens and suggests.
Delphi - Taught me how to write dialog. Always very helpful with suggestions. Helped with small edits.
Ruthie - Taught me how to write dialog. Always very helpful with suggestions. Helped with small edits.
Milik - has always lent an ear with suggestions and helping me to see how things may seem better another way.
Buz - Has always been helpful with suggestions on how to do things better. Helped with small edits.
Shyvixen has always been very kind with small edits.
Ravenstar - always been very helpful with suggestions and small edits.
Laserdaddy - helping me with editing.
MadamMolly - very helpful with suggestions, teaching me dialog.
Chrissielecker helping me with editing.
KatieElizabeth - always kind with making small edits.
WSLG - helpful with small edits.
Seeker - helpful with small edits.
Sprite has always been very helpful with suggestions on how to make things better.
Dirty_D - she too has sent me writing materials showing me how to write better and giving me tools that I can look at.
Echelon has always helped with editing and suggestions.
Sitting has always helped with small edits and suggestions.
JessicaX always helpful with small edits and any help I may need.
I haven't worked with all the moderators, but I'm sure in the years ahead I will meet the ones who I haven't listed here. I bet they will all be as helpful as the ones I have had moderate my work.
You guys are the best. Thank you all for helping me with my writing.....Hugs and Licks...xoxooxo
NYMPHWRITER- she was so helpful in teaching me about proper punctuation and paragraphing. She spent a lot of time and gave me a lot of reading material that really helped me. She went above and beyond what many mods do. Thank you!
avrgblkgrl- Put me on the track to succeed in the Lush writing game. Men of power have a hard time accepting any help, however she knows her stuff...plus you cannot win against the best of the best. I owe her big time for giving me the tools I shall need going forward. Thank you from the bottom of my little black heart.
Sir Dominic
Someone has to be the Villain
Thank you Mysteria, BowHunter, & Trinity! I needed to see this after the week I've had. Thank you all for putting a smile back on my face.
I owe a lot to Ruthie, Sprite, and of course WSCLG who has no problem in telling me when my stories are a bloody mess. And a big thanks to Liz for always giving me the advice that has kept me going.
I've only just dipped my toe into writing on Lush but I would have to thank all the Mods I've ever crossed paths with for their support and encouragement. One Mod I never forgot was Shy Vixen. After my second submission she took the trouble to send me such a positive and encouraging message I never forgot it. I've always enjoyed writing for my own entertainment but Shy Vixen's message simply opened my eyes to the possibilities if I actually worked to improve my writing. I don't suffer from a lack of confidence but I will never forget how she made me feel!