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Does any one else start from the title, and then write the story to match?

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Active Ink Slinger

I've noticed that several times recently; that's what I've done. Does the carpet match the drapes? Cuckold Pleasures, It was an accident, and Stephanie's stable all started with a list of titles that I made. Some of the titles haven't gone anywhere yet but are still hanging around.


The title is usually the last thing I think of when I'm writing a story. Consequently, most of my story titles suck (the stories themselves vary in quality).

Don't believe everything that you read.

Active Ink Slinger

For me, that is true, but sometimes I see a title I'd like to see in my list of stories too.

Headbanging ape from cold North 🀘

Quote by utterchaos

I think of the titles after I've finished the story.

For me it can come kind of any time. Sometimes a title occurs to me while the story is still in the concept stage, sometimes it comes as I write, sometimes I am still struggling with it as I get the story ready to post. Can't say I have ever based the story on a title idea, though.

Nothing new on here, but my entry in the latest comp on StoriesSpace took third place!

Read it here: Plus One

Best down-under
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Mostly my titles are born in a last minute panic before hitting the submit button.

Occasionally they occur during writing, and very occasionally I start with the title: Butch Cassidy and the Vegemite Kid told the story of an Australian and USA lesbian couple … that title meant the US one had to be the butch one, but didn't otherwise affect the story line.

Zucchini and the Art of Environmental Maintenance, on the other hand, which I thought of as soon as I read the brief for the nature competition, caused me dramas when I had to significantly edit the draft story down to the word limit. The easy option would have been to delete the zucchini dildo scene. But to keep the title I ended up doing a more complex edit.

Do check out my latest story:

Unleashed competition: Bull Shite, Bull Dykes, Bull Fights: That’s Your Everyday D/s Love Story. | Lush Stories

And my other stories, including 5 EPs, 22 RR's, and 15 competition top 10's including my pride competition winner: On Oxford Street, This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls

Simple Scribbler
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All the time! Or start from a picture! And I rarely write in a linear fashion. Often beginning and ending first. 😊


Quote by KimmiBeGood

All the time! Or start from a picture! And I rarely write in a linear fashion. Often beginning and ending first. 😊

Pro wrestling personality Paul Heyman says that's how he writes his storylines as well. I've tried it, but not with much success.

Most of my titles come after the story's done, but a few come during the editing process. It varies a lot with me.

Rarely, I do create the title first and to me, those ones are a tad better:

Santa's Favorite Ho

The Night After No Nut November

There's one I am working on now to release in December where I thought of the title back in late 2021. Knew I wouldn't have been able to finish for Christmas last year, so started the draft, abandoned it for 8 months and now trying to finish it.

In conclusion, I am jealous of you lot who can create fantastic story titles. It's a weakness of mine, I know.

Amateur Muse, Professional Lover

The title for a story arrives at any point when I am writing, and I prefer one-word titles too. Never have I thought of a title and then written, but I have seen plenty of pictures which make my imagination and motivation bloom. 😘

This is my collection of muses and stories.

The Pianist - Dreamers must eat, and at their lowest ebb, any dream is still possible.

Vengeance - At the end of her tether, Anais descends into an all-consuming need for revenge.

Active Ink Slinger

Sometimes the title for me is a quote from the story, as in my 'How Fascinating' series which stems from something that one of the main characters says. The story (and title) all came from that quote, although I had the basic idea for the story before that.

Active Ink Slinger

I currently have a list of thirty titles that I review frequently when I am out of ideas. Often, they inspire variations of the title, but occasionally they fit. I guess they are really parts of sentences that reflect ideas I've had and inspire others. I have some that I've started three or more times and abandoned because I couldn't make them work. Back Pack in the Sierras is a title I've tried at least four times so far. πŸ™„

Active Ink Slinger

No. The title comes after the story for me. I usually start with a character, then imagine what they want. Quite often I see people, strangers, around that have an interesting quality to the way they dress and imagine their lives and desires. I've also made use of people I've seen in the news!

Active Ink Slinger

I think I usually come up with one during or after writing. A few I may have had a title in mind before writing. Sometimes I title chapters and may either think of one the same as above, or well after written it and before I upload the chapter, then I go back in the file and add it.


The title is the hardest part to figure out!! It is usually the last thing when brainstorming or writing

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by JaxRhapsody

I think I usually come up with one during or after writing. A few I may have had a title in mind before writing. Sometimes I title chapters and may either think of one the same as above, or well after written it and before I upload the chapter, then I go back in the file and add it.
