Quote by DarkSide
Of course you can't steal it. For you - it's FREE!
as long as Betty makes an appearance. ?
Aww, you're too kind!

Quote by Green_Man
There is a rather fine way to get out of a slump concerning the writing of erotica. Try spending just as much time writing non-erotic stories. Or poems. Any sort of writing will do the trick. Just as an example my catalog on Lush is over 500 pieces. I have over 400 on StoriesSpace. Keeping my creative juices flowing works quite well for me as I move easily back and forth in the two types of writing.
Don't believe everything that you read.
Quote by seeker4
This is probably where I'm going. I'm toying with a bunch of story ideas, all for SS. Life just isn't leaving me a lot of writing time at present.
The truth is, I never intended to be a writer of erotica. It was something I did for my own amusement and arousal but it's never what I intended to make the focus of my writing. It just kind of happened that the first writing site I landed on that clicked with me was Lush. So a guy who never really thought of himself as a writer of erotica (I always wanted to write horror and fantasy primarily) now has 50 stories on an erotica site, several of them with Recommended Read badges, two of them in the runners-up list for competitions. And only a couple of them are fantasy in the genre sense of being about imaginary worlds and beings (they are all fantasy in the erotic sense). Maybe that disconnect is starting to boomerang on me a bit, esp. since I'm largely doing it "on the sly" and can't publicize my erotica much beyond this site whereas my non-erotic fic can be tweeted, posted on other boards, etc.
Quote by AbigailThornton
You can only 'force' any kind of writing that isn't coming from your soul for so long (unless that is your actual job, in which case you just have to find a way to knuckle down and get it done). It sounds like you inadvertently got on the wrong track - it was heading in the right direction (writing) when you started, but it's heading further and further away from where you want to be. You need to jump tracks.
If you don't have time to write 'properly' at the moment, just make sure that you capture your ideas and store them somewhere for when you do have time. One of life's pleasures is to take an idea from years ago and develop it into something special.
Don't worry. Don't stress. Don't be afraid to cut loose and do something else - where writing is concerned, the advantage is that you can always come back and pick up exactly where you left off. The story waits for you.