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Do any of your friends or family know you write erotica

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My mom's a published writer (1 fiction) and has taught creative writing, childrens lit, and "bonehead english" she has no idea whatsoever that I have even the slightest interest in writing. She's no prude, but I just don't have the balls. No one else knows either.

What I lack in literary talent, I make up for in the depth of my closet.
My family have no idea and I started writing erotica at sixteen. My mother is a prude though and has quite literally chased men away from me when I got older and first started clubbing. She would be absolutely shocked if she knew what I wrote about. My husband knows about my writing and has read a few pages though. He's told a couple of friends but he hasn't shown anyone what I've written though.
Quote by tampering

What I lack in literary talent, I make up for in the depth of my closet.

I love what you said!

My husband knows what I write about and refuses to read any of it, although he helped me design my first few covers before I started doing them myself.

I've told my close friends and they've read my stuff and are very supportive. My sister and niece know and my niece is supportive. My sister's religious, so she's not thrilled with the subject matter, lol. Meh.

I have to read your stories now. ;)


"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.”
― Carl Sagan
My partner knows and has read some of my scribbles, but other than that he has no interest in joining Lush, or overseeing the writing process, aside from asking the odd questions when we're in bed and I'm tip, tap typing away on the laptop. He's the only person IRL who knows. My friends and family don't know, and I don't go out of my way to tell them. If someone who knows me stumbled across Lush and my profile and figured it was me, I wouldn't deny it. I'm not ashamed of it at all.
My wife knows, but that's about it. She doesn't read my writing though. Well, she read one and didn't like it, thus proving that even EPs are no guarantee to please everyone, haha.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 112 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Friends and family know I write. Nobody knows my pen name. My husband likes me to read my stories to him sometimes.

I like to stay incognito with my pen name due to some of my categories that I write. Subjects may bother some and it might be too much to explain.

I have to have my own wicked fun.

My wife knows, supports and even helps edit my stories sometimes. As far as We have a lot of friendly acquaintances, but only two or three close friends. My wife has a large, christian conservative "family", so no they don't know. If they found out it wouldn't bother us as we have as little to do with them as possible. We are considered the "black sheep" of the family especially since we're "Liberals".
Three of my friends know, and my sister knows.
I work a lot - cover art, editing, etc - for erotica.

My sister thought she was the big deal when she sleuthed and found out what I was doing for a living. She tried to blackmail me so I outright told my family and stopped talking to her.

While I fully understand personal freedom and creative privacy.
I also understand some people are backstabbing bitches and turn your pleasure into their power trip.

Don't let people try to control you and bend you to what suits them - if that means you keep it secret, keep it secret. Lord knows no one needs to actually ruin anyone's fun. If that means you just take the bull by the horns and print yourself a smut author bumper sticker then that's what you do. You do you. They can . . . well . . . not do themselves and sit and count the cracks in the ceiling while they judge you harshly for being alive.
None of my family knows about my scribbles but a few of my friends do. The latter are the ones who read my stories first before they arrive here. I don't believe I've told anyone about me posting on Lush though.

My last published story: Good For Nothing


I don't discuss it a lot, but certainly some of my friends know, and I'm sure I've told my mum about it before.
Katie and I kinda live in 2 worlds. A few in her family know about our erotic stories because they are part of the actual adventures. For most of our family members and some prudish friends, however, it remains a guarded secret.
Only a select few know that I write erotica. I someone asks me, I may tell them. Till then I will just tell them I write stories.
Unfortunately my 22 yr-old-son knows. He found out by accident. Now, he teases me mercilessly. And if I fuss at him about anything he says, "But, Mom ... you write porn!" Ha!
No one in real life knows that I write, let alone that what I have written. One day I may tell my best friend, just not sure she is ready to see that side of me.
Check out Kiteares A-Z of kinks and fetishes in micros. The first is of course A Actirasty (if you read it you won't have to google it!)

A very few people, but no family. I don't think anyone knows I have posted here.
More than a few know about it.

I have let a few members of my family and close friends even read my stuff. And several years ago when I found out somebody had stolen one of my works and was selling it on Amazon, I put out quite a tirade on FB about it. And of course more than a few asked me exactly what I had written, and wanted to read it themselves.
Pretty sure everyone knows and expected it of me LMFAOO Obviously I don't let my family members read my work but friends are fine. Does my Girl Scout troop leader know? I think she knows.
My husband but otherwise no. Parents and in-laws would freak out for sure. The firm where I work would probably disapprove of any connection or publicity as well. Lies of omission are sometimes the best policy; call it discretion.
Nope, when I used to write other material unless it was for educational purposes all I'd get is a shrug and a swift change of subject. I'd expect even less of a response if I told them.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

My current Competition entry is here
A Cure For Stagefright

I put a little banner in here, it might change. I'm still messing about with it.
no not a soul

My writing is very personal and private for me….. My poetry represents true life experiences, written at emotional moments of love, anger or sadness.
Sharing these thoughts with family members and other loved ones could sometimes hurt.

I think my bio outlines my purpose of being on Lush.

It's really about me….

I have two authorial personae. I write non-erotic stories and poetry in the same amount as I write erotica. Many friends and family members know about the vanilla works and where they can read it. Actually very few are interested in the least. For the erotic stories and poems, I have not told anyone except my spouse. She has known about all of my writing since I first started some ten years ago. She will read some works that interest her. Not the erotic works. That does not interest her in the least. But it has never been hidden from her.

I have doubts that I will ever spread the word to my friends and family in the real world about the naughty stuff. There is no reason to do so.
My parents know as I let my mom read a few of my more vanilla ish stories
It embarassed her ?
My husband knows and reads them most the time and has even offered a few suggestions and edited a couple
Some of my friends know but not all as I've only mentioned if the topic somehow came up
About 3 of them have read my stories one of them being a friend that writes horror novels
and I wanted his opinion on my writing.
My family and friends know I write but they don’t know what name I use to publish it. I’m keeping it that way, for now.