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💙 Which Would You Prefer To Dip Your Fries Into?
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💙 Autolove
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Quote by DanielleX
They all know. It's not like I'm dealing smack.
Exactly! The censorship that society imposes on all of us through its mores is very restrictive, really. I mean we all have these thoughts & fantasies - writing & talking about them seems like a normal thing to do but societal norms & conventions have pushed it into the shadowy fringes.
My Latest Stories:
I told my best friend recently. We were debating erotic fiction as Milan Kundera had passed away, and she knows I adore Anais Nin. So I confessed. She has read some of my stories here, to which I was called "sale pute" (dirty bitch) as a term of endearment. 😜
Truth is, she knows a lot about our unconventional marriage, so it did not come as a big shock. As for anyone else, no. Only one other friend has an idea of what we have got up to. When your private life is threatened, it makes keeping it secret very important.
This is my collection of muses and stories. Stories of note include:
Little Bird - A true story of submission and dominance set in Paris between an older couple and their younger lover.
Le Weekend - Six lives intertwined during one weekend create events that change their lives forever.
Yes, to the extent that anyone who knows me personally can reconcile me in real life (mum, Canadian, tall, always well-dressed if not in scrubs, soft-spoken, church-going United Methodist) with the idea that I write what is essentially literary porn. My pastor, for instance--she knows, she's read my stories, she told me that if G-d blessed me with the ability to convey filthy gutter-level thinking into writing, then it would be turning my back on a blessing to not write literary erotica.
I'm not terribly worried about what anyone thinks--several close friends, after recovering the "wtf Jen?", have passed on my scribbling to other people. My oldest son really isn't a fan, since he believes that porn in general degrades women (true-but I've never watched anything like visual porn); when he was still at home he used to be very unhappy when I left Lush up, because he didn't want his brothers to see anything..
He's at the University of British Columbia in the Faculty of Medicine now. The two younger ones are 19 (University of New South Wales) and approaching 18 (fourth year HS) and they still don't know anything other than "mum writes stories", courtesy of their oldest brother.
I don't understand why one wouldn't share what one writes, no matter the genre. If your family loves you, and your friends love you, why wouldn't you share? Perhaps it's me, but yah, no, I share because I can, and it's not as if I'm forcing anyone to read what I've written.
Quote by KimmiBeGood
Yup, a few. My son found out by accident a few years ago. Now if I ever fuss at him about anything he laughs and says, “But Mom, you write porn!” 😳
I hope you tell him, "Every word of it based on personal experience, son!" 😉
My husband knows I write "erotic literature" (aka, porn) and a few non-Lush friends, but mostly just my Lush friends.
Please take a peek at my stories! Here's a small variety pack:
To Soar With Eagles | Lush Stories An emotional story of love and loss that may touch your heart. Sexy... yes, of course, but uplifting as well! And a Recommended Read!
I Like Big Cocks and I Cannot Lie: Part 1 of 2 | Lush Stories A 2-part story of my bisexual husband and I engaging with a very well-endowed friend!
The Gift That Keeps On Giving | Lush Stories My thoughtful husband gifts me an erotic beach massage session with a large and talented Jamaican masseur... and oh my!
I told my daughter and my sister because neither one is at all judgemental. My sister said, "Ooooooh," shivered her shoulders but didn't ask to read any. My daughter has read some of my poems. She said, "Wow, Mommy, that's HOT!" How many people in the world are as lucky as me?! I don't tell my husband or others outside of Lush though.
Most of them know but I've only allowed a few to actually read things.
I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.
If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2
DW (Dear Wife) is entirely unaware off my escapades. The “other woman” in my stories have read them and approves. There is literally no physical interaction between us, but it’s nice that she participates in the fantasy. So really folks, no actual cheating going on. Some seem to disapprove of that greatly. It’s just a bit of fun. We only live once.
Quote by fatalerrortw
So really folks, no actual cheating going on.
In the eyes of some, sharing your erotic fantasies with someone other than your spouse is cheating, physical or no. But I'm as guilty as you are so just pointing out how others might view it, not giving my thoughts.
Basically, I don't have a lot of people in my life I can share this side of it with. I am pretty sure my wife would not be happy and I am pretty sure my family would make sure it got back to her. So I do promo them on some other sites where I am fairly anonymous but that's the extent of my sharing for now.
Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.
I like having a personal side. No family knows of my writings and I'm sure non of my daughters would enjoy it. I have a couple friends that know the real me that I have shared my writing with. One enjoys, one is indifferent and one does not approve. I appreciate when someone here comments on my work.
Did I kill this thread? I'm not ashamed for my erotic writing and I'm not ashamed at wanting to feel loved and have the physical pleasure I'm denied. I'm happy to say one very special lady here who knows me and my writing. It makes me happy to know I can share my writings and have them attached to the real me.
None of my family or friends know that I write. I'm unsure if the wife would approve or be interested, even if I told her. I am pretty much here to write as it's my only sexual outlet at the moment. Sometimes, I wish they knew, but I'm unsure what the outcome would be if they did. I may tell them one day, but Lush is my secret hiding place for now.
None of my immediate family knows I write stories and post on Lush. Most would be mortified. My 31-year-old daughter would be disgusted. I think my son would be OK with it; he's in his mid-30s. Not one single friend knows about my creative writing. They're all boring married guys who love to hear the details of my dating exploits. (One guy said, "Really? She licked your asshole? And it felt good?") I did have one FWB a few years ago that I showed the site to, but I did not tell her I write stories.