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Collaborators... share who you've written with or want to write with...

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Scarlet Seductress
Quote by sprite
i never got your sense of humor, i just smile on nod cause i think you're kind of dangerous.

i don't even know how to collaborate properly. i stole this dude's plot and wrote a story based on it but that's as collaborative as i got.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Quote by browncoffee
i don't even know how to collaborate properly. i stole this dude's plot and wrote a story based on it but that's as collaborative as i got.

A lot of my stories get written the same way. The one I mentioned earlier (Windows), basically ripped off the plot from the awful Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan movie, You've Got Mail. So in that sense, I've collaborated with lots of great and famous people.

I think most authors in general are a great bunch of kleptomaniacs - maybe not literal plagiarists, but definitely we borrow from other stories (things we've read or seen somewhere else, stories told to us by people we know, and even our own experiences) when we create our own. Anyone who says otherwise, is not only a kleptomaniac, but a pathologically lying narcissist as well (and therefore qualified to be President of the US).

Don't believe everything that you read.

Rainbow Warrior
I got the collaborator badge, but I didn't righteously earn it! I simply recomposed a 3-part story written by a newbie writer who couldn't get it past the mods without help. He graciously named me collaborator, even though the only things I contributed to his stories were proper grammar, syntax, spelling, and editing.

Several Lush authors whom I respect have asked me to collaborate with them, and I'd like to apologize to all of them for declining, especially Chuck, who has asked me repeatedly. While I have written roughly 65K words worth of stories in collaboration with Melissa999 over the past 9 years, none of them will ever appear on Lush due to content restrictions. She is the only writer I have felt comfortable collaborating with due to our shared knowledge of our subject matter and genre, but we are both currently on a dry streak, trying to get jump-started again.

If I ever get past my writer's block, I may reconsider a lot of things, but all I seem able to do lately is edit for other writers.
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I got the collaborator badge, but I didn't righteously earn it! I simply recomposed a 3-part story written by a newbie writer who couldn't get it past the mods without help. He graciously named me collaborator, even though the only thing I contributed to his stories were proper grammar, syntax, spelling, and editing.

Several Lush authors whom I respect have asked me to collaborate with them, and I'd like to apologize to all of them for declining, especially Chuck, who has asked me repeatedly. While I have written roughly 65K words worth of stories in collaboration with Melissa999 over the past 9 years, none of them will ever appear on Lush due to content restrictions. She is the only writer I have felt comfortable collaborating with due to our shared knowledge of our subject matter and genre, but we are both currently on a dry streak, trying to get jump-started again.

If I ever get past my writer's block, I may reconsider a lot of things, but all I seem able to do lately is edit for other writers.

We are as flat as a burst tyre right now, perhaps the spring will provide new impetus ?
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
I've done a couple, the Settle for Nothing series with Dirty_D and the novella Fire at Dawn with Frank_Lee. It was fun, a challenge, and a little inspiring but I'm so impatient!
Snake Charmera
I've collaborated and was mentored by Ping. He is awesome to work with and my time constraints were never a real issue with him. Someday we need to revisit those Cum Sluts for more fun. I bounce things around with gypsygyrl and a couple others have helped when I'm stuck Patokl and gone68 and of course wazzm8
I would love to write with several of the amazing authors here although my timing generally stinks. But if they ever have time or an idea they would like they are
this list could go on and on if only I had that much time in my life and ideas lol

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around

Active Ink Slinger
I haven't collaborated with anyone yet but I know there a few who I would love to. Such as:
The list will no doubt get bigger as time goes on, of course.
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
– William Shakespeare (from A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
Head Penguin
As already stated earlier in the thread by my amazing co-authors, I have collaborated with the amazingly talented and sexy KatieElizabeth and also the fun, hunky and amazing author Buz.

I enjoyed every minute writing with them

Danny x

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Head Penguin
Quote by MsDirtyLittleSecret
I haven't collaborated with anyone yet but I know there a few who I would love to. Such as:
The list will no doubt get bigger as time goes on, of course.

I think a collab would be good! I'm right in the middle of finishing a story atm, but when I'm not busy...

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Head Nurse
all three people I have collaborated with have already posted. I enjoyed them all immensely. smile
Raised on Blackroot
Quote by sprite
I've done one collab, with Magical Felix. it was a blast. we talked about another one, but it ended up spiraling out of control in the craziness, and never happened. Dancing Doll and i have discussed doing one - we even have a plot worked out, but it has the potential of actually breaking Lush... maybe as our swan song some day lol. Also, have talked to Buz about it - i think he'd be fun to write with - after i get myself back to 100% i'd like to pursue that, Mr Bono smile

I know I'm still working (just passed 14.7K in words) on it before I pass it on to you for the proper... magic, but don't I count?

Quote by Liz
I've never collaborated on a story before but I'd like to try it one day. I'm sure I would be a nightmare to work with, though.

I think a funny story would be a good ice-breaker, so it would have to be someone who gets my weird sense of humour. I've always been blown away by the awe-inspiring talent of Dancing_doll and Sprite to name just two Lush authors. I think they could survive the experience without ending up in a padded room.



Oh... wait a minute.


I'm more Fargo kind of humor. And you're more cat memes and sugar plums. I'm afraid anything we'd write together would read like a bi-polar depressive on a sugar high.


My brain is too fucked up and I write WAY too dark for any sane person to wanna partner with me. I'm afraid this duck will continue flying solo.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DanielleX

I think a collab would be good! I'm right in the middle of finishing a story atm, but when I'm not busy...

I would love that! biggrin :D :D
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
– William Shakespeare (from A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
I'm not for everyone
I have had the privilege of collaborating with three of the loveliest and talented writers on Lush.

Finally Free - with the lovely and talented Lilly

My Today Is Your Tomorrow A BDSM Story - with the lovely and talented trinket.

I Dominus: Power - with the lovely and talented VirgoGo

Each collaboration provided an experience that was as unique and lovely as each of the lovely ladies are.

There are many writers here that I would gladly collaborate with.
I have couple of ideas running in my head but i don't seem to be able to come up with a good story.
If anyone is interested in collaborating with me and forming a good story, feel free to message me.
Devil's Advocate
I haven't collaborated with anyone here yet, but I did team up with a publisher in the States to ghost write some werewolf erotica a few years back. They gave me the plots and I wrote them out, fleshing out the odd bit here and there based on their feedback.

I'd love to work with some of the authors here on Lush in more of an equal partnership. Of course, any of the heavy hitters I follow, or any of the other story mods, are a given. And there's plenty of other talented writers here I'd be excited to work with too.

Just waitin' for the right opportunity...
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Love Bug
Quote by gilrenard
I have had the privilege of collaborating with three of the loveliest and talented writers on Lush.

Finally Free - with the lovely and talented Lilly

My Today Is Your Tomorrow A BDSM Story - with the lovely and talented trinket.

I Dominus: Power - with the lovely and talented VirgoGo

Each collaboration provided an experience that was as unique and lovely as each of the lovely ladies are.

There are many writers here that I would gladly collaborate with.

I think I learned a lot from our collaboration Gil. I like that we kept rewriting to up the intensity. It was a great experience!
Ping and I should throw ideas around. I'd love to write with John_Doe again.
Chat Moderator
All of my stories are true, so my only "collaboration" is captured in the actual sex. However, I did a creative writing exercise once with Good Husband and it was a great experience.

My brain is too fucked up and I write WAY too dark for any sane person to wanna partner with me. I'm afraid this duck will continue flying solo.

We've never chatted before.
Raised on Blackroot
Quote by VirgoGo

When you put it that way, I almost wanna dark do you wanna go? How dark is permissible?

lol. Give "A Scarred Wonderland" or "A Wolf in the Night," a read. I go as dark as I'm allowed. And I maybe got away with a few things with my first published story.

Seriously though, I'd also need someone who could put with my dictatorial plot generation.

Dancing_Doll is my other half stylistically, but we're both way too busy sadly.
Quote by MadMartigan

Dancing_Doll is my other half stylistically, but we're both way too busy sadly.

that'd be one crazy hot story. i think Lush would burn down.
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Bethany Frasier, but that work is considered for this site !
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

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Unicorn Wrangler
Quote by Ragnarök011
Person have collaborated with here and on Blue has been Tooshy678

And Nymph and a few others I would like to one day try to work with on a story

I'm flattered you want to write with me. I'm still working on that one for WSCLG plus Banes1 asked me to write with him (and I'm sorry I'm so slow Banes... but you know why) and now the amazing Lilly has asked me so there seems to be a new waiting list. I'm just honored that anyone wants to write with me.
Weaver of Words
I am in the process of collaborating with a friend on writing a couple of stories. one thing that I think would make it easier to collaborate is if there was a way to attach a document to a lush email, and/or have some way that both writers could have access to the story in edit mode before it is posted.
I have written with several and its my favorite way of expressing. I think there are some, that are thrown off by my style, but I can adapt. I'm always open to collaboration. when asked.
God Empress of Lush
I'd always been shy of collaborating with anyone (and unsure about how it would work).

But the other day my friend Abigail Thornton asked me if I'd like to do a story with her, and we chatted about how it might work. She sent me the rough draft of a story she'd been working on, and I picked one of the characters and wrote an alternating series of scenes from their point of view (adding one new character, and fleshing out another).

I think it worked out pretty well, and it was fun taking someone else's story and using it as a springboard for my own imagination. I'd definitely collaborate again.

Oh, and the story is here if you want to read it -

22 February 2024 - How about a quick plug for one of my filthiest recent stories? It's all in the title - Naked Pool Party Swingers | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

Gingerbread Lover
I wrote a couple of stories with a friend. However, it shows how long it's been since we talked, as I wasn't aware they'd deleted their account (and the stories).

I enjoyed working with him, as he had a twisted sense of humour which suited my squeamish attitude to talking about sex. We wrote it together over , and I found the process a lot of fun. We gave each other precedence at different times, found compromise, had a long laugh, and certainly from my point of view, learned a lot about developing writing skills from how we worked as individuals. I wanted to work with him again, but that won't be happening now.

There are three other people I'd love to write with, because not only do I hold them in awe, but I want to steal their ways of processing and creating. I am fascinated by how they see the world and lay it out on the screen (page) for the reader to immerse themselves in rich descriptions and realistic relationship with their characters. I'd never ask them, though. Too shy.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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