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Authors : What are you working on?

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Quote by WannabeWordsmith

Competition entries have to be new pieces, not rewrites of existing published content.

I think the comp entry and the rewriting old stories are separate items. At least that's how I read it.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

Quote by Seeker4

I think the comp entry and the rewriting old stories are separate items. At least that's how I read it.

Ah okay. I thought maybe they were connected.

There's no rule against rewrites but since it doesn't notify followers of the resubmission and retains its original publication date, you may wish to find a way to inform people who have read it that it's been revamped.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 117 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:

* 30 Editor's Picks, 75 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 22 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Quote by WannabeWordsmith
There's no rule against rewrites but since it doesn't notify followers of the resubmission and retains its original publication date, you may wish to find a way to inform people who have read it that it's been revamped.

Yeah, if I was doing a serious rewrite, I'd probably do a promo thread, profile post, etc. just as if it were a new story since it won't hit the front page. And, really, I might just take it down and repost as new if the rewrite was really drastic. Most of mine in the past weren't big enough to bother, though. Fixing weird inconsistencies and other glitchy things like that rather than wholesale overhauls.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

Quote by JourneyYoung

I've started working on my sequel to my "Naked!" story ...

I've been kind of "meh" about it, though. I think the concept of the story is good, but it is almost more slice-of-life with occasional sex than what I'd call a sexy romp. It's also funny because some of my other stories I will just write and be like "how do I already have 6,000 words" and on this one I'll write a chapter and be like "how am I only at 2500 words?" It's weird. I feel like I'm having to stretch out chapters and that doesn't feel very good.

So I did a whole new fleshed out outline for the chapters in this story and I've done, more or less, a re-write of the first six (was seven) chapters, some getting a slight facelift while others were pretty much gutted. I feel a lot better about where that story is now and my plan for writing through it in the future. Yay!

Naked! Birthday novella, part 1: Naked Birthday: Chapters 1 - 3 | Lush Stories

My competition entry is up, so I'm turning back to my attempt to win the omnium badge. I've got a cross-dressing scenario I really like, but I just realised I'm at nearly 3000 words and no-one has got laid yet, even if the bedroom door has just closed! I think I need to get to the point a bit faster with this one!

nothing too exciting. i am working on my comp entry like a lot of you are. I scrubbed the first one and started over and I am pleased with it so far. the basic outline is all sketched out and I am about 4.5k word into the rough draft. it's going to end up in the bdsm category and I already have a cover image for it. besides that I have a new Mrs Vandermeer chapter that I've been playing with for about... oh, 5 years now? lol and a new Alice chapter that I've been working on for a few months and I really want to get back to writing for Space girl again.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I'm slowly fleshing out my comp entry - though I'm not sure it will make it as an entry. I'm struggling to add some spice and sexual tension or action, without it jarring the storyline.

BUT - as a distraction I went back and revised (again) my micro fiction story about an impossibly beautiful girl and the guy who lusts desperately after he in their coffee shop. Its a short piece of fun, and I hope you enjoy it

Soy Milk Latte, The Coffee Shop

A tale of unrequited love or lust for that impossibly beautiful girl in a local coffee shop


my entry for the comp. i'm really enjoying writing it despite the fact that I'm pretty sure it's not gonna end up on the podium. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Have a story on the go but it is threatening to stall as I debate the identity of a major character. She starts as a mystery but the point of the story is to resolve that mystery. No, this is not going to be a comp entry. It is not that kind of mystery. More about identity and escaping or embracing one's past and origins.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

With my comp entry done and published and my 99th story about to be sent for moderation, I am turning my attention to my 100th story. My first story was published exactly two years ago. I feel that for my 100th story, it needs to be a standalone, something different, and in a new genre... but I'm still deciding on which one! 😊

My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories

I'm working on a fantasy I have, that revolves around two submissive girls, one of whom is myself, who have to go through a series of challenges for their Dom. The challenges all revolve around making the other girl cum first, without cumming themselves, so it becomes a struggle to see which girl can outlast and withhold their orgasm the longest, while the other girl is desperately trying to make them cum.

The next chapter in my Midlife Renewal series has been stalled for months. Not quite writer's block, though I'm stuck a little on the exact choreography, but it's just hard to find enough IRL time to concentrate on a story and make it good.

On that note, I am spending some serious time writing this week, finally motivated to submit a Whodunnit competition entry. Got my first draft done on Sunday or so. Sure, by the second or third draft I had a story that flowed reasonably well and was (I think) sexy. But man ... that is about a tenth of the effort that's really needed, compared to all the rereading, revising and rewriting. There isn't a word that doesn't get my eyeballs on it twenty times. It really is time-consuming, especially for the high standard of a competition. I still don't feel like it's ready yet, with only two days left, but I still hope to ... uh, squeeze it in.

Edit (8 hours later): published! Grilling the Suspects

I am happy to throw a few ideas around with you if you want. I tend to framework everything, write a paragraph and then filling the blanks.

But good luck with the idea, sound intriguing.

This is a cry for help more than a "What am I working on."

I've got partly done continuations of the MILF story and a few others, which is not unusual for me. I tend to have more than one project on the go and flip between them as inspiration and a scene idea develop in my head during the day. I have a new story, based on a TV program, underway too.

BUT. . .

Here is my problem, my writing mojo has unexpectedly gone on strike without notice and try and I might I just can't seem to kick start it again. I've tried re-reading my and other stories and just generally browsing around and chatting to a few online friends - without wanting to bore or bother them.

I have also tried to just sit and force myself to add a couple of hundred words to a scene, but it feels and reads as very dull and forced.

Normally I can daydream and "see" a scene - sometimes a whole story will come into focus and I have trouble remembering it all and jotting it down when I get a chance in private. Lately, it is as if I've gone from full HD and colour to a grainy B&W imagination and struggle to develop ideas.

If anyone has a cure or advice to get back to writing I would be very grateful

Quote by john456berry

This is a cry for help more than a "What am I working on."

I've got partly done continuations of the MILF story and a few others, which is not unusual for me. I tend to have more than one project on the go and flip between them as inspiration and a scene idea develop in my head during the day. I have a new story, based on a TV program, underway too.

BUT. . .

Here is my problem, my writing mojo has unexpectedly gone on strike without notice and try and I might I just can't seem to kick start it again. I've tried re-reading my and other stories and just generally browsing around and chatting to a few online friends - without wanting to bore or bother them.

I have also tried to just sit and force myself to add a couple of hundred words to a scene, but it feels and reads as very dull and forced.

Normally I can daydream and "see" a scene - sometimes a whole story will come into focus and I have trouble remembering it all and jotting it down when I get a chance in private. Lately, it is as if I've gone from full HD and colour to a grainy B&W imagination and struggle to develop ideas.

If anyone has a cure or advice to get back to writing I would be very grateful

when this happens to me, i just put the writing aside for a while and work on one of my other hobbies. eventually you'll feel the desire to write again, but forcing it never works - warning - this is why there's a huge gap of time between chapters in some of my series smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

currently in the works: new ketchup chapter, new alice chapter, and new Vandermeer chapter. also thinking of writing a stand-alone story. just cause. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I'm working on a follow up to this story.

The girls are now researching the effects of sexual stimulation on male fertility and having Grant's details, contact him to see if he would like to enrol in an experiment. This involves him being at the mercy of five sexy students who tease and pleasure him for a whole week!

Edit: Realised that not having written seriously for nearly two years, this story is quite challenging. I'm going to do a quickie, to get a bit of practise.

How Long Does It Take You To Cum?

A student finds himself the subject of an unusual experiment.

Group Sex

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Hello everyone, I was looking for someone I could talk to about prospective stories. Someone I can share my ideas with, who can help me decide which ideas should become stories. If anyone has a moment, please reach out. I would gladly appreciate the help and criticism.

Thank you for responding, where would you like to continue this? Here, in messages, or in the chat rooms?

Just submitted the third part of my Pussycat Park series. The characters have been a blast to write for.

Now I need to decide if I'm going to jump immediately into the next chapter or spend some time with other projects. Have a few less lusty tales I'm putting together for other places. I just want a month all by myself to write, not nearly enough time in a day.

The Pleasures of Pussycat Park: Red's Wager

Mistress makes a high stakes bet to steal away a man on his five year anniversary.


A novel about cosmic horror buried in Iowa cornfields.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Finished three drafts this week. Topics jnclude:

  • A sugar daddy and sugar baby

  • Teen and her neighbour

  • An outdoor sex story

There's another draft that I really want to finish before the end of next week because I've been at it for a while. Then I have another idea I want to start drafting this weekend, and I will decide what else I want to draft out of my well of ideas.

I've realised it's best to work on multiple drafts simultaneously. Have a goal of 10,000 words weekly, so that I can knock out a few drafts and get to editing when I reach a certain number.

My last published story: Ho For The Holidays

I have just had a week of fun, writing a story that became a kindle read. so many nods to the author, Lusty (my name for it) and Brief Encounters.

As we enter 2025, my goals are:

First to finish publishing my fifth novel here. I am around 2/3rds of the way to completing this.

Second, complete my Omnium badge. I have so far written in 37 genres, with the aim to write in all the others by the end of the year.

Third, compete in all the competitions. However, this year, this will be a lower priority for me this year, having competed in the last nine.

I guess we see how I have done this time next year! 🙄😊

My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories

Quote by Seeker4

Pounded out a draft for a new story yesterday. Kind of a weird magic realist erotic fantasy about mirrors.

That sounds like an excellent premise!

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)