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Ashamed of Something You've Written?

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I don't know if I'm posting this in the right place, so I apologise if I'm not.

I also apologise for how much I'm writing - it just comes out. I will put the important bits in big writing at the bottom so you can choose whether or not to read the rest of the waffle.

And if you don't like sad people, consider yourself warned!

The Background:

Talking about sex (rather than listening to people talk to each other) is very, very new to me. I was brought up in a particular way, and I never had chance to experience anything for myself until the last couple of years. I'm always getting told off for innuendos, but in reality, I don't really know my areole from my anus (and I don't know if I used the correct form of "areole"!). I joined Lush because I was curious and wanted to learn and ask stuff, which I've started doing.

I read a few stories, and wondered if people would like to read a couple of my memories. It turned out they did a bit, and usually up for a challenge and to stretch what skills I might have, I branched out a little and wrote a story purely from my imagination. I gained a bit of confidence afterwards, because whilst I found it difficult to write about something I have never experienced, it was good to try and make my brain imagine things.

After asking for some constructive criticism on the three stories I had written, I was told that they were very "vanilla" as far as Lush goes, which is true. I decided I wanted to attempt thinking more like I think other Lush readers might think. If you know what I mean.

I did manage to roll that story out, and when I read it back to myself, I could see one character playing out my exact writing process during the story! It was quite amusing to me, in a way.

Where I Am Now:

More recently, I thought I needed to try and put my squeamishness and embarassment aside, and really try to meet some of the most common "tastes" of Lush readers, purely in an exercise to see if I had the ability. There is one particular subject I just cannot reconcile within myself, although I can sort of understand why other people might like it. But that one was out, although I played around with the implications of the relationships of certain characters for the less-observant.

I chose to go with three particular aspects that I have noticed Lush readers like, and I tried to fit those elements within my story. As I wrote the story, I really struggled with "getting inside" those elements. I do have an overactive imagination, and my emotions are very directly linked to it. I actually found myself feeling physically sick over a couple of them.

There are a few things going on in my life at the moment that make certain things very difficult to deal with, but I really wanted to try and meet this challenge to myself. Normally when I write, I sit down, and I write. Sometimes a thought will have taken shape in my mind, and grows, and other times it just rolls out from no where. But this time, I had to really force myself to think about it, and the process was very long (compared to what I am used to).

I found, during this writing process, that I felt both ashamed and sickened at myself. This is partly, I'm sure, due to how I was brought up, but also because morally, in my own mind, there are certain things one does not do, and characters within my story did. I worried and worried about the story, finally losing sight of why I was even doing it - I guess I wanted to prove something to myself, but I'm no longer sure what.

This Morning:

After submitting my story last night, I checked in this morning to find the story had been rejected. I was absolutely gutted. I had, stupidly, managed to break site rules. I feel like a complete piece of poo, partly because I forced somebody to read something that would never make it to publishing anyway, and partly because I can't believe I was capable of writing stuff like that. All I've done is dwell on it for days in a negative sense, and I now feel incapable of getting past it (like I said, there are other things going on, I know this shouldn't be such a big deal). To some people, it may seem pretty tame and a ridiculous thing to get upset over. Others might feel as I do about. But either way, I feel like poo.

Here is what I would like to know from you, if you want to share:

Have you ever written anything you were ashamed of?

If so, how (if at all) has it shaped your writing and/or your writing process?

If a story gets rejected, do you work on it until it gets accepted, or put it aside under "unfortunate" or for later work? Or does it depend on what the reason was as to how you deal with it?

Thank you very, very much for your time, and if you actually read all that crap, blimey, well done! Big Gold Star for YOU!

Love Daisy.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Hi Daisy,

I'm the Moderator who reviewed your story. I won't go into a lot of details here, but if you wish to contact me by PM, please do so.

You write very well. Your story has a lot of potential, and could be edited so it meets our guidelines.

Write for yourself and what you feel to be true in your own moral code. Don't feel you need to write to someone else's expectations, especially if by doing so you feel uncomforatble.

More recently, I thought I needed to try and put my squeamishness and embarassment aside, and really try to meet some of the most common "tastes" of Lush readers, purely in an exercise to see if I had the ability. There is one particular subject I just cannot reconcile within myself, although I can sort of understand why other people might like it. But that one was out, although I played around with the implications of the relationships of certain characters for the less-observant.

Personally, I do not feel I need to write for the expectations or common tastes of readers here or elsewhere. There are more than enough writers to satisfy those readers and their expectations, and I am not suited to writing that way. For me, it is liberating to know I do not need to write yet another version of a story that has been written, rewritten, rehashed, and served up again. If it isn't a subject or theme I want or need to express myself on, then the pressure is off. Someone else can rehash the same old stuff, not me.

I chose to go with three particular aspects that I have noticed Lush readers like, and I tried to fit those elements within my story. As I wrote the story, I really struggled with "getting inside" those elements. I do have an overactive imagination, and my emotions are very directly linked to it. I actually found myself feeling physically sick over a couple of them.

Honey, then in that case, don't ever do it! This isn't an obligation or punishment, not should it be. Give yourself a break, you write well, be true to yourself, and no-one else.

I found, during this writing process, that I felt both ashamed and sickened at myself. This is partly, I'm sure, due to how I was brought up, but also because morally, in my own mind, there are certain things one does not do, and characters within my story did. I worried and worried about the story, finally losing sight of why I was even doing it - I guess I wanted to prove something to myself, but I'm no longer sure what.

Again, be true to yourself. At this point, it sounds as though you have been beating yourself up over it. Try and step back, get some distance, and leave it for the time being. Don't berate yourself over it any more, please!

After submitting my story last night, I checked in this morning to find the story had been rejected. I was absolutely gutted. I had, stupidly, managed to break site rules. I feel like a complete piece of poo, partly because I forced somebody to read something that would never make it to publishing anyway, and partly because I can't believe I was capable of writing stuff like that. All I've done is dwell on it for days in a negative sense, and I now feel incapable of getting past it (like I said, there are other things going on, I know this shouldn't be such a big deal). To some people, it may seem pretty tame and a ridiculous thing to get upset over. Others might feel as I do about. But either way, I feel like poo.

I don't know how to make you feel better about yourself in terms of the effort you put into your story, but all I can tell you is it wasn't as bad, terrible or horrendous as you think it might have been to read it. Your own moral aversion to some of it, however, is entirely up to you to resolve. Write for yourself and your own moral code and expectations. Ultimately it is with yourself you have to live, so be true to yourself.

You're an excellent writer. This is a rough patch you have to work through, but it does not mean you have done anything wrong.

Take care,

A lot of psychologists recommend writing down your feelings, your innermost thoughts, troubles, everything. It helps to put things in perspective when you actually read something instead of just think it.

As for your story, if it doesn't break our guidelines, it goes through. As vanilla as they may seem to some, our rules are there for a reason.
Quote by gypsymoth
Hi Daisy,

I'm the Moderator who reviewed your story. I won't go into a lot of details here, but if you wish to contact me by PM, please do so.

You write very well. Your story has a lot of potential, and could be edited so it meets our guidelines.

Write for yourself and what you feel to be true in your own moral code. Don't feel you need to write to someone else's expectations, especially if by doing so you feel uncomforatble.

Personally, I do not feel I need to write for the expectations or common tastes of readers here or elsewhere. There are more than enough writers to satisfy those readers and their expectations, and I am not suited to writing that way. For me, it is liberating to know I do not need to write yet another version of a story that has been written, rewritten, rehashed, and served up again. If it isn't a subject or theme I want or need to express myself on, then the pressure is off. Someone else can rehash the same old stuff, not me.

Honey, then in that case, don't ever do it! This isn't an obligation or punishment, not should it be. Give yourself a break, you write well, be true to yourself, and no-one else.

Again, be true to yourself. At this point, it sounds as though you have been beating yourself up over it. Try and step back, get some distance, and leave it for the time being. Don't berate yourself over it any more, please!

I don't know how to make you feel better about yourself in terms of the effort you put into your story, but all I can tell you is it wasn't as bad, terrible or horrendous as you think it might have been to read it. Your own moral aversion to some of it, however, is entirely up to you to resolve. Write for yourself and your own moral code and expectations. Ultimately it is with yourself you have to live, so be true to yourself.

You're an excellent writer. This is a rough patch you have to work through, but it does not mean you have done anything wrong.

Take care,


Thank you, I appreciate that very much.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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First off, I'm going to say that I think the "vanilla" label is stupid. If you want to write about missionary sex, boy meets girl and they have loving sex, or anything else that some may think is vanilla then that is their problem, not yours. The site would be pretty boring if all the stories were the same. So if I were you, I would keep writing about whatever you have the most fun writing. Writing what you enjoy will most likely transfer from your brain, through your fingers and into your computer the best, creating better writing, most likely.

I have gotten rejected a couple times too. Mostly for using words that are banned and once for a non consent issue. These kind of thing shouldn't detour you. In fact, it gives you another chance to re-read your story and improve it. If it is an issue with your entire plot then take the best bits of your story and just try to rearrange it into a story that will be accepted. It's a fun challenge.

Also, I am ashamed of about 95% of the things in my stories... I find it more fun for myself to write about more ridiculous situations. I mean, I have written about the devil puppeteering a young bride into having anal sex with a priest in a confessional... Not everyone is going to find it as amusing as I do but who cares? Just write what you like to write.

Be different, don't conform to what you think people want to read because you will find that you can't please everyone anyway.

Happy writing!
Quote by Magical_felix
First off, I'm going to say that I think the "vanilla" label is stupid. If you want to write about missionary sex, boy meets girl and they have loving sex, or anything else that some may think is vanilla then that is their problem, not yours. The site would be pretty boring if all the stories were the same. So if I were you, I would keep writing about whatever you have the most fun writing. Writing what you enjoy will most likely transfer from your brain, through your fingers and into your computer the best, creating better writing, most likely.

I have gotten rejected a couple times too. Mostly for using words that are banned and once for a non consent issue. These kind of thing shouldn't detour you. In fact, it gives you another chance to re-read your story and improve it. If it is an issue with your entire plot then take the best bits of your story and just try to rearrange it into a story that will be accepted. It's a fun challenge.

Also, I am ashamed of about 95% of the things in my stories... I find it more fun for myself to write about more ridiculous situations. I mean, I have written about the devil puppeteering a young bride into having anal sex with a priest in a confessional... Not everyone is going to find it as amusing as I do but who cares? Just write what you like to write.

Be different, don't conform to what you think people want to read because you will find that you can't please everyone anyway.

Happy writing!

Linkage or title, please. That sounds brilliant! Thank you very much for your reply.

I don't really know what I want to write about, I just know I love doing it. I won't make this particular mistake again, though.

I might write about gingerbread couples trying to have smoochies and then a mutant fish comes along and totally noms on them. That's two of my favourite things right there.

*Edit: "Cookie Carnage" *
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Quote by Shylass

Linkage or title, please. That sounds brilliant! Thank you very much for your reply.

I don't really know what I want to write about, I just know I love doing it. I won't make this particular mistake again, though.

I might write about gingerbread couples trying to have smoochies and then a mutant fish comes along and totally noms on them. That's two of my favourite things right there.

*Edit: "Cookie Carnage" *

You're welcome, just write what comes to your mind. I would read about mutant fish. I seriously would. <--- Priest ass fucking young bride in a confesional story. Short and wrong this one ;)
Quote by Mazza
Daisy, I've read MF's story, it is VERY good...

For one about fish, check this out - it's really very clever:

Yup, fish, sex... WHat more could you ask for!!


Off to read me some stories, thank you.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Hi Daisy, I have written things that I am ashamed of. I chose not to submit them mostly because I didn't believe in what I wrote and I felt disconnected with were I was going in the story.


To thine own self be true!
I wouldn't say I have written things I am ashamed of. Certian stories have come from my imagination and they do pander to a certian topic that is well liked on Lush. Some things I write about is far removed from what I would really do, but others are not and I have also written things that are true stories and real fantasies that I have.

Some of my stories have also been rejected first time, sometimes for poor English, though that is rare. For having too many ... or hyphens in the text. You learn from these mistakes but you carry on. I have also been rejected for consent issues, where a woman was forced to have sex with her hubby. On that one I just changed the emphasis from non-consent to partial consent and it was accepted.

I have always modified the stories so that they follow the rules of the site. Keep going, but at the end of the day you have to write what you feel confident with and are happy about.

I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!

I wrote once that "You don't always PUT yourself in your stories but you'll always FIND yourself in your stories...."

And I've written some fucked-up stories....

If I know anything about writing, it's that you have to be HONEST. People always say, "Write What You Know", and yet I've written about M/M anal sex, a subject I've no real experience of, and I think the story worked.... But I wrote it as honestly as I could imagine it....

I NEVER write with any reader other than myself in mind. "I write to titillate myself, in truth". If others get it, I've written well, and I've been very lucky. And the Lush readers who read me seem to be a discerning and appreciative bunch of Lovelies, though of course, I would say that...

Most of my favourite Lush Writers write first and foremost for themselves. The fact that their stories are in general well received simply means that they are quite simply extremely good writers.

(A writer like Smiler 77, for example, a writer I truly admire, tackles subjects I'd NEVER venture to explore. Yet She does what She does with an INCREDIBLE honesty and a real finesse as to what makes a story work.... You're almost drawn in against your will..... A BRILLIANT writer.........)

Writing is FUN.

If it weren't, I wouldn't do it.

xx Steph
No, I am not ashamed of anything I have had written on Lush. I feel all my stories and poems are good! I do not need to impress anybody on here.
I would never push myself to write something that I found made me 'physically sick' or 'ashamed' because of the content. That's just not a challenge that I think anyone should have to entertain when it comes to the erotica genre. If you don't find the story exciting to you, as the writer, the I think it would translate into a certain kind of conflicted awkwardness in the undertones, even if you got the storytelling basics right. That doesn't mean that you have to have direct experience with the sex acts in the story, but you have to at least find the subject matter arousing on some level.

Personally, I'm not ashamed of anything I've written, but I do have a couple of stories that I won't publish as part of my Dancing Doll portfolio because I think they are a bit too 'extreme'. That doesn't mean that I'm ashamed of them, but more that they don't fit the site guidelines or a little more hardcore than my readers are used to when it comes to what I typically publish.

Some people only write to publish. I say - write what inspires you - and then decide if you want to share it with others. And don't try to force yourself to be kinkier than you are when it comes to content. Know yourself and write what turns you on.
I agree with Dancing Doll.
Writing erotica is like music ...
If you don't feel what you're writing, it won't come through like you did

As far as being ashamed, I wouldn't show them to my pastor or (worse) my husband, but these are my fantasies. They are a part of who and what I am
Quote by redhot363236

As far as being ashamed, I wouldn't show them to my pastor

You never know what your pastor might like btw...I started writing erotica a couple of years back, and now I have stuff in church bulletins, including one this month...but, that's another story...

As far as being ashamed? Well...I think I'm at least slightly ashamed of a couple of the things I posted over on Poetry Craze back in '09...I really must have thought I was never going to write again...

Just saying...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by redhot363236
I agree with Dancing Doll.
Writing erotica is like music ...
If you don't feel what you're writing, it won't come through like you did

As far as being ashamed, I wouldn't show them to my pastor or (worse) my husband, but these are my fantasies. They are a part of who and what I am

i actually write for my pastor - he's kind of hot and i have a crush on him. the things that go on in my side of the confessional box are... well... maybe i shouldn't share.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Her Spriteness

i actually write for my pastor - he's kind of hot and i have a crush on him. the things that go on in my side of the confessional box are... well... maybe i shouldn't share.

Oh, please fact, post them on my profile page when you get a would be a nice change from all those camel toe pictures you've been posting...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
No, in all seriousness, i read the story as well, Daisy, and aside from the content issue, it was really well written! as i said before, write for yourself and your audience will follow - don't write something that doesn't excite you, cause it will be at least subtly obvious to anyone who reads your stories, and you'll never be happy with it. smile good luck, i'm excited to read your gingerbread fisherman stories, or whatever!


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I'm really ashamed of my older writing, just because it doesn't have as much detail to it as I like now. Though I still have people who tell me they love my old stuff.

Hell, I had one woman tell me that she forces people to read one of my stories on the first date, and that if they weren't interested in that, then they should just not bother dating her at all. Reading over the story all I could see were flaws and places that I could have improved.

I don't think I'm going to bother bringing 90% of them up to my current standards, though. They were fanfiction for WoW, so it was a just for fun thing anyways.

I write a lot of and really freaky stuff, but I'm not ashamed of that, though.

I've never submitted a story, though, and never gotten rejection. I've faced rejection on my art before, as I'm a novice with that; sometimes I fix it, sometimes I put it aside as a learning experience. It depends on how much I feel it has potential.
Yes I have written some things I am ashamed of, so I have promised to quit writing on bathroom walls.
Quote by Magical_felix
First off, I'm going to say that I think the "vanilla" label is stupid. If you want to write about missionary sex, boy meets girl and they have loving sex, or anything else that some may think is vanilla then that is their problem, not yours. The site would be pretty boring if all the stories were the same. So if I were you, I would keep writing about whatever you have the most fun writing. Writing what you enjoy will most likely transfer from your brain, through your fingers and into your computer the best, creating better writing, most likely.

Well said, thank you!
Quote by gypsymoth

Well said, thank you!


I've written stuff I've been disappointed with and stuff I've been embarrassed about, but I don't think I've ever gone as far as ashamed.

I don't think you should ever be ashamed of something you've written. It's just words.

Finding ways to convincingly write something they've never done is what writer's do. For example, I am currently working on a novel about an oddball reporter turned paranormal investigator. I've never been a reporter, let alone an oddball paranormal investigative one.

If you want to write something outside your own experience then go for it, but don't do it because you think it's what people want.

There is nothing wrong with vanilla! A rough BDSM story can be told in a boring, unstimulating way just as a story of boy meets girl and they have missionary sex can be packed with visual, sensual detail, emotion.

It's not about the type of sex you write about, it's about how you write it.

Keep writing. Follow your own instincts, don't try to make yourself into what other people want. Good luck.
I tend to agree with Felix and Doll.

No, I've never written anything that I'm ashamed of. I am an openly kinky girl and there's not much that would put me to shame.

I write what I feel, I've recently finished a story that I won't publish here. It is not that I've breached site guidelines but it's my first work of fiction. Having said that, I am not pleased with it and instead of submitting something I don't like, I'm going to take the subject matter and try it with a different plot line and central character.

"To thine own self be true!" Don't write about subject matter that makes you physically ill. I'd much rather read a well written and creative "vanilla" (which I don't buy into) story, then read a poorly written story that an author felt compelled to write for our readership.

I will have to read your stories and comment but from the replies here, it seems that you are a good writer.

Good Luck!
Quote by Magical_felix
First off, I'm going to say that I think the "vanilla" label is stupid. If you want to write about missionary sex, boy meets girl and they have loving sex, or anything else that some may think is vanilla then that is their problem, not yours. The site would be pretty boring if all the stories were the same. So if I were you, I would keep writing about whatever you have the most fun writing. Writing what you enjoy will most likely transfer from your brain, through your fingers and into your computer the best, creating better writing, most likely.

I have gotten rejected a couple times too. Mostly for using words that are banned and once for a non consent issue. These kind of thing shouldn't detour you. In fact, it gives you another chance to re-read your story and improve it. If it is an issue with your entire plot then take the best bits of your story and just try to rearrange it into a story that will be accepted. It's a fun challenge.

Also, I am ashamed of about 95% of the things in my stories... I find it more fun for myself to write about more ridiculous situations. I mean, I have written about the devil puppeteering a young bride into having anal sex with a priest in a confessional... Not everyone is going to find it as amusing as I do but who cares? Just write what you like to write.

Be different, don't conform to what you think people want to read because you will find that you can't please everyone anyway.

Happy writing!

I third this. Write for your audience - the one that appreciates you for your originality and style. No, I haven't written anything I'm ashamed of (well maybe, I'm a reporter) although I've only published one story here, and it was well received. However it's quite 'vanilla' by comparison to the chaos in my head. And I have received positive criticism that I am eager to apply.

Write from your heart, write well, and write often. But it does sound like you could be quite convincing writing about a character who finds awkwardness in the discovery of self and others. A lot of 'my first time' niches out there you might want to think about - something I wouldn't be good at, I was like a bull in a candy store. Couldn't wait to dive in.

You're in good hands here (gypsymoth, MOW).

All the best with your successes.
Shylass, you kicked off some interesting posts. Thanks.
I've often been ashamed of the quality of my work, but not the content. As the late, great white psalmist, Ricky Nelson, so sagely advised us, "You can't please everybody, so you gotta please yourself," or something kinda like that.

Mazza, thanks for the 'thumbs up' for my 'How Humans Do It' story (see sig line). Stop by Rumplations for a free drink (I'll put it on Dirty Martini's tab -- he'll never notice, trust me).

As for those with qualms about writing a Lush story they'd show their pastor, remember, their are clerics and then there's....

The Right Rev Rumple Foreskin
RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Thank you so much, everybody.

I feel a bit better; I've written something I feel a lot more comfortable with now. Oddly, I shared vulnerable truth in it that I shared with exactly 2 people before, and nobody else, but I feel easier sharing that with the world than the made-up something I started this thread about.

Again, thank you, and especially for the PMs (you all know who you are), I found them of great comfort.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Quote by Buz
Yes I have written some things I am ashamed of, so I have promised to quit writing on bathroom walls.

I have written so many horrible stories that I look back at and cringe. Especially when at the time I thought it was an epic story that would one day be published so the whole world could enjoy my story.

Reading back at some of my writing I'm glad I have improved.
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir