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Rookie Scribe
People got hurt with my original posting so I removed it before anyone else got mad.
Professional authors? Some of them maybe.

What they are supposed to do is not pass a story that doesn't meet lush standards, which btw is a lot less than that of a professional author. Basic grammar and following the rules is a must.

And all mods are volunteers so unbunch your panties. I know for a fact if they reject a story they very very nicely tell you what you need to fix it. What you do after that is up to you. You can continue to be butthurt and stop writing or yoy can take their constructive criticism and get better as an author so not only this story gets published but the next one and the one after that as well
Active Ink Slinger
So, you don't want any help to improve your writing you just I want it accepted as it is. Your errors won't make your stories more "fun".

Yes, it sucks to be you but that's no reason to complain. There are plenty of other websites that will take your stories without batting an eyelid. The comments you'll get on them will be far more barbed and offensive than anything you'll get here.

Take it as free advice rather than as an insult.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Blackbird Supernova

I'm a story moderator. I'm not a professional writer. I don't have a degree in English. I volunteer here.

I've taken a look at your story list. You've had one story returned for grammar, punctuation and dialogue and one returned for tense shifts. The rest have passed on the first go. I will tell you that all of your stories that have passed have been edited by the verifying moderator for small things like commas and typos.

We have a quality standard here. We like for our stories to be as grammatically correct as possible. We return stories every day for tense shifts and request that the author repair the mistake. Unless the tense shift works into the plot as a flashback or reference to a past event, the tense shift is wrong.

We urge slow, careful proofreading. We like for the stories that are posted here to reflect the best of what Lush has to offer. Our authors are our ambassadors. It would be exceedingly embarrassing to have an ambassador write in poor English when we're in the business of writing. As such, we do reserve the right to return work that doesn't meet our quality standards, and to suggest ways in which the author may make changes to allow the story to post.

We strive for our authors to improve in their writing skill. It's the only way we can ensure that we'll continue to get quality writing that will represent the site in its best light. When we return your work, we aren't trying to make fun of you or criticize unjustly. We are simply trying to do what will benefit both you and us. A better story for you will increase your readership and get you better scores. It will also add one more great story to our site. When our authors work with us, it's a win win situation.

Please consider all of this when writing, proofreading and submitting a story to our site.

Thank you.

Like Raven_Star, I'm an amateur as a writer. Even before becoming a mod, I appreciated what the mods do here. Having someone unknown and unrelated to me vet my work is a real boon to me as a writer and a real boost when it gets published.

I am also an avid reader. Differences in tense can, and do, make a story inconsistent and difficult to follow unless they are framed as flashbacks. Same with grammar. Nothing yanks me out of an enjoyable story faster than a grammar or tense screw-up. I want to lose myself in the story, not be trying to figure out what is being said. That's why the standard needs to be there. We want readers to be able to enjoy reading Lush stories, not be getting put off because a paragraph halfway through does not make sense.

I have not read your work, but from what my colleague above me says, it sounds like you're really not doing too badly. Keep it up and try to learn from the mod comments. It can only help you get better!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CliffhangingTom
Delete this thread please.

Oh yeah, this place doesn't work like that - especially when you start slagging off the only people who can do it for you.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Internet Philosopher
Quote by overmykneenow

Oh yeah, this place doesn't work like that - especially when you start slagging off the only people who can do it for you.

Yeah, that's actually in the rules.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by overmykneenow

Oh yeah, this place doesn't work like that - especially when you start slagging off the only people who can do it for you.

Evidently, I can't express my opinions either unless it's in the form of stories. I didn't intend for so much hate in this thread which is why I asked (not commanded) this to be deleted.
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by CliffhangingTom

Evidently, I can't express my opinions either unless it's in the form of stories. I didn't intend for so much hate in this thread which is why I asked (not commanded) this to be deleted.


Your opinions are not the problem. You made this into a public matter when you posted into this forum. Your original post called us out as overzealous nazi grammarians (not your words, but the meaning is close enough). We work very hard to keep the stories on this site of a quality that you will rarely find elsewhere. We take pride in that work. We try to help you by suggesting changes that will make your story better. We go out of our way to indulge your tantrums (yes, that's what they are, don't kid yourself) over things that we are trying to help you with.

Your opinion is noted. You don't want to write grammatically correct stories. You think we're too rigid with our coherence checks and tense change requests. You think you should be able to write whatever you want in whatever manner you want and just have us post it without changes.

That's not how it works here. If you want that sort of laissez faire attitude from the moderators at the site you post your stories, we are happy to have you post them somewhere else.

If, however, you would like to continue posting your work here, we will be more than happy to work with you in getting your stories to the standard at which we prefer stories to be at. Most of us are amateur writers and need the help. Most of us welcome it. Please let us work with you.

Active Ink Slinger
Pay close attention. The ones that offered fair and sound advice are story moderators. There is no hate in this thread. Maybe a little bit of a condescending attitude towards your first venomous posting, but no hate. They usually remove the hate-filled ones without being asked. Otherwise, the powers-that-be will not delete threads.

Don't take it so personally when a moderator critiques you. I know it's your writing but try being subjective towards it. It's not an attack.
Take a step back and look at it from an outsiders view and then critique it.
Sometimes I have to put mine down for a few days (or months/years) and come back to it later so I can look at it with fresh eyes.
Then I can see what they're saying and fix it. Or scrap it, if I can't fix it. They're only trying to give you advice. If you don't want to take it, fine.
But it does have to have certain standards to pass muster at Lush.

If you need some pointers look through the forums in this section. There's a lot of helpful advice. I wish I had before posting my first 4 stories. They'd be better quality, if I did.
Hey now, my advice was sound too :-p
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Haineko
Hey now, my advice was sound too :-p

Oops sorry... I thought you were a verifier, too.
Nope. Just another author offering advice.

It was the nicest mistake I've been a part of though.
For me it was hard to go from screenplays to prose.
I've sold 10 SPs and have another under option, and God, did my transition to prose suck!
But with the help and guidelines from the mods it's gotten better, not as perfect as "I'd" like it.

So story verifiers if you want to take your bad mood from having the worse day of your life out on me go for it.
I want to be able to jump back and forth in my SPs and prose, and any help I can get I appreciate.
I love writing!
Just remember I cry easily, and I sometimes will not speak to anyone for days once I've been criticized.
I will emotionally eat to the point of being hospitalized, and I will avoid trimming my nose and ear hairs for months.

Other than that don't hold back
Thank you
The Linebacker
It isn't fun to have to send a story back to the author. It's actually a lot more work to do that than to click 'verify.' When sending a story back, we have to make mental notes through the story of which problems to address with the authors. Then we have to write a message to them addressing each issue and advise them on steps to take to fix those. We then attach links that site leaders have created to help authors with such problems as punctuation, verb tense, dialogue structure, content that is not allowed, proofing, etc.

It is a much more fun to click verify and know that the author is getting a message stating that their story is approved. What is really a lot of fun is to catch a story that is grammatically superior and so well written, with such a great workable storyline, that it is exceptionable and we can give it a Recommended Read.

I really suggest that when you write a story that you shoot for that goal. Every time you write a story, do your best to surpass your previous story. Push yourself to grow as a writer.
I am a senior story moderator on this site. Publishing stories here is a privilege, not a right. The owner and the moderating team have made an effort over the last two years to raise the level of literacy of the stories published here. We have provided many writing resources and advice with every story rejection as to what to do and how to do it. Along with that, writers have learned and improved their skills. Part of that process is putting in time to edit and perfect their stories. Moderators are here to help you do that, not do it for you.

If you are unwilling to learn and improve, I suggest you take your stories to another site where they will be posted without requiring further work from you. Of course, that would display your problems with written English in public, but with that audience, it may not matter.

I am aware of your communication with the moderators who have tried to help you. If you put that time and effort into improving your stories, they might be published by now.
Constant Gardener
Quote by Buz
It isn't fun to have to send a story back to the author. It's actually a lot more work to do that than to click 'verify.' When sending a story back, we have to make mental notes through the story of which problems to address with the authors. Then we have to write a message to them addressing each issue and advise them on steps to take to fix those. We then attach links that site leaders have created to help authors with such problems as punctuation, verb tense, dialogue structure, content that is not allowed, proofing, etc.

It is a much more fun to click verify and know that the author is getting a message stating that their story is approved. What is really a lot of fun is to catch a story that is grammatically superior and so well written, with such a great workable storyline, that it is exceptionable and we can give it a Recommended Read.

I really suggest that when you write a story that you shoot for that goal. Every time you write a story, do your best to surpass your previous story. Push yourself to grow as a writer.

Buz... telling it how it really is.

Rejecting a story - sucks. Especially when the author isn't breaking one of the cardinal rules by trying to use a prohibitive theme or insert a scenario which is not allowed to be written about at Lush.

Those are easy rejections and sometimes - fun.

Story verifier is a rewarding job 90% of the time, or should be.

Thanks to all who do this and have done this...for the rest of us.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Cheeky Chick
It is always going to sting a little when a story is rejected and you think you've done well. But, if you go over where they've mentioned you need to work on, you’ll learn and grow as an author. I know that is one thing I always do. When I first started writing here and things would fail, I’d get upset, but never once have I ever taken my upset out on a mod, which is why I think (and hope) they all respect me. I’m not about to give them hell for MY mistakes. I have to own up to it, fix it and resubmit it and hope I did well the second time around.

When you’re writing, you want to just write.

That is why you should take a few days apart from your story and then edit it.

After you edit, IF you have someone else who can take a look at it, to help edit also, do so.

Once you do that, YOU should once again, look at it and edit one final time.

With all that said and done, you should then send it in for approval, hoping for the best.

No one is perfect (not even the mods) and everyone messes up from time to time. Just own up that you can make mistakes and learn from them.
Active Ink Slinger
I just want to thank the people who verify stories because that can't be an easy thing to do!
Believe in yourself and all things are possible
Rookie Scribe
Quote by principessa
I am a senior story moderator on this site. Publishing stories here is a privilege, not a right. The owner and the moderating team have made an effort over the last two years to raise the level of literacy of the stories published here. We have provided many writing resources and advice with every story rejection as to what to do and how to do it. Along with that, writers have learned and improved their skills. Part of that process is putting in time to edit and perfect their stories. Moderators are here to help you do that, not do it for you.

If you are unwilling to learn and improve, I suggest you take your stories to another site where they will be posted without requiring further work from you. Of course, that would display your problems with written English in public, but with that audience, it may not matter.

I am aware of your communication with the moderators who have tried to help you. If you put that time and effort into improving your stories, they might be published by now.

My intention was never to make this become public when I created this thread; though, my intent seems irrelevant considering the thread is still up.

Yes, I appreciate having the opportunity for people to read and rate my stories. But, the way I see it, if you told all your writers to go somewhere else, you'd longer afford to keep this wonderful site up unless you started paying out of your own wallet. It's co-operation not a privilege. I co-operated, but not as politely as I would have liked. I need you, and you need me. I'd rather put this mess behind me.
Head Nurse
Quote by CliffhangingTom

My intention was never to make this become public when I created this thread; though, my intent seems irrelevant considering the thread is still up.

Yes, I appreciate having the opportunity for people to read and rate my stories. But, the way I see it, if you told all your writers to go somewhere else, you'd longer afford to keep this wonderful site up unless you started paying out of your own wallet. It's co-operation not a privilege. I co-operated, but not as politely as I would have liked. I need you, and you need me. I'd rather put this mess behind me.

I note that while your "intention was never to make to make this become public" you posted it not to a private message, but rather on the public forum. Your actions are at odds with your words. You have been responded to by a number of people, story mods, as well as contributing writers.

The reason so many have responded, is your original message was essentially an insult to the mods, who volunteer time out of their busy lives to help writers (I know for a fact all of them are more than willing to go above and beyond to help those who ask for help. Note I didn't say they do the work for you). You also insulted the writers who do put the effort in to hone and improve their craft. Writing requires effort to produce a quality piece. By saying it doesn't matter what you write, you essentially said that those other writers wasted their time. No wonder they became upset. You also insult the readers when you say it doesn't matter. I write because I liked to read first. So I consider myself a reader. Grammar and verb tense do matter. A lot. Nothing is worse then being speed bumped by a poorly written sentence. If I have to try to figure out what you are saying, I can't enjoy myself.

Finally, here is the official forum statement regarding the removal of threads:
Wild at Heart
Quote by CliffhangingTom

Quote by overmykneenow

Oh yeah, this place doesn't work like that - especially when you start slagging off the only people who can do it for you.

Evidently, I can't express my opinions either unless it's in the form of stories. I didn't intend for so much hate in this thread which is why I asked (not commanded) this to be deleted.

Don't mind overmykneenow, CliffhangingTom. He's a bit of a douche who likes to attack easy targets like new members or pile on once several members have already sufficiently answered a question.

Quote by WellMadeMale

Those are easy rejections and sometimes - fun.

Thanks to all who do this and have done this...for the rest of us.

Are you thanking yourself? Good thing you'll never get to verify ever again. LOL
Rookie Scribe
Quote by naughtynurse

I note that while your "intention was never to make to make this become public" you posted it not to a private message, but rather on the public forum. Your actions are at odds with your words. You have been responded to by a number of people, story mods, as well as contributing writers.

The reason so many have responded, is your original message was essentially an insult to the mods, who volunteer time out of their busy lives to help writers (I know for a fact all of them are more than willing to go above and beyond to help those who ask for help. Note I didn't say they do the work for you). You also insulted the writers who do put the effort in to hone and improve their craft. Writing requires effort to produce a quality piece. By saying it doesn't matter what you write, you essentially said that those other writers wasted their time. No wonder they became upset. You also insult the readers when you say it doesn't matter. I write because I liked to read first. So I consider myself a reader. Grammar and verb tense do matter. A lot. Nothing is worse then being speed bumped by a poorly written sentence. If I have to try to figure out what you are saying, I can't enjoy myself.

Finally, here is the official forum statement regarding the removal of threads:

That's fine, so long as nobody can see what I initially wrote. And what I meant by my intent was that I didn't purposely write this so I could insult moderators in public, in fact, I don't see how I insulted them and I won't admit to something I didn't do. I did admit that I was a bit harsh, however. And it isn't necessarily volunteering if they enjoy it, so I don't why you're on the defense. And insulting readers? If I insulted my readers what is the point of submitting stories on this site! What audacity you have! You like twisting words, fine. But don't twist mine.
Quote by CliffhangingTom
And it isn't necessarily volunteering if they enjoy it...

Story Verifier
Quote by clum

I was about to scratch my head, but I can do yours if you do mine.
Wild at Heart
Quote by clum


I think he believes volunteering takes some kind of sacrifice. Because they said they enjoy it, I think he perceives it as not being sacrificial.

Like, I wouldn't say I'm volunteering to get a blow job from a supermodel.

But say the only way to save the planet or something crazy would be to get a blowjob from Edward James Olmos...then someone would definitely have to volunteer as tribute in my stead.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Magical_felix

I think he believes volunteering takes some kind of sacrifice. Because they said they enjoy it, I think he perceives it as not being sacrificial.

Like, I wouldn't say I'm volunteering to get a blow job from a supermodel.

But say the only way to save the planet or something crazy would be to get a blowjob from Edward James Olmos...then someone would definitely have to volunteer as tribute in my stead.

Finally, someone with intelligence!
Thanks for the insult.

And fyi they are sacrificing. They are Modding when they could be spending time with loved ones or family. They could be working on their own stories but instead are helping others better their craft.

They enjoy it but to say they aren't sacrificing anything is misinformed & wrong.