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Approval Times

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How long does it take a story to get read by a moderator by off chance? I'm guessing they have to pout through multiple submissions a day, so it can take them awhile. Even so, what's an approximate wait time?
Usually twenty-four hours...maybe. But, being this has been a long holiday weekend, I'm sure the queue is backed up.
I guess I'm just having bad luck. Signed up for ASSTR two weeks ago. Still Pending approval. Tried to publish on sexstories two weeks ago. Still waiting.
Quote by OmnislashXX
How long does it take a story to get read by a moderator by off chance? I'm guessing they have to pout through multiple submissions a day, so it can take them awhile. Even so, what's an approximate wait time?

Gold and Platinum members will usually get approved (or returned, if the story needs more work than we can do) within a matter of hours. Others will vary, as Adagio says, depending on how many are in the queue ahead of them. We try to keep it within 2 to 3 days, at most, but the mods are all volunteers and have lives and jobs, so sometimes there are more moderators available than at other times. The queue is currently at 44 - not terrible, but longer than we like it to get. I'd guess that the 2 to 3 day thing would apply right now for non-Gold members.

One thing you can do is make sure your story is proofed and edited as well as possible so that we can pass it the first time; that speeds things up for you, for us, and for everyone behind you in the queue. Thanks!
You are currently 24th in the story queue.

Might take a day or two. We're quite busy at the moment smile
Quote by stormdog100

Gold and Platinum members will usually get approved (or returned, if the story needs more work than we can do) within a matter of hours. Others will vary, as Adagio says, depending on how many are in the queue ahead of them. We try to keep it within 2 to 3 days, at most, but the mods are all volunteers and have lives and jobs, so sometimes there are more moderators available than at other times. The queue is currently at 44 - not terrible, but longer than we like it to get. I'd guess that the 2 to 3 day thing would apply right now for non-Gold members.

One thing you can do is make sure your story is proofed and edited as well as possible so that we can pass it the first time; that speeds things up for you, for us, and for everyone behind you in the queue. Thanks!

Thanks for the response. Yeah, I realize that the line may be quite busy.

Unfortunately, I went over it (again) and found a few typos I;d like to correct. Unfortunately, I can't edit it though because it's in that limbo stage.
Quote by OmnislashXX

Thanks for the response. Yeah, I realize that the line may be quite busy.

Unfortunately, I went over it (again) and found a few typos I;d like to correct. Unfortunately, I can't edit it though because it's in that limbo stage.

I took the liberty of returning your story for the edits you mention - you can always ask one of us to pull it out of limbo and return it if something comes up, and if you then edit here and re-submit rather than putting it back in as an entirely new submittal it will retain its spot in the queue rather than going to the end of the line.
Yes, I edited it and re-published. Thanks for doing that for me. Hopefully you and the readers will enjoy the first chapter.
I have absolutely NO complaints on the speed of the moderators! Hell I've had stories modded and put up almost faster than I can get out of the way! I think the longest I've had to wait was around 12 hours and that was when the que was backed up!

Nope gotta say the Mods have been right on top of things... and that's after 250 stories!
Quote by Master_Jonathan
I have absolutely NO complaints on the speed of the moderators! Hell I've had stories modded and put up almost faster than I can get out of the way! I think the longest I've had to wait was around 12 hours and that was when the que was backed up!

Nope gotta say the Mods have been right on top of things... and that's after 250 stories!

You've also fronted them a total of 200 bucks for a lifetime Platinum membership. So I'm assuming that you're at the front of the line when it comes to story submissions buddy.
Quote by OmnislashXX

You've also fronted them a total of 200 bucks for a lifetime Platinum membership. So I'm assuming that you're at the front of the line when it comes to story submissions buddy.

yep, he is. plus he writes clean stories that need no extra work on our part. wish we had more like him smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Speaking from the perspective of a freeloader I find the approval time incredibly fast. My last submission was approved in literally minutes (by sprite.) Everything I have ever submitted has been approved quickly, less than a day or two; I got constructive advice, compliments and even some editing. All for free and with a smile. There is tons of free advice all over the site that will make submissions go smoothly; best advice I got:
I've got a gold membership, so I do get some priority, but I'll definitely agree that it seems to be helpful to have accumulated some "reputational equity," so to speak, as someone who submits clean, well-formatted text. I've seen some stories get turned around so fast that it doesn't always seem possible that they could have been read, though I assume they have, or that at least spell-check has been run and formatting looked over.

I've got no complaints.
Lush has one of the best turn-arounds for stories, plus you have a real human (well... except for WSCLG... he's a sex machine) reading your piece. Holiday periods or comps will cause some delay as story comp entries tend to get priority due to the deadline for votes. Gold & platinum members do get priority (which is why you pay a bit more for said privilege) but overall, the team does a hell of a job getting stories out or returned. Re-submissions often get reposted even faster depending on how much editing that is done.

Of course, this is based on my personal experience.
Quote by LYFBUZ
Speaking from the perspective of a freeloader I find the approval time incredibly fast. My last submission was approved in literally minutes (by sprite.) Everything I have ever submitted has been approved quickly, less than a day or two; I got constructive advice, compliments and even some editing. All for free and with a smile. There is tons of free advice all over the site that will make submissions go smoothly; best advice I got:

I've been writing and submitting work here since 2012. In all that time I don't believe any story or poem has taken more than a day, even when I was not a premium member. I always knew I was being well taken care of by the moderators who approved my stuff. Of course, I'm happy to get some extra perks now and go to the head of the queue and get my work shown in minutes or short hours. Occasionally my age will catch up with me and I'll misspell a word, or put a couple of words in the wrong order. When I catch it and resubmit it whichever mod happens to get it will re-approve within minutes usually.
Unfortunately I am the type that requires proofreading, over and over. I guess I just miss stuff.
I have no complaints when it comes to approval times. The mods here do fantastic work for the site and I appreciate all the hard work and effort they put into this place. EDIT, EDIT, EDIT, is the main thing with stories. Make the spell check button your best friend. I am by no means perfect and I still find mistakes in my work but the longer I have been here and the more stories I publish, the better I get at finding them and editing before submission. If there are mistakes or if the story is sent back for whatever reason, the Mods have always been pleasant to deal with, offering their advice, support and constructive feedback.

Generally approval time is around 24 hours, sometimes a little longer depending on how busy things get and the length of the queue, but even while I was a free member, I was never waiting more than a day or two for my work to be published. As a new bronze member I by no means take precedence in the queue, but the stories are always approved usually within the specified time frames on the FAQ page of Lush.
Quote by OmnislashXX
Unfortunately I am the type that requires proofreading, over and over. I guess I just miss stuff.

I do too. I think there's at least one error in every one of my posted stories that I completely missed. Spelling. Repeated word. Homonym errors (It drives me crazy that I make those ).

A second pair of eyes on a story can really help.

I think the approval time on Lush is pretty awesome. I'm a gold member, but even before I was, I don't think I ever waited more than a day and a half. And that with a few edits, so you know someone was closely reading.
Quote by Burquette

I do too. I think there's at least one error in every one of my posted stories that I completely missed. Spelling. Repeated word. Homonym errors (It drives me crazy that I make those ).

A second pair of eyes on a story can really help.

I think writers read what they think they've written, not what's actually there. I know I do. A second pair of eyes is VERY useful. Also, if you spot a typo in a published story it's easy to correct it. Make the required changes using the Lush editor (go into My Stories and click the edit feature next to your story) then the moderating team see the changes highlighted and re-verification is really quick.
Quote by Saucymh

I think writers read what they think they've written, not what's actually there. I know I do. A second pair of eyes is VERY useful. Also, if you spot a typo in a published story it's easy to correct it. Make the required changes using the Lush editor (go into My Stories and click the edit feature next to your story) then the moderating team see the changes highlighted and re-verification is really quick.

Thank you!

Maybe I'll go back and clean up old stories.
My story has been rejected a few times already due to grammatical punctuation and typos. I'm willing to go over it again and again to eliminate those typos in the Lush Editor once I or someone spots anymore of them, but I would really just like my story published, regardless. Yes I am using the (Free version) of the Grammarly app as suggested. I have been changing anything I do find during each subsequent rejection, but for now I'm really just looking for feedback to the actual content.
Sorry to ask, but could someone let me know what's up? I re-submitted it again before the weekend and have so far been in verification mode.
Quote by OmnislashXX
Sorry to ask, but could someone let me know what's up? I re-submitted it again before the weekend and have so far been in verification mode.

Lush quiets down during the weekend, at least for those of us who are mods. my wife works weeks, and i've been busy as well, doing volunteer work, working out, and trying to recover from a recent illness. we spent time together and with friends. that didn't leave a lot of time to mod - this, after modding somewhere between 200-300 stories during the month of August. so yeah, it's still there. mods need breaks too, you know - if you have questions, btw, you can always PM one of the senior mods, such as myself, and we'll be happy to answer your questions. thanks! smile


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Apologies for the impatience on my end.
Quote by OmnislashXX
Unfortunately I am the type that requires proofreading, over and over. I guess I just miss stuff.

you & me both...I'm dyslectic (& what I see is NOT always what I I need & APPRECIATE all the help I get...once the error is pointed out I can see it...but as I said...a lot of time I can't see it...this is a burden I've had to bear my whole life...even in my reading...not just my writing...dyslexia wasn't understood when I was a child so it caused me considerable problems in school...
I'm new. I submitted a couple of stories 3 days go. Have heard nothing. Perhaps I did something wrong.
Quote by Tsar7
I'm new. I submitted a couple of stories 3 days go. Have heard nothing. Perhaps I did something wrong.

No, I think they have a lot of stories to go through right now. I know my first one (I'm pretty new too) sat for a few days until one of the moderators jumped in and did it for me, but then someone kindly gave me a Gold membership, which moves your stories to the top of the line along with a bunch of other cool stuff. I highly recommend it and will be renewing mine if I'm still writing when a year is up.

I'd guess 4 or 5 days is not unusual right now otherwise - also, I know they only want us to submit one at a time because of the backlog.

Please take a peek at my stories! Here's a small variety pack:

To Soar With Eagles | Lush Stories An emotional story of love and loss that may touch your heart. Sexy... yes, of course, but uplifting as well! And a Recommended Read!

I Like Big Cocks and I Cannot Lie: Part 1 of 2 | Lush Stories A 2-part story of my bisexual husband and I engaging with a very well-endowed friend!

The Gift That Keeps On Giving | Lush Stories My thoughtful husband gifts me an erotic beach massage session with a large and talented Jamaican masseur... and oh my!

Quote by Tsar7
I'm new. I submitted a couple of stories 3 days go. Have heard nothing. Perhaps I did something wrong.

You can check on your My Stories

The 'test' story is saved as a draft - Published = No
Give You All My Rubber Love - has been submitted and is awaiting verification - Published = Not Verified
Don't Need To Camp To Pitch A Tent - has been verified - Published = Yes

As a non-Gold member you can expect to wait up to around a week. Take into consideration that what is happening both in Lush and around the world.
1st Mods are volunteers so Nicola can only whip them so much and for some that's just an incentive to do less.
2nd Gold and Platinum members will jump the queue.
Competitions getting near to closing - there is a priority put on entries.
Weekend - some mods will want to spend time with loved ones, then some may want the excuse to get away from them..
But this weekend you have Memorial Day in the US and Spring Bank Holiday in the UK so people could well be taking advantage of the long weekend.
Another thing is the category you submit to. Mods are not forced to verify stories they are not comfortable with (I would guess BDSM, and Watersports are 3 of the most sensitive categories). On the flip side some categories can fly through - Poems and Micros I've found are the fastest, I think Sprite got one of my poems up in minutes...
All that said, even as a free member, I think it was 7 days for one to be verified but I had others done in a few hours.

This part may be wrong, but I've seen stories go through 3 steps and you can see some progression with the Views, again on My Stories
1) Submitted - 2 views (if you open it again you will add to the views)
2) Something happens - an initial check? or moved to the queue? - 4 views (or 2 more to what you have added)
3) Mod starts on it - this could mean verified, rejected or sent to the mod forum for a 2nd opinion on something (a hint that it's there is a bunch more views, I think one of mine had over 20 views when it was approved).

It would not do any harm if you see no movement in your story by Tuesday (taking the holiday into account), to drop a mod a polite note asking if they can just check if it's queued up okay.

Kite's Kinky Tales

My latest offering -

Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty

My 2 previous submissions:

Both Love Poems


As The New Year Dawns

Please read and enjoy. If you really enjoyed a story someone has written; how about clicking on 'Like' and/or 'Favorite'.
Why not leave a comment too?

Quote by Tsar7
I'm new. I submitted a couple of stories 3 days go. Have heard nothing. Perhaps I did something wrong.

You've not done anything wrong - I can see your story in the queue.

Thanks for the great post above from kiteares.