Hi All – I’m relatively new to Lush and realised I haven't had a chance to get to know other writers well owing to shortage of time to join Chat Rooms etc. Thought a short Q&A with new and seasoned authors might help people acquaint themselves. Or maybe not... But here goes if anyone is feeling game to kick this off and answer the below 7 questions?
1. Who are you (e.g. pen name, how you make a living etc)?
2. If you could host a dinner party for any five people (dead or alive), who would they be?
3. Riskiest place you’ve done it?
4. Best writing tip you’ve ever received?
5. Which famous author does your writing most resemble?
6. Favourite story (and author) on Lush?
7. Any advice for new members of Lush?
1. Who are you/what you do? Laura. Teacher.
2. If you could host a dinner party for any five people dead or alive, who would they be? Hmmmmm. Dining with some of Henry VIII's wives could be very interesting.
3. Riskiest place you've done it? Balcony
4. Best writing tip you've ever received? Writing is something that cannot be forced. If you're not feeling it, then you're not feeling it. Go away and do something else, and then come back to it.
5. Which famous author does your writing most resemble? Ha, no one. Because they're actually good.
6. Favourite story/author on Lush? The first ever story I added to my favourites was by Stormdog and it was [url=Big Dick's Trucking Service, Inc]https://www.lushstories.com/stories/hardcore/big-dicks-trucking-service-inc.aspx[/url] Favourite authors? Depends on the writing style and technique and what you're after, really. I have lots of favourites.
7. Any advice for new members on Lush? Everyone gets a story returned at some stage. I did, as well as nearly all other mods. It happens. Don't take it personally. Ask questions, say hi, and make friends, we're all friendly here and willing to help.
1. Who are you (e.g. pen name, how you make a living etc)?
Liz. Web and Graphic Designer.
2. If you could host a dinner party for any five people (dead or alive), who would they be?
Martin Luther King Jr.
Jimi Hendrix
Oscar Wilde
Jesus Christ
My grandad
3. Riskiest place you’ve done it?
A poolside cabana of a hotel in Miami.
4. Best writing tip you’ve ever received?
Nothing makes a reader lose interest in a story faster than rubbish dialogue. Make it believable. The more authentic, the easier it will be for readers to become invested in the characters.
5. Which famous author does your writing most resemble?
I dunno. Most of my stories have an element of humour so someone funny?
6. Favourite story (and author) on Lush?
Not sure I have a specific story I'd say was my favourite. As for authors, Dancing_Doll and Frank_Lee are spectacularly good writers.
7. Any advice for new members of Lush?
Have fun! If you're not having fun, what's the point?
1. Who are you (e.g. pen name, how you make a living etc)?
Meagan but normally go by Meg. Married, new first-time mom with a 4-month daughter. Mathematics/physics double major and then law school. Specialize in contract law.
2. If you could host a dinner party for any five people (dead or alive), who would they be?
Interesting question since in real life I'm an introvert, not an extrovert. I prefer a few close friends who aren't seeking national or global fame. Some of them (at least two) would be from Lush. I'll keep their names to myself for their privacy and to avoid entanglements with those who might get their noses out of place. (Yep, there are some here in Lush like that! I know, hard to believe.)
The other three
Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Neils Bohr. Hey, I find Relativity and Quantum Theories fascinating and interesting.
3. Riskiest place you’ve done it?
My bedroom when I was in high school. Normally, that wouldn't be risky, but parents were home downstairs and they didn't approve of my boyfriend or any boyfriend actually. (You've got to love that Southern Baptist mentality/hospitality) Actually, my first fucking was on that same bed by the same boyfriend a few months earlier although the parents were gone on the family vacation. The first time I got to stay home (mom wasn't happy) but the job couldn't spare me at the time. In both instances, scared to death about getting pregnant (hey, condoms aren't 100% foolproof - my biggest fear until college and Depo Provera solved that issue), scared to death about getting caught, especially in the act. (Dad would have killed him!)
4. Best writing tip you’ve ever received?
Write for yourself and do the best you can do. You can't control how it is received by others and you'll never please everyone. If you're happy with your story, that's what counts.
5. Which famous author does your writing most resemble?
I have to say my knowledge of the classics is deficient. I've always been the nerd girl (at least outwardly) more interested in science, mathematics, etc. than in fiction. Although I joined Lush to write, I have found it to be much more difficult than I anticipated, and, as a result, my output has been sporadic. I have some written some stories which I think are really, really good and others that are pure crap. I have found my better stories are based on either real-life events and experiences, whether first-hand or second-hand. In addition, I have learned the hard way that writing is a skill learned by trial and error. Right now, I'd say I've had a lot of errors. I also have trouble finding time to sit down, think and write - my job typically required in the past 60-80 hours/week, now down to 40-60 hours, although technically part-time since the birth of my daughter. My writing tends to be factual, linear rather than philosophical or emotional.
6. Favourite story (and author) on Lush?
There are some fantastic writings here in Lush. I'm in awe of them. I admit, I'm envious of writers who write stories that touch me emotionally and those writers who seeming can churn out story-after-story, day-after-day. Jealousy and envy are cardinal sins, but there are a number of writers here in Lush that evoke those emotions in me. If you're looking for stories to read, start with the winners, runners-up, and the rest of the top 10 of the story competitions.
7. Any advice for new members of Lush?
Want to be known, get known, and involved. Complete your profile; pick an avatar that represents who you in some way. If you're a budding author, don't let rejections - either by the moderators or by other authors or readers become festering sores of resentments. The moderators have a job to do (volunteers, all of them) and you can't control how other people's actions - only your reactions to them.
1. Who are you (e.g. pen name, how you make a living etc)?
visioneer -- I make my living deceiving my employer into believing that I am productive and know what I am doing.
2. If you could host a dinner party for any five people (dead or alive), who would they be?
William Herschel
Raymond Chandler
Emmanuelle Beart
Margaretha Zelle (Mata Hari)
a girl from high school I regret never asking on a date
3. Riskiest place you’ve done it?
In the car in her parent’s driveway. Her foot hit the horn during a climactic moment.
4. Best writing tip you’ve ever received?
Humans experience the world with multiple senses, and more than the basic five of sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell. Use them all.
5. Which famous author does your writing most resemble?
I don’t try to emulate a particular author. I see how they do things, how they solve certain problems, and steal their tricks. Never considered which author my writing resembles, but whomever it is was likely involuntarily institutionalized.
6. Favourite story (and author) on Lush?
Not naming names. As for a favorite story, I’ve read too many awesome ones to pick a favorite.
7. Any advice for new members of Lush?
Lush is a community. Participate to whatever degree makes you comfortable (or pleasantly uncomfortable), but remember to read a story or poem now and then and let the author know what you think.
1. Who are you (e.g. pen name, how you make a living etc)? Jack Freeman play music and teach English - sometimes simultaneously.
2. If you could host a dinner party for any five people (dead or alive), who would they be? P.G Wodehouse: Stephen Fry: Walter Matthau: Rosetta Tharpe: Ingrid Bergman.
3. Riskiest place you’ve done it? On a traffic roundabout.
4. Best writing tip you’ve ever received? From my college professor, ''If you are very happy and confident that you've written something well. Think again. ''
5. Which famous author does your writing most resemble? My erotic stuff is not consciously copying anybody but when I self analyzed my satirical stuff I realized I had been subconsciously influenced by P.G. Wodehouse.
6. Favourite story (and author) on Lush? Angleika by Harbour.
7. Any advice for new members of Lush? Be aware that there may be cultural differences between those who monitor your stories and yourself.
Sitting at the edge of darkness
1. Who are you (e.g. pen name, how you make a living etc)? Blue, doing something I swore I would never be doing, I work in the medical field.
2. If you could host a dinner party for any five people (dead or alive), who would they be? I am not very good at entertaining, it stresses me out something terrible, until it actually happens. Not sure I could narrow it down to 5. A lot would have to do with my mood. However, having recently gone through some things at my mom's, she most likely has alzheimer's, I would love to have dinner with my 2 great grandfathers and great grandmother (I have memories of all 3) and perhaps meet my other great grandmother and my grandfather that I never met.
3. Riskiest place you’ve done it? Living room of my future mother in law. She came downstairs as we were in the middle, she never saw us on the floor. I would have been mortified!
4. Best writing tip you’ve ever received? Write!
5. Which famous author does your writing most resemble? ME! oh wait, I am not famous. Hell I don't know. I just write what comes into my head, tweak it a bit and then some more.
6. Favourite story (and author) on Lush? I have a few and I am sure there are more I have yet to discover. One that especially touched me was The Date by Kiteares and he has become one of my favorites.
7. Any advice for new members of Lush? Read, comment, send a message to an author if you are touched by a story. Learn to block the jerks in the chat rooms. Have fun!
1. Cethpada – These days I am a financial controller.
2. Winston Churchill (for his knowledge of history), J R R Tolkien (always been a fan of his work), Terry Pratchett, Jessica Ennis-Hill (admired he athletic talent from the moment she started), Cindy Crawford (I had a crush on her in my youth).
3. At the side of a swimming pool.
4. Write because you want to, if it is not fun don’t do it.
5. Couldn’t say, don’t think I write in any style.
6. There have been so many that I have enjoyed but in the early days of being on Lush really enjoyed reading stories by Buz.
7. Don’t think I am good enough to offer advice other than perhaps don’t take things to heart.
1. Who are you (e.g. pen name, how you make a living etc)?
LakeShoreLimited (it's a train that used to be run by the New York Central and now Amtrak). Retired now, but I worked in publishing (print production) starting way before the Internet started to make that obsolete. Studied city planning, but I now I don't believe they do much that is useful.
2. If you could host a dinner party for any five people (dead or alive), who would they be?
Do I have to come up with a list of famous people just so I can show off? This reminds me of what dating profiles used to be like before Bumble and Tinder. (Not that I use those now.)
3. Riskiest place you’ve done it?
I'm not a big risk-taker on that. Ah, Van Cortlandt Park in The Bronx? It was nighttime so I don't know if that counts.
4. Best writing tip you’ve ever received?
Read other works, of whatever quality. William Faulkner said that, among others. (Hey, I did make a famous person reference.)
5. Which famous author does your writing most resemble?
Somebody said Hubert Selby Jr. because many of my stories are set in the outer boroughs of New York. I don't agree; I can't get into his extremely dark mindset.
6. Favourite story (and author) on Lush?
I admit I haven't read many other people here yet.
7. Any advice for new members of Lush?
Consider being on other sites too so you can get the perspective of other audiences.
Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
1. Who are you (e.g. pen name, how you make a living etc)? Michelle or Skald to those who wish to use it
2. If you could host a dinner party for any five people (dead or alive), who would they be?
My Maternal Grandfather, who always told me I could be anything the boys did, and that girls could be engineers too
Terry Pratchett , for the Wyrd Sisters, and for the Tiffany Aching tales (if only I'd been the age she was when I first found them it would have made being a young witch a little easier)
My Highschool history teacher, who taught me about the Craft and gave me her Path to find the Goddess. May we meet in the Summerlands as peers to share our adventures.
My First Mistress, who showed me that Surrender can take more strength then others can imagine, and that Devotion can move mountains if given to the right person.
Brother Olaf of the Lodge of Storms, the first Skald I ever met, Sworn Priest of Thor, who despite knocking me out in ritual combat on the first day we met, taught me that to be a Skald is to keep anothers secrets, and go to places others fear to go, so when they get lost they know the Skald has been there and can guide them to safety.
3. Riskiest place you’ve done it? In the staff galley on a Boeing 747, so I could get an upgrade from economy because some bratty kid kept kicking the back of my chair when I was trying to work. Being willing to go down on a fat middle aged German woman was well worth the reward of a nice business class seat. I even got a smile, and a glass of fizz for a job well done. Danke Shon Mein Liebling, never sounded so good.
4. Best writing tip you’ve ever received? Write fast, edit slow. Thank you James
5. Which famous author does your writing most resemble? If I knew that wouldn't I be trying to be someone else.
6. Favourite story (and author) on Lush? kistinspencil seems to be strangely connected to the depths of my memory, or things I'd like to have had in there.
7. Any advice for new members of Lush?
It's tough to be a writer, especially when you're submitting your first story here. Don't be tempted to stay in your shell, reach out and share your journey with others who write the way you'd like to. In my case they helped me get my first tale completed, and urge me on when I get stuck in a story.
No-one understands a writers heart or their mind, like another writer. Connect, it really does make all the difference.
Oh and if you've never written erotica before, read stuff from other categories and see which one inspires your inner muse.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.
I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work
1. Who are you (e.g. pen name, how you make a living etc)? Grace. i was a part-time plumber until I lost my left leg. i have been a published writer most of my adult life.
2. If you could host a dinner party for any five people (dead or alive), who would they be? mark twain, ronnie barker, Philip k dick, ruth bader ginsburg and marilyn monroe
3. Riskiest place you’ve done it? in a park in Winnipeg, several times during the day.
4. Best writing tip you’ve ever received? write
5. Which famous author does your writing most resemble? i like to think ronnie barker's humour.
6. Favourite story (and author) on Lush? pass
7. Any advice for new members of Lush? be yourself or be who you really want to be.
1. Who are you (e.g. pen name, how you make a living etc)?
My name is Reese and I am currently the Chief of Staff for two Division President’s of a large company in California.
2. If you could host a dinner party for any five people (dead or alive), who would they be?
Sprite, Grace, Beffer, Heidi, and Ashley Redux.......let’s chat in person for a change.
3. Riskiest place you’ve done it?
A few options here, but let’s go with the backseat of a taxi, in New York City.
4. Best writing tip you’ve ever received?
Write what pleases me......
5. Which famous author does your writing most resemble?
I don’t try to emulate any particular author......I want to be unique.
6. Favourite story (and author) on Lush?
To pick a favorite story or author would only risk alienating someone else that I really enjoy as well. Truth be told, I don’t read that many stories on Lush as the stories are not why I joined Lush.
7. Any advice for new members of Lush?
Understand your own expectations of Lush and know that some will like you, some won’t like you, and some won’t give a damn whether you are on Lush or not.