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When you rate a story, is it subject matter, literary quality or both?

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For me, I have already chosen to read it based on the genre and description so it is totally the quality of writing.
For the most part, it's literary quality but I also give credit to the author for writing a story within one of my preferred genres.

"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.”
― Carl Sagan
Quality, for sure. This involves character and plot arcs, well crafted settings, tones, pacing, and for sure, sex. I'm not fully opposed to reading any genre, though.
I'll read anything as long as its well written.
Quality over quantity.
Quote by cumbichance
For me, I have already chosen to read it based on the genre and description so it is totally the quality of writing.

I'm much the same I think except I've never been so interested in the stories here.
I've always been about chatting with friends und cybersex even when I first joined Lush in 2014.
But on the occasion when I do prefer just me time?
I've already chosen a genre und a teaser I wish to rub one out,
so the rating I give the story-line ist specifically related to my orgasm.
I don't mind giving 5s...smiles
. . .♀♌TT☩✯⁂⊕⧋▽⧊ )◯( ψΨ∅ǯǮǯ∞✾❈❁✤. . .
I enjoy reading poetry.
I become quickly bored when I feel the author is purposely using expensive words or use rhymes that don't make sense..
It's the beat of the words and ability to convey the heart or message that counts. It begins with the title…….. Carolyn.
Conent/story is important of course but I also want something that is easy to read. I tend not to finish stories that are a string of separate sentences. I like whole paragraphs that develop the tory and characters.
Content isn't really an issue, because I used the keywords and category to determine whether its something that interests me from the beginning. That only comes into play when a story isn't tagged accurately, providing an unwelcome surprise.

It's not necessarily technical quality that matters to me. The dialogue feeling natural, the narrative flowing smoothly, and the sex being appropriate to the genre is what will encourage me to vote. Commenting comes from something such as characters really standing out, something amusing, a well-painted setting, etc.
I don't think in those terms. It's more a string of questions. Does the story engage me? Do the characters appeal to me? Does the prose flow without too many problems to distract me? If I keep getting yeses, the story gets a score and a comment.
Quote by seeker4
I don't think in those terms. It's more a string of questions. Does the story engage me? Do the characters appeal to me? Does the prose flow without too many problems to distract me? If I keep getting yeses, the story gets a score and a comment.

I agree. While grammar and quality of the prose adds to my enjoyment, it’s a matter of the story speaking to me that will garner my vote and comment
Okay, for me, I've already chosen the story based on what I gleaned from the genre, title, and keywords. After that, it's all about the story. If it doesn't keep my attention I will bail and not finish it (rarely happens though). It needs to stay close to the genre it was written under. Such as I hate going to read an anal story and it is added almost as an afterthought. That sucks when you publish a story that doesn't match genre.

The other thing is and I really don't hold it against the writer in scoring a story is mistakes in the story because we all make them. If it is horrific, probably means I didn't finish the story anyhow.

The final thing is being forced to comment in order to score a story. I hate that with a passion. What is even more aggravating is somebody that forces you to comment to vote on a story and then doesn't even take the time to acknowledge your comment. I feel if you take the time to comment, then the author should take the time to say at least Thank You.

So there are my 2 pennies to rub together.
Quote by Road_Runner
Okay, for me, I've already chosen the story based on what I gleaned from the genre, title, and keywords. After that, it's all about the story. If it doesn't keep my attention I will bail and not finish it (rarely happens though). It needs to stay close to the genre it was written under. Such as I hate going to read an anal story and it is added almost as an afterthought. That sucks when you publish a story that doesn't match genre.

The other thing is and I really don't hold it against the writer in scoring a story is mistakes in the story because we all make them. If it is horrific, probably means I didn't finish the story anyhow.

The final thing is being forced to comment in order to score a story. I hate that with a passion. What is even more aggravating is somebody that forces you to comment to vote on a story and then doesn't even take the time to acknowledge your comment. I feel if you take the time to comment, then the author should take the time to say at least Thank You.

So there are my 2 pennies to rub together.

You bring up an excellent point I never thought of before. Force you to comment and not respond.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
Herbert Spencer
I think about literary quality more so now that I am writing. Typos and grammar errors can ruin a story for me. If it grabs me and sucks me in, making me involved in the story and not just reading a play-by-play of fucking then I give a score and comment. I would love feedback from anyone who takes the time to read one of my stories.
On the whole, I don't care about a complex plot, developed characters or flowery prose. I want to be aroused.
If I get bored, I quit the story. If I get to the end I give a five.
There are certain categories that I'll read just about anything in, or at least start reading. And there are categories I just have no interest in and never read stories from those. But as far as rating a story or poem it's all about quality. I want it to be erotic. I want it to be well written. I want it to have a beginning and end, in other words, I want to know why things happened not just that they happened. And I want it to hold my interest. I've started reading a lot of stories and stop before I finish because they aren't interesting, IMHO, or are poorly written.

I'm also confused by how stories I write usually require me to do some rewriting by the editors before they get published. But I've read stories that have spelling errors or are so poorly structured grammatically that I have no idea how an editor let them be published.
Quote by sdsioux

You bring up an excellent point I never thought of before. Force you to comment and not respond.

I think it is in very poor taste that a writer never responds to comments on their stories. If they care so little of what people thought of their story, why publish it in the first place?
A story has to draw me in from the outset and not let go. I love immersive experiences that drag me into the world created by the author.

Quality of content, plot, character arc, setting, heat, effortless writing style and mostly free of grammatical and spelling errors are important attributes to me as a reader. I seek to give that back in my storytelling, and will always respond to considered comments on my work, because they are more valuable to me than raw numbers.

Quote by Road_Runner
So there are my 2 pennies to rub together.

I read that as 2 penises to rub together. smh, this place corrupts one's mind...

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 112 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

I seldom come here to read stories since I've been back,
but when I do occasionally prefer a more alone play rather than cybersexing it up,
I'm definitely not playing critic, und I've already chosen a genre I like.

My rating ist directly proportional to quick entrancement und euphoric bliss of urgent orgasm...
regardless how I got there...
. . .♀♌TT☩✯⁂⊕⧋▽⧊ )◯( ψΨ∅ǯǮǯ∞✾❈❁✤. . .
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
A story has to draw me in from the outset and not let go. I love immersive experiences that drag me into the world created by the author.

Quality of content, plot, character arc, setting, heat, effortless writing style and mostly free of grammatical and spelling errors are important attributes to me as a reader. I seek to give that back in my storytelling, and will always respond to considered comments on my work, because they are more valuable to me than raw numbers.

I read that as 2 penises to rub together. smh, this place corrupts one's mind...

I enjoy non-formulaic, original content, made more manifest with painstakingly perfect form. I don't think the two can be separated. When that fusion of matter and form (to use an old description) event, they can deliver a potent impression. But when both are superlative, they can transcend by "leaping off the page, and embedding themselves into the memory. That is what I hope will happen when I begin reading a piece. The famous stories I have read here, have something about them that stays with me. I believe only those who have such "talent" to deliver that now and then in their work can know the humility and very, very hard work and practice it took to deliver work like that!! I applaud them as best I can as a token of thanks for such beautiful gifts. Great work humbles me.
I need to believe the story. I need to recognise well crafted characters and understand a little bit about them. I avoid catagories I'm not touching, like . There are certain writers I will always read. An element of chivalry or gentlemanly conduct is appreciated (I'm British) Above all I like the company I am keeping on this site.
I score based on literary quality, because I wouldn't be reading a story where the subject matter (genre, tags, opening lines) didn't appeal to me -- who would?

I like stories that flow well, don't have any confusing parts, and have arousing sex scenes.

Grammatical, spelling, and careless formatting errors distract greatly from my enjoyment of a story. If there are more than a very few of those, I won't score a "5".
Quote by Road_Runner

I think it is in very poor taste that a writer never responds to comments on their stories. If they care so little about what people thought of their story, why publish it in the first place?

That just happened to me again where I had to comment to give a rating and then the writer never bothered to respond to me. Very tasteless.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
Herbert Spencer
Quote by sdsioux

That just happened to me again where I had to comment to give a rating and then the writer never bothered to respond to me. Very tasteless.

Generally, unless it's a friend or an amazing story if I'm required to comment to rate it, I won't bother. It seems more and more writers both new and established writers no longer to reply to comments.
Quote by Road_Runner

Generally, unless it's a friend or an amazing story if I'm required to comment to rate it, I won't bother. It seems more and more writers both new and established writers no longer to reply to comments.

Tell me which user's are these so I can go read their stories and give them an honest rating/comment.
Quote by cumbichance
For me, I have already chosen to read it based on the genre and description so it is totally the quality of writing.

Story first, then the writing. If those two are good, then it doesn't matter about the subject.
I like anything that sticks in my mind. It could be a clever plot twist, some great dialogue, a comic scene - anything that makes the story stand out from the crowd.
Quote by darkroot50

I'm also confused by how stories I write usually require me to do some rewriting by the editors before they get published. But I've read stories that have spelling errors or are so poorly structured grammatically that I have no idea how an editor let them be published.

That could be the "Yes, but you can do better" syndrome. Like when you were a kid in school and the teacher wouldn't let you skate by with less than your best effort while others got to take shortcuts, it could be that the moderator recognized that your story was solid, well-written, and had great potential, but certain errors would distract from the effort if not fixed. On another story - one of those plotless, shallow, here a fuck, there a fuck, everywhere a fuckfuck type of stories- a few mistakes don't distract as much because the typical reader's eyes are bouncing around or rolling back in their head while they jerk off anyway.

Don't get me wrong - those have a place because some readers are just looking for quick all-sex stories, and even on those we won't let them get too sloppy or careless - but if you've worked on creating characters, plot, a story arc, scene-setting, etc, why mess it up with a handful of careless, unnecessary errors? Just a thought...

For me, I definitely tend to gravitate to certain categories and story types, and to some extent, certain authors. Still, as moderators we read everything under the sun while we work on verifying stories, and I'm often surprised at how much I've enjoyed a story in a category I'd normally never read. The quality and care and thought and effort given to the story by the author make a world of difference for me.