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Story Font - Verdana / Georgia / Other?

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Which font do you prefer to read stories in?

We're playing with a few design changes, and one suggestion I like, is to change or offer the option, for the story font to be Georgia (Kindle default).

Here's a few (poor!) mockups I've done showing the 2:



The header, tags etc would all be changed too (I only changed the story text) in the second one.

Which do you prefer?

Poll attached.

I don't know how complicated it would be programmatically to offer the option to people to choose either, or another font of their choice, but I'm pretty sure it's easily doable.

If there are more people liking the suggested change, it's an easy fix.
*really wanted to vote wingdings, but restrained myself as I rather like the Geogia font
I guess I should have mocked up a wingdings version too, to be fair!
Verdana. I don't know why, but I am not overly fond of serif fonts.
Verdana... Because it is the font I even write my stories with. smile Best font, if you ask me.
Comic Sans!!

On a more serious note, I prefer the Verdana.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by nicola
We're playing with a few design changes, and one suggestion I like, is to change or offer the option, for the story font to be Georgia (Kindle default).

Please don't take away the possibility to read in a sans-serif font. Serifs can be pure hell if you have bad eyesight. Amazon taking away the option to switch to a sans-serif font on most Kindle models was incredibly annoying to me. I have to zoom to almost twice the font size to be able to read with the same speed (some of the serif letters just seem like they get glued together otherwise) but that also means lots of wasted space between lines and only a few lines per page. Kills the fun in reading.
I've believe that sans-serif fonts are in most cases the best choice for reading electronic copy. However, choices are good, and I can imagine stories of a style or tone that might be more "at home" in a serif font.

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Verdana. Yes, the serif fonts are pretty, and actually, I like the Georgia for that particular story...but as someone else mentioned, when reading electronic copy, or when reading electronic copy and being horribly nearsighted (as I am without my contacts), the sans-serif fonts are the only way the words can be distinguished as, you know, words and not blurs.
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Out of what you've displayed I prefer Verdana, but my own choice when writing is Trebuchet MS
I think Verdana is a font much better suited to the computer screen. Georgia is a good font for printing on paper. Georgia is a wide font with serifs and takes up more space as the width and serif has to be adjusted for. So 9 pt. Georgia looks smaller than 9 pt. Verdana
I type in Wingdings, and it always causes issues when I try to post stories. It would be nice if people could see my stories as I originally conceived them.
Verdana is much cleaner looking to me.
People still trotting out the "serif fonts are easier to read on screen" bollocks - been said so much people still believe it in an age of retina screens. Show me some reputable studies to prove this.

That "easier to read" line might have had some validity in the nineties when people were getting used to their 16 colour VGA screens. The truth is, nowadays people are just so used to consuming information in Verdana or Arial anything else can look uncomfortably unfamiliar.

In the nineties, websites were in Times New Roman* - a font that suffered with being used with all horrors of 1990s web design - everyone learnt to hate it and in the end all the other serif fonts suffered because of it. It was replaced largely by Arial and then by the mid-2000s everyone noticed that the BBC and other popular news sites used Verdana - then everyone used it. If you want to make your site look a bit "2006" the best place to start is to use Verdana.
(*even Jakob Neilsen's

Serifs are not some arcane throwback to an age of moveable type; they actually keep your eye moving. Some have used studies to argue that serif font actually put less strain on eyes - though I'm inclined to agree with the number of studies that show absolutely no difference in the readability of serif and non-serif fonts.

The choice is purely a matter of style. Georgia seems to have a good look and feel for fiction, which is probably why amazon chose it.

One last point, if you can't read it properly just forget your vanity and put your bloody reading glasses on.
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Quote by overmykneenow
People still trotting out the "serif fonts are easier to read on screen" bollocks - been said so much people still believe it in an age of retina screens. Show me some reputable studies to prove this.

That "easier to read" line might have had some validity in the nineties when people were getting used to their 16 colour VGA screens. The truth is, nowadays people are just so used to consuming information in Verdana or Arial anything else can look uncomfortably unfamiliar.

In the nineties, websites were in Times New Roman* - a font that suffered with being used with all horrors of 1990s web design - everyone learnt to hate it and in the end all the other serif fonts suffered because of it. It was replaced largely by Arial and then by the mid-2000s everyone noticed that the BBC and other popular news sites used Verdana - then everyone used it. If you want to make your site look a bit "2006" the best place to start is to use Verdana.
(*even Jakob Neilsen's

Serifs are not some arcane throwback to an age of moveable type; they actually keep your eye moving. Some have used studies to argue that serif font actually put less strain on eyes - though I'm inclined to agree with the number of studies that show absolutely no difference in the readability of serif and non-serif fonts.

The choice is purely a matter of style. Georgia seems to have a good look and feel for fiction, which is probably why amazon chose it.

One last point, if you can't read it properly just forget your vanity and put your bloody reading glasses on.

All of that being said, which font do you prefer?

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by clum
I type in Wingdings, and it always causes issues when I try to post stories. It would be nice if people could see my stories as I originally conceived them.

No one's interested in your plot to take over the world 'One equation at a time,' Callum.

Just let it go.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by Dani
No one's interested in your plot to take over the world 'One equation at a time,' Callum.

Just let it go.

You'll see. You'll all see!
I prefer the Verdana font, because it is easier to read for me on a smartphone screen. Where are the studies? I don't have any, but it is my experience and so non needed. The reason for that actually is that he words are further apart and I can read with more ease.
Quote by overmykneenow

One last point, if you can't read it properly just forget your vanity and put your bloody reading glasses on.

I do have my reading glasses on. In fact, they never come off because I am also nearsighted so wear progressives. Guess what? I still prefer sans-serif on screen. Serifs look nice but do nothing for readability, at least for me. They may not make it worse, but I can't see that they improve it at all and being a rather pragmatic sort, I tend towards the simplest solution that words - in this case, san-serif.
It's like an eye test .... #1 or #2 .... #2 or #1 .... or both .... meh.

I pick ....
.... #1.

It's basic, plain and simple, and best of an eye ease read when reading .... yes, my eyes are fine.
Quote by overmykneenow
Serifs are not some arcane throwback to an age of moveable type; they actually keep your eye moving. Some have used studies to argue that serif font actually put less strain on eyes - though I'm inclined to agree with the number of studies that show absolutely no difference in the readability of serif and non-serif fonts.

The choice is purely a matter of style. Georgia seems to have a good look and feel for fiction, which is probably why amazon chose it.

One last point, if you can't read it properly just forget your vanity and put your bloody reading glasses on.

It's funny that all the studies are done with perfectly (or almost so) healthy people. When you've got an eye issue that isn't fixed by putting on glasses and surgery has a two to one chance of making it even worse (assuming you find a neurosurgeon who dares to touch your optic nerve at all) you quickly learn to appreciate clear fonts.

Accusing others of vanity can make you sound rather vain yourself.
Quote by charlessmythe
...I kinda like 'Comic Sans MS'...

Your kind ain't welcome round these here parts. smile

Quote by Liz

Your kind ain't welcome round these here parts. smile

...I'm sure I don't understand...what do you have against 'Comic Sans MS'?...
Just a quick note. Of the two the Verdana is preferable. I like non-serif styles now. In fact, the font we are using right here in this forum is fine with me, also.
Oh well, I guess I'm the only one who loves Georgia. The font is nice too.

I'd love it to be an option.
If it's not broke, don't fix it. Why is a change needed? Is someone actually complaining?
Hey, y'all. This is an older thread that has been revived for no good reason (because Comic Sans is the devil). The change was implemented nearly two years ago.

Just fyi.