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Readers: Do sex scenes have to be explicit?

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Active Ink Slinger
Now that I've written a few stories here on Lush, I have a few questions to pose which I'm curious. Do readers prefer stories in which the action is explicitly written? I've written a couple of stories with a lot of implied buildup, but I'm not able to determine from the comments I've received, if people truly enjoy this style over another. Although I'm attempting to write a cross section of stories, which I enjoy doing, I'm just wondering what I might be able to do to increase the reception.

Also, I really enjoy using cliffhangers. For me, it allows me as a reader to add my own thoughts as to what happened next. Is this a turn off for readers? I've only received one comment that led me to believe this might be the case, so I'm asking.

Comments and suggestions of my stories are always welcome.
Thanks, Scott
Alpha Blonde
Good question. On some level, I almost think it has to do with what readers expect from your stories (reputation wise).

I tend to write really long explicit sex scenes, but that style has kind of evolved over time. I remember with one story I diverged from this formula slightly and had a bit of feedback from readers who thought that the sex scene wasn't long enough. That story was lengthy but had a solid 5-6K word sex scene built into it so it surprised me. I think it's partly what readers end up expecting from you that determines the reception you get.

Personally, for me, I write according to the genre. If it's erotica, I write with the focus of an erotic situation and the story has to be building to the sex scene. Sometimes I'll read a story that doesn't feel like it belongs in the erotica genre but rather just has a sex scene tacked onto it. If I bought en eBook like this with the assumption that it was erotica and that I'd be reading some dirty, juicy sex scenes, I'd feel ripped off if the sex seemed like an afterthought.

Most people read erotica to get turned on or to masturbate along with... so I do think the sex should be explicit and it should remain the focus (high point) of the story. If the sex is implied or glossed over, I see the story as belonging to another genre of writing and just masquerading as erotica.

I also think if the sex is going to remain softcore or implied (for the purposes of this site) that the Love Stories category is the best fit. I don't think readers of that category necessarily expect anything too explicit.
Active Ink Slinger
Wow, Dancing Doll, thank you. I really appreciate the thoughtful response.

However, I'm a bit stunned that you dropped the "R" word on me. I don't know that I'd really considered the fact that I could actually get a reputation on the Lush based upon the type of stories I wrote.

That actually gave me something else to ponder. As someone still relatively new to posting stories here, is your reputation(as an author) generally built on your first stories or do readers give you time to evolve? This may be too general a question to ask, however it is currently stewing away at my brain.
Comments and suggestions of my stories are always welcome.
Thanks, Scott
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Snowyman8
Wow, Dancing Doll, thank you. I really appreciate the thoughtful response.

However, I'm a bit stunned that you dropped the "R" word on me. I don't know that I'd really considered the fact that I could actually get a reputation on the Lush based upon the type of stories I wrote.

That actually gave me something else to ponder. As someone still relatively new to posting stories here, is your reputation(as an author) generally built on your first stories or do readers give you time to evolve? This may be too general a question to ask, however it is currently stewing away at my brain.

LOL... Oh, you'll get a Rep... every author does. I didn't really consider it either at first. I think once you have about 4-5 stories posted, people will have a general sense of your style and what to expect, but yes, it's something that evolves the more you post and definitely can change. Rep can be based on quality of writing and/or actual story content, and usually you end up appealing to certain types more than others. Most writers kind of find a 'niche' here, I think.

When people hit the 'follow author' button, it's mostly because of your rep - the reader thinks you're an intriguing writer and wants to know every time you post a story. Once you've amassed a bit of a 'following', it's also interesting to browse through this list of people and notice trends in the demographics of who your stories appeal to (eg. age range, gender, kink-level).
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll

LOL... Oh, you'll get a Rep... every author does. I didn't really consider it either at first. I think once you have about 4-5 stories posted, people will have a general sense of your style and what to expect, but yes, it's something that evolves the more you post and definitely can change.

Well, since I have just posted my fifth story, I guess I should probably get my sh@t together! LOL YIKES! No pressure. (climbing under my bed to hide.)
Comments and suggestions of my stories are always welcome.
Thanks, Scott
The Right Rev of Lush
Some writers are most comfortable sticking with a particular style. Others like to try their hand at different approaches. Whatever floats your boat is best.

JAS, don't sweat your reputation. Tell the stories you want to tell to the best of your ability. Use Lush as a platform to improve your writing and odds are the rep business will take care of itself.

Good luck. .
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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Not necessarily but I do tend to come here for the sex. I love the long build-up, but love a nice steamy payoff, too.
Active Ink Slinger
Thinking of another post that asked "how did you come to read erotic stories"
I answered that I stumbled on a story while just going through a sexy magazine.
I remember thinking "wow this is better than the photo shoots.

So my answer would be: yes detailed detailed steamy action.

Yes, I do want the cake thank you, but I want to eat it too
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
Her Royal Spriteness
As DD said, this is a sex site. i think most readers expect to read about... well... sex. i know i do. oh, i want a well written story, with characterization and a plot, but ultimately, i want sex. i read erotica for the arousal factor - yes, i usually masturbate to it - and i write hoping to give the readers the same - a good story that keeps them both interested and turned on and, ultimately, something to cum to.

also, as DD said, you do build a rep here - there are certain writers whose stories i always jump on when they post - i know their style, i love their writing. it's like reading popular fiction - if you like Stephan King's style (for example), you're going to buy/ read pretty much anything he puts out cause you already know you'll enjoy it. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
This is a sex site.. and when i come here to read the stories.. I like to read the details.. what the characters are doing.. what they are feeling at that I like stories with details.. lots and lots of details..

If the Author leaves the details to my imagination.. then the purpose of erotica is lost.

So please give us details as much as possible.
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
― Helen Keller
Rookie Scribe
no, some sex scenes can be just as erotic if not in detail as in full detail. it depends on how the writer describes the scenes leading up to it..
As a bisexual woman I have watched both straight and lesbian porn with both men and women and I must say that although I want porn to be hardcore and explicit I also want less focus on the male perspective. Bad lesbian porn is a male idea of lesbian porn and does very little for me regardless of its content. Bad straight porn, again, is the male fantasy of 'using' the women for the man's or men's pleasure. I am submissive and want my partner to take control but I've no interest in fish hook mouth, multiple cum on face and gagging. The would be the one thing I would change about straight porn, the cum shot. Give me the porn from the seventies and some from the eighties when the cum didn't have to go over the face or in the mouth but could actually be over the pussy or breasts.
No it don't have to it. However, if you writing a love scene that is not explicit on this site then you're gonna have to make sure you bring the fire and leave them soaked.
Unicorn Wrangler
If the story is well written, it doesn't matter. For me, as an author, I go with the way the scene feels. I might have one explicit sex scene, and follow it with two quick ones... or it will all be implied. I read one that didn't have explicit sex... but the build up was great... the cliffhanger left me wanting more.

Write a great story... word of mouth will get you noticed. I always share good stories by either making them my favorite... or telling others... to read this person's story.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think that stories need be explicit, at least not always, in fact, maybe only sometimes. For me, a good story is one in which my mind is used by the writer to "fill in the blanks" to an extent. That might be a situation, the weather, the way a building or a bedroom looks, and can also be about exactly how the sex taking place would feel to me, if I were taking part.

So, I don't need instructions, in the way some writers think explicit sex should be. Far better to let me think myself into the scene, so much more erotic.

As for videos, I agree with Debs entirely, and as one who is more dominant than anything else, its not about the cum shot, but about how you get to that point, and when I think of deep throating a lover, then it is she who lets me do that, that is her submission, and the more aggressive aspects so often shown don't need to be there. Why confuse dom-sub with force and agression.

As to where the cum goes, if she wants to have it in her mouth, fine, but otherwise, I far prefer to shoot over her breasts, so much nice to share that way! Or of course, where nature intended it to go, as what I do dislike is the fucking to the point where the guy has to cum, and then he pulls out and shoots it wherever. My lovers have always told me that when the sperm hits them inside, that is what they enjoy, and the way they want it to be.
Active Ink Slinger
Explicit stories can work, but I would have to say they definitely don't need to be explicit, at least from my standpoint.

There are times when I personally have a very active imagination. In fact, I've read erotic stories, and imagined the characters going outside the limits of the story to another erotic conclusion. Of course, something like this is strongly dependent on your readers, and what they think.
I just really want to address the "cliffhangers" question:

Cliffhangers can be a fantastic device in a story and can really excite a reader. However, if there's no promise of ever revealing "what happened next" then you have to get it absolutely right. It's not something I have seen a lot of authors do well, to be honest; even less so on an amateur site.

Leaving something to the imagination of the reader, leaving some things unsaid, is one thing. Leaving them at a complete loose end is something else entirely and runs the risk of frustrating the reader to the detriment of their enjoyment of the story. Don't end a story prematurely just for the impact you think it might have; leave it at a point where the reader can say, "That was a great story, I really loved the characters; it really intrigues me to think about what might have happened afterwards."

Obviously no one's actually saying those words, but you get my point. So, by all means, do it, but tread carefully and don't antagonise your audience unnecessarily.
Advanced Wordsmith
I think one of the things all good, dramatic writing (erotic or otherwise) has in common is a powerful buildup of tension. It can include elements of desire, fear, guilt, love, hate, shame - and many other strong emotions. To me, that delicious, teasing, frustrating, agonizing buildup is where the real heat is. Kind of like real sex, come to think of it.
I think like stated by others, it depends on the style and what the reader is expecting/wanting. And simply having more explicit sex does not mean the story will be any better... less so if poorly written. It is kind of like sex in general. Just having a hot body, or big cock, or pumping in and out for hours at a time does not really mean the sex was "good" or even less so GREAT sex. And what one person may consider fantastic sex might not work well for another.
Active Ink Slinger
Well,of course. Have to have that cum shot !
Explicit at times, not always...can be lack of thinking
I prefer a more subtle suggestion along with a description of what the person is feeling as opposed to explicit sex but it really just depends on the authors writing technique or style.
Quote by Dementorkissed
This is a sex site.. and when i come here to read the stories.. I like to read the details.. what the characters are doing.. what they are feeling at that I like stories with details.. lots and lots of details..

If the Author leaves the details to my imagination.. then the purpose of erotica is lost.

So please give us details as much as possible.

There's the issue. This is not a sex site intended to be a porn pathway. It's a literary site that allows people to exore the sexual side of writing. Erotica. The social aspects developed over time and it seems that, now, some people are here not to even read at all.

(I come here to write. Yet I had someone constantly trying to chat even though he kept saying he didn't like toread any of the stories. So, why in the hell was he wanting to even chat? Completely obnoxious.)

So - to the OP - no. Write whatever you want. It's your work. I had someone tell me that when I write multi chapter stories every chapter should have a sex scene. Whatever!

Eroticas purpose is to include sex beyond 'fade to black' and whether its 500 words or 5000 words is up to the author to decide based on what THEY want.

I actually like reading complex plots with my erotica. Unfortunately, they're fewer and farther between. I appreciate the sex but it does not have to be the dominant aspect of the piece. If its less (not intensely explicit) and the story is good it doesn't matter.
Detention Seeker
Write as you feel is more natural to you. Different readers have different ideas on the style they prefer to read. You will never please everyone but it sure is fun trying.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think sex scenes have to be explicit but the basic part of the definition of erotic and erotica in any form is that the story is sexually arousing.

Here are the basic definitions of erotic:

"arousing or satisfying sexual desire: an erotic dance.; of, pertaining to, or treating of sexual love; amatory: an erotic novel; subject to or marked by strong sexual desire"

This is from from their encyclopedia part for erotica:

"literary or artistic works having an erotic theme; especially, books treating of sexual love in a sensuous or voluptuous manner. The word erotica typically applies to works in which the sexual element is regarded as part of the larger aesthetic aspect. It is usually distinguished from pornography, which can also have literary merit but which is usually understood to have sexual arousal as its main purpose."

So to me erotic stories or erotica has to do that either though intense foreplay or sexual content. I do not necessarily think stories have to be explicit to achieve that, but to me if you don't achieve that in your story then it is not an erotic story at all.

I have read stories on here that are supposed to be erotic that in no way excited me at all. And no they weren't in categories that would turn me off. They were good stories and well written, but the only mention of sex maybe two lines which might have been something like we went back to his apartment and made love for hours.

Some people have the idea that if you mention sex it is erotic, but to me I agree with Dancing Doll stories like that belong on another site. To me erotica that doesn't have strong sexual emphasis (whether it is just descriptive or a major part of the story) then it just becomes fiction with a sex scene thrown in. I can read that type of story anywhere and do all the time. When I read erotica I expect to be sexually stimulated -- if not it fails. And a good erotic story can turn me on better than porn any day of the week.

I am reading a series right now on here called Nailing Neely Jordan. The parts I have read so far the main characters still have failed to have sex, but the build up has been great. And every story leaves me hard by the end of it and wanting more.
When authors draw an outline of their story, they must decide upon certain aspects and I think these are; first message to convey or the moral of the story; second selection of genre and finally type of readers targeted. After having done that, the authors should be able to finalize the tone and type of language and nature of explicitly required. Sex scenes would therefore come out consequently. Sex scenes, I think, must be relevant to the situation. And the authors will do it as per respective ability and style
No, I don't think they need to be explicit, but it would certainly make the sex scene spicier, if you know what I mean.
Active Ink Slinger
I enjoy explicit sex scenes. I have an excellent imagination. When the author glosses over the sex most of the time I can picture in my mind all the nasty action that is happening. But lets face it most of the authors that grab my attention are the ones that describe the sex in full detail. Those are the stories that get my juices flowing. Literally-LOL.