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Overrated authors?

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Quote by Shotgun011
And then there is james mischner who's book Texas rewrote Texas history and a copy of his Chesapeake is I think floating in Chesapeake Bay still when I threw it out a hanger deck door.

Oh yeah...I read James Michener's book "Hawaii" just last summer...all 1130 pages, I might add...let's just say I was stuck somewhere and that was the only thing to read...

I agree, reading his stuff is sort of like reading a history text book...not really my cup of tea...nothing particularly brilliant plot-wise either...

On the subject of Ernie Hemingway, as I see he's been mentioned a few times...I've only read one of his "The Sun Also Rises"...I found it somewhat enjoyable, but not brilliant, at least in my mind...I think with Hemingway it's a case of having to put him in context, and compare it with other works of the same period...

Reading it nowadays, it's just another fairly tame book about people who get drunk and fool around all the time...I don't have to read a book to see that stuff...

Just saying...

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Stephenie Meyer writes like a blind epileptic chimp. Grrr!!
Tracy Ames
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“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”
E. L. Doctorow
Quote by TracyAmes
Stephenie Meyer writes like a blind epileptic chimp. Grrr!!

Come on now, don't insult epileptic chimps...that's really not nice...

I guess you can look at it a couple of ways...some would say it's unfair that she gets all that money, fame, etc...

I try to look at the bright side, in that there's hope for just about anyone here to get a publishing deal know what I mean?

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Quote by TracyAmes
Stephenie Meyer writes like a blind epileptic chimp. Grrr!!

Applauds the summary of Stepahanie Meyer and to be fair to the chimps they write better
Sorry chimps! I gave her too much credit.

I think she was in the right place at the right time. Good for her. I hope kids don't follow her example.
Tracy Ames
Erotic Word Slinger & Smarty Pants ~ My Website
Rants & Rambles ~ My Youtube Channel

“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”
E. L. Doctorow
James Joyce

(I almost got thrown out of college, (back in the 1870s...) when I confessed in a Tutorial that I found Joyce's writing dull and impenetrable....)

xx SF

(Grisham's 'A Painted House' is rather good, though....)

Tried to read Stephanie Meyer once BUT after about 150 pages NOTHING HAD HAPPENED so I gave up....

Stephen King went off the boil a bit sometime during the '90s.... (Although 'The Stand' remains a classic...)

(On a related topic, William Boyd, a writer I admire, wrote in a recent book 'Ordinary Thunderstorms' that a homeless man, living on the streets in London in recent times, was so hungry that he caught, killed and cooked a seagull..... WHAT????? I've BEEN homeless and lived on the streets..... (See 'Stephanie Stone, My Drugs Hell' (Yet to be published....) You'd NEVER have to kill a fucking seagull to survive!!!! It's an excellent novel, but I really found myself laughing aloud at the inanity of that incident.... (In 'Any Human Heart' by Boyd a previously successful author is reduced to eating canned dogfood as his finances dwindle.... THAT'S believeable....)

xx SF
Quote by flytoomuch
Well many of the authors being mentioned are simply "popular" in the sense that they sold a lot of books. I don't think many serious critics have ever suggested that Dan Brown or Stephanie Meyer are being "rated" as quality authors? In that sense they have never been "overrated" they are simply popular in the way a McDonald's hamburger is popular. Easy to consume, not challenging to the mind, a mass market product. Dan Brown is crap I do agree and one must wonder how he sells so many books?

I absolutely cannot agree with putting Hemingway in this category!! Sorry! This is a man who is largely responsible for the term "the lost generation" and went on drinking binges with James Joyce? Really? My god he hung out with Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, etc. etc. While not everyone may appreciate his sparse style, when you have read his works in full you realize the significance of coming to grips personally, as an individual, with the two greatest wars in man kinds history and the struggle to create internal order out of external chaos. As a short story writer Hemingway crafted some of the finest ever written in that era and influenced writers like J.D. Salinger who went on to create his own highly crafted short stories in a similar style.

I wanted to quote the person who said JK Rowling... so I could say as a Harry Potter fan... I agree. I got into it because at the time I was addicted to Disney's style romance, and I saw Ron and Hermione being so cute in the movies. There was a box set of the first four out and I thought, 'They had to kiss by time they were fourteen right? Or at least go on a date or something.' Anyway, even though I am still a huge fan, I've spend more time shaking my head and disagreeing with everything she did in the books. What I really love is the fanfiction. I am amazed at some of these authors that never intend to take their work one step farther and get an original published. They take her flat characters and give them amazing lives and stories (and erotic at that.)

Anyway, The reason I choose to quote flytoomuch is because in their first paragraph they explained why I would say JK Rowling, and I wouldn't say Stephenie Meyer on one of these lists. For someone to be overrated they have to be 'rated' highly first. I've heard JK Rowling hailed a 'genius' even though she can't do simple math. (Or, at least, didn't bother to for her series.) Many of her fans think she can do no wrong and even people that aren't her fans rate her highly. The only people that come close to calling her anything, expect the best author in the last decade, are those who put her on one of these list.

You might hear fans sequel about how much they love Edward or Jacob, but I don't think I ever heard anyone outside of a fanbrat praise Stephenie as a genius. Even her fans don't call her that. Whenever anyone brings up 'bad writing' her name is always said. Most people I know that do read her books are ashamed to admit it. So I wouldn't call her 'highly rated'.
I love to read... and can usually find something good about a book...
BUT I think the most overrated author is JD Salinger - "Catcher in the Rye"

I'm not a huge fan of Stephen King either
I wondered about this, consulted a list of the top 100 authors>

and found none that I thought were poor writers, some were overrated but they were still great writers.

Having prefaced that, I know I will catch some slack but I would have to say the most overrated is>

Anne Frank - over 30 million copies, perhaps if I could read the original Dutch version I would change my opinion.
I think this is rather dificult to say. Although many here have said Meyers, Brown and Rowling - they sold millions of copies of their works. Looking at it from a purely professional standpoint (not artistic) they are very succesful and that has its valor. If we are comparing them in an artistic perspective then its super subjective. I don´t know if anyone can be considered overrated. In my opinion, calling an author overrated is the same as critiscing a piece of modern art or artist by saying -- "I don´t get it" or "I could of done that".

I´ve only posted two small poems on lush and I´ve realized that it takes way more then just technique and imagination to be (or try to be) an author. It takes a lot of confidence to open yourself up to critics. We can criticise an claim that anyone is overrated, but the bottom line is that they had the balls to put something out there to be criticised. They had the drive to go after their dream - what ever it is, and that is priceless.
I kind of agree with the comment about James Patterson. I do enjoy his books, but if you will note, the majority are written with a co-author. Meaning, he probably does an outline and some one else writes the actual story. In that sense, I feel this makes him over rated.
To each his own I guess, I like a lot of the authors that have been listed.
I was a Rowling fan up until she killed Dobby
Neil Gaiman for fantasy. Tom Clancy for fiction. Probably most well known and best selling authors on a popular level whose popularity is based on declining literacy levels.
I know it's a kids author and everything but... Lemony Snicket. He's just repetitive and boring.
That guy is totally over rated!
Herman Melville: He's the darling of the English Lit types, but few read him voluntarily. His "Moby Dick" was a bust when first published and hasn't improved since.

Proust: Another high-lit deity. His tedius "Rememberance of Things Past"is the perfect read for a post-lobotomy patients in solitary confinement.

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Dr. Seuss

1 fish, 2 fish, red fish, blue fish.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

E.L James has to be the top one for me, I gave up after the first few pages (and I read all the twilight books with not much problem).
Teased and Tormented -My very first story and competition entry is now up!
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness

I'm not a huge fan of Stephen King either

Obviously...Immature tastebuds.

He's an acquired taste, much like... oysters. Nasty, earthy in salty oceanic way, down n dirty and just plain in your face.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
Dr. Seuss

1 fish, 2 fish, red fish, blue fish.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

those are feuding words! i learned everything i know from Dr Suess! *growls*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

E.L James.

Honestly I'm happy that the Erotic genre is now mainstream and no one has to be embarrassed to be reading any type of erotica.

Just that her being a fantastic author made me laugh. If honestly if it was written by a teenage virgin then perhaps I would accept her work. However since it's written by a middle aged married woman .... uh yeah.
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simone de Beauvoir
Gotta agree with Her Spriteness when it comes to the good Dr. S. "Green Eggs And Ham" is, without doubt, THE great American novel.

RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
A lot of the popular "mainstream" fantasy writers like David Eddings, Robert Jordan, etc. Just because you CAN stretch a story out into 10+ books of cliches and pedestrian writing doesn't mean you SHOULD. I'm giving George R. R. Martin a pass on this, though, since, IMHO, A Song of Ice and Fire/A Game of Thrones actually went in some new directions and is well written compared to the others.
Quote by Guest

I second that emotion.

I feel that to make such statements about a literary giant as apposed to the Danielle Steels of this world requires some explanation. For example I can't stand J.K. Rowling because she just took the idea of a privileged education added magic to it and then churned out works in a formula as was Ian Fleming's stuff. However Hemingway's unique, terse style manages because of the structure to say so much with so few words and remains because of this always undated.
Quote by Guest

The Great Gatsby is the most overrated novel. How this book filled with filler and characters I am never given a reason to give a damn about ever got held in such high regard much less kept in high regard is beyond my ability to comprehend.

The Great Gatsby is an indictment against elitism and the power it pursues and consolidates - the opening page tells you that. The symbolism is within the imagery and the dialogue. "He's the man who fixed the World Series." for example. The author was one of America's finest with a deceptively easy reading style.