classic -- James
contemporary -- Cormac McCarthy Joyce
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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Stephenie Meyer writes like a blind epileptic chimp. Grrr!!
Tracy Ames
Erotic Word Slinger & Smarty Pants ~ My Website
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“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”
E. L. Doctorow I love to read... and can usually find something good about a book...
BUT I think the most overrated author is JD Salinger - "Catcher in the Rye"
I'm not a huge fan of Stephen King either
I think this is rather dificult to say. Although many here have said Meyers, Brown and Rowling - they sold millions of copies of their works. Looking at it from a purely professional standpoint (not artistic) they are very succesful and that has its valor. If we are comparing them in an artistic perspective then its super subjective. I don´t know if anyone can be considered overrated. In my opinion, calling an author overrated is the same as critiscing a piece of modern art or artist by saying -- "I don´t get it" or "I could of done that".
I´ve only posted two small poems on lush and I´ve realized that it takes way more then just technique and imagination to be (or try to be) an author. It takes a lot of confidence to open yourself up to critics. We can criticise an claim that anyone is overrated, but the bottom line is that they had the balls to put something out there to be criticised. They had the drive to go after their dream - what ever it is, and that is priceless.
I kind of agree with the comment about James Patterson. I do enjoy his books, but if you will note, the majority are written with a co-author. Meaning, he probably does an outline and some one else writes the actual story. In that sense, I feel this makes him over rated.
To each his own I guess, I like a lot of the authors that have been listed.
I was a Rowling fan up until she killed Dobby
Neil Gaiman for fantasy. Tom Clancy for fiction. Probably most well known and best selling authors on a popular level whose popularity is based on declining literacy levels.
I know it's a kids author and everything but... Lemony Snicket. He's just repetitive and boring.
That guy is totally over rated!
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Dr. Seuss
1 fish, 2 fish, red fish, blue fish.
Who the fuck does he think he is?
░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░
E.L James has to be the top one for me, I gave up after the first few pages (and I read all the twilight books with not much problem).
E.L James.
Honestly I'm happy that the Erotic genre is now mainstream and no one has to be embarrassed to be reading any type of erotica.
Just that her being a fantastic author made me laugh. If honestly if it was written by a teenage virgin then perhaps I would accept her work. However since it's written by a middle aged married woman .... uh yeah.
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."
Simone de Beauvoir
A lot of the popular "mainstream" fantasy writers like David Eddings, Robert Jordan, etc. Just because you CAN stretch a story out into 10+ books of cliches and pedestrian writing doesn't mean you SHOULD. I'm giving George R. R. Martin a pass on this, though, since, IMHO, A Song of Ice and Fire/A Game of Thrones actually went in some new directions and is well written compared to the others.