Ok so when I read stories of an erotic nature I tend to try and find ones written by females authors, to the extent that I almost never read male authored stories.
This is largely because I simply find stories written by females appeal to me more than those written by men, in my experience a lot of the stories by males on this website and others tend towards reading more like a porn than an actual story, in that they are often more over the top and in my opinion unbelievable ton those written by women.
I'm curious as to if the other avid readers wandering around the Internet, and particularly Lush have preferences of their own in regards to the sex of the authors of the erotic stories they read, or for that matter if they really notice much of a difference.
I think you should be a bit more open to male authors. We have some fantastic ones on this site and you're really missing out on some great stories if you rule them out immediately.
To name a few: Buz; Frank_Lee; Jaymal; Milik_the_Red; DLizze; MatthewVett.
That's probably true, I do follow a few male authors, I just tend to skip them over automatically because I usually don't enjoy those stories as much.
I would have to agree with you, I have nothing against male authors and I have read a few great stories from some, but quite a few male authored stories tend to be quick and to the point; whereas more female authors tend to elaborate and be more specific about their stories, leading to better immersion. Although I have read plenty of stories from female authors that are short and to the point as well, not that there is anything wrong with that, but I do find the longer and more detailed stories to be a better read.
I suggest you read some of Jaymal's stories. He is a male author and has written some of the most erotic stories I have ever read.
a good author is a good author male or female.
Gender shouldn't matter
You all have a very good point,I've read some exceptionally good stories written By Both, Males & Females.I also have encountered stories that I've just lost interest in(mostly dew to poor grammar
Clum; thanks for the tip on good authors, Ill check them out
I feel like some folks may have missed my point. I wasn't trying to say male authors are bad, or that I refuse to read stories written by them. I was saying that I have a preference towards female authored stories and was curious if others also held preferences of their own.
my preference is reading a good story.
Here's something that people seem to be missing: Anyone can say they are male or female on their profile, who the heck knows if it's true?
Last time I looked I was & still am a male. (-:
Writing ability is not gender specific, but viewpoint is. Women write more often from the female perspective, particularly when in first person; and many males prefer the female perspective as being more interesting or even arousing.
Yet, not all female writers are female, there is no gender verification on Lush, or any other websites that I know of. There are former writers on Lush and other websites, that were not the gender they appeared, and few photos are real.
So, in general, I would recommend to read many different authors of both genders, you will find some that appeal to you... then follow them. Don't read the story because you think her (or his) avatar is sexy, read because you enjoy their stories.
Hmmm... It doesn't really make a difference to me. I like certain 'styles' of erotica and have seen both male and female writers do it extremely well. The writers I 'follow' here are a balance of both genders so it's more about the quality of the writing.
I can understand people being drawn to a gender-specific perspective and I do think it's a challenge to write 'authentically' from the opposite gender without falling victim to certain cliches and stereotypes. I've seen several top authors do it seamlessly though.
Overall, I enjoy stories from both male and female perspectives - as long as they tell it well and the character 'feels real' to a certain degree.
I do my best to make my writing erotic. I would be offended if someone thought it was pornographic. I'm from the generation that understands porn to mean base and nasty!
I think writing should be challenging though and not anodyne or too comfortable.
I don't pay attention to it. It's not like a nom de plume is a birth certificate. In five minutes, I could be Mathilda Vett. I suggest you be more open-minded and find authors you enjoy, regardless of sex. That being said, I actually do write my stories exclusively by cumming words across the page, so I write in an entirely male way. It also explains why I write so slowly.
I like both. Each one has a different view.
Maybe you should conduct an experiment: get a few random stories, read them all, rate them, and only after you've done that, see who the authors were. You may be biased against male authors from the start, which affects your enjoyment. I'm guessing you're a straight male? Maybe you dislike the thought of being aroused by another male.
For me it doesn't matter whether the writer is a male or female. I have read some of the best erotic gay male on male stories from female writers. And I have read some bad ones. Same with male writers. And the same for all types of erotic fiction.
As far as male erotic fiction verging on porn, I don't care how well it is written if erotic fiction fails excite the reader it is meant for it just fails completely.
It is kind of like some of the Cinemax and cable TV soft core porn. The key word is SOFT and that is the way it leaves many men and doesn't even excite many women either.
And erotic fiction doesn't have to go to the full on porn to excite the reader either, but if it is not erotic in nature and does not stir those feelings in a reader then to me it is just Fiction.
I don't have any restrictions, but I prefer female authors.
When I first started reading , it was female authors only, as time & stories faded away , my interests & attitude also changed. & I have benefited from this change.
As of this date , I have read some excellent stories written by both male & female authors.
Yes I post or PM. Comments on the stories I read. It the least I can do to THANK those of you that have taken your time & effort ton see a story all the way from start to being published.
As most readers here are male, I've long accepted that many take a lesser interest in my writing. Many men want to read stories written by women from a women's point of view and I respect that. I do believe I've had to work hard to build a readership, but that has just made me a better writer.
At this point in time, I feel I have more or less overcome the overiding preference of the membership at large, but I am certain that among those new guest who arrive, the fact that I am a man inhibits my chances of being read.
That's the way it goes though. I cannot change it, I can only write stories that still my need to tell that tale. Beyond that I can only hope others will choose to read them.