It is acceptable unless it's a library book! LOL! (They hate that sort of thing there!)
I have no strong feelings about this, but I would like the tiny but beloved library I pass on to my kids, and them perhaps to their kids (if anyone still reads books anymore by then) not have the corners of the pages fall off due to bookmarking.
Paperbacks are an exception - fold away.
*Stares in horror* books are sacred. always carry a bookmark.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
If it's not your book, then no. If it is, do whatever TF you want.
If it's mine, run very fast.
If it is my book and it's a paperback, yeah, no big deal. No on hardbacks or other people's books I've borrowed. If the book belongs to someone else I show them enough respect not to fold the page corners and am careful as possible with it.
That drives me crazy. No way!
All is fair in love and reading.
Claim that text.
If bent pages make it yours, then make it yours.
Only in dire emergencies.
Drives me mad to see books defaced this way.
Unless it's a tax book - which I use a lot for constant reference, or other working reference book, I never do it. Bookmarks are free in Libraries and most book shops, such as Waterstones, always have a pile of them at the tills so there's no excuse.
I also hate to see grubby finger marks on pages too!
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
I don't dog-ear.
However, I have no problem with laying a book face-down and hurting the spine. Go figure.
Definitely not library or other borrowed books.
I might dog ear my own if it's a book I refer to regularly (e.g. one of my religious/philosophical texts) and there's specific pages I frequently access, but I use a bookmark for temporarily marking my spot.
PS. Didn't answer the poll because there's no middle ground. Neither of those extremes fits my response.
I ruined my Barnes & Noble Nook that way.
I dog-ear and devil-tail books as wanted. Don't care. I don't believe a physical book is so sacred I cannot show it some love and use. I actually collect old, tattered books that are ranked C, D and F by collectors. I don't care so much for pristine things because they make me feel gloomy - like someone just collected books with no intention of reading them. Perhaps that's why I like collecting dictionaries.
This topic brings to mind Rex Stout and his detective Nero Wolfe. Archie Goodwin would watch his employer reading books and could tell from the way he handled them whether Nero had a good opinion of the author. If he used his gold bookmark he held the writer in esteem, if he used a common paper bookmark he was willing to give the author the benefit of the doubt for the time being, but if he started dog-earring the books that indicated that his opinion had changed. He didn't think well of the author's work.
Personally, I love books. I've never folded a corner over in any book. It's almost a spiritual thing with me. But, if you own the book do as you please.
Guilty. I have lost so many book marks I just gave up. Never a library book.
If you hate puppies then this is the perfect technique for you