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How do we feel about longer stories/novellas?

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Active Ink Slinger
I like erotica, I really do. But everyone has a style that works for them, and I find that the short ones just don't take enough time to get me going properly. They cut out all that great build up, the tease, the foreplay - and sometimes that sort of nervous energy. I've decided to take another crack at writing them again but as usual it's taking a while. I'm 4 pages in and the 2 parties are still just sorta, pondering, sort of feeling each other out. It's going to be another 2 or 3 pages before any "action" starts. I guess my question is (as in the poll), how do we all feel about long stories. Like small novellas, or serialized characters and situations?

Any thoughts would be appreciated. smile


When I do read stuff on here, I stick to shorter stuff, but that's because of time constraints, not any particular thing I have against the longer works. If time allowed, I'd probably read some of the betters ones. And I'd love to write some longer ones myself but, again, time.
Rookie Scribe
I prefer short-ish stories (less than about 20 pages or so) simply because if I wanted to read a book, I'd read a book. There are plenty of super-hot novels out there for me to read if that were what I wanted to do. So by the time you get beyond about 20-30 pages, I'm probably not interested, unless you've got a really convincing hook, or it comes very highly recommended.

That said, 4 pages with no action doesn't strike me as very long. My stories all have either graphic sex or masturbation either right away or within a few pages, simply because I can't think of short erotica that starts any other way. If I were to write a story that had so much plot and character development that there weren't cocks out within the first 2 pages or so, it probably wouldn't be appropriate for this website at all. If you can hold my attention for those 4 pages--maybe having your narrator be drooling over his object of lust for a few weeks first--then I'll gladly read them.
Primus Omnium
I really cannot relate to page counts for stories. I am now using word counts exclusively to judge my works. Especially since all of my initial erotica is posted right here on Lush. Our submission panels don't give any sort of page count that I am aware of. That being said, I enjoy our flash fiction stories, both reading and writing, which are less that 1,000 words. Stories over 3,500 words tend to be a little tedious for me. I have never bothered reading an erotic novella (which most define as more than 10,000 words and less than 40,000) nor an erotic novel (defined at over 40,000 words)
Here on Lush, I like single short stories.

Even for longer stories, I would like it if each installment has a beginning, middle, and an end. If each chapter reads like its own story, I won't be as disappointed if the series isn't finished.

I wrote an erotica novel where the tease between the two main characters continues for thirteen chapters. That's a little much, even for me.
I like a story, that has a plot, without having to use every four letter word in the dictionary. Preferably, 1200 words, a chapter.
Prolific Writer
On lush I prefer them around 3,000-5,000. I will only read longer stories here if you are a very close friend. Otherwise, I find them way too long and the sex never seems to come.


P.S. - I hate stories that are overwritten and could have been done in 2,000 less words.

The category I read most on Lush is Flash Erotica. It always has been. I tend to shy away from stories over 5k words, though I will persevere with longer stories if they're good. So, category 2 for me, as far as Lush is concerned. I read longer erotic works (including novels) on my kindle but I tend to choose authors I already know, not new ones. I've read some brilliant books recently.
Active Ink Slinger
Katie and I prefer a shorter story to get us in the mood, and we love vicariously living other peoples' adventures.
Our stories here on Lush are typically quick reads and cover a one-time situation that we have chosen to share with Lush readers in just a few thousand words.
For longer stories we have published Katie's confessions in two easy to read novellas. Katie Tells All is her coming out story, and I Am Hotwife is her full-on wild side revelations.
Her novellas contain multiple chapters of amazing sex, so they can go much deeper and get into much more detail than just a one-time shorty.
Short story or long, it is lots of fun to share our adventures!

Ken and Katie.
The Right Rev of Lush
G-Man is correct about word count being the primary counting system these days instead of page count. The problem with page count is with most writers now using word processors, the size and type of font can, and often does, vary. That said, a 'rule of thumb' is about 200-250 words per printed page.

As to my reading length preference, I'm on board with the 2500-5000 words range. Far too many flash stories (1000 k or less) are actually vignettes, not complete stories with a beginning, middle and end with some conflict/tension. With longer stories, wordiness seems to be the chief culprit. Whatever the length, T-Boy is, imo, correct that if the opening doesn't 'hook' me, odds are that like most other readers, I'll be moving on.

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
I think a catchy opening is the key to a story of any length. Get them hooked then keep them hooked.
Quote by Saucymh
I think a catchy opening is the key to a story of any length. Get them hooked then keep them hooked.

I'm pretty good with openings, but weak in dialogues.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by Saucymh
I think a catchy opening is the key to a story of any length. Get them hooked then keep them hooked.

My first paragraph is always in my head for a while before the story starts to go on paper. So it's usually more polished than the rest of the story.

I don't often read stories over 6000 words or so, but some of the best stories I've read here are when I've ignored that barrier - longer stories in the hands of a good writer allow them to really showcase there skills.
Sometimes, my opening paragraphs are the best part of my story. Perhaps, I spend to much time with them and my thought buds lose their petals. Any clue as what I can do, to over come that?
Editor at large
Quote by Adagio
Sometimes, my opening paragraphs are the best part of my story. Perhaps, I spend to much time with them and my thought buds lose their petals. Any clue as what I can do, to over come that?

Don't dwell on the opening, get into writing the story -- and then come back to polish the hook introduction.
Quote by JWren

Don't dwell on the opening, get into writing the story -- and then come back to polish the hook introduction.

It seems, I'm stuck on a story I have in mind...a mystery.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Many of the stories I've written are longer than average. I find the build up of sexual tension is often more erotic than the sex scene itself, so I spend more time on the story, setting up the characters and situation. I think the length may discourage many readers looking for a quick fuck-story, but I'm happy with what I've written, more or less, and each of my stories seems to find some appreciative audience.

Don't believe everything that you read.

In-House Sapiosexual
I can care less about length when I'm reading a great story.
When something's really well told, I hate to see it end.
I prefer stories over just scenes. Scenes are generally rather brief when compared to well written stories.
They are like magazine porn pics compared to artistic erotic photographs.
? A True Story ?
Active Ink Slinger
Well anyone who has read some of my stories knows that I have trouble writing one chapter stories! The majority of my stories are at least two chapters and up and I have written two "novellas" (one is yet to be published) that are 14 chapters!
Writius Eroticus
I write long-form, but rarely make a series (though I do have a recurring character). My preference is to wrap everything up in one story, despite lower readership numbers than shorter escapades. I tried writing Flash, but wasn't entirely satisfied with the outcome.

I love reading stories that are plot and character-driven. This is difficult to do well in shorter works, so I prefer longer stories or series that are well-written. If only I could make time to read them all...

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 112 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.