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How about a 10 point scoring system rather than 5?

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We think a 10 point scoring system would help separate out the top stories a bit.

We score a lot of 5s because a score of 4 seems too low. On a 10 point scale, the number of 5s given in the past would have been spread from, let’s say 6 - 10. A score of 10 would have much more meaning if Lush used this method.

What do you think?
What would happen to all the stories already scored on the 5 point system if that happened?

I'd love it if you read my story for the Notorious Competition.

The Temptress of Tanner Street
I think it's an interesting notion, but it would be a pretty significant pain to pull off from a technical standpoint. The best thing to do would probably be to leave the existing 1-5 votes as they are, because however simple the algorithm would be to write, applying it to the whole database of users and stories would most likely be a complete nightmare.

With that in mind, I'm actually a strong proponent of moving to an upvote/downvote system, though it would present similar challenges in terms of what to do with all the existing votes.
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Like She, I'd actually go simpler, just a Like (I don't like downvotes because it's too easy to game such systems). For Lush, where most people just score a 5 or maybe a 4, the current scale is certainly enough. For 1-10 to make much difference, people would actually need to be putting some thought into their scoring beyond "damn, I like that story, I'll give it a 10".
Why not a 17.75 vote system?

How about a system where my stories just have a 5 option, and all the others have 1-4? That couldn't be too hard, surely? ?????

22 February 2024 - How about a quick plug for one of my filthiest recent stories? It's all in the title - Naked Pool Party Swingers | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

The majority of stories are 5 with a few 4, rarely do I see 3 or less. Seems to me that that we're afraid of rating a story lower to not hurt others feelings so most just say 5, maybe a 4 if it's not overly hot. We might get some more scatter in the ratings if instead of just a 1-5 scale, maybe we listed 5 different topics ranging 1-5 each. Ex: hot/erotic level, creativity, riskiness, , etc. Then you could have a combined total of 0-25.
Can it be 0-5 stars? then I can truly rate a story.

Can it be 0-5 stars? then I can truly rate a story.

This is a really scary thought... ?

22 February 2024 - How about a quick plug for one of my filthiest recent stories? It's all in the title - Naked Pool Party Swingers | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

How about we leave it as it is? Changing it seems like a big hairy fucking mess. And l don't think there is anything wrong with the current system.

If it were changed, a mass of writing members will be screaming bloody murder about how their dozens to hundreds of stories' scores adjust to the new system.
Quote by seeker4
Like She, I'd actually go simpler, just a Like (I don't like downvotes because it's too easy to game such systems). For Lush, where most people just score a 5 or maybe a 4, the current scale is certainly enough. For 1-10 to make much difference, people would actually need to be putting some thought into their scoring beyond "damn, I like that story, I'll give it a 10".

This is so true. I think it is something like employee evaluations. You rate everyone as satisfactory or occasionally needs improvement with a specific comment on what needs improvement. At one time there was an exceeds rating but they removed that option.

Most people who vote on the stories vote 5 or perhaps 4. Another aside to the voting system. People tend to read stories they're interested in. There might be some very very good stories in an area that you have no interest in but a less well written story in a category that interests you gets a vote. That makes it harder to separate well written stories from mediocre stories.
How about a 4.5, 3.5, and 2.5? That would help some
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
Herbert Spencer

Can it be 0-5 stars? then I can truly rate a story.

personally, i think we should have negative numbers.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

personally, i think we should have negative numbers.

What a tease!!!

Don't get my hopes up!!!
Quote by Buz
How about we leave it as it is? Changing it seems like a big hairy fucking mess. And l don't think there is anything wrong with the current system.

If it were changed, a mass of writing members will be screaming bloody murder about how their dozens to hundreds of stories' scores adjust to the new system.

This. Lush has done fine with the system we have. We are an amateur writing site where no one gets paid. I see no reason to find ways to make a writer feel like their work is being rejected, and if someone feels a 5 is too high then do what others do now. Vote lower or don't leave a vote at all.
Quote by VixenAndStag
We think a 10 point scoring system would help separate out the top stories a bit.

We score a lot of 5s because a score of 4 seems too low. On a 10 point scale, the number of 5s given in the past would have been spread from, let’s say 6 - 10. A score of 10 would have much more meaning if Lush used this method.

What do you think?

I think that if Lush had a 10-point system in the past, then there would be a lot of (9s und 10s) currently. with an (8) still used as a less rude lower score.
10 would be the same as 5 now und would become the new 5.

On a scale of 1-10, I don't think many will score a story a 5 (half of the new scale) as a lower score anyway, unless just like now, they very much dislike the person in general for whatever ignorant reasons.

I think the same issue of scoring would evolve into the same scenario.

But who knows truly how things can turn out when the human psyche ist involved.

I personally like the idea of scoring from 1 to 5 with adding a (.5) increment between 4 to 5...
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 4.5 - 5

It would be only slightly different to average, not be a drastic change for members, only a small change in Java/html code,
affect past scores very little, give abit more choice in scoring, und maybe lessen the number of 5s.
. . .♀♌TT☩✯⁂⊕⧋▽⧊ )◯( ψΨ∅ǯǮǯ∞✾❈❁✤. . .
Quote by naughtyannie
How about a system where my stories just have a 5 option, and all the others have 1-4? That couldn't be too hard, surely? ?????

Hold on, you haven't read the updated scoring memo closely enough.

It says all Annie stories are rated 5 automatically, not just your naughty ones.

The mod rules committee are currently meeting discussing an appeal by the Annas and Annes of the Lush world who are claiming they meet the Annie criteria. Whether they are true Annies can, of course, only be touch tested by running hands over their bums.

I am not sure a change in the scoring system would lead to much change in behaviour. And as a writer it is the comments rather than the votes that I find most helpful and useful. Like Milik and Buz I vote (5 of course) for leaving it as it is.

Do check out my latest story:

Unleashed competition: Bull Shite, Bull Dykes, Bull Fights: That’s Your Everyday D/s Love Story. | Lush Stories

And my other stories, including 5 EPs, 22 RR's, and 15 competition top 10's including my pride competition winner: On Oxford Street, This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls

Quote by Buz
How about we leave it as it is? Changing it seems like a big hairy fucking mess. And l don't think there is anything wrong with the current system.

If it were changed, a mass of writing members will be screaming bloody murder about how their dozens to hundreds of stories' scores adjust to the new system.

I can tend to much agree. Many authors would maybe scream unfair.
Also, if Lush had a 10-point system in the past, then there would probably be a lot of (9s und 10s) currently with an (8) still chosen as a less rude lower score.
8, 9, und 10 would become the new 3, 4, und 5.

Just like now, only those who really dislike the person would score them a 5 (half scale of 1 - 10) out of spite or tantrum.

But if Lush ever felt need to change the scoring, what about this maybe? 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - (4.5) - 5

It would slightly differ to average only, not be drastic change for members, only small change in Java/html code,
affect past scores very little, give abit more choice in scoring, und maybe lessen the number of 5s,...if that ist an issue for some peeps.
. . .♀♌TT☩✯⁂⊕⧋▽⧊ )◯( ψΨ∅ǯǮǯ∞✾❈❁✤. . .
Quote by CuriousAnnie

Hold on, you haven't read the updated scoring memo closely enough.

It says all Annie stories are rated 5 automatically, not just your naughty ones.

The mod rules committee are currently meeting discussing an appeal by the Annas and Annes of the Lush world who are claiming they meet the Annie criteria. Whether they are true Annies can, of course, only be touch tested by running hands over their bums.

I am not sure a change in the scoring system would lead to much change in behaviour. And as a writer it is the comments rather than the votes that I find most helpful and useful. Like Milik and Buz I vote (5 of course) for leaving it as it is.

We also have some 55k stories already scored using the old system. As this seems to be an attempt to find a mechanism that will lower future scoring, how does that affect those already there? Do they get to inhabit the all-time lists in perpetuity while new stories fight against an increasingly difficult scoring system?

With the enormous drop off in recorded views we have seen as more and more readers use the mobile site, it is insanely difficult to reach the 25K famous story level now, let alone a 100k legendary peak. A change like this will only punctuate that new works have little or no chance of equalling these posted before the changes.
Quote by Milik_the_Red

With the enormous drop off in recorded views we have seen as more and more readers use the mobile site, it is insanely difficult to reach the 25K famous story level now, let alone a 100k legendary peak. A change like this will only punctuate that new works have little or no chance of equalling these posted before the changes.

This is a huge issue and quite demoralising.. There are so many great stories struggling to get 1000 views.
Is there no way the views can be combined? I went on the mobile site once and hated it. I will continue to struggle to view the full site from my mobile but please try and sort it out.

I don't see that changing the voting will change behaviours, I say leave it as it is.

2 competition winning stories, 1 Famous story, a smattering of Editor's Picks, a handful of Recommended Reads and one Clitorides award are scattered amongst my stories.

One of a handful of writers to get the Omnium badge for writing in every category

For a book club with a difference... try this lesbian romp

Quote by Milik_the_Red

With the enormous drop off in recorded views we have seen as more and more readers use the mobile site, it is insanely difficult to reach the 25K famous story level now, let alone a 100k legendary peak. A change like this will only punctuate that new works have little or no chance of equalling these posted before the changes.

Readers are using the mobile site? I'm on there and it's dead most of the time. Maybe people are reading there but they sure as hell aren't posting in the forums much. Even the chatrooms don't look as full as here though I'm not a chatter so that may just be ignorance.

Anyhow, I read on there because it's easier on my phone but come here to comment and score, so I am probably getting counted on both. This does point up the importance of getting the two sites more fully integrated so that a view is a view, no matter which site it is done on.
I think the new scoring system should be:

- 10
- 9
- 9
- 9
- 7.2
- Five and two thirds
- Yay
- Kittens
- Two dozen
- Pi
- Titties
I think we need a rubric. smile
I think we need totally anonymous voting. I suspect the reason everybody gives 5s is because the author can often tell who gave the "3" vote, and nobody wants to give a "real" vote if there isn't a secret ballot.
Best Friend Exchange Club: Here
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And please read my competition entry:There's Always Time. A sweet love story set in a time traveling universe.
Quote by Verbal
I think we need a rubric. smile

Quote by Liz
I think the new scoring system should be:

- 10
- 9
- 9
- 9
- 7.2
- Five and two thirds
- Yay
- Kittens
- Two dozen
- Pi
- Titties

It may be the low vote but if someone wants to vote tittiies on my stories I’m good with that
Quote by Ping


Sorry. Couldn't resist.

My real answer: a 10 point system might result in a more finely tuned voting system, but I think votes will still be pretty meaningless, with mostly 10s being handed out, to spare a writer's feelings, particularly if they are a friend. And frankly, there are far worse things than people getting artificially high scores. It encourages beginning writers. If you want to respond to a story in a more nuanced way, there are always the comments (which is all anybody wants anyway).
Quote by Charlotte_
I think we need totally anonymous voting. I suspect the reason everybody gives 5s is because the author can often tell who gave the "3" vote, and nobody wants to give a "real" vote if there isn't a secret ballot.

Unless you leave a comment the voting is anonymous. If you do leave a comment, just be honest as to why you felt it deserved the vote it got. If you feel a need to be dishonest and leave a sterling comment and then a 3, I feel most would wonder why.
Quote by Verbal
Sorry. Couldn't resist.

My real answer: a 10 point system might result in a more finely tuned voting system, but I think votes will still be pretty meaningless, with mostly 10s being handed out, to spare a writer's feelings, particularly if they are a friend. And frankly, there are far worse things than people getting artificially high scores. It encourages beginning writers. If you want to respond to a story in a more nuanced way, there are always the comments (which is all anybody wants anyway).

Comments and money. Cash is good too. And these. Never underestimate the power of these.
Quote by Ping

Cash is good too.

If you want cash, then you need to go Verb's route and actually start selling your stuff.ko7P88HgtYzLxh35

Quote by Ping
And these. Never underestimate the power of these

I will happily take both boobs and dicks myself. Bi has it's advantages.