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Do you insist that a vote on your story be commented upon.

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Advanced Wordsmith
I have not required it of a reader. I don't care for it when I sometimes am required. Sometimes you just don't have a good comment at the time. For me as a writer if someone doesn't want to leave a comment so be it. I love comments, but I will never require it.
Advanced Wordsmith
As someone currently writing his first (for here at least) I think if someone hated it enough to put it at a 1 or 2 then I would appreciate feedback about what they would like. I would also of course like to hear if there was something I did that they think I should always do. But simply linking the two forces feedback - it doesn't force meaningful feedback. Someone could give you a 3 and write "Great story!" without telling you what they think you could do to make it better next time.

The comments are a method of people letting you know what they liked, whether they would like to hear more on that storyline, or what they would consider changing. I would almost say that forced voting is counterproductive because it makes the author wade through 'benign' comments that don't help the author improve. When I publish, I just plan to take whatever comments I get, use them to improve or steer further stories, or just to be happy that I get any votes or stories at all smile
I have the feature on right now because I like to hear the comments. I will remove it because so many on the forum have expressed their dislike for the feature. I see it go both ways. I have more comments than scores usually.
NO, I would APPRECIATE comments whether they happen to like my story or not. Like all writers, feed back DOES HELP. Tell me what you DID like about it, AND WHAT YOU DIDN'T! Yes, that's right, if there were elements you DIDN'T like, I WANT to hear THAT TOO! It helps us to get a BALANCED look at what people think, what they like and want. I CHOSE to leave it optional because I don't want to put people in a position where they might feel awkward about stating their opinion or might be concerned (NEEDLESSLY but...) with how I will take negative comments from friends. (The only downside is that it doesn't permit me to overlook low scores from those whom I KNOW don't like me personally.)
I did for a while, but as a reader I have difficulty filling in the little box that comes up when I am using an iPad when it is insisted on, especially if I make a mistake, so I changed my setting. I would prefer to have comments as well as a score, but I would rather keep my readers happy.
Active Ink Slinger
It would be appreciated- always nice to be complimented
Gentleman Stranger
I don't. I'm not comfortable insisting on a comment; if they want to, they will. I hope they will, because I enjoy hearing their thoughts, and, now that my replies to the comments are directed to their PM inbox, it gives me a chance for a little interaction with readers which is great. I've made several wonderful new friends that way, after their comment opened the door for us to converse.

I do occasionally put a note at the bottom of a story thanking people for reading, and reminding them how much the authors would appreciate them taking time to score and possibly leave a comment; it's easy to forget to do that when you've just read a very sexy or emotional story!

As for me, if I've enjoyed a story enough to read it all the way through, I will always vote and leave a comment. It's the least I can do for the author that put time and effort into bringing me something from which I derived enjoyment of any kind - and they did it for free, so the appreciation of the reader is their reward!
Active Ink Slinger
I've never been a fan of this and I've never required voters to do that either.

Now as for me, when I vote on a story I always comment.

Votes are nice and will get you recognized a little more if you get a lot of votes.

Comments are great as well, because they let me know if I've done something my readers like.

Views, however, even without votes or comments, are a very telling statistic as well. I have a story right now with over 29,500 views. That's not too far away from Famous Story status, but it tells me that 29,500 people read all or part of this story. Or maybe they only read a couple lines, but they opened the link and my story appeared on their screen. That's a powerful reinforcement for a writer.
The Right Rev of Lush
Votes? What votes?

But seriously folks, other than the obvious desire for more comments, (IMO) the only good reason for requiring comments with votes is to discourage one-bombers from doing a number on a story's score.

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Active Ink Slinger
The insistence upon a comment would make me uncomfortable. I don't require it.
An old favorite story of mine: The Chaise Lounge
Active Ink Slinger
I don't require it and I hate when other people do. Sometimes I really don't have anything to say about a story besides "hot" or "great" and that's boring. That's why I just rate it. If you're gonna comment at least make it interesting. Describe what you enjoyed/disliked. Most of the time though I am too lazy to do that lol
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AlexaFox
I don't insist on it but just adore it when people do smile ratings are great but comments really let you know how the reader felt about your work which is always appreciated. Sometimes I feel that requiring a comment turns people away making you lose out on a rating.

Alexa mirrored my feelings to a T. Don't require a comment, but love them.
Bonnet Flaunter
Quote by Dancing_Doll
The one-line box is very small and I don't like not being able to see my full comment before hitting 'post' (scrolling can be a pain).

As a reader this is my problem with the system! As the authors I follow know, I always try and leave helpful feedback in my comment so its usually fairly long. However if I score before commenting I get that narrow little box which means I can't check back on my comment before posting.

Therefore I tend to comment first, then score the story.
No..though until my laptop quit I always did comment

I loved reading them !

So anyone of you who do get a score for some reason my phones goes a filmy grey after I rate so I can't comment..its my phone

But know that I would if I could.
Active Ink Slinger
The irritating tiny comment box that pops up on forced comment to vote crashes my Samsung device every time. So I will have to quit voting on stories by those authors. If I have to jump through hoops to vote on your story, I'll just read someone else's s
story instead.
You are invited to read Passionate Danger, Part II, a story collaboration by Kim and ArtMan.

I'm actually really surprised about the strength of feeling regarding this option.

I currently have the option on. I activated it after having read one of Danielle X's stories and seeing it. I thought it was maybe a good idea to get some kind of feedback, as a random number is really not very telling on the quality of a story.

Sometimes you read a story with all 5's and think wow, and many others you think that maybe people are just being nice with the author because it really doesn't add up (people have personal preferences for one thing or another, sure, but sometimes it is just hard to appreciate how a story got an average of 5). Anyway, it came to the point where I thought, I'd rather have less people voting if it meant that I got more substantiated feedback.

The reality has not really been the case though and since the majority of people seem to really have an issue with this, I will be deactivating the option - so the thread has served it's purpose.

I am also somewhat surprised that people feel they are being "forced" to leave a comment. My interpretation of this option is that the author of the story states if you want to score then please also take the time to write a few words too.
Sure some people can't be bothered to do this and this is their choice
I was not aware of people having so many technical issues with this...

If the author takes the time to write and submit a story, is it not reasonable that he should have this choice?

Anyway, this author is happy to listen to the majority and turn the option off again, even if he doesn't necessarily agree with some of the reasons stated against it.
I DON'T insist on a comment upon voting. That said, a comment along with a vote TELLS me more about the piece than a vote alone.

I GENERALLY score highly, not least because the people who vote on my stories tend to know the kind of thing I do and like it. I DON'T get a lot of 'walk-by' (?) readers and voters. Most of my readers, since I don't spam or flag in the most part, seek out my stuff and obviously like it enough to do so.

Not always.

I've had to DEFEND some of my choices in terms of comments from VALUED and APPRECIATED readers who have disagreed with directions I have taken. In fact, I LOVE this kind of discussion and debate. It makes me consider the way I write and think about how it is received.

All writers create in a virtual vacuum and HAVE NO REAL IDEA of how work will be perceived EVEN BY what Mr Stephen King, (and I'm not comparing myself!!!) describes as "Fond Readers".

A comment upon a piece, (even a less than flattering comment!) invites reflection, consideration and occasionally debate.

It is FLATTERING to the writer that a considered opinion is offered and lets the author know that a reader is taking the time and effort to offer a view that IN THE MAIN is designed to help that writer progress in their craft.

Some of my critics, and quite correctly, point out that I can be quite perfunctory when it comes to the actual ACTION. Some say that my offerings can be too short, or lacking in detail or seem HURRIED when a more descriptive approach might involve the reader more.

This is true.

All writers write differently. I write, FOR THE MOST part, to amuse myself. That said, without readers, WHY BOTHER? My GLITCHES/HABITS/ and often lazy stylistic approaches HAVE been challenged by readers whose suggestions are taken on board. (Though not in every case acted upon.) But it makes me THINK.

While it IS PLEASING to gain a 4/5 (without comment), from a reader I have never interacted with before, I often find myself WISHING to get to know this person better, ("WHY did you like it???") but a natural reserve prevents me from attempting to contact and even befriend everyone who merely votes. (Maybe they're NOT THAT INTERESTED!!!)

All writers write in vacuum. (It's a LONELY pursuit!!!)

(A comment CHANGES that and I'd rather a TWO with comment than a dozen no-comment FIVES.)

Final Thought:

I'm NOT an AWARD or a VOTE chaser. I DON'T spam my offerings to friends-list etc. SOME of my favourite stories are VERY RARELY clicked upon and read. I'm proud of them anyway! But I DELIGHT in comments of any kind and I THANK SINCERELY everyone who has bothered to take the time to offer opinion.

xx Stephanie
The Linebacker
Quote by stephanie
I'm NOT an AWARD or a VOTE chaser. I DON'T spam my offerings to friends-list etc. SOME of my favourite stories are VERY RARELY clicked upon and read. I'm proud of them anyway! But I DELIGHT in comments of any kind and I THANK SINCERELY everyone who has bothered to take the time to offer opinion.
xx Stephanie

I guess I'll just have to promote and spam for Steph. He's a damn awesome writer of stories and poems, so check out his page.

And yes, he does have a lot of awards, Recommended Reads and Editor's Picks. I made this logo for him...

To those complaining about the smallness of the pop-up comment box:

You can leave your comment first (in the regular comment box) and then score. So if you go to score and it pops up, just close it, write your comment in the usual way, then score.