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Do you get attracted to someone based on their erotic writing?

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So I should mention first that I do find women attractive based on their looks and physical mannerisms. However, if I read a story whose imagination and presentation really interests me and/or turns me on I might feel potentially attracted to the person who wrote it (whether it is someone I know, or otherwise). As a reader of erotic stories, do you think you'd be attracted to someone based on how they wrote about sex and intimacy? Could a story make you want to fuck the person who imagined it?
Quote by Evanescent
So I should mention first that I do find women attractive based on their looks and physical mannerisms. However, if I read a story whose imagination and presentation really interests me and/or turns me on I might feel potentially attracted to the person who wrote it (whether it is someone I know, or otherwise). As a reader of erotic stories, do you think you'd be attracted to someone based on how they wrote about sex and intimacy? Could a story make you want to fuck the person who imagined it?

Absolutely. If I read a story with very descriptive, well-written, erotic scenes - especially the ones that make me feel like I'm there and experiencing it along with the characters - then there's no way I won't see that author, at some level, in a sexual light. I mean, I'm in their head (to a certain extent) and I may like what's in there. :-)

And if someone can describe an act or encounter that demonstrates skill and finesse, be it in a story or a chat, then I find that very arousing. If someone's "imagination" strikes a chord with you, opens a new world up to you, and/or creates a fantasy you didn't even know you had, you might be very attracted to them (or at least their imagination).

"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.”
― Carl Sagan
Quote by lifetooshort4bs

Absolutely. If I read a story with very descriptive, well-written, erotic scenes - especially the ones that make me feel like I'm there and experiencing it along with the characters - then there's no way I won't see that author, at some level, in a sexual light. I mean, I'm in their head (to a certain extent) and I may like what's in there. :-)

And if someone can describe an act or encounter that demonstrates skill and finesse, be it in a story or a chat, then I find that very arousing. If someone's "imagination" strikes a chord with you, opens a new world up to you, and/or creates a fantasy you didn't even know you had, you might be very attracted to them (or at least their imagination).

I actually really like the specificity with which you've framed an answer which is basically 'Yes.'
"...then there's no way I won't see that author, at some level, in a sexual light. I mean, I'm in their head (to a certain extent) and I may like what's in there. :-)" this holds very true for me, you've just framed what I thought much better. I am indeed excited to discover some new fantasy which I never knew I might have had before, by way of a story. But even more than that, certain nuances of sexual imagination and of how how two or more people can share a space together wrapped in eroticism, makes me feel a kind of admiration for the mind that crafted it and a possible attraction towards the person (young or older, stereotypical sexy or otherwise).


I see. I must say I love your Fernando Pessoa quote.
I can't say that I have ever been attracted to someone based on their writing. Forum posts, which are more interactive, but not stories. Couldn't say why, though.
Quote by seeker4
I can't say that I have ever been attracted to someone based on their writing. Forum posts, which are more interactive, but not stories. Couldn't say why, though.

Fair enough.


oh, darn. *wanders off, kicking dust*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by lifetooshort4bs

Absolutely. If I read a story with very descriptive, well-written, erotic scenes - especially the ones that make me feel like I'm there and experiencing it along with the characters - then there's no way I won't see that author, at some level, in a sexual light. I mean, I'm in their head (to a certain extent) and I may like what's in there. :-)

And if someone can describe an act or encounter that demonstrates skill and finesse, be it in a story or a chat, then I find that very arousing. If someone's "imagination" strikes a chord with you, opens a new world up to you, and/or creates a fantasy you didn't even know you had, you might be very attracted to them (or at least their imagination).

Agreed, yes. The sexual, intellectual and emotional spectrums are so broad and varied that it is special when someone "strikes a chord" that appeals to "something within" - whether it is consciously acknowledged or subconsciously unrecognized or denied. For me, it is often the case, that a well-worded, thoughtful description will conjure a stimulating and irresistible imagery that compels an attraction to the writer's offering, as well as to his/her need to express it.
Quote by seeker4
I can't say that I have ever been attracted to someone based on their writing. Forum posts, which are more interactive, but not stories. Couldn't say why, though.

I'll have to agree with Seeker's comment. There are many stories here I've read and enjoyed to the extent that I am jealous of the author's ability to string words together in a creative manner. At times I've wished I could write even half as well, and will gladly read other stories by the same person, so I guess in that vague sense, I'm attracted to that individual. However, it's not an intimate attraction, nor can I think of anytime I've sent them a friend request based entirely on the story. In fact, most of the people I either have, or still chat with on a daily basis, had never published a story at the time we became friends. Having done some writing myself, I admit that to a certain extent we put a bit of ourselves into the words we write, but it is still only a story which may be totally make-believe.

The friends I am most fond of, are ones that have taken the time and effort to put together a descriptive profile. I watch what they say and how they present themselves in these forums, and to a certain extent, what they don't say, and from that information, I get a feeling of the kind of person they are. This will dictate whether or not I send them a friend request.
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
Quote by LikeToWrite

I'll have to agree with Seeker's comment. There are many stories here I've read and enjoyed to the extent that I am jealous of the author's ability to string words together in a creative manner. At times I've wished I could write even half as well, and will gladly read other stories by the same person, so I guess in that vague sense, I'm attracted to that individual. However, it's not an intimate attraction, nor can I think of anytime I've sent them a friend request based entirely on the story. In fact, most of the people I either have, or still chat with on a daily basis, had never published a story at the time we became friends. Having done some writing myself, I admit that to a certain extent we put a bit of ourselves into the words we write, but it is still only a story which may be totally make-believe.

The friends I am most fond of, are ones that have taken the time and effort to put together a descriptive profile. I watch what they say and how they present themselves in these forums, and to a certain extent, what they don't say, and from that information, I get a feeling of the kind of person they are. This will dictate whether or not I send them a friend request.

That's rather well put, I understand. For me, on rare occasions it's like a mild temporary attraction based mostly off an admiration for and curiosity about the mind that had imagined a story I had just read.
Yes. Three-and-a-half years later, we're still writing.
Quote by FirstBlush
Yes. Three-and-a-half years later, we're still writing.

That's beautiful!
Absolutely. What a person writes is a reflection of who they are, and in many ways it is a deep look into their soul.

My bookshelf includes 227 stories, which include 76 collaborations;

One Editor's Pick, Three Series Awards, Fifty-three Recommended Reads, and Eight Famous Stories are included. Go to


Attracted, not necessarily, but interested. I usually have to look at the writer's profile after reading though. However, I do get a lot of comments on my stories telling me all sorts of things, with some very lewd suggestions.
Quote by ChrisM
Absolutely. What a person writes is a reflection of who they are, and in many ways it is a deep look into their soul.

Agree. I think many readers think the writer is relaying his/her own fantasies and experiences and if the reader is aroused by the scenes painted in the story, they are attracted in some way to the author. This is especially true if the author wrote in first person directly to the reader - I/you wordings. I am always drawn in by first person writing.
A well-turned bit of writing, like a shapely bottom, will get my attention.
Quote by lynnwitt
A well-turned bit of writing, like a shapely bottom, will get my attention.

Is being a sarcastic smart ass a shape?


There have been a few that wrote poetry that I related to and connected with. That connection lead to an understanding and ultimately, a very powerful attraction.
But it can open doors. It can let you see a little bit of what they are like.
I would be cautious of equating anyone's stories to their own kinks, fetishes and experiences. Just because someone has written in a category does not mean that turns them on. Look within the story and I'm sure you'll find lots of hints and clues as to what the author is like.
This could be where I might start gain an interest, but it would take a lot more to become an attraction. As others have said, profiles, forum comments, oh, and perhaps actually talking to the person, through whichever medium.

Kite's Kinky Tales

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I think it’s a way to get to know someone and can lead to more....
Quote by ChrisM
Absolutely. What a person writes is a reflection of who they are, and in many ways it is a deep look into their soul.

I couldn't agree more ChrisM.4am40u296kupXgBO
Yes. It is like any good author, if you like the story you seek out all their other works to read.
The body of their work gives you an inkling into their mind, and someone smart, witty and well spoken is always attractive and interesting to know better.

Our Stories Hellcat - OUR LATEST TALE
Always Yours Eye-am-yours
Stories of Lana and Evan Cornucopia, Morning Delights, Tropical Escape
Oceans of-Love, Visions of You, Dream a Little Dream, That Attraction
RR - Sci Fi - The Thief and The Stolen Heart

I have been attracted to my fave writers from the start. Some have become good friends, and unfortunately some have not. It's not the person, it's their words that will always echo in my mind
Quote by AshleyRedux
I have been attracted to my fave writers from the start. Some have become good friends, and unfortunately some have not. It's not the person, it's their words that will always echo in my mind

The words echo in my mind
Thoughts thrilling and erotic provoke
And, thus, it is that I find
Doth an attraction indeed invoke
I never have, with one possible exception who shall remain unnamed. Like seeker said, I'm more about displays of intelligence and wit in the forums.

That said, I've had, ahem, a lot of readers of my own pieces who have expressed interest in me, personally, after reading something I wrote. It's fine, it is what it is.
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more likely to be attracted to them if they've got ginormous tits.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
more likely to be attracted to them if they've got ginormous tits.

Haha... fair enough
Quote by Evanescent

Haha... fair enough

i like to say the things everyone else is thinking but they're not willing to put it out there.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.