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Cooperative, multi-author project needs input

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Active Ink Slinger
A few authors (I'm one) are getting together for a cooperative project. We are planning on each writing one chapter in a larger work. To avoid complete chaos, we are going to start with a plot arc in mind. For the basic premise, we have decided to turn to the readers.

The story will be erotic, but we'd like your ideas to be less to do with the category bar to the left side of the home page, but rather what the story might be *in addition* to being erotic.

And... Begin!
My novel, The Society, is available now in the Kindle Store:
I do love this idea and think it could be a lot of fun. Let me start thinking of some ideas.
Active Ink Slinger
I have an idea I've been tossing around for a couple of years. It's way too much work for just myself and hoped to get someone else involved to try and pull it off. I had an idea similar to this with a handful of authors but alas, I never brought it to fruition.
Send me a PM and I can send you the outline and brainstorming sheet I sketched out, if you'd like Sensei.
If somebody PM's me, I'd be down to help with the writing or give specific input. Feel free to check my profile for an audition sample.
I do believe most of the writers have been chosen. Right now, we're looking for story suggestions/ideas that are original. Anyone have any story ideas they want to share? You can post or send to Sensei.
Active Ink Slinger
How about a story about a female who after a sex change to male moves to a new town and begins to explore sexual relations with women who do not know that she was once a woman?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CurlyGirly
I do believe most of the writers have been chosen. Right now, we're looking for story suggestions/ideas that are original. Anyone have any story ideas they want to share? You can post or send to Sensei.

I wasn't inviting myself to the party.
I'll just go ride my pony... by myself. sad

Quote by TheDevilsWeakness

I wasn't inviting myself to the party.
I'll just go ride my pony... by myself. sad

Not what I meant at all, Missy!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CurlyGirly

Holy shit! That looked like me this morning... except my hair is longer and wilder and I don't have 5 o'clock shadow... I didn't bother to shave at all
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness

Holy shit! That looked like me this morning... except my hair is longer and wilder and I don't have 5 o'clock shadow... I didn't bother to shave at all

Hey, me too which is rather unfortunate for a Tuesday.

Our little this morning has given me a story idea, tho.

Two straight women who have a long history of not liking each other maybe way back to HS. They're just cold and frosty to each other in general. They have mutual friends who have never understood their dislike for each other. The mutual friends are the reason they keep getting thrown together. They act this way because they are secretly attracted to the other and are confused by the feelings, because they consider themselves straight. They finally have an altercation. Maybe one shoves past the other in a bathroom at a nightclub or something? One finally kisses the other? Hurried groping session and finger fucking in the bathroom. After that, they have clandestine meetings. Maybe another friend walks in on them eventually.

OK, that's all I have for now. More ideas, please!
Active Ink Slinger
I think that's an interesting start... I have an idea that meshes with that...

The driver for the conflict is that the two are rivals on different teams in a roller derby league.

When they play each other, they are fierce competitors, but they're on-again/off-again lovers too.
My novel, The Society, is available now in the Kindle Store:
I often get intimidated by the "Original" tag, if Will, Charles and Agatha haven't wrote about it then shucks, that is original...nevertheless here are a few ideas...

Sex Therapist - She/He listens to problems - offers solutions - but their life of sex is flawed - Not too original I guess but it may have wings as they say or is that legs?

Female/Male - Exposed to a new found lease of sexual life - traditional values and beliefs - Over 40 perhaps, or even 50, or 60 or well you get the picture...perhaps due to bereavement, divorce, or after chancing upon erotic literature and becoming obsessed perhaps...lot's of opportunities for conflict here I think...

I think there are lots of opportunities for stories to develop based upon brain development, how during our development the templates we have for everything are formed, and perhaps the template for (lets use fidelity for now) fidelity hadn't been properly developed, the person behaves in a particular way because of this lack of development, a lot of conflict could be offered here, two cultures clashing that sort of thing..(I may have to develop my thinking here but hopefully you get the idea)

Simple ruminations on my part, the post is very interesting so I thought I'd post...and throw in my hat with an idea or two...