I wrote a Lush story (and just submitted another) and wanted to discuss adding drawings. I am a newbie in this regard (and in the writing area too) and wanted to know if someone could convert words to art/drawings,as well as photos to art/drawings.
That would be great... I imagine it turning out like chris chan's sonichu comics.
Hi - I'm new to Lush having been here less than a week and have to say it is the best erotic web site I have found so far. Liz's comment about the possibility of "visual stories" interests me a lot. I am very much into erotic photography as well as erotic writing and on many occasions have created a photo story of sexual encounters as well as simply writing about them. My guess is that a lot of other folk have a visual imagination where sexy images can very effectively enhance an erotic story. So I wonder whether any progress has been made since Liz's comment about the possibility of introducing illustrated stories?
By the way I can imagine on the one hand stories which are primarily words with a few appropriate photos (or drawings, paintings) to enhance them or alternatively om the other hand something which is largely a sequence of photos with captions.
If anyone else is interested in this kind of erotic genre I would be very pleased to get into a discussion on the topic.
I was a bit disappointed by the lack of response/interest into this topic of illustrated erotic stories. Liz hinted earlier - back in June - that the "powers that be" in Lush were considering a development to allow illustrated stories to be submitted.
I realise that not everyone can produce good quality art - in fact very few people can - but I feel sure quite a few writers also possess appropriate photos - I certainly do. As a photographer I like to think that the old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" can be true.
Thanks for calling me a young grasshopper - I'm at an age more like an old frog, to name an alternative hoppy creature. Also I have been quite patient - I waited nearly two months before writing the follow-up!