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do all woman fantasize about other woman

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Quote by weplay
I always thought so, but after feeling my first touch from a woman, I now know so
yes. we all think exactly the same. anyone who doesn't gets kicked out of the girl's club.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Every single one I have ever known had that fantasy, makes me sort of sad they don't feel the same about me
Of course not, that's the same as asking do all men fantasize of other men.
Quote by crazydiamond
Of course not, that's the same as asking do all men fantasize of other men.

(That is SO not what you said to me earlier...)
According to this little fella,

I'd like to think so
Quote by Mazza

(That is SO not what you said to me earlier...)

Shhh that's our little secret and you were not supposed to tell, now we are just another generalization.
I only fantasize about another woman doing either my house cleaning or the kitty litter clean up.

if the question is sexually? No, not all women fantasize about other women .... I sure as fuck don't. ever.
i sometimes wonder...i think women are beautiful...and let's face it...they might have an inside track on that clit

nothig wrong with fantasies as long as they dont hurt you..or others
Nope, never do. I just love men.
" I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer"
Woody Allen
I do, but it's only that ... a fantasy.

Realistically, it would be something I'd probably only want to do once just to fulfill my curiosity. So how would I approach this? "Hey, let's get naked and see what happens?"

I'm sure that would go over big.

And if my lover were there? I wouldn't be too comfortable with that, especially if he started getting in on the action. I'm not the jealous type, but I have my limits.
Ms Quote

Author of A Good Woman's Dirty Mind
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Can't say I fantasise about anyone be they male or female - unless of course I've had sex with them. Then that's different. Girls are naturally critical of each other and quick to notice another girl whom they feel is better looking, slimmer, better dressed or similar. As for fantasising .. for me it's a complete no, no. At my age I try to do my best - but there are girls younger than me with whom I cannot compete. I live in a real world and know my limitations.
I've been with both sexes but I don't "fantasize" over a chick.
†Jinxy Approved†

mmm I haven't been with a woman..but have fantasised about women and would sleep with a woman! ;)
Quite like lesbian porn as well!
Not all do but a lot more are being honest about their attraction to other women
Not all women do. But I think a lot more do than are willing to admit it. It doesnt mean they are bisexual. Many people have fantasies about things they wouldnt do IRL, thats why they are fantasies!
No, I don't think about other women nor do I fantasize about them. There is no attraction there whatsoever. I am strictly dickly and always will be. smile
If I think another woman is hawt or she's pretty or she's pretty hawt, I may check her out - what she's wearing, how she holds herself, how she talks to ppl in general. But I don't fantasize about her. But I do like almost always check out her ass. Don't know why but it doesn't mean I want sleep with
i dont know about other girls but i know i do.
Hell NO! I have never fantasized about being with a woman. Having said that, I do appreciate the female physical form. I can see a beautiful woman with a gorgeous figure and think she looks nice, but I'm not looking at her in a sexual way. I can look at an erotic picture of a woman and appreciate it as photography, not as something that turns me on.
I can't speak for all women, only for myself. My first sexual experiences with another person were with other girls, not because I wanted it that way, it just ahppened, plus no girl would get me pregnaant! Later I discovered the joy of sex with males. I would, at times, fantasize about other females, hell I still do! While I have been monogamous heteroly (is that a word) with my husband for over 40 years, I have still had female relations.
awhhhhh...nope, never did , have no desire too...........
In Verbal-World they all do.

Of course, in Verbal-World they all fantasize about me too.
Sadly, no. I'd love to change that! :-)
How can you ever say ALL women, but I think its becoming more prevalent and accepted, every day.
This one has fantasied about many but not all women.
Fortunately fantasy turned to reality with me and now its look but dont touch - unless its my gf's.
I've dated women who fantasized very actively about other women - as in both of us talking and making up stories of us about having a threesome with another woman, but none of those women actually wanted to act out those fantasies. Their fantasies were not my idea and I wasn't initiating, they were, BUT the ladies were very clear that it wasn't ever going to happen in real life, but for some reason it turned them on to fantasize. They were not secretly gay, nor even bisexual, or anything like that. I know one of these gals still as a friend and she's definitely not gay nor bisexual (though she says she gets hit on all the time by women...).

I have dated and known other women who were only attracted to men. It was unequivocal. Only men. Not because of society or anything else, but other women just did NOT arouse them. It wasn't a choice to be aroused. I can't say I don't understand. I do. I have no sexual attraction to men. So I get it.

Having said that, almost all the women I've know have an appreciative eye for feminine beauty, though it seems sort of more technical than a man's testosterone-driven appetite.
Regardless of their sexual orientation, most of the women I know do fantasize about other women. And I think it's pretty normal and natural smile
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