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Concerned about what i should do about this guy, very unique problem :s

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Active Ink Slinger
Sorry I missed page 2 before my reply, so I was a wee bit behind on the commentary...Oops
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by awensmom
Sara - You missed a very important detail in your explanation. Are you attracted to this guy? and what do you want to do with him? You've seen him naked, so you should have figured out whether you think he is hot or not. If you are really that conservative, just tell him you aren't interested in that. Honestly though you are probably better off messing around with him than someone your own age. Teenaged boys (early 20s too) are notoriously bad in bed and older guys should know what they are doing. As long as you don't look like a kid there is nothing wrong with him having the hots for you and if you like him he would probably be a good person to help you figure out what you like.

Everyone else - There are lots of high school seniors over 18 and many Juniors too. I was 17 in college, so level of education isn't close to being a definite way to judge age. Since she is on lush we should assume she is old enough to be here, until proven otherwise.

Well see i like being at the beach and it feels exciting so its hard to say if its his body making me hot or just being clothless is making me hot cos its new to me. Like if i wear a summer dress with no panties i get the same feelings, and he is not around when i do that and i'm like walking the dog etc, But he is nice looking and if his age was not so old i think i could kiss him etc.
I think the age makes me feel too wrong to sleep with him

I am old enough i promise but if my english sounds not 18 then its because i'm not born with english and have not mastered it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Olivia
He's looking to get laid. Many young girls feel flattered when an older, experienced man shows them attention. These guys tend to know all the right tricks to say to bolster your self-esteem and tell you how smart/beautiful/special you are and how dumb boys your own age are and how they don't understand you or treat you the way you should be treated. Men like this see an easy target and they zero in on them. They will feed you whatever they think you want or need to hear in order to close the deal.

SHHHHHH! You'll ruin everything for us!!
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sara_skirter

Well see i like being at the beach and it feels exciting so its hard to say if its his body making me hot or just being clothless is making me hot cos its new to me. Like if i wear a summer dress with no panties i get the same feelings, and he is not around when i do that and i'm like walking the dog etc, But he is nice looking and if his age was not so old i think i could kiss him etc.
I think the age makes me feel too wrong to sleep with him

I am old enough i promise but if my english sounds not 18 then its because i'm not born with english and have not mastered it.

Someone needs to send out the pervert patrol on that beach.

Here's the thing Sara... It might seem to you that what he's doing is innocent because he technically hasn't made any major moves yet. Smart predators know how to inch forward slowly and always have an escape route. If he makes a move on you after an erection-filled day in the sun and you freak out, he will just dismiss it as not meaning to have pushed anything because he 'values your friendship' but was overcome by how 'beautiful/special/desirable' you are in that weak-willed moment. Maybe he will pad the apology with some sentimental garbage about how hard it is to be a single dad and how emotional and lonely he's been since the divorce in an effort to gain your sympathy and get you to drop your guard or give in. If he sheds a well-timed tear, you know you're dealing with a pro.

When it comes down to it, it is not appropriate for a middle-aged man to take a teenage girl to a nude beach and lay there with his dick bobbing up and down all day for you to see. I think this is a grooming ploy (by him). He is slowly trying to introduce you to sexuality, his naked body, and possible arousal all under the guise of friendship. He's not looking for a friend but he will be happy to play that card during the seduction process. I don't see any reasonable platonic explanation for taking a teenage babysitter to a nude beach. As far as your 'friendship' with him goes, it's probably very 'loosely based' at that. Your age difference at this point in life would leave you with little in common to really bond over. He is just biding his time and laying down the strategy to eventually bed you. It's quite the sport for many men and they are happy to take their time during the hunt for the right kind of tasty game that they expect to enjoy after the chase.

Now I should also state that I don't have any major issues with significant age differences between couples once the youngest person has reached mature adulthood. To me, that doesn't happen until you're well into your twenties and have some life experience behind you. These kinds of relationships are often rather predatory in nature with the older person manipulating the situation and emotions of the younger, naive one. Why give in to a situation with someone that is playing you for a fool and working a good game, knowing that he's probably bragging to his middle-aged buddies at the local pub later "yeah, I finally bagged me some jailbait". A 5-10 yr age difference is reasonable when one is younger but when you get into the range where the person is the same age as a parent, it's ripe for disaster until you reach a certain level of life maturity.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by overmykneenow
Quote by Olivia
He's looking to get laid. Many young girls feel flattered when an older, experienced man shows them attention. These guys tend to know all the right tricks to say to bolster your self-esteem and tell you how smart/beautiful/special you are and how dumb boys your own age are and how they don't understand you or treat you the way you should be treated. Men like this see an easy target and they zero in on them. They will feed you whatever they think you want or need to hear in order to close the deal.

SHHHHHH! You'll ruin everything for us!!

Hmm... do I need to take you over my knee now?

Funny thing, sex therapists tend to just skip the friendship route and head straight to the adult-only games. We always win, of course.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Olivia
Quote by overmykneenow
Quote by Olivia
He's looking to get laid. Many young girls feel flattered when an older, experienced man shows them attention. These guys tend to know all the right tricks to say to bolster your self-esteem and tell you how smart/beautiful/special you are and how dumb boys your own age are and how they don't understand you or treat you the way you should be treated. Men like this see an easy target and they zero in on them. They will feed you whatever they think you want or need to hear in order to close the deal.

SHHHHHH! You'll ruin everything for us!!

Hmm... do I need to take you over my knee now?

Funny thing, sex therapists tend to just skip the friendship route and head straight to the adult-only games. We always win, of course.

Oh Olivia, you wicked tease.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Locksley
Anyone consider that she might be a fake trying to get attention? The entire scenario reads like a setup to a lush "Taboo" story...

Add that to her answer on the "would you watch your mate masturbate" topic and the sexy (and barely legal if we believe her age/sex) profile pic.

I smell a troll or at least a guy...

Just my two cents...

^^^My thoughts exactly as I began to read the OP.
“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.”
― P.J. O'Rourke
Active Ink Slinger
I've been to many nude beachs through out the Caribbean and errections at the nude beach Sara is NOT normal. Forget being friends with this man he wants sex and will manipulate you in ways you will not understand to get it just like he got you to go to the nude beach which was VERY inappropriate at the least. STOP babysitting for him and run like hell girl you have a dog on your hands here!!!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Quote: Like if i wear a summer dress with no panties i get the same feelings, and he is not around when i do that and i'm like walking the dog etc,

So... she walks the dog with a summer dress on and no panties? Hope you bend at the knees when you poop scoop
Head Nurse
my vote is on troll also.

that being said if i were to be 18 again, & experience the older guy hitting on me, I wouldnt have turned him down... I would have driven to college in my brand new car!
In Ireland we'd say, Be Aware, Have Fun........

(But keep your hand on your Ha'Penney!!!!!!)

xx SF
Active Ink Slinger
PEOPLE! PEOPLE1 Please scroll back up, read Nicola's post, and stop with the baseless accusations. Even if you are convinced you are right, there is a proper way to file a formal complaint. Either do that, or not. But stop with the open denigration. Two wrongs never make a right.

And Steph - you got it right - Keep your hand on the ha' penny.

Olivia's post is, as some are wont to say, "Spot on." (winks at Steph - and the rest of you guys across the pond)

This guy is at best, a slime ball, and may easily be worse.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster