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Concerned about what i should do about this guy, very unique problem :s

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Wild at Heart
Maybe she's a slow adult! Ever think of that!?

Seriously though.

I don't think any of you are associated with the site or the actual authorities... Maybe you should let the mods make the judgement call before you guys jump down someones young teeny throat! For the record, yeah, she seems underage, but you lush junior deputies are annoying as fuck. Seriously. Let the mods do their lush jobs.
Quote by Magical_felix
Maybe she's a slow adult! Ever think of that!?

Seriously though.

I don't think any of you are associated with the site or the actual authorities... Maybe you should let the mods make the judgement call before you guys jump down someones young teeny throat! For the record, yeah, she seems underage, but you lush junior deputies are annoying as fuck. Seriously. Let the mods do their lush jobs.

my apologies for pointing it out and ruining your fun, Felix ....

have at her!! enjoy!!
Quote by swollen
5$ each - Hell, don't judge me - I need the cash !!

Hey, did you ever consider selling your used panties? I hear that's all the rage these days when you're strapped for cash!?! Although, you do seem a bit too classy for that!! smile I know I shouldn't contribute to the Troll-A-Thon, but it's been one helluva week!

*poof* Bigguns appears to be gone?
Wild at Heart
Quote by Yahtzee
Quote by Magical_felix
Maybe she's a slow adult! Ever think of that!?

Seriously though.

I don't think any of you are associated with the site or the actual authorities... Maybe you should let the mods make the judgement call before you guys jump down someones young teeny throat! For the record, yeah, she seems underage, but you lush junior deputies are annoying as fuck. Seriously. Let the mods do their lush jobs.

my apologies for pointing it out and ruining your fun, Felix ....

have at her!! enjoy!!

I don't want to have at her.

I want the junior deputies to stop being so... Annoying. I can't think of a better word. If you were mods or some shit, okay fine. But you're not. I may sound harsh but pointing out the obvious, tattletaling, making judgment calls like you're the moral authority doesn't make these boards more fun. It makes them lame. The mods are there for a reason. I dont think they need help, there's a ton of them already.

And where's Olivia!? I really wanted to hear her advice on this matter!!!
Quote by Magical_felix
Quote by Yahtzee
Quote by Magical_felix
Maybe she's a slow adult! Ever think of that!?

Seriously though.

I don't think any of you are associated with the site or the actual authorities... Maybe you should let the mods make the judgement call before you guys jump down someones young teeny throat! For the record, yeah, she seems underage, but you lush junior deputies are annoying as fuck. Seriously. Let the mods do their lush jobs.

my apologies for pointing it out and ruining your fun, Felix ....

have at her!! enjoy!!

I don't want to have at her.

I want the junior deputies to stop being so... Annoying. I can't think of a better word. If you were mods or some shit, okay fine. But you're not. I may sound harsh but pointing out the obvious, tattletaling, making judgment calls like you're the moral authority doesn't make these boards more fun. It makes them lame. The mods are there for a reason. I dont think they need help, there's a ton of them already.

And where's Olivia!? I really wanted to hear her advice on this matter!!!

as I said .... I apologize ....
Wild at Heart
Quote by Yahtzee
Quote by Magical_felix
Quote by Yahtzee
Quote by Magical_felix
Maybe she's a slow adult! Ever think of that!?

Seriously though.

I don't think any of you are associated with the site or the actual authorities... Maybe you should let the mods make the judgement call before you guys jump down someones young teeny throat! For the record, yeah, she seems underage, but you lush junior deputies are annoying as fuck. Seriously. Let the mods do their lush jobs.

my apologies for pointing it out and ruining your fun, Felix ....

have at her!! enjoy!!

I don't want to have at her.

I want the junior deputies to stop being so... Annoying. I can't think of a better word. If you were mods or some shit, okay fine. But you're not. I may sound harsh but pointing out the obvious, tattletaling, making judgment calls like you're the moral authority doesn't make these boards more fun. It makes them lame. The mods are there for a reason. I dont think they need help, there's a ton of them already.

And where's Olivia!? I really wanted to hear her advice on this matter!!!

as I said .... I apologize ....

Okay, that apology seemed more sincere. It didn't insinuate I wanted fake Internet sex with a minor. So apology accepted. I apologize for my sometimes harsh way of stating things. I don't apologize for calling you guys junior deputies.
Internet Sensation
Try and get back to the topic maybe?

This guy i babysit for is chatty and he talked about how he go to nude beaches and a nudist camp.
I agreed with his ideas about nudism and then he asked if i want to go with him to this nude beach to try.
So we went and its really unique/fun but i am a bit suspicious of if he wants me to be his girl because of something, and i don't know what i should do
Boyfriends are my age always except he is double my age!
Constant Gardener
Quote by Magical_felix
I don't apologize for calling you guys junior deputies.

And I won't apologize for telling you to suck a dick and **** the **** off. You're a major ****ing dickhead most the time, dude. You like cat turds in your sand box, I'm cool with that.

That's how you roll.

This is how I roll.

But you know that already.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by sara_skirter
I am in my last year of high school and i started babysitting for money because we know some single parents.
This guy i babysit for is chatty and he talked about how he go to nude beaches and a nudist camp.
I agreed with his ideas about nudism and then he asked if i want to go with him to this nude beach to try.
So we went and its really unique/fun but i am a bit suspicious of if he wants me to be his girl because of something, and i don't know what i should do
Boyfriends are my age always except he is double my age!

OK ... back on topic ....

do give advice!!
Wild at Heart
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by Magical_felix
I don't apologize for calling you guys junior deputies.

And I won't apologize for telling you to suck a dick and fuck the fuck off. You're a major fucking dickhead most the time, dude. You like cat turds in your sand box, I'm cool with that.

That's how you roll.

This is how I roll.

But you know that already.

Did that old pot just call me black? How dare he....

And yahtzee... I WAS giving some pretty awesome advice. Until it was derailed!

Is lush made up of all horses now? Cause all I see are nay-sayers!
Active Ink Slinger
Wow, what a whole new nasty, bitchy Lush world ! I like my own Lush bubble and I'm staying in it from now on !
Active Ink Slinger
The Junior Deputies make a valid point (Sorry Felix)
The mods can't be everywhere on here and its up to a few of us to sometimes point it out to them.

After reading alot of this girls posts its quite clear to me that she's a minor.
I deal with teenagers everyday and can see the signs
What I don't get is why is Bigguns gone and she's still here?
(Granted he's a HUGE pain in the ass, but c'mon?)

As for the point of the topic, once I get past the obvious typos, poor grammar and juvenile text speech its seems its a matter for the police. This is a predator preying on a young girl and should have the authorities called upon him.
Quote by Magical_felix
Quote by sara_skirter
Quote by Magical_felix
Quote by sara_skirter
Quote by Magical_felix
I think what you should do is pretty obvious... You should 'date' him but like make sure he gives you plenty of gifts like money and eventually a car. You can use these things to have fun with your other boyfriends your own age.

That sounds a bit 'out there', but maybe. Hard to tel what is 'normal' because i'm pretty conservative

It's not out there at all! I'm sure he would be just fine with this kind of arrangement. You come over and 'take care of the kid' know what I'm sayin? Then he pays you for it and then you're on your way. Everybody wins! You can have fun little nude trips where he looks all cool with some young stuff and you get out of the house a bit. I was conservative at your age too, well maybe by 18 not so much but that conservatism fades anyway. Might as well jump into the adult world already.

Well he is a friend and friends do not have to buy things, friendship is enough

Yeah yeah that's nice... Friends yes, that is true. Friendship and all of that.

But this guy wants to like put his penis in you, yes? He's a much older creeper type? Milk him, his penis along with his wallet. He won't mind. In fact, if you're extra good he'll probably WANT to give you gifts. Maybe he'll ask to keep it quiet too. Maybe he'll eventually want your friends to meet up his friends for rufie coladas at his place one evening too.

Excellent advice Felix ... no tongue in cheek there, nor here!

Quote by TheDevilsWeakness
This is a predator preying on a young girl and should have the authorities called upon him.

Thank you .... I had the same line of thought.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness
The Junior Deputies make a valid point (Sorry Felix)
The mods can't be everywhere on here and its up to a few of us to sometimes point it out to them.

After reading alot of this girls posts its quite clear to me that she's a minor.
I deal with teenagers everyday and can see the signs
What I don't get is why is Bigguns gone and she's still here?
(Granted he's a HUGE pain in the ass, but c'mon?)

As for the point of the topic, once I get past the obvious typos, poor grammar and juvenile text speech its seems its a matter for the police. This is a predator preying on a young girl and should have the authorities called upon him.

We have an excellent team of moderators and although it may appear that we are not aware or around sometimes, I can guarantee that we are, and that we are on the case.

We really cannot delete a member just based on typo's, poor grammar and juvenile text speech. Many young adults use text speech and same said with older members. We need proof, and sometimes it takes time acquiring that proof. If members have any suspicions about a member, we would love if you would contact us via the contact page which is located here and not in the forums, as it unfair to the original poster and can ruin many topics if the suspicions prove to be incorrect.

As for Bigguns, you can find the reason why here
Wild at Heart
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness
The Junior Deputies make a valid point (Sorry Felix)
The mods can't be everywhere on here and its up to a few of us to sometimes point it out to them.

After reading alot of this girls posts its quite clear to me that she's a minor.
I deal with teenagers everyday and can see the signs
What I don't get is why is Bigguns gone and she's still here?
(Granted he's a HUGE pain in the ass, but c'mon?)

As for the point of the topic, once I get past the obvious typos, poor grammar and juvenile text speech its seems its a matter for the police. This is a predator preying on a young girl and should have the authorities called upon him.

Finally, a rational person.

Four things.

1.) You over-estimate the average 18 year old's ability to write correctly.

2.) This could be a European who's fifth language is English.

3.) I agree biguns is a HUGE pain in the ass... But he made a cool Felix shirt.

4.) catnip is a mod, plus I saw other mods in the thread this morning. They left it up. So maybe they HAVE seen it and there IS enough of them to see all the threads pretty quickly.

EDIT: <--- see what she said?
Active Ink Slinger
Sorry... let me clarify what I was trying to say. It seems I haven't been clear.
If we have issues with someone on the site we should contact one of the mods and not take matters into our own hands.
I was not implying that the mods are not around. But if enough people think this girl isn't of age and we MAIL the mods, then it becomes a priority instead of just being watched.
And I was reading this girls posts on a number of different topics. My observation that she's a juvenile was not based on this one topic alone.

Oh and I just now read the post nicola made... better late than never smile
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by Magical_felix
I don't apologize for calling you guys junior deputies.

And I won't apologize for telling you to suck a dick and fuck the fuck off. You're a major fucking dickhead most the time, dude. You like cat turds in your sand box, I'm cool with that.

That's how you roll.

This is how I roll.

But you know that already.

Does anyone here see how i met your mother?

Hey Swollen ill buy you one of those popcorns!!
Wild at Heart
Quote by latinfoxy
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by Magical_felix
I don't apologize for calling you guys junior deputies.

And I won't apologize for telling you to suck a dick and fuck the fuck off. You're a major fucking dickhead most the time, dude. You like cat turds in your sand box, I'm cool with that.

That's how you roll.

This is how I roll.

But you know that already.

Does anyone here see how i met your mother?

Hey Swollen ill buy you one of those popcorns!!

No. What are you referring too? How does the old codger remind you of the show?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by Magical_felix
I don't apologize for calling you guys junior deputies.

And I won't apologize for telling you to suck a dick and fuck the fuck off. You're a major fucking dickhead most the time, dude. You like cat turds in your sand box, I'm cool with that.

That's how you roll.

This is how I roll.

But you know that already.

Did that old pot just call me black? How dare he....

And yahtzee... I WAS giving some pretty awesome advice. Until it was derailed!

Is lush made up of all horses now? Cause all I see are nay-sayers!

Active Ink Slinger
Well, looks like I am arriving a little late to the party...

Instead of dealing with the messy clean-up (I'm sure this thread will be bulldozed eventually), let's get back to the original question and pretend that we know for certain that Sara is of age. Even if she is not, I'm sure lecherous single dads preying on teenage babysitters can cause a bit of a pickle for many others who might benefit from this advice. It's easy enough to say, come on now Sara, just avoid his pickle and be done with it, but let's explore this situation a little further.

Sara said:

Quote by sara_skirter
I am in my last year of high school and i started babysitting for money because we know some single parents.
This guy i babysit for is chatty and he talked about how he go to nude beaches and a nudist camp.
I agreed with his ideas about nudism and then he asked if i want to go with him to this nude beach to try.
So we went and its really unique/fun but i am a bit suspicious of if he wants me to be his girl because of something, and i don't know what i should do
Boyfriends are my age always except he is double my age!

I see many things wrong with this scenario. First this man is twice your age, in a position of authority (your boss), and obviously making sexual advances or flirting because you are suspicious he wants you to be "his girl". Trust me, he isn't looking for a teenage girlfriend or future mother of his child. He's looking to get laid. Many young girls feel flattered when an older, experienced man shows them attention. These guys tend to know all the right tricks to say to bolster your self-esteem and tell you how smart/beautiful/special you are and how dumb boys your own age are and how they don't understand you or treat you the way you should be treated. Men like this see an easy target and they zero in on them. They will feed you whatever they think you want or need to hear in order to close the deal. It's exceedingly rare when a grown man who has been married and has had children can really see anything particularly relationship-worthy in a girl that is still in highschool, no matter what he tells you or tries to hint at. There is also that pesky little thing called statutory that he might want to be made aware of.

So my opinion, dear Sara, is that this 'man' is a predatory pervert looking to fulfill his favorite 'barely legal' babysitter fantasy and working you every step of the way.

Usually when they say "let's hit the nude beach" and play Taylor Swift CDs for you to set the mood on the ride, chances are good that he's going to make the big move sooner than later.

My advice would be to avoid him at all costs and don't listen to any attempts he makes to 'woo' you... unless all you want is a quick shag with an old man, of course.

Now it's back to the party, boys and girls. Line up the tequila shots so that I can catch up, please...
I pretty much agree with Olivia. I say get away from him and stay away.
Thanks Olivia, great advice as always.

As for those people who are openly questioning the OP's age, this really is a matter for site admins, and no-one else. For once, I am in agreement with Magical Felix over this one. I know you all feel that you're looking out for us (thank you), but this is not the way to do it, by openly grilling someone like this in the public boards.

High School, where Sara lives, is from the age of 17-19. Assuming she's telling the truth (what happened to innocent until proven guilty?), and very naive in all matters sexual, relationship or otherwise, then you really have made us out to be a very unfriendly, unwelcoming bunch of people.

Please leave the site policing up to those that have to deal with the agencies who may come calling. In 5+ years running this web site, we have never once been on the wrong side of the law, about anything.

Thank you.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dudealicious
Quote by sara_skirter
I am in my last year of high school.

Are you even old enough to be here then?

I turned 18 in july already this year so is that legal for here?
English is not my 1st language so it might seem like im younger i guess.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Olivia
Well, looks like I am arriving a little late to the party...


Instead of dealing with the messy clean-up (I'm sure this thread will be bulldozed eventually), let's get back to the original question and pretend that we know for certain that Sara is of age. Even if she is not, I'm sure lecherous single dads preying on teenage babysitters can cause a bit of a pickle for many others who might benefit from this advice. It's easy enough to say, come on now Sara, just avoid his pickle and be done with it, but let's explore this situation a little further.

Sara said:

Quote by sara_skirter
I am in my last year of high school and i started babysitting for money because we know some single parents.
This guy i babysit for is chatty and he talked about how he go to nude beaches and a nudist camp.
I agreed with his ideas about nudism and then he asked if i want to go with him to this nude beach to try.
So we went and its really unique/fun but i am a bit suspicious of if he wants me to be his girl because of something, and i don't know what i should do
Boyfriends are my age always except he is double my age!

I see many things wrong with this scenario. First this man is twice your age, in a position of authority (your boss), and obviously making sexual advances or flirting because you are suspicious he wants you to be "his girl". Trust me, he isn't looking for a teenage girlfriend or future mother of his child. He's looking to get laid. Many young girls feel flattered when an older, experienced man shows them attention. These guys tend to know all the right tricks to say to bolster your self-esteem and tell you how smart/beautiful/special you are and how dumb boys your own age are and how they don't understand you or treat you the way you should be treated. Men like this see an easy target and they zero in on them. They will feed you whatever they think you want or need to hear in order to close the deal. It's exceedingly rare when a grown man who has been married and has had children can really see anything particularly relationship-worthy in a girl that is still in highschool, no matter what he tells you or tries to hint at. There is also that pesky little thing called statutory that he might want to be made aware of.

So my opinion, dear Sara, is that this 'man' is a predatory pervert looking to fulfill his favorite 'barely legal' babysitter fantasy and working you every step of the way.

Usually when they say "let's hit the nude beach" and play Taylor Swift CDs for you to set the mood on the ride, chances are good that he's going to make the big move sooner than later.

My advice would be to avoid him at all costs and don't listen to any attempts he makes to 'woo' you... unless all you want is a quick shag with an old man, of course.

Now it's back to the party, boys and girls. Line up the tequila shots so that I can catch up, please...

Hi thanks smile i just want to be friend so not sleep with him and not marry. He didnt advance on me so its cool but he has erections at the beach the whole time and maybe its normal but it just made me feel funny about whether we were friends or not. I read on a site that nudists dont usually get erections or something. But its not like i have seen guys nude before except for dates, not in everyday walking around life lolll!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by beowulf69
The old guy just wants to have sex with her. That's all. It's simple. If she's 18 she can do whatever she wants. But he ain't looking for love just sex.

Just friendship smile
Active Ink Slinger
Anyone consider that she might be a fake trying to get attention? The entire scenario reads like a setup to a lush "Taboo" story...

Add that to her answer on the "would you watch your mate masturbate" topic and the sexy (and barely legal if we believe her age/sex) profile pic.

I smell a troll or at least a guy...

Just my two cents...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Locksley
Anyone consider that she might be a fake trying to get attention? The entire scenario reads like a setup to a lush "Taboo" story...

Add that to her answer on the "would you watch your mate masturbate" topic and the sexy (and barely legal if we believe her age/sex) profile pic.

I smell a troll or at least a guy...

Just my two cents...

Gee sorry , my neighbor i talked about in the other thread really does spy on us.
Active Ink Slinger
Sara - You missed a very important detail in your explanation. Are you attracted to this guy? and what do you want to do with him? You've seen him naked, so you should have figured out whether you think he is hot or not. If you are really that conservative, just tell him you aren't interested in that. Honestly though you are probably better off messing around with him than someone your own age. Teenaged boys (early 20s too) are notoriously bad in bed and older guys should know what they are doing. As long as you don't look like a kid there is nothing wrong with him having the hots for you and if you like him he would probably be a good person to help you figure out what you like.

Everyone else - There are lots of high school seniors over 18 and many Juniors too. I was 17 in college, so level of education isn't close to being a definite way to judge age. Since she is on lush we should assume she is old enough to be here, until proven otherwise.