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Author's Notes

"Welcome Back! I hope you have enjoyed the story so far. As promised this heats back up. If you are just joining us, please feel free to go back to Pt1, things might make a little more sense. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

As Ragden held onto Emily's and Sarah's hands, gently kissing their knuckles, and expressing his gratitude for their company, Emily and Sarah felt a newfound sense of security and trust in him. They had faced the challenges of their shared past with Ragden head-on and emerged stronger and more connected than ever before. The prospect of continuing to explore their relationship with him – free from judgment and control – filled them with hope and excitement for the future. Emily flashed her mom a reassuring smile before stepping out of the front door with Ragden. As Emily closed the door behind them, she turned to Ragden with a mischievous grin. 

Ragden raised an eyebrow quizzically at Emily. Then he took her hands in his, pulled her to him. Their bodies were inches apart, he gazed down into her eyes with love and care. “Is there something else I can do for you, my dear, before I go?” he asked. 

Emily gazed up at Ragden, her eyes filled with tenderness and longing. She had already gained so much from their time together today – a sense of safety, support, and connection that she had yearned for. Yet, she could not help but wonder what else he could do to further enhance their relationship and deepen their bond. She considered her request carefully, knowing that it would mean something important to her.  

“Can I… sleep with you tonight?” she asked shyly. She had lost her virginity the day before to this same man, and the thought of spending the night with Ragden - the guy she had once tormented - made her excited and nervous all at once. 

Ragden blinked in surprise while his body throbbed in response. His heart thundered in his chest. His mouth went dry. He blinked slowly, considering the possible consequences.  

“Do you think your mom would be okay with this?” he whispered softly. 

Emily hesitated for a moment, weighing the risks of involving her mother in their plans. She decided to err on the side of honesty and openness. She had already shown a willingness to trust Ragden with her daughter’s well-being – albeit within certain boundaries. She looked up at Ragden with a mix of caution and determination.  

“No. She doesn’t need to know about this. This is our secret. Ours.” She gazed up into his eyes with a mix of desire and vulnerability. She clearly hoped that he would choose to take the risk with her. 

"If this is what you truly want, then nothing would make me happier," he whispered to her. "However, your front step is probably not the best place to get started."  

He laughed softly, coyly, teasingly, hinting at things to come. He took her hand in his and led her down the step to the street towards his home. As they walked, he put an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Ragden’s heart thundered in his chest at what possibilities awaited them when they got there. 

Emily’s heart raced with anticipation as Ragden led her away from her home. She felt a thrill of excitement at the thought of what they were about to do – something illicit and forbidden that only the two of them shared. As they walked together, her body pressed closer against Ragden’s, savoring the feeling of his warmth and strength against her own. When they arrived at Ragden’s home, Emily followed him inside with eager curiosity and anticipation. 

Emily and Ragden walked through the foyer, kicking off their shoes. Jennifer and Michael came around the corner.  

“Mom, Dad, this is Emily. She will be sleeping here tonight.”  

His parents smiled warmly at Emily. Michael shook her hand firmly in greeting, introducing himself. Jennifer hugged her tenderly, also introducing herself. As they headed upstairs, Michael called out behind them.  

“Try not to shake the house!” 

“No promises, Dad!”  

His laughter followed them as they turned the corner and headed into Ragden’s bedroom. 

Emily and Ragden entered Ragden’s bedroom, their eyes locked on each other. As they approached his bed, Emily felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness surge through her veins. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm herself. She looked up at Ragden with a mix of vulnerability and trust. 

"This is... really happening," her voice trembled slightly as she spoke. She hesitated for a moment before reaching out and placing her hand on top of his chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath her palm. With each beat, she felt a growing sense of connection between them - a connection that had grown stronger throughout their experiences that day. As they moved towards the bed, Emily’s body tensed with anticipation. 

"Only if you want it. We can stop at any time." Ragden spoke softly. His hands on her hips, gently squeezing her comfortingly. “We don’t have to do this. Please do not get me wrong. I have wanted this ever since I left school yesterday...” He took his hands off her hips and pulled off his shirt, tossed it to the corner of the room. Then he placed his hands on her hips again, gently caressing her. 

Emily watched Ragden remove his shirt, her eyes wide with a mixture of admiration and desire. She felt a sudden rush of heat flood her body as she saw the muscles beneath his skin, the evidence of his dedication to fitness and health despite the taunts of their classmates. As he moved his hands back onto her hips, she felt a renewed sense of trust and vulnerability towards him. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart.  

“I want this,” she whispered, looking deeply into his eyes, “I want to be with you.”  

With that, Emily began to undress herself, revealing her slender frame to Ragden for the first time since their incredibly intimate encounter the day before. As he watched Emily undress herself for the first time of her own desire, Ragden’s heart raced. His palms went slick with perspiration. His eyes traced her incredible figure. Her slender ankles. The perfect lines of her calves. The soft swell of her thighs into that incredible ass. Her flat stomach. The swell of her perfect small round breasts. The lines of her shoulders. Her plump lips. Those incredible eyes. He unbuttoned his pants and started to remove them. Then he lost his balance and crashed to the floor, his legs tangled. 

Emily gasped in surprise as Ragden crashed to the ground, his pants twisted around his feet. She quickly reached out to help him up, her heart racing with a mix of concern and arousal.  

“Are you okay?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, even as she tried to suppress the desire coursing through her veins. She stood there in just her underwear. Her body exposed and vulnerable to Ragden’s hungry gaze. The sight of her naked flesh sent waves of heat through his body and caused him to struggle to regain control of his thoughts and actions. Ragden finally managed to stand upright, his pants discarded beside him. 

Laughing at his own clumsiness, Ragden reached out to Emily and took her hands in his. He stepped up close to her and felt the heat coming off her body. The desire coursed through him. His eyes hungered for her. His body twitched with desire. His cock throbbed painfully in his boxers. Its shape and size were clear.  

“Pardon my clumsiness... I... was overcome by your beauty...” 

Emily smiled reassuringly at Ragden, seeing how his accident had shaken him. She noticed the incredible heat radiating off his body. The way his eyes were now fixated on hers with intense desire. She stepped closer to him. Her breasts brushed against his chest as she placed her hands on his shoulders. Suddenly, Emily felt bold. Desire coursed through her like an electric current. She leaned in and kissed Ragden. Hard. 

Ragden responded to her kiss in kind. His lips parted, and his tongue dipped into her mouth. He tasted the familiar sweetness of her. His arms wrapped around her, pulled her body against his. The flesh-to-flesh contact was electric. He felt energy coursing through his body. The excitement at the contact was almost too much to contain. Gods, how I've wanted this again. As their kiss deepened, and got more passionate, Ragden slipped one strap of her bra off her shoulder. He gently unsnapped the clasp around her back with his other hand. 

Emily moaned into Ragden’s mouth as he touched her. Her body trembled with desire. The sensation of his fingers working at her bra made her shiver with anticipation. She pulled back slightly, panting as she gazed up into his eyes. She helped him finish removing her bra. She felt incredibly exposed and vulnerable before him. But instead of fear, Emily felt a sense of trust and desire that surprised her. Emily leaned in to kiss Ragden again. As their lips met, she ran her hands along his chest and down to his boxers. She grabbed the monstrous cock that throbbed under her grasp. 

Feeling her bare chest pressed against his, Ragden’s heart raced even faster, thundering in his chest. As her hand wrapped around his cock, it surged, harder than ever. His dick throbbed under her gentle grasp. He moaned against her lips involuntarily. His hands slipped down her back and slid under her panties. They grasped her ass cheeks and pulled her against him harder. They pinned her hand against his groin as he pressed their bodies together. His fingers curled around her ass cheeks, brushed across her asshole, and teased her damp pussy lips. 

Emily’s eyes widened in shock as she felt Ragden’s hands on her ass, pressing her hips against him with force. She gasped again sharply as his fingers teased her entrance; her hand moved to push him away. But as she fought the incredible urge to surrender to his touch, Emily found herself unable to resist. Instead, she continued rubbing his cock, feeling the slick wetness between her fingers as she explored his body with a mixture of curiosity and desire. Their tongues danced together again; Emily’s moans muffled by Ragden’s lips. She could not believe how good it felt to be this close to him after everything they had been through. 

Ragden felt her tense and start to push against him slightly. He slid his fingers away from her tender spots. Instead, sliding her panties off her hips, so that when he released them, they dropped to the floor. Then he drew back from her embrace enough to break his lips from hers.  

“I don’t think you need these anymore,” he whispered against her lips as her panties hit the floor. “Nor do I need these...” Emily’s eyes widened as she realized that Ragden was about to expose himself to her fully. He ran his tongue over her lips as his boxers hit the floor. 

She felt her heart race with anticipation and desire, and suddenly, she did not want him to stop. She licked her lips and tasted the sweetness of their kisses as she gazed up at him. Her hands reached out to touch him, her fingers running lightly along his chest and abdominal muscles. Her nipples hardened under the cool air. Emily took a deep breath and broke the spell. She turned to the bed. She climbed up and laid down, inviting Ragden to join her. 

Ragden reached out to take her hand as he climbed onto the bed beside her. Then he rolled over on top of her. His knees slipped between hers. Their groins pressed together. His cock lay across her mound, the head of it against her stomach. His hands pressed to the bed beneath her arms, so he could look down at her. He leaned in and kissed her tenderly, lovingly. He lowered himself down to his elbows and laid his chest against hers. He felt her nipples pressed against him.  

“You are amazing, you know that?” He whispered softly to her as he kissed her again. 

Emily’s eyes fluttered shut as Ragden’s lips pressed against hers in a tender kiss. She gasped as she felt his cock pressed against her stomach, and her nipples crushed against his chest. She moaned softly, losing herself in the sensations. Emily’s body was alive with desire, every fiber of her being focused on him. She nodded her head in agreement with Ragden’s words, feeling incredibly touched by them. As he lowered himself to his elbows, Emily swallowed nervously. For the second time in as many days, she was about to let a man penetrate her. But as she thought about it, Emily realized that she wanted this. She wanted Ragden. And nothing would stop her from having him. 

Ragden slipped his arms under her shoulders and pressed their bodies together. His chest hitched, a soft sob in his throat. He kissed her shoulder, her neck, her earlobe. Then he whispered against her skin, “I wasn’t sure you would ever want this again... after what I did to you yesterday...” 

Emily’s eyes filled with tears as Ragden spoke to her. She had never expected such incredible honesty and vulnerability from him. Suddenly, it all became so clear. She wanted Ragden too. More than anything. She turned her head to him, captured his lips with hers in a passionate kiss. Emily’s heart raced with desire as she moved her hips against his. She wanted him to feel how much she wanted him. She wanted him to know how much she needed him. 

He whispered softly against her lips, “Were you a virgin before yesterday?” 

Emily’s eyes widened in surprise at Ragden’s question. It was not the typical smooth-talking line a guy might use to break the ice or get a girl into bed. But it was honest and direct. She nodded her head slowly, her heart racing with anticipation. She licked her lips nervously, wanting to trust him and open up to him completely. “I was...” 

A single tear slid down Ragden’s cheek. A second sob hitched his chest. He buried his face in her shoulder, pulling her painfully tight against him. “I’m sorry... I’m so sorry...” 

Emily’s heart ached as she watched Ragden cry against her. She pulled him even closer, wrapped her arms around him, and held him tightly. She could not imagine causing him so much pain, but she knew that he needed her now, and she would do whatever it took to make him feel better. She stroked his hair gently, whispered soothing words into his ear, and tried to comfort him as much as she could.  

“It's okay. I forgive you.” 

“That’s... That’s... Kind of you... I wanted to teach a lesson, to change who you were... I was cruel to take that from you. I gave you no choice... I do not regret it... I’m sorry, but I do not. I loved every minute of it, but I am sorry. Sorry if I hurt you. Sorry if I caused you pain.”  

As he spoke, he raised his head up, the intensity of his gaze boring into her. The desire for her touch, for her presence, overwhelmed him. 

Emily’s heart swelled with love and compassion as she listened to Ragden’s words. She could see the sincerity in his eyes and hear the pain that he was still carrying with him. She knew that he was exposing his vulnerabilities to her out of necessity, hoping she would understand and forgive him. But she also knew that he meant every word he said. His apology came from a genuine place within him. She moved her hand up to cup his cheek, gently feeling the dampness of the tears on his skin. Emily’s own eyes filled with tears as she spoke softly. 

“You didn’t hurt me. You taught me something incredible. About trust and desire and... love. I forgive you.” 

Ragden leaned forward and kissed the tears from her cheeks. He kissed her jaw and her lips. Tenderly, lovingly. He whispered against her lips.  

“Thank you. Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for growing and allowing the lesson to take root in your heart. I can see that I caused you grief, but I can also see the strength you’ve gained from it.” 

Emily’s heart fluttered with joy at Ragden’s words and the tender kisses he bestowed upon her. She felt incredibly grateful to him for teaching her so much about love and trust. She knew that without him, she would not be where she was today – strong and confident in her desires. Emily knew that Ragden was right. She had grown immensely because of him. She smiled up at Ragden, her eyes sparkling with emotion. 

"I love you, and I am here because of you. Because of what you did. Because of how it made me feel. How it changed me." 

"I... I love you too..." He smiled, realizing his own feelings for her. He rolled over onto his back, pulled her over on top of him. He giggled up at her. Then he went deadly serious. “I think I love all three of you. Are you okay with that? I love Sarah. I love Aria. And I love you...” 

Emily’s heart swelled with joy at Ragden’s confession. She knew that he cared about Sarah and Aria, but hearing him say that he loved her too was incredibly powerful. She smiled down at him, tears welling up in her eyes. She nodded her head, unable to find the words to express how much his words meant to her. 

“Ragden, you’re amazing. Perfect. Imperfect. Flawed, and amazing...” Then she leaned in and kissed him. Ragden, the man who helped her grow. To become the woman, she had always dreamed of being. 

Ragden laughed and pulled her down against him, pressing her body against his. He felt every inch of her pressed against him. He shivered, knowing her body. He knew every inch of it. And knowing she was here again, choosing to be with him, after the previous day's events.  

“Only human... imperfect and flawed... only human,” He laughed again, shaking them both with the humor of it. Then he placed his hands on the sides of her head, and gently pulled her towards him. Once again kissed the tears from her cheeks. Then he kissed her lips, softly, tenderly, as only the closest of lovers would do. His tongue slid between her lips, the taste of her salty tears still upon it. 

Emily’s heart melted at Ragden’s tenderness. She felt his love pouring out of him. It filled her with warmth and security. She felt his hands on her face, guiding her lips towards his, and as their lips met, Emily experienced a sense of completion that she never thought possible. She loved him fiercely, deeply, and with all her heart. She loved him despite his flaws and mistakes because those things only served to make him more human and relatable to her. She wrapped her arms around him. Held him tightly as they shared another soul-stirring kiss. Emily could not imagine life without him now. He was her rock, her anchor, her partner in love and adventure. 

Ragden’s cock throbbed between them. His desire made his body twitch. He rolled over again, putting himself between her legs, and on top of her. His cock pressed against her groin, her clit, her stomach. He kissed her lips. Then her jaw, her throat, her breasts. He ground his hips against her.  

“Do you still want this? Or has all this emotion wearied you? We can sleep if you prefer. I would not fault you for it. But... GODS, woman, I want to be inside you again!” 

Emily’s eyes gleamed with desire as she watched Ragden move above her. She felt the heat emanating from his body, the weight of his cock pressed against her sensitive folds. She knew that she wanted him inside her again. She wanted to feel that incredible sensation of being filled by him once more. She reached up and caressed his cheek, her voice soft and tender. 

“No. I want you. I want all of you.”  

With that, Emily lifted her hips to meet his, guiding him towards her entrance. Ragden blushed with the intensity of her adoration. Her love. He was not convinced he was worthy of it, but he accepted it, and he loved her back more fiercely for it.  

She gasped as he entered her, slowly, savoring each moment of their connection. As his cock slid deeper into her, he moaned. She was so tight, so deliciously, incredibly, achingly tight, and wonderful. As he filled her, Emily looked up at Ragden with adoration in her eyes. With half the length of his throbbing member in her, he paused. He kissed her breasts and suckled her nipples. Then he tenderly kissed her neck and her chin, and then her lips, then he whispered to her.  

“You feel even more amazing than yesterday... how is that possible?”  

Emily’s eyes flashed with pride at Ragden’s praise. She felt incredibly cherished and loved by him. She felt like the most important person in the world to him. She reached down and grabbed his ass, pulled him closer to her, deeper into her. She could not get enough of him. She whispered to him, her voice breathless with desire.  

“Because I love you... and you make me feel so amazing. So complete. So perfect.” 

Her hand on his ass, Ragden slid all the way in, slowly, gently, lovingly. His cock hit the back of her. It pressed against her innermost depths and slid against her cervix like a gentle caress of that deepest part of her. His own voice breathless, contorted with desire, and overcome by how amazing she was, he whispered to her.  

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“I love you too. Always have, always will.” 

Emily’s heart swelled with happiness. She knew that he had always loved her, even before he took away her choice. She knew that he had always seen something special in her, something worth fighting for. She felt incredibly lucky to have found someone who loved her so deeply, even when she was at her most vulnerable. She wrapped her arms around him, pulled him even closer to her. Emily’s heart raced with anticipation as she felt his cock sliding against her inner walls, preparing to bring them even closer together. She looked up at him, her eyes full of adoration and love.  

“I love you too... forever.” 

"And forever more."  

He whispered against her neck, as he gently kissed her silky-smooth skin. He ground his hips against her. Pressed his swollen member against her cervix. She gasped at how it felt when it moved within her. His body trembled with the ecstasy of being so deep inside her. 

Emily’s eyes closed, lost in the moment as Ragden moved within her. She could feel every inch of him, every ripple of his muscles, every grunt of pleasure. She loved the way his cock moved against her cervix, sending waves of electricity through her entire body. She loved the way his weight pressed her into the mattress. She loved everything about him. She loved him. Completely and utterly. She nuzzled her face into his neck. Inhaled his scent, letting the sound of their moans fill the room as they moved together in perfect harmony. 

Ragden slowly drew his cock partly out of her vice-like pussy, then slid it back in. Then again, building a slow, tender rhythm. Fighting for control against his urges and desires, he maintained a slow persistent pace, filling her, sliding against her cervix, then withdrawing and doing it again. His body shuddering at the ecstasy of her body against his. 

Emily’s eyes squeezed shut as Ragden moved within her, sliding his cock along her inner walls in a slow, deliberate pace. She felt every inch of him, every movement, every ripple of pleasure. She knew that he was fighting to maintain control, and she respected him for it. She loved him even more for it. She nuzzled her face into his neck again, breathing his scent as she matched her movements to his own. Emily knew that they were moving towards something incredible together. Something that neither of them could have experienced alone. She felt connected to Ragden on a level that she never imagined possible. 

Feeling her move with him, he could not help but shiver as the ecstasy of it entered an entirely new level for him. Feeling every inch of her pressed against him, he could not help but close his eyes and savor the feel of her skin moving beneath his. Their hips met, then parted, and met again. The pace was still purposeful and steady. He traced his hands along her sides. He felt the swell of her breasts pressed against his chest. The soft tender skin of her abdomen. The swell of her hips pressed against the mattress. He slid his hands along her thighs, marveling at the firm, tender texture of them. He squeezed them gently, feeling the muscles flexing with their movements. 

Emily’s heart raced with excitement as Ragden moved his hands on her thighs. She felt incredibly exposed and vulnerable, yet incredibly cherished by him. She felt his hands squeezing her thighs, and she knew that he was feeling the same thing she was feeling, the incredible texture and power of her legs. She loved the way his hands felt on her thighs. She loved the way he was exploring her body with such tenderness and care. She loved him. She met his gaze, breathless with desire. 


He opened his eyes and gazed into hers. His chin against hers, their lips almost pressed together, their noses touching as their bodies moved together, meeting and sliding apart, then meeting again. He slid his hand up her thigh, sliding it along her ass, savoring how tight and perfect it felt.  

“Yes, my love?” 

Emily’s heart pounded with anticipation, as Ragden moved his hands higher up her leg. She felt his fingers brush against her hip, her buttocks. She gasped as he cupped her bottom, feeling the roundness of her cheeks in his palm. She felt his thumb stroke the curve of her rear. Emily felt incredibly exposed and vulnerable before him, but she knew that Ragden was only showing her love and affection. She knew that he saw her fully and completely and accepted her for who she was. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with wonder. 

"Ragden... thank you. For everything.” 

Ragden nodded his head, sweat breaking out on his brow, as they continued to move together, one machine, one rhythm. Two bodies, together, in perfect unison. His penis in her pussy. Sliding deeper, then sliding back, then deeper again. Her hips pressed to his. His pressed to hers. He kissed her lips deeply, passionately, his tongue tasting her.  

“You are welcome,” he whispered against her lips, breathless. His heart thumped in his throat with each parting and rejoining of their bodies, “It is I... who must... thank you...” 

Emily’s heart soared at Ragden’s words. She knew that he was struggling with the idea of accepting gratitude, but she also knew that he was incredibly humble and deserved recognition for his actions. She knew that he had given her something utterly amazing – himself – and she appreciated it beyond measure. She knew that Ragden was the most incredible person she had ever met, and she loved him with all her heart. She pulled back slightly from his lips and looked into his eyes. Emily placed her hand on his cheek and felt the warmth of his skin against her fingertips. 

“I love you. And you’re welcome. Always.” 

A single tear slid down Ragden’s cheek at the warmth of her, the love. He did not deserve it. He could not. But he sighed and accepted it. He kissed her more fiercely, more deeply. Moaned into her lips as he slid deep into her, and pressed against her cervix, then drew back and did it again. Even though it was his cock filling her, he felt filled up with her love. Her adoration. Her thanks. He struggled to accept it. He struggled with his own faults and weaknesses. The things he did that he found difficult to forgive himself for. He felt loved and accepted. His heart started to beat faster and harder. He paused, sliding himself fully into her. Slid against her cervix, pinning her hips to the mattress. Pressed her into place. His hands cupped her ass.  

“Thank you,” he whispered against her lips, as another tear slid down his cheek. 

Emily’s heart swelled with love as she watched Ragden struggle with the idea of accepting her gratitude. She knew that he was incredibly humble and did not believe that he deserved anything, but she believed he did. She loved him for his honesty, his vulnerability, his passion, his dedication. She loved him for everything that he was. She pulled back slightly from his lips and looked into his eyes with infinite love and admiration. Emily saw the single tear as it slid down his cheek, and she felt a lump form in her throat. She knew that he was experiencing emotions just as intense as she was. She knew that they were both on a journey together – a journey towards self-discovery, growth, and love. 

Ragden kissed her again, more passionately than before, picking up the slow rhythm that they had attained before. He slid his hands from her ass towards her knees, then slid around to the inside of her thighs, tracing a line towards her groin. 

As Ragden slid his hands across her thighs, Emily felt a wave of arousal wash over her. She knew that he was seeing her completely, and she was incredibly turned on by the thought of him touching her most intimate parts. She gasped as he traced a path to her groin, felt the heat radiating from there, and the pulse of her blood flowing. She felt incredibly exposed and vulnerable, but also incredibly desired. She looked up at him. Her eyes sparkled with love and lust. His touch ignited a fire within her that burned hotter than any other physical sensation she had ever experienced. Emily knew that she was falling further in love with him with every passing second. 

He kissed her again, pressed his lips against her, dipped his tongue into her mouth, and savored the sweet texture of what was her. He slid his cock fully up into her. Its throbbing massiveness filled her. He pressed against the back of her, his cock pressed into her cervix. A tender, gentle caress of the deepest part of her. 

Emily felt Ragden’s cock filling her completely, stretching her to the limit. She felt the tip press against her cervix, causing a surge of electrical energy to course through her entire body. She gasped and felt pain and pleasure mingle together in a symphony of sensations. She loved him for his ability to push her boundaries and make her feel alive in ways she never thought possible. She leaned her head back, exposing her throat to him. She felt his breath on her skin, warm and tender. She closed her eyes, feeling safe and secure in his arms. 

Ragden wrapped his arms around her as he ground his groin against her. He slid his cock into her cervix, a gentle, tender caress so deep inside her. Emily gasped at the incredible pressure and sensitivity of it. He savored the tight, vice-like grip of her pussy along his throbbing shaft. He pulled her body against his, as he kissed her exposed throat, his teeth gently nipping at the tender skin she bared before him. She felt her body being pulled against his, his teeth grazing her throat in a tender, playful manner. She loved the way he showed his dominance while remaining incredibly gentle and tender with her. She smiled up at him, feeling a sense of peace and contentment washing over her. Emily trusted Ragden completely, knowing that he would protect her and cherish her no matter what happened. 

Ragden drew back from her ever so slightly, allowing her room to move beneath him, no longer pressed so hard into the mattress. His body was still against hers, he could feel every muscle move, every slight movement, every hitch of her breath. It was like a warm blanket on a chilly night. Comforting and relaxing. And yet, the feeling of her pussy wrapped around his cock filled him with desire. Desire to please her, to fill her with happiness and love as she so desperately needed and deserved. 

Emily felt Ragden’s body shift slightly, giving her space to move. She felt incredibly grateful for his consideration, and she appreciated the fact that he was sensitive to her needs. She loved the way he was able to read her body language and respond to it appropriately. Emily felt overwhelmed with emotion as she realized how much she meant to him. She felt incredibly cherished and loved by him. As Ragden continued to grind his cock against her cervix. Emily bit her lip nervously, unsure of where this intense connection between them was leading. But she wanted to follow wherever it took her – because she loved him, and she believed in their bond. 

Ragden slid his cock back, then slid deep into her again. He gasped at the feel of her silken insides. Then he did it again, savoring the feel of it. He gazed into her eyes with each gentle thrust; he kissed her lips tenderly as he slid into her depths. 

Emily felt Ragden’s cock pull back, then slide deep into her once more. She felt a surge of pleasure shoot through her body. She gasped involuntarily. She gazed into his eyes, saw the intensity of his gaze, and felt his passion and desire for her. She felt incredibly connected to him, and she knew that nothing could tear them apart. She leaned forward, wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him closer to her. Emily’s lips met his in a deep, passionate kiss. Their tongues intertwined as they moved together in perfect synchronization. She felt the heat of their bodies mixing, creating an explosive combination of emotions and sensations that were impossible to ignore or forget. 

Ragden felt her move with him, and he moved a little faster. His body strained against him. Muscles tensed; he felt the wild monster of reckless abandon hovering just beyond the edges of his world. The thing waited, lurked in the shadows, waited for his guard to drop. A shiver of fear trickled through him at the thought of what would happen if it were set loose. The thing in the cloud reached for him. He kissed Emily deeply, passionately, and pushed the monster out of his head, knowing it yet lurked. 

Emily felt Ragden’s increased pace, and she responded by moving with him, matching his rhythm perfectly. She felt the heat of their bodies mixing, and she felt a sense of wild abandon taking hold of her. She knew that something powerful was happening between them, something that was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Emily was both terrified and excited by the thought of what might come next. She broke away from his lips, panting heavily. 

“Ragden... I feel it too.” Her voice trembled with both fear and anticipation. “The monster. I feel it.” 

Ragden’s eyes went a little wide. As they continued to move together, the rhythm increased ever so slightly. He kissed her softly, tenderly, reassuringly. He continued to move at the same pace, muscles moving fluidly, in complete control. He whispered against her lips.  

“You do not need to fear the monster... I can keep it at bay...” 

Emily found solace in Ragden’s words, and she clung to him even more tightly. She felt his warmth and strength as it surrounded her, shielding her from the darkness that threatened to consume them. Emily felt incredibly vulnerable, but she trusted Ragden completely. She knew that he would never hurt her intentionally, and she was grateful for his protection. She whispered back.  

“I know you can keep it at bay, Ragden. I trust you. With you, I have nothing to fear.” 

Ragden continued to move with her, rhythm built on itself, their bodies moving together perfectly, like a symphony of love and sensuality. His body shivered with the ecstasy of it. The wonder, the love, the sensation of being washed away with it. He could start to feel the climax that built within them both. 

As Ragden’s pace increased, Emily felt the building pressure within her body. She could feel the waves of pleasure starting to build, and she knew that they were heading towards something incredible. Emily’s eyes slipped closed, lost in the sensations that were washing over her. She completely surrendered to Ragden and trusted him completely with her body and her heart. She cried out, unable to contain the emotions that were welling up inside her. Emily’s orgasm was incredibly intense and left her feeling drained and fulfilled at the same time. She gasped for air. Emily’s heart raced; her mind spun with emotions. Emily’s eyes were wet with tears of love. 

Ragden continued to move with her body, as she convulsed through her climax. He kissed the tears from her face as his own climax began to wash over him. Deep in the recesses of his psyche, he could sense the monster of reckless abandon being washed away with the waves of Emily’s intense orgasm. Followed by his own. Wave upon wave of ecstasy washed over them both. He felt a massive load of cum explode within her, streaming out of him, filling her up. He felt her juices as they flowed freely over him, soaking them both. 

As Emily’s orgasm reached its peak, she was overwhelmed with incredible sensations. She felt the waves of pleasure crashing over her, leaving her breathless and spent. She cried out loudly; her voice echoed throughout the room. She felt incredible and exposed, but she felt cherished and loved by Ragden. She opened her eyes, looking into his. 

“Oh god... oh god! That was incredible!”  

She giggled nervously, feeling embarrassed about the sound of her voice, but she was unable to control herself. Emily’s heart raced, and she was incredibly turned on by the intensity of the experience. 

Ragden laughed with her, their bodies still pressed tightly together, feeling her shake beneath him. The twitches and spasms in his muscles started to slow. He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her tightly against him, and enjoyed the feel of the afterglow of their joined orgasms; his cock still buried deep within. He could still feel his cum leaking into her.  

Emily felt Ragden’s arms wrap around her, holding her close as they both enjoyed the afterglow of their incredible experience. She could feel his cock still deep within her, and she felt the remnants of their combined release dripping from her. Emily was incredibly grateful for the way that Ragden was able to hold her, comfort her, and cherish her in those moments. She snuggled into him. She felt incredibly safe and loved. Emily was incredibly thankful for the way that Ragden was able to push past her defenses and show her true vulnerability. 

Ragden sighed against her and felt her snuggle against him. He did not want this moment to end. The warmth, the love, the security washed over him. Then his stomach grumbled. He opened his eyes and looked down at her; a small smile played across his lips.  

“Excuse me... I... must be hungry.” 

Emily giggled, finding it incredibly endearing. She was surprised by the sudden change in topic. The intensity of the emotions, that had coursed through them during their lovemaking had been incredible. She found his returning appetite very sexy and exciting. She spoke softly.  

“Hey... you’re hungry? Well, that’s good news.” 

Ragden chuckled and pulled her tight against him. Then he thought about the afternoon and evening, wondering if they had taken the time to eat before they ran off to bed. He could not recall. Ragden looked down at Emily questioning...  

“Are you hungry? I am famished. Shall we go downstairs and see if we can scrounge up some food?” 

Emily nodded, feeling incredibly turned on by the way Ragden’s voice changed when he talked about being hungry. She found him incredibly attractive and sexy, even when he was talking about something other than sex and emotions. She also found herself drawn to him, regardless of what he was saying or doing. 

“Yeah, let's go downstairs and see if we can find something to eat. I’m hungry too.” 

She gave him a genuine smile. Ragden smiled back, deeply moved by how she made him feel. He caressed her cheek with his hand, then kissed her lips tenderly at first, but then harder, feeling his passion starting to course over him again. Emily kissed him back, with equal passion and intensity. She felt incredibly turned on by the way he was able to make her body react to him. She felt her pussy start to throb with excitement, and she wanted him more than ever right then. Then he broke free from her, breathless. She panted heavily as they parted. 

“Mmm... Ragden... I’m so hungry for you.” she said, looking into his eyes with a mixture of desire and adoration. Then his eyes widened as his stomach grumbled again. 

Ragden laughed; his body shook with the humor of it. He could see the desire in her eyes and knew that it was echoed in his own. He could also feel the weariness in his muscles. Their lovemaking had been very physical, and their bodies needed fuel. 

He started to raise himself off her, but as their flesh started to part, he groaned. He did not want to be separated from her. He took a deep breath and tried to prepare himself for the loss. He laughed at himself and kissed her again. 

Emily watched him try to rise, feeling a mix of sadness and desire in her heart. She knew that he was going to leave her, but she also knew that he needed to eat. She could see the hunger in his eyes. Emily wanted to be with him, and she wanted to be able to provide for him. Emily looked up at Ragden, her eyes filled with love and admiration. 

“Ragden... I want to be with you. I want to be with you, and I want to feed you. Can I cook something for you? For us? You said you were hungry, and I want to make something special for you. Something that will taste amazing.” 

Ragden smiled happily, still pressed against her. “That sounds lovely. First, we must get there, though.” 

Watching him smile, Emily melted into him. He laughed again, then he stopped and put a finger to his lips, stilling himself to listen for noises in the house. Faintly, in the distance, he could hear someone in the kitchen.  

“I think someone is in the kitchen, maybe we can get lucky, and one of my parents is already there cooking something... Shall we check?”

Written by Ragdenwrites
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