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Author's Notes

"Thank you for your patience. Starting to get things moving again. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy this part. Thanks for reading!"

Ragden stepped around the table to take Emily’s hand. As she stood, he pulled her into a hug, kissing her softly on the lips. He then turned to Aria and Sarah and spoke softly.  

“It has been a long day. I do not know about the rest of you, but I could use a good night’s sleep. Shall we retire for the night?”  

Emily buried her face in the robe around Ragden and snuggled against him. Sarah giggled and grabbed Aria’s hand in hers, then turned to Ragden and nodded. Aria looked from Sarah to Emily and then at Ragden, then nodded as well. Sarah stood and pulled Aria to her feet with her. Sarah wrapped her arms around Aria, and pulled her against her, savoring the feel of her body against her. Then she stepped away from her, took two steps into the living room, and yawned sleepily. She stretched for the ceiling and realized just how sore and tired she was. Maybe sleep was not such a terrible idea. Then she looked at Emily wrapped around Ragden, and she smiled to herself. Sleep would be good, but not yet.  

Aria saw Sarah yawn and felt herself joining her. She also stretched as she realized how emotionally exhausting the day had been. She felt her muscles aching and realized it was a good kind of ache. The ache was full of delicious memories. Feelings of contentment, comfort, and love flowed over her.  

Ragden and Emily stepped around the table, hand in hand, walking towards the living room. Ragden reached back for Sarah’s hand, who took it eagerly as she snuggled up against his side. Aria followed Emily, taking her hand and squeezing it softly.  

Ragden led the way through the living room, up the stairs, and opened the door to his room, standing back to allow the ladies to enter first. Then he followed in and closed the door behind them.  

Aria stepped into Ragden’s room, taking in the atmosphere of luxury and comfort. She gazed around the room at the plush furniture, the soft lighting and the large king-sized bed dominating one corner of the room. Her heart raced with anticipation as she remembered the pleasures she had already experienced there. Aria walked over to the bed, then turned back to Ragden and smiled coyly, opening the top of her robe to show her cleavage.  

Emily stepped past the doorway and over to the desk where all their clothes had been washed and neatly folded. She saw Aria holding open the top of her robe and blushed softly as she turned back to watch Sarah and Ragden enter. Sarah walked in ahead of Ragden and started to untie her robe. She smiled seductively at Aria, then let her robe fall open, as she turned back to Ragden. As the door slipped shut, she cupped her breasts and blew a kiss to Ragden.  

Ragden blinked once, slowly watching Sarah. His arousal became increasingly evident as Sarah slowly walked towards him. As she came within a few feet of him, she shrugged her shoulders back, letting the robe fall to the floor behind her. Ragden gazed into her face, tense with desire, as she licked her lips, and moved closer to him. Then he looked at her round breasts, swaying slightly as she closed the gap to him and started to untie his robe. He looked down at her perfect snatch, the dark patch of hair damp with her arousal, hiding those luscious lips from view. He leaned in and kissed her face, slipping his tongue in and tasting her desire as she finished untying his robe and slipped her hands in to grasp his throbbing cock.  

Sarah gently stroked Ragden’s cock, feeling the heat coming off it as it throbbed with his pulse in her hands. As she broke from the kiss, her cheeks flushed with desire, slightly breathless, she whispered, “I want you in my ass...”  

Ragden shivered, remembering the feel of her ass on his cock in the shower. He reached out and cupped her ass, pulling her against him. His fingers curled around her firm cheeks, grazing over her asshole, and through her damp folds. Sarah sighed at him, letting him pull her body against his. His cock pressed against her abdomen, throbbing at the touch of her skin.  

Emily felt her pulse beating hard in her chest, watching Sarah handle Ragden’s manhood, hearing her request. She remembered what it had felt like to have that enormous cock fill her ass, and she quivered at the memory. She longed for it again, but she smiled, knowing Sarah wanted it, and she was sure Ragden would grant that request. She would get to watch. Emily untied the front of her robe and slipped her hands inside her robe to gently fondle her breasts, which ached to be touched. Then she slipped a hand between her legs, feeling her arousal, and how damp she was. She slipped a finger into her folds and sighed with pleasure. It was not Ragden’s cock, but it would do for now.  

Sarah pulled back from Ragden, a pleading look on her face, biting her lip, “Please...?”  

Aria blushed, watching the scene from behind Sarah. She felt the heat on her face as she watched Ragden’s hands curl around Sarah’s cheeks, slipping into her folds. Aria shivered, knowing what that felt like, longing for it herself. Her pussy clenched at the memory of Ragden filling her as Sarah had asked. Aria’s ass still felt tender and sore from his massive cock filling her bowels. She closed her eyes and licked her lips, remembering what it felt like to have his seed filling her bowels and dripping out. She shivered at the memory, then opened her eyes to watch as Ragden nodded to Sarah. Aria opened her robe, her body suddenly hot and flushed. She would get to watch Ragden and Sarah, and she wanted some cool air on her skin when she did.  

Ragden nodded slowly, his cock throbbed painfully against her abdomen. She smiled and looked down at it, licking her lips. Ragden shivered again, and nodded to Sarah, granting her permission to do what she wanted.  

Sarah leaned against Ragden, pressing her supple body against his as she kissed him passionately on the lips, enjoying his taste. Enjoying the heat coming off his body, the feel of his pounding pulse against her chest. She stepped back away from him, her skin tingling, wanting that contact again, but she had other plans. She grinned wickedly as she stroked his cock, feeling it throb in her hands. Ragden sighed with pleasure as she did. Then she slowly crouched down in front of him. She grasped his cock and pulled the head of it into her mouth. He moaned as she licked the tip, tasting the bit of precum that had leaked out. Then she slipped it into her mouth, and sucked on it fiercely, causing Ragden to gasp. She ran her tongue around it, swirling it in her mouth, sucking on it hard. Ragden groaned again. Sarah ran one hand down her chest and between her legs, slipping it between her folds and into her wet pussy as she leaned into Ragden’s groin, taking his throbbing, massive cock down her throat. She flexed her throat as she had seen Emily do before and gently bobbed her head back and forth on it. Ragden moaned again, his cock throbbing inside of her. Then Sarah slowly withdrew it from her throat and her mouth, a line of saliva still connecting her lips to its throbbing head. She pulled her hand out of her pussy and ran her juices over his cock, smiling wickedly as she slipped the head into her mouth and sucked fiercely. Ragden moaned again in response.  

She slid it from her mouth and smiled up at him. “I love the taste of your cock with my juices on it.” Then she stood and took a step backward towards the bed, pulling him towards her with his cock. Ragden staggered forward, following her as she stroked his throbbing cock.  

Aria scrambled out of the way, as Sarah almost backed into her, pulling Ragden towards her. Sarah went back into the bed, feeling it pressed against the backs of her legs. She fell backward onto the bed, still stroking Ragden’s cock as he stepped up against her. She spread her legs wide, pulling his cock into her damp folds, moaning loudly. Ragden sighed, echoing Sarah as his cock slid into her lips, brushed across her clit, and into her vagina. Her hands squeezed tightly around his shaft as it slid deep into her. She moaned loudly, her fingers sliding along the shaft of his throbbing cock as he leaned into her and lowered himself down on top of her to kiss her passionately as his cock slid home. His groin pressed against her perfect mound; the tip of his cock pressed gently against her cervix.  

Aria’s blue eyes sparkled, and her body trembled with desire as Sarah pulled Ragden onto the bed, their groins pressed together, his cock sliding deep into her wet folds. Their tongues tangling together in a desperate dance of passion.  

Sarah felt Ragden’s hands squeezing her tightly, his fingers intertwining with hers as they both struggled to maintain control of their raging passions. She could feel his cock pressed against her cervix, sending shivers down her spine, causing her heart to race faster and faster.  

“This is... amazing,” she gasped between kisses, her voice barely audible, her breath coming in short gasps, her heart racing, her mind consumed by the intensity of the moment.  

Emily gasped, watching Ragden slide the entire length of his manhood into Sarah’s dripping, wet pussy, her own fingers sliding deeper into her own folds. She gently stroked herself, closing her eyes as she ran her other hand across the top of her mound, putting pressure on her clitoris. She opened her eyes to watch Sarah’s spread legs quiver with ecstasy as she ground her hips against him, sliding his cock around inside of her. Emily shivered, knowing exactly what that felt like. She stroked herself a little faster, the pleasure was comforting, but she ached for the real thing...  

Ragden kissed Sarah passionately, his tongue slipping into her mouth, tasting her sweetness as he ground his hips against hers, sliding his cock into her cervix. She moaned into his mouth, grinding her groin against his, causing his cock to slide back and into her again. Ragden rolled his hips back, sliding his cock back out of her until just the tip remained in her lips, then he slowly slid back into her, his entire length filling her. Sarah moaned loudly, her legs shaking as he pressed his groin into hers again, his cock gently pressing against her cervix, then he withdrew again. As he did so, Sarah rolled her hips, sliding back away from him, his cock almost slipping out. Then they rolled their hips together, his cock thumping against her cervix solidly, causing her breasts to rock, and her thighs to shake with the gentle impact. Sarah moaned in ecstasy as Ragden sighed in pleasure against her lips.  

Aria slipped out of her robe, letting it fall to the floor at the edge of the bed. The cool air felt so refreshing as it blew across her skin from the slightly open window. Her nipples grew firm watching Ragden and Sarah gently slide their hips together and apart, in a slow synchronized rhythm. Each gentle impact shook Sarah’s body, her breasts rocking, her hips flexing. Sarah moaned softly with each impact; her face flushed.  

Ragden raised himself upright, standing at the edge of the bed, gently thrusting into Sarah as he looked over at Aria and smiled. Ragden placed his hands on Sarah’s hips, gently pulling her against him with each thrust. Aria smiled as Ragden leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips, his tongue gently tasting her, then slipping out. Aria blushed, then bent over and kissed Sarah softly on the lips. Sarah greedily thrust her tongue into Aria’s mouth, causing her to gasp in surprise as Sarah ran her tongue roughly around the inside of Aria’s mouth. Then Sarah slipped her right hand between Aria’s legs, and slipped two fingers into her damp pussy, stroking deeply into her. Aria moaned at the contact, feeling her muscles quiver and shiver in delight. Sarah pulled back from kissing Aria and slipped her fingers out of her pussy. Sarah brought her hand back and licked her fingers clean while gazing lustily into Aria’s eyes. Aria shivered under that gaze. Sarah giggled, then reached up and gently caressed Aria’s face, running her thumb over Aria’s lips. Aria sighed softly, her lips parting and licking Sarah’s finger. Sarah moaned, with each gentle impact of her hips against Ragden’s. His throbbing cock slid deeper into her on each stroke, caressing her cervix. Sarah reached out and took Aria’s hands, pulling her over on top of her.  

Aria let herself be drawn over on top of Sarah, straddling her waist, her groin poised over Sarah’s. Sarah slid her hands up Aria’s arms, and gently pulled her down to her lips, kissing her passionately. Aria melted against Sarah. Their bodies pressed together. Ragden smiled at the scene before him as he continued to gently slide his hips against Sarah’s. Aria’s feet slipped under Sarah’s thighs, hanging just off the edge of the bed. Ragden leaned down and ran his tongue through Aria’s pussy lips, and up across her asshole. Aria moaned against Sarah’s lips at his gentle touch, a thrill ran down her spine. Sarah smiled and slid her arms down Aria’s back, firmly gripping her ass and pulling it down against her groin.  

Emily watched, leaning against the desk, her robe open, her fingers gently working across her clitoris and inside her wet pussy. She moaned softly, her hips rocking to the thrusts of Ragden’s and Sarah’s hips.  

Aria’s blue eyes sparkled, and her body trembled with desire as Sarah pulled her down onto her lips, their tongues intertwining in a passionate dance of lust and desire. Sarah’s hands gripped Aria’s ass, pulling her down onto her swollen pussy, their wet folds combining in a slick mess of heat and need. Aria gasped as Ragden’s tongue found her asshole, teasing her sensitive ring of muscles, sending shivers down her spine.  

Sarah grinned wickedly against Aria’s lips as she reached back and pulled Aria’s groin down against hers, the gentle thrusts of Ragden’s hips against her rocking both women. Ragden slid back, slowly easing his throbbing cock out of Sarah’s deliciously wet, tight pussy. Sarah groaned loudly, clearly not happy that her pussy was no longer filled. Ragden ran his hands across Sarah’s inner thighs, and slid his hands across her pussy, his fingers teasing across her. Sarah reached down and grabbed Aria’s ass, her fingers curling under her cheeks to spread her lips wide. Ragden watched and gently slipped his throbbing cock into Aria’s pussy.  

Aria moaned loudly, her body shivered as Ragden’s cock slid deeper and deeper into her. Sarah licked Aria’s lips, kissing her chin, then slipped her tongue into Aria’s mouth, as she pulled Aria’s pussy open wider, allowing Ragden to gently slide the entire length of his cock into her tight wet pussy. Ragden moaned softly as she felt Aria’s heat enveloping him, her tight walls squeezing on his throbbing cock as he slowly filled her with all of him. His cock gently pressed against her cervix, his body shuddering at the sheer pleasure and ecstasy.  

“Oh, God...” Aria moaned softly. Sarah slipped her fingers out of Aria’s pussy and grabbed her ass cheeks, spreading them, her fingers finding the edge of her ass and slipping in. Aria moaned even louder, feeling Sarah’s fingers entering her ass as Ragden slowly withdrew and slid back into her, gently bumping her cervix again. Aria looked over her shoulder, her cheeks flushed, her eyes rolling wildly, her voice strained with need and desire.  

“Fuck my ass... Oh, God,” Aria pleaded  

Ragden slowly withdrew his cock from her pussy, placing his hands on top of Sarah’s on Aria’s ass, holding her cheeks open as he placed the head of his cock against her asshole. Sarah pulled her fingers out of Aria’s ass as Ragden slipped the head of his cock into the tight opening. Aria moaned loudly at the sudden invasion. Sarah giggled softly, then bit her lip as she pulled harder on Aria’s cheeks, spreading her asshole open even wider, allowing Ragden to slide more of his cock into Aria’s ass. Aria moaned louder as Ragden slowly slid the rest of his cock into her.  

Tears welled in Aria’s eyes. The pressure, pleasure, and pain overwhelmed her. Her breath came in gasps as his cock filled her bowels. The heat of it filled her, washed over her, drove her insane with desire. Her muscles clenched hard, making his cock feel even larger inside of her. She could feel every inch of it in her ass, and she could feel her climax building, without it even moving. Then Ragden slowly slid back until only the tip of his cock remained in her. She moaned loudly, the muscles in her ass relaxing but still straining to push the last bit of him out. Sarah looked up at Ragden and nodded as she pulled on Aria’s cheeks, spreading her ass wide so he could slide back in. Aria moaned loudly again, tears slipping down her cheeks as Ragden slid his massive, throbbing cock all the way back into Aria’s ass. She gasped loudly as his groin thumped gently into her ass.  

“Oh, God... oh, God...” Aria moaned, her voice breaking, “Harder... Fuck me... Harder.”  

Emily watched it all. Her heart pounding, her own juices flowing, her arousal dripping down her legs. Her fingers deep in her pussy, watching Ragden slide his dick up Aria’s ass. She shivered, knowing the feeling and wanting it, but enjoying the view. She slipped a finger into her ass and gasped. She wanted something so much bigger, but her finger felt so good. She gently stroked her pussy and ass at the same time, feeling her own pressure and pleasure building.  

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Aria gasped and moaned again and again. Her ass hurt. Ragden’s cock was so huge and filled so much of her, going deeper into her than she could imagine. When she had sat on it, it had felt huge inside her, but having Sarah pulling her ass open and Ragden sliding in, it felt even larger. Her mind could not handle it. Sarah’s firm nipples pressed tight against hers. Her chest throbbed, her nipples hard and firm. Her ass spread so wide it hurt, but the pleasure she felt was amazing. She felt the tears on her cheeks. Were they tears of pain or ecstasy? She was not sure. She just did not want it to stop. She tried to rock her hips back against Ragden, pushing more of him into her, but found she was held firmly in place by both Sarah and Ragden’s hands on her ass. She moaned loudly again. She wanted him to fuck her. This was too slow, too gentle, and too loving. She did not deserve this love that was filling her. She deserved to be used. She wanted to be used.  

Feeling her desire and need, Ragden slowly slid his cock in and out of her ass at a gentle, loving pace. He gently held her hips in place as he thrust his cock deep into her bowels, then pulled it slowly back and slid deep again. He felt every inch of her body quivering and shaking against him. Her need and desire raced across her like a fever.  

Aria moaned loudly. She could not find the words. Her vocal cords would not respond. She wanted to beg, to plead, but found she could not. The pleasure building within her was too much. The pain was too much. The love, unbearable. Filling her, coursing through her body with every beat of her heart. She loved it so much. Too much. She felt her own climax building with each gentle stroke of Ragden’s cock into her bowels. She felt her muscles clenching and releasing faster. She balled up the blankets of the bed in her fists, clenching them as tight as she could. Sarah leaned up and kissed her softly, tenderly, passionately. As her tongue slipped into Aria’s mouth, Aria forced Sarah’s tongue back into her mouth, her own tongue diving into Sarah’s mouth, forcibly exploring her. Sarah moaned into her lips, enjoying the invasion. Again, Aria tried to rock her hips against Ragden’s gentle thrust, and this time, Sarah released her cheeks, and she rocked back into Ragden’s groin hard. Her hips slammed into his, forcing his cock deep into her. Aria’s lips broke from Sarah’s as she gasped, incoherently.  

“Oh, my... fuck me, God... Fucking... Fuuuccckk...”  

Ragden laughed, but thrust against Aria harder, his hands pulling her hips against his groin. He could feel her building climax and knew she did not have long. Aria’s body trembled with desire as Ragden thrust against her, pulling her hips against him, gripping his hands tightly on her waist. She could feel the intensity building within her. Her heart raced. Her mind whirled with lust and desire. She gazed down at Sarah beneath her. Sarah bit her lip and grinned wickedly up at Aria. As Ragden pulled her back, Sarah’s hands gripped Aria’s breasts firmly, squeezing them together, pinching her hardened nipples.  

“Fuck...” Aria gasped, as her climax built up inside her, threatening to burst forth uncontrollably.  

Ragden fucked her ass harder, sliding his massive throbbing cock out, then slamming it back home into her bowels. He held her hips steady, as he slammed in and out of her. His cock throbbing with each thrust. Aria’s body rocked against his. Her thighs and breasts vibrated with the impact. Sarah bit her lip, feeling her body rock with each thrust. Then Aria’s climax burst over her. She cried out, as her body clenched, her muscles convulsed as fluid flowed forth from her pussy. Ragden slammed his cock home into her as more tears slid down her cheeks, her teeth clenched with the force of her climax.  

Aria collapsed against Sarah. Her body shook and quivered. Ragden leaned over her, pressed his chest against her back, and reached around to gently grasp her heaving chest and kiss her softly on the neck. Sarah leaned forward and kissed Aria on the lips, a tender, caring touch. Aria moaned softly in response, her eyes closed, her body still shaking.  

Hearing Aria’s heartbeat slowing, her breath calming, Ragden stood up, his fingers trailing down her back to rest on her hips. Ragden gently gripped her waist as he slowly withdrew his throbbing cock from her ass. Aria moaned loudly as it slipped free from her bowels and slipped from her ass. A stream of fluid dripped from both her ass and pussy. Ragden slid his cock through Aria’s lips, gently pressing against her clitoris before pressing it against Sarah’s body and sliding it through Sarah’s pussy lips. Sarah moaned loudly as his throbbing cock slipped into her pussy and slid deeper and deeper into her. Sarah spread her legs wider, allowing Ragden to slide his entire massive length into her, gently pressing against her cervix firmly; her whole body shuddered at the pressure of it.  

Shockwaves of pleasure flowed through Sarah’s body as his cock pressed against her cervix. Sarah gasped as Ragden’s massive cock slid deep into her, filling her completely. Her heart raced. Her breath caught in her throat. Sarah gazed up at Ragden, her cheeks flushed, her mind whirling with lust as she felt the fullness of Ragden’s thickness stretching her tight walls to their limit. She moaned.  


Sarah pulled her hands back and slid them under her thighs. She grasped her ass cheeks, her fingertips sliding over her asshole. She sighed with pleasure as she slipped them in and pulled her asshole open.  

“Now...” she moaned softly at Ragden, “You can fuck my ass... it’s my turn...”  

Ragden nodded, slowly withdrawing his cock from her pussy, watching the look of desire on her face, the sudden look of disappointment as his cock slipped out of her. The desire, the uncertainty, the questioning look, and the shy giggle as he pressed the head of his cock into her ass. Sarah’s eyes squeezed shut as she pulled her asshole open wider, allowing the head of his cock into her. Then she slipped her fingers out and let her ass clench on his cock. She moaned at the sensation of her body fighting against the invasion of her tightest hole.  

“Mm... this feels so good.” Sarah sighed, looking up at Ragden, feeling the head of his cock inside her ass.  

Ragden paused, only the head of his cock in Sarah’s ass, as her body clenched and pushed against him. The walls of her ass clenched and released against him, a rhythmic massage trying to push him out, and failing. Sarah bit her lip, feeling his cock just inside of her. She gripped her ass cheeks, pulling them wide as she rolled her hips, gently against Ragden, forcing his cock to slip in a little deeper. She moaned loudly as she stopped and savored the feeling of him. She reached down and ran her fingers the length of his cock, feeling just how much was not in her yet. Feeling the slickness of her and Aria’s fluids along his shaft. Feeling the massive, throbbing heat. She wanted more of it in her. She wanted to feel all of it.  

Sarah looked up at Ragden, her eyes pleading for more. Ragden nodded in response, seeing her need and desire. He slowly pushed against her as his cock slid into her depths. The lubrication of juices from Aria’s and Sarah’s wet pussies allowed him to slide deeper and deeper into her. Sarah groaned, feeling her bowels being filled. Her eyes rolled back into her head. Her heart beat harder. Her breath came in short gasps. She could feel the pressure, pleasure, and pain building within her. She could feel her climax starting to build.  

Sarah moaned loudly as Ragden’s hips gently pushed against her ass. She pulled her ass cheeks wider, hoping to get more of his cock inside her. More slid in, but not much. Then she rolled her hips back and forth, feeling his cock slide in and out of her bowels. Ragden smiled and matched her movements, sliding his cock out, then back into her. She moaned happily at the sensation. Her ass clenched tightly on him, allowing her to feel every inch of him filling her up. It was everything she had dreamed it would be, and more.  

“Cum in my ass, please... I want to feel your seed filling me up...” She begged him.  

Ragden felt his cock throb at her words. Sarah’s eyes sparkled with desire. A shiver ran down his back as he picked up a slow rhythm, sliding in and out of her. She rocked her hips in time, meeting his thrusts. Aria laid on top of Sarah the whole time; her eyes closed, her breathing mellow, just enjoying the rocking sensation of Sarah’s body beneath her.  

Emily stood in the same place, two fingers in her pussy, one in her ass, another sliding across her clitoris. Her body twitched with desire as she watched Ragden slide his massive, throbbing cock in and out of Sarah’s tight ass. The robe slid off her shoulders, pooling on the desk around her ass. Her breasts were slick with sweat. She loved it. She was comfortable, and she felt alive, desired, and loved. She could watch and enjoy the view. She had enjoyed watching Aria cum, and collapse on Sarah. Now she watched in rapt attention as Ragden slid his cock in and out of Sarah’s ass at increasing speed. Sarah moaned with each thrust, her body rocking. A sheen of sweat forming on both Ragden and Sarah. Emily knew she would have her turn, and the anticipation was... wonderful.  

Emily got the dim sense that Ragden’s climax was building. She could feel it like a dim ache in the back of her head. The sensation felt... amazing. Knowing that she was about to watch him finish in Sarah, just as she had asked for. Emily felt her own climax building in response to that feeling. Her fingers moved faster over her clitoris in response.  

Ragden grasped Sarah’s hips in his gentle hands and pulled her against him with each thrust. He could feel her climax building, her body shaking with the force of it, and his own was building in response. Her thighs flexed under his palms. He could feel her pulse racing against his body. Her ass clenched on his cock.  

Ragden continued to slide his cock in and out of Sarah’s incredibly tight ass, the sensation sending waves of pleasure throughout his entire body. His balls started to tighten as he felt her ass grip him. He tightened his grip on her hips and began to pump in, and out of her with greater force; his cock slammed deep into her bowels. His breathing became ragged. Sarah gasped and moaned with each thrust; her body rocked harder. Aria moaned in time to Sarah’s gasps, her eyes slipped open, and her hands grasped Sarah’s breasts beneath her. Sarah moaned against Aria’s lips as she kissed her. Sarah felt her body on that crumbling precipice above the raging maelstrom of her climax. The pleasure and pressure building within her bowels, filling her entire being with waves of orgasmic energy.  

“Oh, God...” Sarah moaned, “Harder...”  

Ragden dug his fingers into her hips, pulling her against him. She rocked her hips in time to his massive thrusts. His pace increased. He slammed his cock harder and faster into her bowels.  

Sarah rolled her hips against Ragden’s thrusts, feeling his cock filling her bowels. Each massive thrust shook her entire body, and waves of pleasure rolled through her. Sarah’s mind reeled; the sensations washing over her were too much. Her eyes rolled back into her head as the precipice she was on crumbled beneath her, and she tumbled into the whirling maelstrom of her orgasm.  

Sarah’s body bucked and thrashed, as she cried out. Her body clenched. Every muscle flexed as hard as it could. Ragden slammed his cock home into her bowels. His groin smashed into her ass, thrusting his cock as deep into her bowels as he could get it. His body clenched, and cum exploded out of him into her. His body clenched. All his muscles locked as he gasped for breath. Aria curled up against Sarah, cupping her face and kissing her softly on the cheek and mouth as Sarah’s orgasm rolled over her, blotting out existence.  

Aria rolled off Sarah’s chest, and curled up along her side, resting her head on Sarah’s shaking chest. Ragden leaned forward and gently kissed Aria on the lips. Aria kissed him back, softly, enjoying the tender affection. Then Ragden moved up and kissed Sarah softly on the lips. Feeling the heat against her skin, Sarah kissed him back, passionately. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and tasted his strength, his desire, and his love. She moaned softly against his lips, feeling his throbbing cock still spewing his seed into her bowels. Sarah smiled, as she shivered at the feeling in her bowels. It was everything she had dreamed it would be and more. It made her feel so full of life, full of love and so complete. She reached up with one arm and cupped his face, pulling him back down to kiss her again.  

“I love having your seed fill me up,” Sarah whispered lustily to him, “Thank you...”  

Ragden smiled down at her, his cock still throbbing in her ass. He could feel her bowels clenching and releasing his cock, milking the juice from it. His eyes slipped closed, savoring the feel of her on him, then he opened his eyes and smiled at Sarah.  

“Of course, my dear,” he kissed her softly on the lips again, then whispered softly, “And I love being able to cum in you...”  

Sarah giggled and bit her lip as another muscle spasm passed through her body. Ragden’s eyes slipped closed as he felt her body clench tightly on his cock, still throbbing in her ass. Sarah reached out and grabbed his neck, pulling him close, and whispered fiercely to him.  

“Please leave your cock in me for a little longer... Please?”  

Ragden nodded slowly, smiling at her. She grinned wickedly, enjoying the fullness in her bowels. She could feel his sticky seed filling her bowels, pouring into her tight channel. Her well-prepared depths welcomed the fluid filling her. She knew it would drip from her when he pulled from her depths, and she was not ready for that sensation yet.  

Aria’s blue eyes sparkled at the exchange. She felt the love and desire flowing over her, and she felt honored to be so close to it. She felt included, and it warmed her heart. She reached out and tentatively and put her hand on Ragden’s shoulder. He turned to her, smiled, and kissed her lips softly.  

“Did you need something, my love?” he asked softly. Tears slipped down Aria’s cheeks as he spoke. The care, understanding, compassion, and love in his voice swept over her. She closed her eyes and felt a shiver run down her spine at it.  

She smiled and shook her head, then spoke softly, “I... I just wanted to say... Thank you...”  

Ragden smiled at her and kissed her on the lips a little more passionately than before. Aria felt her pulse stir, her body tingle, and her desire well up in her again. When the kiss broke, she felt tears in her eyes again. She blinked hard, feeling them trickle down her cheeks. Ragden saw them and softly kissed them from her face.  

Aria whispered, “I... I love you.”  

Ragden gently wrapped an arm around Aria, pulling her closer to Sarah and him. Sarah wrapped an arm around her as well, pulling them all close together.  

“I love you too, Aria. Now and forever more,” Ragden spoke softly to her, watching her breath hitch at the sounds of the words. She buried her face in Sarah’s bosom, hiding the tears they could all feel. Sarah ran a tender hand down her back, while Ragden kissed the top of her head, comforting her.  

As things reached their conclusion, Emily stood off the desk, the shaking of her own orgasm subsiding. She stepped out of the robe, and stepped around Sarah and Ragden, pulling herself onto the bed beside them. She rested her head on Sarah’s other shoulder, kissing her softly. Sarah wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into the embrace. Ragden turned to Emily and smiled warmly, kissing her softly on the lips.  

“So glad you decided to join us,” he whispered softly.  

Aria looked up at Emily and smiled. Sarah turned and kissed Emily on the lips. Emily smiled happily, then spoke softly, “I didn’t want to interrupt.”  

Sarah giggled and kissed Emily again, then whispered to her, “You are always welcome to interrupt. I’d have loved to grab your pussy when I came and felt your heat.”  

Emily blushed softly. Ragden kissed Emily softly on the lips and smiled at her, then he pulled himself upright, slowly slipping from between the three girls. He started to slide his throbbing cock from Sarah’s ass. Sarah groaned loudly and whined.  

“No... not yet... oh fuck... that’s not fair...”  

The other two women giggled at Sarah as Ragden’s cock finally slid free, then all three of them turned to his throbbing member between her legs. All three women reached for it simultaneously and then laughed at each other. Ragden gazed down at the three of them and smiled, his love flowing off him like heat from a fireplace. They all snuggled closer to each other.  

“The three most incredible women I have ever known, here... with me now... I cannot tell you how much I love you all.” 

Written by Ragdenwrites
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