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Wrapping up after Sue - Part 2

"Our family is formed."

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Julie and I had agreed that Marg and Cherie should move into the unit at the rear of our home so that we could become a family of four. It was rather an unusual situation or so we thought so we had all agreed to keep our arrangement a secret from the rest of the world. We were to present such that everyone could assume that this was a tenant-landlord arrangement.

Our good friends Debbie and Gloria wished to have another child each. The options available to them were to register for IVF which could be quite costly or look around for a donor. They had asked me to become the donor as they had done on a previous occasion. Julie and I had agreed to this arrangement but on the condition that it remains a secret kept between the four of us.

Debbie and Gloria were monitoring their fertility cycle, as was Julie. The intent was that I would sleep with all three of the women throughout their fertile cycle so that they could give birth in and around the same time so that the children could grow up together. In theory, this was a great concept but the girls' cycles ranged over a two week period. For Julie, this was not an issue because she planned to give birth by caesarian which meant that as long as the doctor was in agreement she could choose her date of birth.

The plan was set. I was, of course, a willing participant. For Julie and I that was to be a very special time in our lives, a time when we planned the birth of our child. To include Debbie, who was a very close friend of mine, and her partner in the plans just heightened the intensity of it all. Unfortunately, I could not take time away from work because at that time there was no one experienced enough to fill the position.

The girls had organized for leave for the month that we would be together. They were to fill in their time attending events together, shopping and travelling together to the city. For Julie, this was her way of getting to know my friends better and building up a close relationship with them.

Debbie and Gloria arrived as arranged in the evening. I was still at work so that when I arrived home dinner had been prepared and the girls were relaxing, having a drink and chatting about their week. After saying, “Hi,” and hugging each, in turn, making sure that Julie was first, I excused myself to freshen up and change. 

When I came down dinner had been served. The girls were about to sit down to eat. Julie had made me bourbon while the girls had a wine. The atmosphere seemed to be a little stiff. It was as if the girls were not relaxed and their movements were more machine-like than anything else. I sensed that Gloria and Debbie may have concerns about how Julie was feeling or thinking about what was to come.

I started our meal by making a toast. “Here’s to a wonderful and productive month,” to which the girls all laughed. I was trying to break the ice with Debbie and Gloria. It opened up an opportunity for Julie to clear the air a little.

“Welcome to our home, Debbie, welcome Gloria. I want you both to feel part of our family for the month that you are with us. This is to be a very special time for us all. I understand that you may have concerns about how I might respond to you being with Goyse so it is important that you know that I am not a jealous person. I do, however, have some voyeuristic tendencies so I hope that you won’t be offended if I want to be present with you occasionally. I enjoy company so I hope that you both feel equally comfortable with Goyse and with me.”

Gloria took the opportunity, “Are you saying that you are bi, Julie?”

“Yes, that was part of it. The other was that you should feel relaxed about approaching Goyse if and when you want to. I will not be offended or upset by that. In fact, I might even feel aroused by it.”

“We are not into sharing, are we Debbie? For us, it will be a big step to share our relationship with others. Last time with Goyse, it was just the three of us. Debbie was alone with Goyse then because I was not sure how I would cope if Debbie joined me with Goyse.”

“Did you find it enjoyable, watching them Debbie?”

Debbie hesitated before answering. She looked at Gloria before she spoke as if seeking permission. “Yes, like you said it was erotic but with a touch of jealousy mixed in with it. Afterwards, I thought about it and it turned me on. I still think about it at times.”

“You never told me that Debbie.”

“No, I didn’t know how you would react. I’m looking forward to watching you and Goyse together again like I did last time. I don’t think that I will feel quite as jealous as I did last time because this time I know there is no risk.”

“Risk, what do you mean risk?”

 “Well, last time I was worried that you might like being with him more than with me. Once I understood that was just my mind playing games with me, I realized how enjoyable it all was. I’m really looking forward to this month together not only because of the baby but I’m really going to enjoy doing it.”

“Shit and I thought I was the only one.”

Debbie and Gloria burst into laughter. It seemed that baby making was not all that was on the girls' minds but they had not talked together about the potential sexual side of our meeting. The ice was broken. The remainder of the evening was general chit chat and storytelling about past events and travels.

When we moved to the lounge, Julie took the initiative by sitting beside Debbie which forced Gloria to sit beside me. I knew what she was doing. Julie had told me that during discussions she had been told that Debbie was nearing her fertile time. It would be assumed that Debbie would be sleeping with me initially but by forcing the opposite it would mean that if Gloria and I spent the first night together then Gloria was less likely to be jealous when the time came for Debbie and me.

Julie struck up a conversation with Debbie, allowing me to do the same with Gloria. From where I was sitting I could look past Gloria and see Debbie and Julie quite clearly but for Gloria to see she had to turn away from me. After some time I observed that Julie was touching Debbie as she talked. She only touched her arm or hand and occasionally would pat the edge of her thigh as she told a joke or something similar. I could see that it was having an effect as Debbie had turned which meant that her leg was now in contact with Julie's.

It was then that Julie suddenly leant over and kissed Debbie. Debbie responded and returned the kiss.

I whispered quietly to Gloria, “The girls are getting on well. Why don’t you and I slip quietly away?”

“I thought that you would want to be with Debbie tonight? She will ovulate before I do.”

“I would if you want me to but I had hoped to spend some time with you if that is okay.”

“Of course.  I don’t know what to say. I thought I would be alone tonight.”

“Why don’t you and I go up to the bedroom and then Debbie and Julie can join us when they want to.”


I led the way to the master bedroom holding Gloria’s hand as we went. I felt her hesitate on the stairs so I looked back at her. She was looking towards Debbie. I saw Debbie smile back at her, signalling her support. Following that, Gloria was no longer reluctant.

Once we entered the bedroom I turned towards her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I felt her body against me and the warmth of it felt wonderful. That warmth had its effect on me. With her body held tightly against me, she noticed and I felt her hand moving slowly southward. When it arrived at its target, her fingers clasped it firmly.

“Someone’s excited.”

“Someone’s exploring.”

“Discovering, you mean?”

“Hhhmmm, yes, I think the explorer found what she was looking for.”

“Maybe, but what use is it in there,” she said as she unbuttoned my trousers. What else could I do? I found the zipper on her skirt and slipped it off her. I then unbuttoned her blouse.  Next came her bra and those pert little tits appeared as she worked on unbuttoning my shirt.

As I shed my shirt, I lowered my body to take her left tit into my mouth. My tongue worked on her nipple and I felt her groan. I moved across to take her right tit into my mouth and once again worked my tongue around its nipple. Once again she groaned.

I placed my arms around her legs and took her buttocks into my hands so that I could pull her body in close to mine to lift her body then walked her over to the bed. With her lying on the bed I moved further down along her body, gripping the sides of her panties as I went.

When her panties reached her feet she lifted one foot clear and kicked them away with the other. This spread her legs allowing me access to her pussy. I remembered her cute little pussy with its sparse red hair from those years ago when we had been together last time. The birth of our child had obviously changed it somewhat but I recognized the similarity immediately.

I took some time to examine it in detail. Where her clitoris had been hidden all those years ago, it was now clearly visible. Her labia were now separated when before they were closed. Although the years have changed her, those changes have simply made her more desirable in my mind.  

I lowered my face to her crotch and the feminine odour invaded my nostrils. I felt my cock jump in anticipation. My tongue lapped at her entrance and she responded with a low pitched groan. I looked up at her and she smiled and placed her hands on the top of my head, guiding me towards her clit. I was not ready to give her that satisfaction, not yet at least.

I withdrew my tongue failing to give her the contact with her clit that she sought. Once she realized, she loosened her grip on my head and I lowered my tongue towards her anus. Again that low pitched moan as she lifted her hips to give me better access. I worked my way up along her slit but once more failing to make contact with her clitoris despite the lift of her hips.

I worked my way back down towards her anus. The moans were not only becoming louder but were now almost continuous. Her anus was now blinking at me the clear signs of an oncoming orgasm.  Her hands on my head were firmly pulling me upwards now toward her clit. This time I didn’t resist. I worked my tongue around the outside of her little clit. When I say little it was little compared to Lyn’s or Sue’s clits but her size was probably more a normal size.

While working my tongue around her clit, I was thinking of all the women that I had been fortunate enough to have sex with. I had been with several women before my marriage but had assumed that after marriage, Sue would be the only woman in my life. That would have been the case too if she had been satisfied to remain monogamous. It had been her constant cheating that had taken me down this pathway, a pathway that I would most certainly prefer not to travel.

Gloria’s orgasm brought me back to reality. I pushed two fingers into her and spread them lifting my fingers upwards towards where I had located other women’s G spots. Gloria was no different. As I worked the fingers in and out of her she screamed and shot her juices in several squirts across the bed.

After a short time she came down saying, “I’m sorry Goyse, I’ve messed up your bed.”

“No harm has been done. Sheets can be washed.”

I rolled on my side to face her. She rolled towards me so that we were face to face.

“That was nice. I don’t often squirt like that. What can I do for you now?”

“I’m okay. I’d just like to lay here with you for a while.”

“Okay, if you want to.”

“How are you and Debbie getting along, Gloria?”

“We’re going pretty good. We have our moments, you know, disagreements but we get over them quickly and we never ever say anything to hurt each other. I’m happy and I think Debbie is too. Why do you ask?”

“No special reason. I like Debbie, as a friend, I mean. I was just interested in knowing that she is happy.”

“Yes, I think she is. At least, I am. We make love regularly and it is satisfying. We have some common interests and also some that are not compatible. I would never cheat on her and I’m sure that she wouldn’t cheat on me. You’re the only other person that we invite to our bed and that is for a reason.”

“Yes, I know. I supply the sperm that you girls need for your family.”

“Well…..   That’s part of it.”

“Only part of it, I don’t understand?”

Her face went red. She was obviously embarrassed. “I probably shouldn’t say any more. You are in a relationship and I don’t want to create problems for you or for Julie.”

“You should have thought of that before you spoke, Gloria. I want to hear what you meant and I don’t intend on letting you not finish what you started.”

“Okay, but it is only between you and me, right!”

“Have I ever repeated anything that you have told me before?”

“I guess not.” There was a moment of silence. I wondered if she was working out what to say or working up the gumption to say it. “I’m not really gay, nor is Debbie. Well, not in the real sense of the word. I guess we could be described as bi. What I mean is that we do not only have feelings for other females. That is why I had so much trouble when she was with you before. Both of us get attracted to men but we have chosen not to be with them.” Again she hesitated as if looking for the words. “We have both had serious problems with relationships with men.”

“So what problems have you had?”

“Men always want to dominate. They try to take away your freedom. They want you to do exactly what they expect of you. They don’t allow women to make their own decisions. To them, we are there for their benefit and their's only.  If you do try to make a stand against them they try to force you or if you don’t conform to what they expect they simply walk away and dump you.”

“What? You think all men are like that?”

“I did once and so did Debbie. Every man that we had ever been with had been like that until…” Once more she hesitated before she continued, “Until you came along, that is.”

“I’ll take that as a big compliment but why are you telling me this, Gloria?”

“I’m not really sure except that we want you to know how we both feel about being with you. I’ve discussed it with Debbie and we want you to know that we both feel that for us, at least the next couple of weeks with you will mean more to us than just a way to fertilize our eggs. We didn’t know how to handle things last time and we both became emotionally involved. I think it may even be harder this time.”

“What do you mean harder?”

“Well, we had to just walk away as if it didn’t matter but it did. Debbie caught me crying afterwards. She didn’t even ask me what the trouble was. She just told me that she understood and we cried together.”

“I still don’t follow what you are saying, Gloria?”

“For fuck's sake, you’re not making this easy for me, are you? I’m saying that both Debbie and I got emotionally involved.”

“Oh, I see. You know that I’m committed… to Julie, I mean. I can’t afford to get emotionally involved, Gloria. I hope you don’t have expectations of me that I can’t meet.”

“No, we don’t have expectations of you other than what we have discussed but I just wanted you to know, that’s all.”

“What about Debbie? She’s with Julie. How do you feel about that?” I needed to change the topic of the conversation. I didn’t know how to deal with what she had told me.

“I’m with you so I have no right to complain but I do feel a little jealous. It’s strange, I do feel a little jealous but turned on by the thought as well.”

“I understand that. You know that Sue was cheating on me most of the time, don’t you? Well, I felt the same way at times.”

“Yes, she was a fucking bitch. You are better off without her. Debbie and I talked about it and at one stage we discussed telling you what she was doing behind your back. We didn’t because Debbie didn’t want to upset you.”

“I caught her out with Al and knew that she was also with Sally’s husband. It got to the stage where I couldn’t change it so I just got on with my life.”

“There were several other men as well. We often saw her with men. It seemed that every week she was with someone new.”

“I didn’t know there were others but it doesn’t surprise me.” I was lying to her because I was getting feedback from the company PI who had been monitoring her. I knew that her flings with Al and Sally’s husband were common knowledge so I had no problem admitting to that. I needed to change the conversation again. I didn’t want to relive the drama with Sue.

“Should we join the others?”

“Do you think they would mind?”

“I think they would like us to join them. You know that I will be with Debbie tonight at some time, don’t you.”

“Yes, I understood when you didn’t want to have sex with me.”

“Oh Gloria, that’s not true. I did want to have sex with you but I have a responsibility to get with Debbie if she is close to ovulating. The main reason that we are together is for a purpose. When it is your turn then I will be yours.”

“I understand but I was disappointed. I will be looking forward to it when the time comes.”

“That makes two of us. The fear I had was that if we started then it would probably go all night and maybe even longer and Debbie would miss out.”

“Okay, let’s go find them.”

We didn’t bother to put our clothes back on. After checking out downstairs and finding no one there, we made our way along the passageway listening. Near one door we could hear moaning. I recognized that it was Julie. I turned out the passageway light so that we wouldn’t disturb them when we opened the door. I very quietly cracked the door.

We couldn’t see much. There were just two bodies shining in the moonlight that was coming in through the window. I knew exactly where everything was in the room so I guided Gloria in then quietly shut the door behind us.

Our eyesight became accustomed to the low light in a matter of ten or fifteen seconds allowing us to see more and find the seating along the wall. I guided Gloria over and we both sat together watching the girls.

Debbie was between Julie’s legs and stroking as if she was a man. This was a surprise to me until I realized that there was a belt around her hips and two others coming up between her legs to the rear of the belt. She was wearing a strap-on. By the length of the stroke, it must have been quite a big one. Julie was groaning continuously, swinging her head from side to side. Debbie’s tits were in direct contact with Julie’s and it was obvious that Debbie was moving in such a way that her tits were sliding across Julie's.

We had been watching the girls for a while when Gloria suddenly stood up turned around in front of me and sat facing me on my lap. She whispered quietly, “Fuck me, Goyse. Fuck me. I need your cock in me.”

She then lowered herself onto my cock which was erect from watching the girls.  

Gloria held me while she lowered herself onto me. I slid straight into her. She then used her legs with her feet on the edges of the chair to raise and drop onto me. There was no finesse. This was straight out raw sex.

Her tits were rubbing against my bare chest but I dearly wanted to touch them so I pushed her upper body away from me and bent my head down to take her left nipple into my mouth. Her groan made me understand that this had a similar effect on her that it did on me. I took a larger bight that allowed me to swirl my tongue around her nipple.

“Aw fuck,” issued from her lips and I could feel her wetness increase as she humped her back towards me. I moved across to her right tit and mirrored my movement and once more that moan followed by, “Aw fuck.”

“Kiss me, Goyse. Kiss me.” I raised my head up to meet her lips as she humped me with the enthusiasm of a teenager.

“I’m going to comeee. Oh fuck. I’m commiiinnnggg,” She shrieked as I felt the juices rise from my testicles encouraged by the heat of her orgasm. My cock pulsed as it shot my sperm deep inside her once, twice, three then four times and still it continued.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. I’m cumming, I’m cumming, Oh Gloria, I’m cumming.”

As I came down from my orgasm I realized that we had an audience. Julie and Debbie were sitting on the edge of the bed watching with their mouths open. Gloria was not finished. She couldn’t know that the girls were watching us because she had her back to them. She held my head in her hands and pulled my lips to hers. I closed my eyes. It felt wonderful.

As we broke our kiss she whispered, “I love you, Goyse.”

It shocked me. I had not expected this. Had Julie or Debbie heard her? I shook my head, “No, no, no, Gloria. That was fantastic but you’ve just got carried away by the excitement of it all.”

“No, you don’t understand. What do you think I have been trying to tell you?”

“Gloria, we have an audience.”

“Goyse, that doesn’t change how I feel. I don’t care who knows or who is listening. I love you.”

“We don’t have the right to hurt people, Gloria, no matter how we feel or what we might think.”

“I’m not hurting anybody, Goyse. They both know. Debbie knows how I feel and both Debbie and I talked to Julie about it before she agreed that we could be here.”

“Shit! You told Julie that and she still allowed you to be here with me?”

“Yes, ask her. She said that it was the safest way to handle it. If we couldn’t be together while she was present she thinks you might cheat on her and then she would lose control.”

I looked past Gloria to Julie. “Come here, Julie.”

Julie stood and moved across to stand beside Gloria and me. I reached up and pulled her down towards me. She knelt beside our chair. I placed my arm behind her neck and pulled her into a kiss. Here I was with my cock embedded in Gloria and kissing my partner, Julie, while Gloria’s partner looked on.

“I love you, Julie. Thanks for trusting me like that.”

Julie smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen from her then pulled my face so hard into her breasts that I thought for a while she might suffocate me. She turned her head and while holding me she kissed Gloria.

“Bring him back to me when you are finished with him, please Gloria.”

“Don’t worry I will, Julie.”

With that, Julie got up and walked out of the bedroom leaving me with Debbie and Gloria. I was still embedded in Gloria and the eroticism of it all meant that I was still hard.

“Come here Debbie,” Gloria said without looking towards her. Debbie got up and moved across to us. With that, Gloria stood up pulling my cock from inside her. Gloria then guided Debbie onto my lap pushing my cock into her as she sat. The juices from our recent mating meant that my cock slid easily into her. 

“Look after him, Debbie. I’m going to join Julie.” With that Gloria walked out leaving Debbie and me together.

Debbie took me and kissed me and I responded. We kissed for some time as I stroked her breasts. When we broke our kiss she guided my mouth down onto her right nipple. I took an ample bight of her tit moving my tongue around her nipple as I had done with Gloria.


“Yes, Debbie.”

“What Gloria said, I feel the same way about you.”

“I know. She told me.”

“That’s good because I’m not able to say things the same way as Gloria can. She knows how to tell people things but I get all flustered and it comes out all wrong.”


“Yes, Goyse.”

“You know that Julie and I are in love and we are a couple and nothing is likely to change that, don’t you.”

“Yes, I know that.”

“Good. We can enjoy being with each other but understand that I will always be going home to Julie.”

“Yes, I know and I’ll always be going home to Gloria.” 


“I just thought that you and Julie might like to spend time with Gloria and me occasionally. We are together this month for a special purpose but Gloria and I were hoping that maybe we might do things together more often without needing a reason.”

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“I’ll talk to Julie about it later.”

“We already have. She said she would like that as long as you agreed.”

“Sounds like it is all settled then.”

“She said there were a couple of other people who you may have to talk to as well.”

“She did, did she? Well, I don’t think there is anyone else to talk to if Julie agrees and I agree then we will be visiting you and Gloria from time to time. All we will have to agree on will be where and when. I propose that we take a trip down south together a month or two after we confirm that you and Gloria are pregnant.”

“What about Julie?”

“She will be coming with me.”

“No, I mean when she is pregnant as well.”

“Don’t tell anyone else Debbie, but I think she has already missed her period. She hasn’t told me yet but I notice this type of thing and she hasn’t had a period for five weeks. I noticed some wrapping in the laundry bin this week and I read the label and it was a pregnancy kit. I think she is a couple of weeks ahead of you Debbie, and that will make her three weeks ahead of Gloria.”

“Oh fuck. That’s great. When do you think she will tell us?”

“Who knows? I’m betting she is waiting to allow you to tell us about your impregnation first.”

“Then we had better get to work then.”

“Work? Is that what you think it is?”

With that, we both burst out laughing and Debbie started moving her butt like wildfire.


It was some four weeks later as we sat down to dinner that Debbie announced that she had missed her period. Julie took her into her arms and kissed her and said, “Me too.” It was then that Gloria announced that her period had been due at the start of the previous week and there had been no sign of its arrival.

I broke out a sixty-five dollar bottle of red that I had purchased for the occasion but was immediately told to put it away until after the babies were born. Julie then went on to tell me that it would be okay if the dad was to partake but I grinned and told her that I would save it for the young ones' first birthdays.  

Gloria and Debbie moved back home ten days later with Gloria telling me that I was losing weight and they needed to give me time to recuperate. It had been one of the most memorable five weeks of my life up until that time. This period bought Julie and me closer together than I had ever been with any woman and that situation continues until today.

Two weeks after Gloria and Debbie moved home Marg and Cherie moved into the flat out back as we now called it. Initially, things went very well but unfortunately, as could be expected, Marg and I become closer and closer over time. We had been lovers many years before any of the others came onto the scene and over the years we had remained very close. All that was happening is that the others were becoming aware of how close Marg and I actually were.

Cherie started to feel left out and I couldn’t blame her because I would have felt the same if it had been me. I tried very hard to bring Cherie closer to me but she started to see me as the enemy. While Marg wanted more of my time, Cherie wanted less. One night Julie spoke to me saying that it had to end otherwise we would be responsible for Cherie and Marg separating. I agreed immediately.

That night when Marg took me aside as had become the norm, I told her that I could not spend time with her any longer because she was becoming too attached and I belonged to Julie. She cried in my arms but told me that Cherie had said the same thing to her some weeks before.

She said, “I’m sorry, Goyse. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’ve just been trying to make up for doing it.”

“You haven’t hurt me Marg. It’s just that you have started to dominate my time and this is taking me away from my partner who I love and it is taking you away from your partner who loves you.”

“You don’t understand, do you? I’m not sorry for what is happening now, I’m sorry for not allowing you to put the question to me that weekend of the boat show.”

“But that must be ten, maybe almost fifteen years ago. What exactly are you saying Marg?”

“I’m just saying that I knew, that’s all and I manipulated so that you would not get the opportunity to ask me to leave with you. I really wanted to but I also knew that if I allowed it to happen then it would be like driving a wedge between you and your family and I couldn’t do that to you. I’m sorry.”

“Shit. Is that why you introduced me to Cherie? You did that to prevent me from asking you to run away with me?”

“I thought if I could get you interested in someone else then maybe I wouldn’t break up your marriage.”

“My marriage was stuffed a long time before you came along Marg. In fact, I think I was the only person in the state who didn’t know it at that time. You knew it too. Don’t tell me that Lyn hadn’t told you what was happening.”

“Yes, she told me otherwise you and I would never have got off the ground to start with. In fact, I had to hurry up to beat my sister to it. She had plans for you but she was playing for keeps. She was organizing men for Sue with the intent that as soon as Sue split it, Lyn could be the one to console you. My marriage was stuffed and so was yours but it didn’t change the fact that you hadn’t left her and so if you left with me everyone including Lyn would have put the responsibility at my feet. That alone would have split us up.”

“Maybe it is me that should be apologizing to you Marg. If I had grown some balls and left Sue then we could have been together. You know that it’s too late now don’t you?”

“Yes, I know but you need to understand that I still have a little part of me that belongs to you and it always will.” Marg placed her hand between her breasts. I knew what she was saying. I felt the same but I was not in a position to tell her so. That would only make her more intent on being with me. I didn’t know what to say to her so I said nothing and was relieved when she continued to speak.

“Do you think that we could convince Julie to allow us to stay on in the flat out back if I promised to behave myself?”

“Why don’t you ask her?”

“Do you think we could do that?”

“Julie is a realistic type of person. You would need to be very honest and upfront with her. She will detect if you lie to her. She probably already knows and understands how you feel. If you try to deny it she will know. Tell her how you feel, why you want to stay and let her set the conditions that you need to meet to allow it to happen.”

“Will you help me?”

“Nope. This has to be a girl versus girl thing. The only help that I can give is to tell you not to lie to her and to give her the control. She doesn’t have an ounce of nastiness in her so you will get a fair hearing but you need to respect any conditions that she sets for you and never break them no matter what.”

“How would you feel if we stayed?”

“I would love it. I like Cherie and you know how I feel about you. I’ve never hidden that. I’d worry a bit about Cherie though. She seems to be avoiding me.”

“She is a little jealous because you and I are spending too much time together and of course I take your side in every conversation. I don’t try to do that. It just works out that way.”

“Maybe it would help if we disagreed occasionally, on purpose of course.”

“Yes, I’ve tried but it just seems that we think too much alike. It’s fucking terrible isn’t it that even when you try to disagree with someone you can’t.”

“Maybe we could both talk to Julie.”

“That would be nice. I think she would know what was going on if I did it alone, don’t you? She would guess that we were conspiring against her and she would be right.”


We approached Julie a week later. Gloria had to work late which gave us a window of opportunity. I poured a red wine for us, asked Marg to sit in the lounge and then went to get Julie who was in the bedroom.

“Marg and I would like to talk to you, Julie. Could you join us in the lounge?”


I walked back into the lounge room, picked up my wine, had a sip and waited. About five minutes later Julie came down. I looked at her eyes and could see that she had been crying.

“So this is it, is it, Dear John time?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I know how you feel about her. I’ll move out as soon as I can find somewhere to live.”

“Julie, come here.” She moved over towards me and I put my arms around her and kissed her. “You’ve been crying, haven’t you? Julie, you have no reason to cry. Marg and I are here to tell you that you are very important to us both and to say that we both love you and want you to know that you come before everything and everybody else.” She seemed to still be concerned so I continued.  “Marg and I have known each other for a long time. We have a very tight bond and that bond is so strong that it can’t be broken but in saying that you and your feelings and needs come before us both. I know I can speak for Marg when I say that Marg is not a risk to you or to the relationship that you and I have built up. I know and understand your concerns but they are not real Julie. Those concerns feel real to you but that is your protectionism kicking in. You see Marg and I had our opportunity but we missed it and we will never get it back. It is buried somewhere in the past.”

“You love her, don’t you?”

“I can’t deny that but I love you more and I need you more.”

“Do you love him Marg?”

“Yes, I’ve loved him for fifteen years, maybe longer but as he said, we had our chance and we missed the boat. That boat only sails once in a lifetime. That opportunity has gone. Even if you were not here then Goyse and I would not get together.”

“Why not, what would stop you?”

“I don’t know. I guess it’s something that I’ve never thought about. It just wouldn’t happen that’s all.”

“Goyse?” She was asking me the same question. I had no idea what to say. If Julie was not here would Marg and I get together again? Hell, I had no idea. It just had never been raised I guess. How do you answer a question like that?

“The situation doesn’t exist, Julie. How the hell can I answer a question like that?”

“Just as I thought, I’m keeping you apart.”

“For fuck's sake, Julie, you are not keeping us apart. There are quite a few people who have kept us apart but you have never been one of them. In fact, you have allowed us to spend time together that would never have happened if you had not been so accepting and understanding.”

“Then what is this about?”

“It’s about making sure that you understand that our relationship is not under threat. It’s about trying to allow Marg and Cherie to stay with us while allowing you to maintain control and providing you with a sense of security. Is there anything else Marg?”

“No, I think that about covers it.”

“Okay. What about Cherie?”

“What about Cherie?”

“She is just not going to buy it. How do you expect her to accept continuing in an arrangement where you two look like a couple and Cherie and I are just hangers-on?”

“Is that how you feel, Julie?”

“Yes, most of the time, that’s exactly how I have felt.”

“Then we will have to change it. What would you ask us to do to make you feel better?”

“I don’t know. Perhaps I feel better already after this discussion. It would help if you two spent a little less time together.”

“Okay, done! Will you help us convince Cherie to give it a try?”

“You know, I will. I like the arrangement as it was when we first started off before you two started spending so much time together. I like Cherie. I know what you can do to help her accept it, Goyse.”

“Okay, what’s that?”

“Tell her that you want her to have a baby with you.”


“Cherie has been talking to me about having a baby. I mean rather about not having a baby. She told me that she did have one when she was quite young and her parents raised it as their own. She regrets that and is feeling that if she doesn’t do it soon she will miss out.”

I looked at Marg and realized by her expression that she was as surprised as me at this revelation. We both looked at her. She raised her eyes and said, “I didn’t know. She is my partner and she hasn’t talked to me about it. I’ve destroyed her trust in me, haven’t I?”


It was two weeks later that when Julie and I went up to bed that she told me that she had spoken to Cherie.

“I think that we have an agreement with Cherie. Marg and Cherie will stay in the flat out back for the foreseeable future but there are a couple of conditions that you have to meet.”

“Okay, what are the conditions?”

“You can’t work them out for yourself?”

“Probably, I guess one will be to spend less time with Marg.”

“Yep, you have got that one right. You get one night a week with her. I spend that night with Cherie and Marg comes to you.”

“So we set up a roster? Is that how it will work?”

“No, it will depend on the mood. Some weeks it may not happen. Other weeks it may be more than one night. Occasionally it may be Marg and Cherie and you together with me watching. You know I enjoy watching, don’t you? All that she asks is that you and Marg don’t overdo it like you have been.”

“Okay, what is the other condition?”

“I can’t tell you about the other condition. I’ll leave that up to her.”

“She wants to use me as a sperm bank.”

“I wouldn’t put it like that but then it is up to her to discuss it with you.”

“But you know what the condition is and you have agreed.”


“You know that she wants me to get her pregnant don’t you.”

“Yes, but that’s not really what it is about. It is how she wants you to get her pregnant that she wants to talk to you about.”

“But you agreed to her condition.”

“Yes, but I agree only if you agree. She’ll talk to you this weekend. She will ply you with a few wines first so be prepared.”

“Do I have the right to say no?”

“We always have the right to say no to any proposal but you won’t.”

“We’ll see.”

“Yes, We’ll see.”


It was a busy week and by Saturday night my mind was on other things. I had been to work most of the day because there was a big shut down on and things were not going as well as they should have. I walked in about seven thirty. The girls were looking very nice. The amount of flesh on show was quite unusual. Cherie particularly had on an almost sheer top and no bra. She got up and poured me a wine and as I watched I observed that there was no panty line showing.

It was then that I remembered that this weekend was to be when she presented her condition to me. She certainly knew how to start off a conversation because her appearance already had me aroused. I took the wine from her and set it down then reached over to her and kissed her. She responded.

“What do I have to account for that?”

“Look at you. Any red-blooded man would want to kiss you. You are absolutely gorgeous and those clothes!”

“I’m glad you approve.”

“Approve, I more than approve. Cherie, I haven’t been this aroused for some time. Don’t tell my Julie, will you? She might get jealous.”

We all laughed with Julie laughing the loudest.

“Maybe Marg and I should leave and let you and Cherie alone for a while. Marg.” Julie held her hand out to Marg. Marg took it and they disappeared down the passageway to one of the spare rooms. Once they were out of sight I took Cherie in my arms and kissed her again. I ran my hand down along her thigh and it confirmed my belief that she was in commando mode. My cock jumped at the thought and I’m sure that Cherie felt it.

“I believe that we have things to talk about, Cherie. Would you like to talk here or in our bedroom?”

“My plan is to seduce you tonight so I don’t really think that it makes sense to do so here. Perhaps we should adjourn to the bedroom unless you would like to have dinner first.”

We moved to the master bedroom. Once we were there I picked her up and laid her on the bed and once more kissed her.

“Okay, what is the condition that I must meet in order for you to stay with us?”

“Quite a romantic, aren’t you?”

“I’m sorry, Cherie. I find you very arousing and I want to make love to you but unless we get the business out of the way first I won’t be able to perform quite the way you are accustomed to.”

“Okay, my condition is that you and I take a holiday together for at least two weeks, just you and me, no one else.”  

“Sounds okay, where do we go and when?”

 “I think the Gold Coast would be fine. As to the when, it will depend on my cycle.”

“So, what happens with Marg and Julie?”

“That’s up to them. Julie has already agreed as long as you do. As for Marg, she doesn’t know yet. I was thinking of a third condition but perhaps it is too cruel.”

“You want me to tell her?”

“How did you guess?”

“Cherie, I would agree to your condition if it was designed to allow you to have the child that you so dearly want but that is not the primary objective is it? Your condition is designed to hurt Marg and maybe even hurt Julie. I can’t do that. I’m sorry Cherie but I can’t agree with your condition.”

“She means that much to you?”

“Yes, they both do. You also mean that much to me, Cherie. What you are proposing will hurt you as much as it will anyone else and I can’t allow you to do that to yourself. I will not agree with you trying to take your anger at me out on the three people that I love.”

“Then I guess that we move out of the flat then.”

“If you choose to do that then I can’t stop you but I want you to stay.”

“You mean that you want Marg to stay.”

“Yes, I won’t disagree that I want Marg to stay but I want you to stay just as much. We can work this out, Cherie. You and I can work this out. All we have to do is put the jealous feelings aside and recognize how we feel about each other and we can work it out.”

“What feelings are we talking about?”

“You know as well as I do that you are in love with two people, Cherie. I’ve recognized it a long time ago. That is the reason that you and Marg are here now. You are not here because of how Marg feels. She is here because of how you feel. The problem we face is that your jealousy of my relationship with Marg is controlling you and you can’t let it go. If you can learn to put that jealousy aside then you and I can have a meaningful relationship.

 I would like you to bear my child, Cherie but when we do we need to be considerate of those around us. We need to share the moment with them not isolate them. Now, how about it?”

“Kiss me Goyse.”

I kissed her and she melded into my body. The kiss lasted a long time. I could feel her silky feeling dress against me and the thought of her naked wet pussy had me aroused again. I rolled over on top of her and my cock aligned with her crotch. I knew that she could feel my arousal.

“I think someone likes me.”

“No, someone loves you, Cherie.”

“You know how to make a girl give in, don’t you?”

“I hope so Cherie because I don’t want to lose you and neither does Julie. We both love you just as much as we love Marg.”

“Okay, you win. My condition is that you spend as much time with me as you do with Marg and I want to bear your child.”

“Well, now it’s time for me to tell you my condition. My condition is that you and Marg sleep in my bed with Julie and me until you can confirm that you are pregnant.”

“I like that one.”

“Okay, let’s go and get them then we need to start tonight. When do you think you will be ovulating?”

“I just finished my period.”

“OK, don’t tell them. Let them think that you are fertile right now. This is the way it works. I make love with one of the other girls and then move across to you so that you always receive my sperm. How does that sound.”

“Marg knows when I had my period.”

“Don’t worry about that. Marg will just be happy that you are. She told me that she worries about you when you appear unhappy. Okay?”

“Sounds like a plan to me. Let’s go get the girls. We can have dinner and then an all-night sex session.”

“Nope! I don’t do sex sessions but I do love sessions and usually, they last a lot longer than one night.”


Eight months later, Julie, Debbie and Gloria had their babies within one week of each other. Julie called our son Gordon. Both Debbie and Gloria had girls. Debbie called her girl Gloria May. Gloria called her daughter Debbie May. I wondered about the May part of it because the only person around with the name May was my partner Julie May. Hhhmmm, interesting.

Cherie had her son just over a month later and called him Gordon as well. I was amazed at how much he looked like me. Of all my ten children it was Cherie’s that looked the most like me. By that time Marg was also pregnant and she delivered our son two months later. She insisted that I sit through the birth with her in the same way that I had with Julie.

Throughout the birth, she told me over and over again how much she loved me and how sorry she was to push me away the weekend of the boat show. I kissed her so many times that I lost count.


Julie, Marg, Cherie and I all share our home with our children. We have a great relationship and it seems to be like a fine wine that improves with the years.

Every month or so Debbie and Gloria invite Julie and I to dinner with them and we always stay the night with them. I worry about Debbie because she has been becoming too emotionally involved with Julie. It always pushes Gloria and me together and that’s not a bad thing because Gloria really knows how to please a man.

Debbie recently invited me to lunch with her. During lunch, she asked me for permission to have a night out with Julie occasionally. I asked her was she asking me to allow her to date Julie. She said, “Yes.” I agreed but asked her would she mind if I spent those nights with Gloria. She told me that would help her because she was worried how Gloria might cope by herself while she was with Julie.

I spend those nights with Gloria. She asked me was I jealous of Debbie going out with Julie. I told her no, I wasn’t. I said that I didn’t own Julie, I was only her partner. I also told Gloria that I trusted Julie to always come home to me no matter what the circumstances. Gloria’s response was to say that she wished that she had my confidence.

I discussed this with Julie and she assured me that Gloria had nothing to worry about. She went on to say that her relationship with Debbie was a sexual thing. She told me that there were certain things that Julie and Debbie did that Gloria didn’t like so she was helping their relationship not damaging it. She provided me with no details and I didn’t ask. I really didn’t want to know what two girls might get up to that Gloria and I might not enjoy.


I ran into my ex-wife, Sue, recently. She was alone so I went across to talk to her and to ask her how she was going. Her response was, “No better for your asking.” I took the hint and left. I was surprised that my heart missed a beat when I first saw her because I was convinced that any feelings that I may have had for her had long passed.

I made some discreet enquiries and found out that she has been involved with several men since our split but all have left her. One had told our son in an apologetic way that he was leaving her because someone had told him about how poorly she had treated me. I thought it sad that the mistakes of the past could impact on the future of an individual.

She now lives alone and has a small circle of friends. She doesn’t seem to go out with men any more but I have seen her regularly with other couples and with female friends.

Believe it or not, I still care enough for her that I hope she finds a compatible partner to share her life with and I hope that she can find happiness.

At night as I sleep, the vision of Sue with Henry comes back to me and I awake with an erection every time. Julie makes good use of it but I’m sure she would be disgusted if she knew of its origin. Henry passed away some time ago. Veronica has married once again. By all accounts, she is very happy.   

Lyn and Ron have had a number of marital problems but they still survive as a couple. Jon has found himself a younger woman who he says wants to make love to him every waking moment. I was tempted to tell him that I have three women like that but common sense told me to keep my trap shut. But then you can’t always be expected to tell the truth, can you?

This story has a happy ending for most of us except perhaps for Sue. In thinking about my good mate Ron, I am glad that he has found someone to love him. Ron's has been a difficult search for happiness, one that I intend telling in my next series of stories.  


Written by goyse
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