Our sex life was on fire after the evening with Brad. We would talk about the "incident" with regularity at night. We were now having sex every night during the week and 2-3 times a night during the weekend. This pace hadn’t stopped since, and it was worth the mixed emotions.
We had taken time to decompress after the exhibitionism. We figured it would be smart to make sure we wouldn’t take things too far, or to be uncomfortable by anything new that we had introduced to our sex life. There is a very real concern of "new relationship high" where spouses can be together for years and one decides to run off because of a little excitement that quickly fades.
We spoke through our emotions about it and went back and forth about things we did and didn’t like, and things we may want to consider in the future. We laid out some ground rules that we both agreed on. The first was neither of us would ever be alone with someone else. Dates were out of the question. Our relationship was strong enough, and we didn’t need drama from anyone else. This was purely sexual, and something we were sharing between us. The next rule was no touching. She wasn’t comfortable with the idea of some person groping her, and sex was out of the question. The final rule was communication. We would have to communicate our thoughts and feelings to make sure this would work.
As Missy came home from work Friday, I decided to talk to her about a fun idea that I had. We didn’t really make weekend plans at this point in our lives. We were in our late 20s and most of our friends were having kids or the odd one may be off enjoying their lives and traveling. We would watch TV or do some shopping, but nothing concrete was laid out. This weekend would be different.
“I was thinking about going out to the drive-in this Saturday, what do you think,” I asked.
“That sounds like fun, what’s playing?”
“Well the new Marvel movie is playing on the first screen. The second screen has a special showing of Call Me By Your Name, and the third screen is doing a last showing of some cheesy cult horror.”
Missy hated horror movies and was never able to get into them. She thought about it for a moment.
“Well CMBYN would be fun. I haven’t seen the new Marvel movie yet either. I’m not really a fan of horror though. I guess you decide?”
“I was thinking about bringing Brad with us actually.”
“Oh,” her face flushed just a little, “that could be fun. I mean what do you have in mind?”
“Just a little bit of fun of course. Nothing too heavy. That’s why I was thinking maybe we watch the cheesy horror.”
“Oh god, I won’t even be able to watch it!”
“That’s kind of the point actually…”
She winked at me and lightly kicked against my shin playfully.
“You’re bad. Whatever, it’s an excuse to get out of the house. You know how I feel about horror movies though, so just don’t be a dick.”
I knew how she felt, but I was going to be taking her to that film. It was the final showing and wasn’t exactly popular to begin with according to the person I spoke to. The first showing had only twenty cars. The second had eight. He said we were the only ones to call, but his guess was on three cars. It was going to be a nearly empty lot and having a car with nicely tinted windows meant we would have privacy, even if there were a few cars more than anticipated.
That night while in bed I kept whispering into her ears naughty thoughts about the next night.
“I want to dare you to be terrible tomorrow. I want you to cut loose. I want you to push your boundaries as far as you feel comfortable. I want to fuck you in front of Brad.”
Her breath quickened while I spewed out my filthy language.
“Mmm, make me suck his cock!”
That put me close to the edge.
“Oh yeah,” I paused just on the edge, “And what if I did?”
She stared at me in the eyes, “I guess we would have to find out.”
I came inside of her, offering her a towel and helping to clean up. We put our things together to sleep and I mostly tossed and turned, staring at the wall and imagining all the things I wanted out of the next night.
Our car was a newer model. It had cameras on all sides of the vehicle on the outside that showed up on the picture display and could record in passive mode to be on the lookout for random scratches and hit and runs. On the inside were monitoring cameras in the front and back seats, two facing opposite each other one facing forward and the other backward in the car, and a panorama on the roof. My idea was simple. Whatever fun we had we would record it, with Brad’s permission and watch it that night when we were alone.
The next day arrived and we went about doing our normal things. We went to get breakfast that morning, eating at a local coffee shop. We went to a farmer's market and gathered some groceries and flowers, bringing them home to dress up the house. On the front we are by all accounts just like any other couple. We are just like any other couple. We enjoy brunches and working around the house, and trashy tv shows. We just also had an exhibitionist streak.
The night came faster than I had imagined. She indulged me and allowed me to pick out clothes for her. I chose a loose top, a lacey blue bra, and some short shorts. These were ones she had only ever worn on vacation. I picked out her red converse and some bright yellow ankle socks. We got into the car to pick up Brad.
“So, are you excited for tonight,” I asked.
“Well, if it’s something like before yes. Just remember the rules okay. I don’t want to be put in a weird position.”
“If there’s anything you’re uncomfortable with just say pineapple and I’ll put on the breaks immediately. I’ll make it awkward if I have to.”
She laughed at the choice of a safe word.
“Deal. If I’m uncomfortable I’ll say,” laugh, “pineapple.”
We picked up Brad and exchanged pleasantries. No talk of the night from a few months ago was allowed. Brad and I had texted beforehand and I requested he not speak about it. I also asked his consent to use the cameras, which he was more than enthusiastic to oblige. He was excited about being on camera for whatever I had in mind and was just hoping he would be able to watch at some point. I assured him he would whenever we were alone again.
I drove to the movie theater, pulling up to the kiosk at the front gate to pay our way in.
“Hey, one car for the Cheesy Horror please.”
“Sure, it’s going to be starting in about twenty minutes. There’re only five other cars tonight so you can feel free to park anywhere.”
I paid our dues and pulled the car around to the right lot. It seemed vacant compared to how many cars it could hold. I parked in the back-right corner. There was a car one row in front, and about thirty feet away from us that I was sure probably couldn’t see into ours. We got out and gathered some snacks together, getting back to the car just in time for the movie to begin.
It was a terrible movie, involving obvious deaths, and god awful clichés. After fifteen minutes I looked back to Brad and asked,
“Hey, do you mind grabbing me some cookie dough bites?”
“Hmm, yeah sure I suppose.”
I handed him the cash and he got out of the car, making his way to the concession shack. I turned to Missy with a mischievous look on my face.
“Oh good god, what do you have planned?”
“Just a change in outfit. I mean you did let me pick out what you’re wearing, and I had in mind an outfit change.”
“What is it you want me to do?” She rolled her eyes sarcastically, excited at the idea of whatever was coming up.
“I want you to first take off those high tops.”
She undid the laces and kicked her shoes off to the floor of the passenger seat.
“Good. Now your socks.”
“Okay, weirdo.” She wriggled her nose a bit at this.
She pulled her socks off placing them on the floor beside her shoes. She was now barefoot, wearing the jean shorts and loose white T I had picked out. She looked stunning and never left the house this undressed.
“Good. Now the bra.”
“What? Jeeze, he saw me once already didn’t he?”
“Take. Off. The Bra.”
She looked at me. I had never spoken to her like this before with a stern voice. She blushed a little and reluctantly rose her hand up the back of her shirt, undoing the strap. She took her hands out, staring again. She reached her hand inside and took her bra out, placing it underneath the seat.
“Good. Now be ready for him to come back.”
She looked at him quizzically but he wouldn’t say anything else.
“Sorry guys, there must have been an early intermission at the other move the line was long as hell.”
He handed the cookie dough bites forward and noticed a slight tension. The large windshield reflected the inside of the car slightly and it took Brad only a minute to notice Missy’s nipples. At this point they were erect, pressing against her shirt like they were trying to stab their way out.
“Brad buddy, you have some kind of problem?”
“Oh… I’m sorry I mean I didn’t mean to stare… I just… Sorry.”
“It’s alright, I'm just messing with you. In fact. Missy why don’t get into the back seat with Brad.”
“What,” they both said. His voice was excited, hers was curious.
“Hey, it’s just for some fun. Just sit in the backseat with Brad.”
Missy listened and crawled into the back. Brad stared at her ass as she turned around. She sat directly behind me.
“Put your feet up for us. Brad thinks they’re cute.”
“Hey, not going to lie that’s true, you do have some sexy feet.”
Missy blushed, listening to the men and put her feet up.
“You boys are ridiculous. Behave yourselves.”
I looked back in the mirror locking eye contact, “never,” I winked.
Another five minutes passed, and the tension was beginning to rise in the car. The summer was a hot one and I had turned the A.C. down as low as I knew we could stand it without anyone saying anything. A slight amount of sweat began to build on each of us like a fine dew. Missy looked like she had a slight glow to her.
“Missy, you seem kind of tense. Brad, you’re a good friend, would you mind helping her out?”
“I wouldn’t mind at all,” he said with a smile.
“Missy, why don’t you put your feet in Brad’s lap and let him give you a massage.”
This was outside of the rules. No touching to her meant no touching, which she made very clear in our lengthy conversation. No hugging, no tickling, no rubbing. She looked but didn’t say the safe word. Hesitantly she raised her legs over, placing them on Brad’s lap after letting them hover nervously above it.
He reached his hands out and placed them on her left foot first. She looked away from Brad and stared in the mirror locking eyes with me. She looked aroused but she was starting to be outside of her comfort zone. One of our friends was touching her now, something she had explicitly said she didn’t want and yet she didn’t say the word to stop it now. She was breathing a little heavy, and her cheeks were slightly pink.
“Why don’t you tell him what you want?”
“What,” she asked.
“Tell him what you want him to do. How you want him to touch your feet. To massage you.”
She started letting him know how she liked her feet rubbed. He firmly gripped her feet and stretched them out, rolling her ankle around. He applied a slow-moving, firm pressure on the arch of her foot running it slowly up and down. He did this with both of her feet, rubbing them for about twenty minutes. The movie now had roughly forty-five minutes before it was going to end.
“That’s nice. Do you feel good?”
“Yeah, that felt kind of nice actually.” She pulled her feet away and put them up on the center console so that we could see them. She stretched her toes and wiggled them slightly.
“Brad, why don’t you tell Missy what you really think about how she looks right now?”
I barely finished the words when he blurted out, “You’re fucking hot! I mean damn. Your legs are amazing, I don’t know why you hide them! Your feet, your tits, your ass. If I was married to you I’d give it to you three times a day!”
She was blushing at this and couldn’t respond save for a few fumbled thank you’s, and, oh stop!
“It seems a bit less tense now. How about one more thing. We’ve got another forty minutes now until the movie stops. I dare you to take off your top and make out with Brad until the credits finish. Hard. Do it like you’re kissing me.”
This was the line. This was something that she had stated she would never do. She looked at me and I saw a slight smile spread.
“p… pi… hmm… Fine. I’ll do it.” She trembled.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“No. I don’t mind giving you boys a show,” she said with more confidence.
With this she tucked her legs up underneath her butt, facing brad. She reached her arms down and peeled her top off revealing her perfect chest.
“Damn…” Brad uttered.
She leaned over and placed her hands around his neck and jumped into kissing him with everything she had. She got onto his lap and started to grind against him while he slipped his tongue into her mouth to explore around.
“Yikes, Brad! Tongue!”
She wasn’t used to this.
He put his hand on her back and pulled her closer again. She lost her balance and he went right back to kissing her, shoving his tongue in again. His hands had stayed mostly at his side since I had explained the no-touching rules. He was taken aback at how things were turning and seemed unsure.
“Missy, Brad looks like he wants to touch you. Why don’t you lay down and let him get on top and explore a little?”
She leaned back to her side and spread her legs apart, looking up at me with seductive eyes.
“Like this,” she said in a sickly innocent voice.
“Just like that baby. Brad, feel free to break the no-touch rule.”
Brad smiled and crawled between her legs, resuming his feverous kisses. I was watching another man just attack my wife right now. His hands started to slide up her side and she shivered and shook at his touch. He was eager to grab at her breasts, feeling them all over. He would run her nipples between his fingers, and he would enthusiastically run his thumb tip in circles around the areolas. She bit her lip at this, kissing him on the neck.
Her hands started to explore a bit more too, she grabbed Brad’s head and directed him to kiss her neck. She stared up at me with bedroom eyes like she wanted to just fuck right there, and modesty be damned.
The movie was ending, and the credits began to roll.
The mist had grown on the windows, and I turned the A/C up to defrost them. Missy started to shiver, her nipples standing as hard as they could be now with the cold and another man on top of her.
“It’s all over now guys, time to get dressed.”
Missy ignored me and kept kissing Brad. She lifted him up and sat him down in his seat, kissing him on the lips and neck as she put his seat belt on for him.
She crawled her way to the front and elected to only put the loose shirt back on. The drive back to Brad’s house was twenty minutes with no stoplights between. We started the car and made our way back to drop him off.
I was feeling like pushing things further and turned to Missy. She looked back at me and was giving me the same feeling. I lifted up an eyebrow and without saying anything she seemed to pick up what I was feeling.
She lowered the visor down. We had installed an extra-large mirror for her to work on her looks while I was driving if she ever felt like it. She positioned it so that you could see her shorts and legs. Her breathing began to pick up and she started to let out these soft moans. Brad looked up and could see her legs and the front of her shorts perfectly.
Her hand slipped down and unbuttoned the top button to her shorts. She slipped her zipper down slightly, enough for Brad and I to see her panties. She was wearing a thin black lace, but not thin enough for you to be able to see it beyond a few inches. Her hand lowered into her panties and she did something I thought she would never do.
She fingered herself, moaning and breathing fast.
“God damn, you’re fucking hot Missy.”
She kept the show going. I took my right hand off the wheel and undid my zipper. I grabbed her wrist and placed her hands on my thigh. Brad was staring at this from the back, and you could see the outline of his erection in his pants. He was rock hard and ready to go. I reached my hands over and into Missy’s shorts and started to finger her. With this, she let out a gasp. She reached into my zipper and pulled out my cock and stroked it playfully at first, picking up speed and intensity with every passing second.
“It’d be awfully mean of us to do this little show for Brad and not let him do anything about it. Missy, do you mind?”
She moaned out a “Hnn-nnh” to say she was okay with it.
“Why don’t you ask him?”
She looked over at me, then looked over her right shoulder at Brad.
“Would pull out your cock, and cum for me before we drop you off?”
Brad undid his pants and began to go to work.
Missy lifted her mirror up so you could just barely see my hands at the bottom, but you got a good view of her nipples through her shirt. With her free hand, she began to pinch at her nipples while stroking me with her other hand. She lifted her shirt up and exposed herself to brad. We were all breathing heavily now.

I pulled onto his street and started to breath faster. Missy matched breath with me and I came all over her hands as she kept jerking me off. She put on a good show cumming hard against my hand. Brad had started behind and was not quite there as I pulled into his driveway.
“Why don’t you let him touch you to get there faster?”
Missy bit her lower lip and lifted her shirt off, lowering the seat back so that he had better access. He felt her all over while pulling at himself as fast as he could. He gripped onto her left breast firmly as he came with a shuddering breath.
Missy handed him some tissues and used some on herself to clean up. Brad hopped out of the car, and I decided to follow him in with Missy. We went to the backyard and sat down and talked and joked a little about what had happened. Another naughty thought occurred to me. Missy wasn't uptight but she grew up in a Pentecostal home and had always followed a certain lifestyle. No cut hair, skirts all the time, and modesty in mind. Already Brad had seen a wild side of her he hadn't seen before, but I wanted Missy to show him something really bad.
"Hey hon, take your shirt off again."
She had loosened up a bit and playfully rolled her eyes, lifting her shirt above her head and tossing it to the side of Brad's deck. The backyard fence wasn't particularly high but it was late and unlikely anyone was up.
"There you go boys," she said as she playfully wiggled her shoulders to shake her breasts.
"I was thinking maybe one more thing before we go home," I said as I reached for my phone pulling up the camera to record. "I want you to show Brad something you would never show anyone. Something you didn't even show me for a while after we were married and even then only by accident."
She looked at me quizzically.
I reached my other hand into my jacket pocket and pulled out a pack of Marlboro Red 100's, tossing them gently to her. She glared at me. This was her biggest secret, and now she was really bare in front of Brad.
"Kevin!" She had snapped out of the haze a little and glared.
Brad looked at her and his eyebrows had raised. This was something he hadn't expected from her in a million years. I stared back at Missy defiantly.
"Also, take off your shorts. I don't think Brad got a good enough view from the backseat."
She begrudgingly obliged, throwing her shorts at me, obscuring the camera for a moment.
She sat back down and opened the new pack. Tossing the plastic aside she flipped open the box and carefully opened the foil inside. This was a quirk of hers. She hated tearing off the foil and preferred to keep it neatly folded for as long as possible. She pulled a long cigarette from the box and placed it between her lips. I handed Brad the lighter and he walked over to Missy as slowly as he could and lit the cigarette for her, taking his seat back next to me with a good view of Missy.
She took a long drag from the cigarette, holding it and blowing the smoke in Brad's direction. I kept my camera trained on her, only moving it to get a shot of the outline of Brad's raging cock in his jeans, and a pan over to mine. She took two drags, and then began to run her hand up her stomach and to just below her chest. She grabbed at her nipples gently rubbing them between her fingers. Her hand slowly made it's way down as she pulled another drag from her cigarette and placed them into her now obviously wet panties.
Brad took his dick out and started to masturbate while watching Missy. She looked at me and smiled, deciding to put on a good show for the boys. She closed her eyes and took a long drag from her cigarette, exhaling slowly while whispering, "Ooh Brad!"
She started this slowly, but kept building up speed as her fingers worked faster. Brad was getting closer to the edge and this is when she began saying it with more urgency, "Oh Brad yes, yes! Keep going, oh that feels so good, I love it!"
He stood up and shot his cum out onto the deck. This I took care to film, panning up to Missy's face whose eyes were now open and staring lustily at the cum.
"Good boy," she said with a wink, blowing a kiss.
We made our way back to the car.
“Get. Me. Home. Now.”
She wasn’t pissed, she was urgent. I drove as quickly as I could to the house and barely put the car in park as Missy jumped out. It was now around 1:15 AM and unlikely that anyone was awake in our neighborhood. She peeled off her shirt, and slid her shorts off, kicking them over to me and running the twenty-five feet to the front door in the nude.
I ran after her, picking her up and throwing her onto the bed. Simply put, we fucked. At this point in the night, we were more into the high caused by all the chemicals rushing in our brains than we were into the idea of climaxing. We pulled up the footage from the car, and the backyard and watched it as we kept switching up positions. She would pull herself off of me and suck on my cock while I watched my friend grope her, jerking off to all the things he wanted to do to her.
We switched positions and she focused on the video of her smoking while I ate her out. She bit her lip and came while watching Brad do the same all over his deck.
We watched Brad jerk off over and over while grabbing at her tits. She watched herself make out with brad, cumming a third time. Something inside of her was changing and it was taking me to places I hadn’t been before, even at the height of my sexual prowess.
We used this as fuel for our sex life for weeks. Missy was still reluctant about certain acts but was opening up considerably with her dirty talk getting more creative every night. She admitted she was starting to read some of the dirty stories I would read because she wasn't sure what to say and what sounded sexy. During this time she would message write comments and occasionally reach out. She approached me about these conversations one night when I wasn't expecting anything special.
"So, I've been giving you what you want so far and I wanted to try something new."
"Oh," I said raising my eyebrows. I was genuinely surprised because she was still a little hesitant. "What did you have in mind?"
"Well I've been chatting with this girl and we swapped a few photos and got to talking and found we had similar interests and were looking to both get similar things out of a one time experience. It's essentially a stranger so we wouldn't necessarily have to see them again if we didn't want to. They're from Michigan visiting one of their family member's and they happen to be up this weekend..."
"Okay ADHD, and you were telling me what you wanted?" I joked.
"Squirrel!" she shouted back as we both giggled at her sometimes short attention span.
"Well what I, or we I should say, are looking for is a girl's night. We're in charge and we get to do what we want. You would have to listen and do as we say, and keep in mind it's girl's night if you understand... No, let's be clear, I want to cum. A lot. So jerk off or whatever you need to do, but just make sure you're ready for the distance tonight."
"Damn, somebodies been reading some kinky stories. Keep talking like that and I'll have all the material I need to start building some stamina."
The weekend arrived, and I had put on the khaki's and white short sleeve button up that Missy had requested. She was wearing a beautiful yellow sundress and chose to stay barefoot.
A knock on our door signaled the start of the evening. I opened the door to find a gorgeous woman, and to my surprise her husband. I invited them in and poured a few glasses of wine. The husband looked at me and I could tell he was a little surprised to see me here too. A key detail these devious girls kept to themselves. They Introduced themselves as Amber and Nick.
We made small chat about the weather, how beautiful the season was, and how their trip had been. I remarked that I had a cousin in Michigan and had enjoyed the bar-cade in Lansing.
The girls would lean over and whisper every once in a while into each other's ears.
"So... boys."
They looked at us.
"We were kind of hoping you would put on a little show for us." We were about three drinks in at this point and starting to get a little tipsy.
"Kiss!" Shouted Amber.
That broke the tension and we laughed a little. We looked at each other and back at our wives hesitantly.
"Oh come on, you boys want stuff like this out of us. Tonight is our night, so chop-chop baby, get to kissing," shouted Missy.
The girls put their arms around each other on the loveseat and crossed their legs opposite each other. His wife was wearing flip-flops and kicked them off at this point.
We looked at each other and shrugged, fuck it they WOULD do whatever we asked. Girl's night.
I leaned forward and took Nick's jacket off. She had dressed him up to look nice as well. Underneath he had on a crisp polo. I felt comfortable being the girl for this, so I crawled onto his lap and pulled at his collar tugging him to me and kissing him.
"Boo, do it like you mean it!" said Amber.
He grabbed me by my waist with one hand and put his other arm firmly around my back grasping my shoulder reassuringly. We kept at this, running our hands through each other's hair, and playfully grinding for the girl's amusement. After what felt like an eternity but I later found out was only ten minutes the girls walked over to us and my wife led the way to the bedroom.
We had covered all our furniture items with white sheets, removing all pictures and personal effects from the room. The curtains were pulled tight. This could have been a room anywhere. The girls had decided that they would allow pictures, but the deal is only their own face showing in their pictures with the other wife obscured by careful angles so that they would be able to enjoy their copy knowing we didn't have anything with their face and they didn't have any with ours.
It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway. We're adults that knew this was coming up so we all were tested and clean for anything. Plain and simple if you're going to have fun be safe. There's all the time in the world to be sexually crazy, so take the time.
In the bedroom, the girls looked at each other and walked over to the other's husband.
They both said their rehearsed line to the other's husband, "You're going to help me get undressed first, then we'll tell you what to do next."
They had all the power, and we were putty in their hands.
We put on some sensual music, starting with Norah Jones and started lifting up the girl's dresses. Amber wore pure black matching bra and panties, my wife apparently coordinating by wearing pure white bra and panties.
"First, the rest of your clothes boys," the girls said to us.
We obliged, stripping down quickly and standing at attention for the ladies. They allowed us to continue stripping off the last few items of clothing that covered them leaving them naked in front of us.
My wife reached out first, grabbing Nick by the hand, directing it towards her heat, "Don't go inside," she said flatly, "but feel free to get me started."
Amber did the same, and we laid the girls out on their backs on the bed, gently rubbing around their glistening lips taking care not to violate the trust by pushing our hungry fingers in. At this point both of us wanted to just attack but looked at each other and just both nodded seemingly thinking the same thing at once: girl's night.
We leaned in, kissing the women.
"Oh!" they both said.
"Oh, sorry are you girls okay with kissing?" We looked at each other and agreed we didn't mind the other kissing our spouse.
"Sorry, we just hadn't anticipated it, but okay," they agreed.
We started kissing and I ran my hand up to her breast. She slapped it gently. "Down boy!" She smiled and put it back, "I'm kidding, you're fine." She stuck her tongue out before lifting her head up to allow me to continue kissing her.
With this, the girls both got up and laid us down.
"You've both been really good so far, so we're going to give you this ONE treat."
With that Missy seductively began crawling up the bed between Nick's feet making her way up towards his cock. Amber did the same to me. Both girls knew what we liked and kept mesmerizing eye contact. Their mouths opened and they both pulled the heads of our cocks into their hot mouths at the same time. My eyes wandered from Amber to Missy. My wife now had another man's cock in her mouth, and that made my cock that much harder in Amber's mouth.
Missy is a slow cock sucker. She likes to take her time warming her mouth up to the size of a hot dick. She takes your cock out playfully and will lick and suck on the sides, putting it back in with a final shove to fit its whole length in. From here she likes to get the shaft wet with spit, slowly working her way up and down, taking time to swirl her tongue around the head.
Amer's mouth felt like fire. How a woman could get her mouth to this furnace temperature I will never understand. She used just enough moisture to properly lube a cock, applying this ungodly amount of pressure without making that awkward slurping noise. She maintained this pressure during the entire blowjob. Her hands rested on my thighs and stayed taught, keeping her upper body in a sort of plank position, the well-toned muscles in her arm at the perfect angle, squaring her shoulders and allowing her head to bob playfully up and down. I wanted to just cum right then and there, but fortunately had built up some tolerance over the week before.
Missy raised her hands all over Nick's thighs and clawed with the lightest pressure using only her fingernails. She would slow down at the most sensitive parts edging close to tickle torture. This would always make me almost explode, and watching her now perform it for another man gave me a deep satisfaction like you could only imagine.
The girls pulled off and took our hands pulling us off of the bed. They laid down in our places, but laid perpendicular to each other facing opposite ways so that Amber's feet were facing the headboard, and Missy's were facing the foot of the bed. Amber looked at her husband and Missy looked at me and they both gave a "come hither" signal with their fingertips. I crawled between my wife's legs and rubbed my cock along her slit, knowing she could feel another woman's saliva on my cock. Nick did the same with Amber and we began to slowly work our way into our wives.
"Do it gently, tenderly, passionately. Do it knowing there's someone else doing the same thing right next to us but do it like I'm the only woman in the world," they both said in husky bedroom voices.
At this point, we started to switch from sex to making love. I leaned in, kissing Missy deeply and slowly. Nick was nuzzling at Amber's neck, slowly rocking away at her hips with a loving pace. The girls put on a bit of a show, moaning softly and whispering out sweet encouragements like, "Oh yes. Oh baby, that feels so good. Like this. Like he's doing now." Sometimes just breathing heavily.
The girls looked at each other and bit their lips smiling. They leaned over and began kissing each other with as much passion as they had given us, kissing like they were in love and this was the night they crossed the Rio Grande.
"Touch her," one of them whispered between kisses. Their tongues both stuck out and gently licked the other's before resuming kissing, this time tongues poking cheeks.
We both obliged, reaching over and playing with the other spouse's breasts.
We all began to sync up and whoever started it, started it with a moan. In a chain reaction, we all began to cum, the wives kissing each other, the men touching the other's spouse all cuming in a sweaty naked pile.
We both pulled out and stood up to look at the beautiful sight before us. The girls adjusted position and began to kiss again, touching each other all over, exploring bodies with feverish hands. They stopped with each reaching a finger to the other's lips dipping in and gathering a little cum on their fingers. They looked at us, Amber looking at me, Missy looking at Nick, and put the cum into their mouths licking it off like frosting.
We put underwear back on, the girls electing to remain topless, and went back to the living room. We asked Nick and Amber about their experiences as they had been doing this longer. They told us their fun stories and a few horror stories. We poured a few more glasses of wine and were waiting for our refractory period to be over. After the wine began to kick in and the eroticism of the stories began to do their magic we were ready for the next phase of the evening.
We had agreed on taking some tasteful pictures. We were no Mapplethorpe but I considered myself pretty good with the camera. We took turns granting requests for each other. Some were tame, like amber spanking Missy with her head down so you couldn't see her face, or Missy kissing Amber on the Neck while Amber sat on her lap facing away from the camera to obscure her face. We took one each of the other sitting on a chair with the other's spouse having their cock fully in their mouth on their knees. The shots just barely covered their faces.
We took close to one hundred photos in all each. At the end we handed over our phones to each other and each couple went through making sure no accidental pictures of their faces were taken. After we were both satisfied and sober we said our goodbyes and Amber and Nick left for their hotel, after the girls kissed each other's husbands one last time.
We snuggled on the bed in the post-sex afterglow, sleeping well past nine that following Sunday morning.