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Trying to put things right with Sue Part 1.

"We seek out information on Lyn."

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Marg and I had travelled east to investigate if Lyn, Marg’s sister had been manipulating Sue to cheat on me. I guess I already knew the answer but I was hoping against hope that it was not the case because it meant that I had often blamed Sue for things that were not totally her fault. This meant that I had a larger involvement in Sue’s decision to leave me than I was comfortable with.

Marg being Marg wanted us to become lovers while in the east. It appeared that Cherie had given her what some call a “hall pass” for her time away with me. I was reluctant and told her that having sex would not be part of the deal because I did not want to cheat on Julie. This all changed on the third night when Julie told me during my phone call to her that she wanted it to happen and it did.

We were up and on the way early the next morning. We had another ex-lover of my wife’s to talk to. We had invited him to have breakfast with us before he went off to work. Marg seemed too keen to get moving earlier than we needed to and I wondered why. The answer came when she asked could we stop at the pharmacy before breakfast.

I pulled up and as she went to get out of the car I offered a wrapped packet to her asking, “Is this what you were going to purchase?”

“What is it?”

“It’s the morning after pill.”

“What the hell are you doing with that?”

“Sue had heaps of them and I stole a few from her some time ago. I carry them with me when I travel. You never know when someone might need a lifeline.”

“I wouldn’t call it a lifeline. Maybe call it not a lifeline.”

“It’s a lifeline alright. Some women make mistakes and their life as they know it would end without something like this. Was that what you were after?”

“Yes, the risk is small but better to make sure.”

“You’ll find three in there. I put the package together for you last night after Julie’s phone call. You know that Julie wants to listen to us tonight? How do you feel about that?”

“Oh shit, that would be really something. The thought of it makes me feel horny. Are you sure that she won’t get upset or angry hearing us together?”

“I don’t know for sure but she often saw me with Lyn and it never upset her. She will probably want to spend some time with you when we get home. Are you prepared for that?”

“Prepared, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

We arrived at our destination. We entered and took a seat away from the staff which would allow us to talk without being overheard or disturbed. Shortly after we sat down Jeff entered. He was a tall chap and well built. He identified me and came across and took his seat.

I introduced him to Marg then went ahead and told him that I had been aware for some time that he had slept with my wife, Sue. Initially, like all the others he denied it. I then explained that this was not about retribution or anything like that, I simply was enquiring as to how it came about. I then told him that anything that he told me would remain confidential and would never be used against him in any way.

He denied everything for a while at which time Marg chipped in and told him that Sue had told her about him so there could be no doubt. He still refused to talk. Marg then addressed me and said, “It’s sad that a man makes a simple mistake and because he won’t talk to the ladies husband his wife has to be told. It’ll be very difficult for his wife, Goyse.”

“Hold on, you can’t tell my wife.”

“If you give us what we want there will be no need to tell her but we mean business so if you don’t talk there will be consequences, mark my word!”

“So what do you need to know?”

I cut in at that stage, “All we want to know off you Jeff is how you came to get with my wife. Who told you she was available and who organized it.”

“It was a blond lady. I think her name was Linda or maybe Lyn, something like that. She looked a lot like you Marg but she had blond hair. She was married to a guy that I knew called Jon who worked up north with me for a while when I was up there.”

“What, she just came up to you and told you about Sue. That doesn’t make sense.”

“No, I was out having a few drinks and there were some people dancing. I spotted Lyn so I went over and asked her to dance. I knew that her husband was away so I thought she may be interested being lonely and all so as we danced I made a point of rubbing up against her. I knew her old man was not very big so I thought if she felt a decent piece of meat she might take me home with her. She’s a horny looking bitch.”

“When we sat down I put it straight to her. She said that she had a boyfriend who looked after her when her husband was away but said that I might be able to help her out by keeping his wife satisfied. She went on to say that I had to be really cagey to get into her pants. She told me that her husband gets off on men with big cocks fucking his wife.”

“She set up a meeting for us. I was to wine her and dine her for a day or two before putting the heavies on her. It worked like a charm. On the third day, I booked a motel and we fucked from when her husband went to work until when he came home. It went on for several weeks. One day she came along and told me it was over. I asked her why and she told me that I was getting too attached.”

“I’m sorry mate. I thought that I was doing you a favour. You know there are quite a few husbands who like other men to screw their wives. They get off on it. I thought you might be one of those. The way Lyn told it you were screwing her anyway.”

“OK, Jeff. No need to worry about it now. It’s all history. You’ve done the right thing. You only did what you thought was acceptable at that time. We appreciate you being honest with us.”

“Can I ask a question?”

“Sure, we’ll answer it if we can.”

“Did you let her go out with other men or was she cheating on you?”

“I knew she was sleeping with other men but I didn’t want her to and I didn’t get off on it.”

“What about the other blond, Lyn, were you screwing her.”

“Lyn and I were good friends. Eventually, with what Sue was doing, Lyn and I ended up having sex.”

“How did you know about me?”

“The walls have ears, Jeff. In a relatively small town, nothing is secret.”

“Shit, do you think my wife knows?”

“When I want someone to tell me something, I just ask them. Perhaps you should ask her if she knows.”

“Fuck, she would kill me.”

“Well, you’re still alive so she must not know.”    

Jeff left for work and Marg and I sat back and had another coffee or two. Out of the blue Marg asked, “Do you think his wife knows?”

“Yep, I know she does.”

“You know. How do you know?”

“She came over when Sue was out skating and told me that my wife and her husband were having an affair and asked me could I put a stop to it.”

“Fuck, she knew and she didn’t tell him.”

“No, I told her not to. I told her that every man strays sometime during their marriage. If the wife makes a big scene it usually destroyed the marriage. If however, the wife ignored it, after a while he would come home and his guilt would make him more attentive to the wife and it would never happen again.”

 “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a con artist?”

“Yep, you have.”

“That’s right I have haven’t I. Just goes to show that I got it right the first time.”

“Cheeky bitch, have you been fucked today?”

“No, you woke up too late but I’ll get you tonight.”

“Why wait that long. Do we have anything else to do this morning?”

“Come on let's go. Pay the beautiful, sexy lady. I saw you looking her up and down earlier. You don’t need her. You have me.”

“Maybe I could have you both.”

“Do you want me to pay the bill for you? I saw her checking me out earlier. She would come back to the motel after work if I asked her to.”

“I think I should pay the bill, Marg. You could get me into bad trouble with Julie.”

When I went over to pay, the lady asked me who my friend was. I told her we were in town on business and she was my assistant. She went on to say that my assistant was very attractive and told me that she would love to meet her. I took a piece of paper and scribbled down the motel and room number and told her to come over after work if she wanted to.

When we got to the car, Marg asked, “What were you talking about with the lady.”

 “I was telling her that you wanted to screw her and she will be over later to take you up on it.”

“Yea and elephants will fly.”

“We’ll see. By the way, her name is Susan.”

“How do you know that?”

“She had a name tag on her top.”

“Oh, I didn’t notice.”

“Obviously, you were not looking at her tits like I was then.”

“No, I was looking at her face and eyes.”

“What colour were they.”

“Her eyes were green.”

“Were they, I didn’t notice.”

“So what size were her tits?”

“About this big.” I held my hands out about four inches from my chest.

We drove back to the motel. I stripped off and climbed under the covers. Marg did the same. I placed two condoms on the side table.

“What are they for?”

“I think Susan wants to make love with you but just in case I need to be prepared.”

“She’s really coming over then.”

“Yep, I think she is calling someone to do her shift for her now if I’m any judge of people.”

“But you told Julie that you would not cheat on her.”

“I have every intention of keeping my promise but in the heat of the moment no matter who you are we can sometimes get carried away. I don’t want to take anything back to Julie that can harm her in any way.”

“Why would you think that way?”

“She works at a food outlet that serves hundreds of people every day and she tried to pick you and me up. If she is doing that all the time there is a big risk. This may be just a one-off but we have to be sure before we trust it.”

“OK, I understand.”

Just then there was a light knock on the door. I jumped up and put on my shorts to open the door.

“Susan, come in.”

“I asked one of my mates to cover for me so I came early.”

“That’s great. Marg this is Susan.”

“Hi, Susan, glad you could join us. We were just having a rest. Drop your top and shorts and climb under the covers with me.”

Susan did exactly as Marg asked. I saw her look at the condoms as she climbed into the bed. I had put them there to show her that we were about to have sex. I excused myself and went to the toilet. While I was there I called Julie.

“Hello, Julie speaking.”

“Hi, Julie, are you alone.”

“Yes, I’m in your office.”

“Marg has a friend with her in bed. Did you want to listen?”

“What if someone walks in?”

“Quickly tell Ronny that you have a personal call which may take up to an hour and tell her you are going to lock the office door.”


“I heard talking in the background and then Julie came back on.”

“Who’s the man with Marg?”

“It’s not a man.”

“What about you? Are you going to fuck both of them?”

“Do you want me to?”

“I’m not sure. She is a stranger. You would have to use a condom.”

“Yes, of course. Do you want me to?  If you are unsure, I won’t.”

“Fuck, you’re making me horny as fuck now.”

“That’s why the office door is locked. No one will disturb you because Ronny knows it’s a personal call. She probably has guessed what you are doing. She will tell everyone who comes that you are out.”

“Can you leave the phone on the bedside table so I can listen?”

“Yes, of course. Her name is Susan. She is built. As a guess, I would say she is thirty-six, twenty-four, and thirty-six. She just oozes sex. You would really like her. She kept looking at Marg. There was a really strong attraction there.”

“You’re keeping them waiting.”

“You haven’t answered the question.”

“Of course you can fuck her. Do you really think that I would say no?”

“I’ve already told you that I will not go behind your back. If you said no then it wouldn’t happen.”

“You really mean that don’t you?”

“Of course I mean it. If you told me that I couldn’t sleep with Marg or Susan then I wouldn’t join them. You are more important to me than an hour or so of sex with Marg or with some sexy stranger.”

“I love you, Goyse.”

“Yes, I know and I love you. Now I’m going out and will put the phone down as close as possible to the action.”

I went back out to the bedroom. The girls were hugging and kissing. They had a sheet covering them. Each had a hand out of sight and I took a guess at where they were. I sat on the edge of the bed and placed the phone on the bedside table.  

Marg broke the kiss and loudly asked, “Is it OK for him to join us, Julie?” I placed the phone on loudspeaker. 

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“Yes, it’s OK as long as I can listen. He has to be protected though.”

“What about you, Susan, are you OK if Goyse joins us?”

“I had hoped he would, yes.”

“OK, Julie, sit back and listen carefully. I’ve got a very wet pussy here and I want to lick it dry for Susan. Susan turn around.  Get rid of the sheet, Goyse.”

Susan swung around into the sixty-nine position. She had a leg either side of Marg who was now lying down on her back looking straight up at Susan’s crotch. 

“Wow, that’s a nice looking pussy you have there, Susan. You’re very wet, girl. Are you always that wet or do I turn you on.”

“You have a man’s wife listening over the phone to us making love. You have him standing there with a seven-inch cock sticking straight up in the air and you’re wondering why I’m wet. Stop talking and put that tongue of yours to work.”

Marg did exactly what she was asked to do. Susan was making sounds like a cat purring except louder than any cat I had ever heard. Marg knew her business. I guess from making love to Cherie for many years she had learned a thing or two. I watched closely, trying to pick up a few things that might be useful to Julie and me when I returned home.

“What’s that noise like a vibrator, Goyse?” It was Julie. I was so involved in watching the girls making love that I had forgotten that she could only hear sounds. She didn’t know what was happening unless someone told her.

“That’s Susan, Julie. She’s purring like a big cat. You know how when a cat purrs its body vibrates with the sound. That’s what Susan is doing. She seems to be in another world. Marg is working on her clit. It’s big but much smaller than Lyn’s. Where Lyn’s clit stands proud all the time, Susan’s was hidden until Marg found it.”

“Is Susan working on Marg?”

“No, she seems to be too far gone to do that.”

“Oh, shit, I wish I was there with you. What are you doing?”

“I’m just sitting on the side of the bed watching. They are too involved for me to take part. I’m happy to just watch.”

“That doesn’t sound too exciting. Why don’t you get Susan to suck you?”

“Is that what you want?”

“Yes, take the phone with you. Push your cock under her face she will know what to do with it.”

I picked up the phone and moved over to the bed and placed my cock next to Susan’s mouth. Without hesitation, she opened her mouth for me. She started sucking but she wasn’t very good at it.

“What’s happening, Goyse?”

“You were right, Susan is sucking me. I can feel her moans through my penis. It feels good.”

“Don’t hold back, Goyse. Give it to her. Flood her mouth.”

“I don’t think she would like that, Julie. She is only taking me half way in. Susan doesn’t seem very experienced.”

“Then teach her how to do it. Hold her head and push it down her throat. Make sure you pull back each time to allow her to breathe.”

“She’ll puke on me.”

“Try it and see. If she is excited she should be OK.”

I took hold of her head and thrust down her throat. I felt her reflux response and pulled back. Up till then, her eyes had been closed but now they were wide open. I heard her mumble something.

“What was that?”

“I said, try again. I’ll be OK.”

“Swallow as I push it in. You will find it helps.”

She mumbled something which I understood to be “OK”. I thrust down her neck again. This time I felt her swallow and there was no reflux. I set up a pattern of thrust in, hold then withdraw. Once she had regained her breath, I repeated the sequence. I wasn’t really into it but for Julie's sake, I said, “That’s great, Susan. Keep it up and I’ll blow my load right down your throat.”

When I said it there were two big groans. The loudest and longest one came from the phone. Julie was having an orgasm. She must have been masturbating in my office. I made a mental note to check the office chair when I got back. The other one came from Susan. I felt that one. This lady had the ability to vibrate her body as she moaned and groaned. It didn’t finish there.

I felt her body start to convulse. She was thrusting down onto Marg. From where I was I could see her squirt her juices all over Marg’s face.

“Ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh,” she voiced in harmony with her ejections.

Her body gradually lost its poise and she slumped down onto Marg. I pulled my cock from her mouth before I choked her with it.

“I had better get back to work. I think they are looking for me.” It was Julie. With her orgasm over her attention to business returned.

“Wash up in the private office washroom before you go out, Julie.”

“OK, I’ll talk to you tonight. Remember to use a condom.”

“No worries. I love you.”

“I love you too. Thanks for doing that for me. I’ve been frustrated with you away over there.”

“We’ll be home in a couple of days. Marg and I will fly in the late afternoon. I’ll ask her to spend the night with us before I run her home.”

“Oh, that will be nice.”

I put the phone down. When I looked up, Marg was smiling at me. I knew that smile. She was waiting for me. She rolled the slack body of Susan away from her and sat up to take me in her arms. Susan just lay there with a big grin on her face. She looked exhausted.

Marg as she always did, started with a long hard kiss. As she kissed me she pulled me down over the top of her. My rock hard cock aligned perfectly with her pussy. She guided me to her entrance then slid the head of my cock up and down her slit to get it to open up. I pushed slowly inside her. She was very wet so all I had to do was to push that little bit harder to slide all the way inside her.

I heard and felt that moan that I was so familiar with as I bottomed out. That moan told me that I was up against her cervix. When we were both very turned on, I always found her cervix. I started a slow rhythm of full-length strokes. She matched my movements perfectly and her moans matched her movements.

“I love you, Goyse. You should have left Sue to come with me all those years ago. Both our lives would have been very different now if you had.”   

“You’re probably right, Marg but it’s too late to look back now.”

“It would still work.”

“I have Julie and you have Cherie.”

“They could both join us. Cherie loves you as much as I do. Julie likes a little pussy occasionally. The four of us would all be happy together.”

“Come on, Marg. Julie has trusted you to come over here with me. I told her that she could trust you. Don’t make us look like we can’t be trusted together?”

“You can’t blame a girl for trying can you.”

“Marg, I know we are beautiful together but we have had our chance and we let it slip away from us. Its Cherie’s and Julie’s turn now. We can still be good friends and if the girls allow us to, we may ever make love occasionally. You can’t relive the past, Marg and neither can I.”

All the while I was stroking into her and she was lifting up to meet my every stroke. I was hard but I had no desire to reach orgasm. It seemed that Marg felt the same way.

“Make it last for me, Goyse. It feels so good. I don’t want it to end.”

We continued like that for a long time. I felt a movement on the bed and realized that I had completely forgotten Susan. I glanced her way and saw her lying there stroking her pussy. She saw me look and smiled and blew me a kiss. I thought, “you’re going to be sorry, Susan if you want my cock because it is only for Marg today.”

We continued on. I felt Susan move again and when I looked she had got up and was making her way to the bathroom. I guess she must have felt left out. Marg must have seen her go as well because she quietly said. “We should finish soon because I think Susan is going to leave.”

“OK, can you cum?”

“Yes, if you increase the pace a little. I have been close for a long time now.”

I stepped up the pace. I knew that I wouldn’t last long once I did so. Marg started to thrust more urgently at me. Shortly afterwards, I felt a pulse in her pussy.

 “Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck, ooohhh fffuuucckkk, I’m cuumminnngg, Goyse. I love you, cum with me, pllleeaassse.”

I didn’t need any other invitation because I was already there. I shot seven or eight massive spurts of sperm into her with an “aaahhh” to match each one.

As we settled down, we lay back looking at the ceiling for some time. I had nothing to say. I was a little worried about Marg saying that she wanted to get back with me full time. I didn’t want anything to come between Julie and me.

“I’m sorry, Goyse.”

“Sorry, why? That was probably one of the best fucks we have ever had and we have had some good ones before today.”

“I’m sorry to put you under pressure like I did earlier.”

“Did you want it? Did you mean it?”

“Yes, why?”

“If you wanted it and you meant it then you have nothing to be sorry about. The only way that you could ever know what I wanted was to ask me. If things were even slightly different, I would have given you a different answer but Julie and I are too good together. I can’t let go of that Marg.”

“I know. You won’t tell her will you?”

“Is there a reason why I should tell her, Marg.”

“See, that’s why I love you so much. You always protect us all no matter who we are or what we do. I really hope that Julie lets Cherie and I spend a few nights with you.”

“We’ll see, Marg. Time will tell.”

I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye and realized that Susan had been listening to us. She moved over to the bed once she knew that we had seen her. She came to me first. I sat up and she put her arms around me and kissed me hard on the lips. She then moved around to Marg and did the same to her.

“I have to go now but I was hoping to be able to come back tonight. Maybe we could go out to dinner together?”

“That sounds OK. What do you think, Marg?”

“Oh yes, definitely.”

“So till tonight then.”

“Yes, until tonight.” Marg and I returned in unison.

It was two o’clock. Marg and I had finished our work. We knew what we came to find out. Lyn had been manipulating Sue for years. I knew that she had tried to manipulate me on a couple of occasions as well but she had failed. Sue, it seemed was not the manipulating controller that I had understood her to be. Sure she had manipulated but it was likely to be under Lyn’s guidance.

Lyn had supplied me with many of the names of the men that Sue had been having affairs with. It never ever occurred to me to question how she knew the names. I simply assumed that Sue told her who they were. She knew the names because she was the instigator of Sue’s affairs. I would never know how much more there was to it but I knew enough to know that I had to meet with Sue and tell her what I knew and maybe to say, “I’m Sorry for mistrusting you.”

Susan came around that night and she and Marg made love again. I sat back and watched them. Susan was a very sensual woman. Under different circumstances, I would enjoy making love with her but those circumstances didn’t exist at that time. I had Julie’s permission but that was not enough. I felt that to do so would be a breach of faith to Julie.

You might say that I had already done that with Marg so it didn’t matter but that is not correct. When Julie sent Marg with me, she knew that Marg would try to make love to me. In Julie’s mind, Marg was the way that she prevented me from straying and meeting someone like Susan. Julie didn’t know me well enough yet to know that if she had said no, behave yourself, I would have done so.

I was invited to join Susan and Marg but I simply said that I was happy to watch. They went on for about two hours. I was starting to get bored when Susan said, “I had better go. I have the early shift tomorrow.”

I looked at her and replied, “Today, you mean.”

“Oh fuck, I have to go.” She was out of bed, gave us both a kiss and was out the door within thirty seconds. Marg laughed and said, “Come here, big boy. I have something for you.”

She did and I enjoyed it.

We flew out just before midday that day and landed at Perth airport around five o’clock. Julie met us as we walked out of the plane. She kissed us both and then said, “Let’s get out of here. I’m horny as hell and need both of you tonight. You’ll stay, won’t you Marg.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Goyse told me that you have a big tongue and you love the taste of pussy.”

Hhhmmm, did Goyse tell you that I also like to lick my boyfriend’s lover’s pussy clean for him.”

“That’s the girl. I don’t mind a bit of that myself. Maybe we’ll have to toss a coin to find out who goes first.”

“The last woman to tell me to go first ended up having his baby.”

“You never know, it could happen again if you play your cards right.”

“I think you and I are going to become very good friends, Marg.”

“I think I’d like that, Julie. I think I really would. Perhaps it’s about time you met my partner, Cherie as well.”

I drove home that night. Julie and Marg sat together in the back. There was not enough light to know what they were doing but I did see them kissing and there was a lot of moaning from Julie. When we got home, they took turns with me. Julie insisted that she go first. I knew what she was thinking. Whenever I had sex with two women I always finished with the second one. There was no mention of protection even though Julie had told me that it needed to be used while we were away.

Marg like me was approaching forty and I knew Marg well enough to know she was not going to allow another pregnancy at her age. She was just teasing Julie to increase her excitement.


Written by goyse
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