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Travelling to the States - Meeting Julie

"Lyn brings Julie home to me."

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Sue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful. I responded by having an affair with Marg.

Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so, I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was after we had decided to have another child.

Sue lost the child which was fathered by someone else. After a time, I forgave her but it fueled my desire to be with other women, something that I sometimes, regretted as it gave Sue the right to continue to cheat.

Sue was attending the roller-skating nationals over east. I was a judge for the world water skiing. This meant that we would be separated for a number of weeks.

Sue was having an affair with another roller-skater, Roy who would be with her at the nationals.

Given that Sue was going to have an affair while she was away, I had decided to take my long-term friend, Lyn with me to the worlds.

On the flight over to the US Lyn and I stayed the night in Sydney. Despite my request for her not to she had sex with the attendant, Phillip.


The story continues.

We arrived at the airport just in time to catch our flight. I remember looking out the window at the harbour in Sydney. When I looked the next time we were landing in Singapore. I had fallen asleep. I reached over and shook Lyn back from her dreams. She smiled at me and said, “I love you, Goyse. Forgive me for being such a slut. I promise that I will make it up to you somehow.”

I grinned and kissed her.

We had time for a little shopping before the next leg so I purchased a couple of black nighties for Lyn to give to her when we arrived in the states. This was to show that I had forgiven her.

Although I had forgiven my level of trust in her had declined. I often felt uneasy from that time forward when we were apart. I would never be as suspicious of her as I was with my wife but it had taken away something that existed before this event, my total and absolute trust.

We landed in the US after dark the next day. I was wondering how we would get to our hotel. We were surprised when I observed a man holding a sign with my name on it. I walked over and asked was he there to meet me. He responded that the manager of a motel chain in Sydney had organized transport for us for the next few days until our hire car was ready.

When I asked him which hire car, he told me that a hire car had been organized for us during the four weeks that we would be in the states. It was becoming very clear that Phillip had a lot of pull with his employers.

The hotel room that I had booked was a little dingy compared with our accommodation in Sydney but it was acceptable. The driver, who told me his name was Sam, suggested that we try different accommodation. When I declined, he gave me his phone number. He told me to call if I changed my mind. After talking to Lyn, I decided to take his advice. We called him and booked out.

The new hotel was outstanding. The driver told us that Phillip had called him to tell him that he had organized it for us. This raised the question, was Phillip monitoring what we were doing? The driver showed us the sights of the town and we had a wonderful time.

Two days later, our hire vehicle was delivered to us. When we went to check out of the hotel, we were told that all our expenses had been paid. I was starting to feel that Phillip was taking things a little too far so once on the road I made a call to him.

“Hello, Phillip speaking.”

“Hello, Phillip. It’s Goyse here.”

“Oh, how’s Lyn? Are you enjoying your trip?”

“Lyn is fine and yes, the trip is great. I’m calling because I’m concerned that you are going overboard with support for us.”

“No, that’s fine. We have listed you as a VIP traveller which entitles you to some very special privileges through our hotel line. You are a high-level water-ski judge and as such, the support in the form of sponsorship that you receive from the hotel line comes back to us when people know that you stay with our hotels. It’s just good business.”

“I was worried that your conscience was the driving force.”

“We know there is a personal association but no one else knows. We are always looking out for people in the position that you are to sell our product for us. Don’t be concerned. It would help if you made sure that as many people as possible knew you were being looked after by us.”

“Thanks, Phillip. We appreciate what you are doing.”

“Open the glove box on your car, Lyn.”

“Shit, there is a pile of bookings at hotels in here.”

“Yes, I took the time to find out where you would be and when. I also made bookings along Route 66 for you. You may be interviewed a couple of times along the way. I hope you will make it known how much you enjoyed your stay with us.”

“We’ll do that. Once again, Phillip, thank you. How’s Susan?”

“Susan is fine. She is really happy with our new arrangement and so am I. We owe it all to you and Lyn.”

“Did you tell her about us?”

“Not yet. That will happen in time. I want things to settle down first. That will come once we have concreted our new relationship. She has admitted to me that she had been considering leaving me in time. She told me that she loves me but was going to leave because she knew that I would discover that she was cheating eventually and she didn’t want to hurt me. She says that will not be happening now. I think you have saved my marriage. At least I hope so.”

“We hope so too, Phillip. There is one matter that I want to ask you about though.”


“Why did you let us think you were an attendant delivering meals?”

“Well, that was what I was at the time. I didn’t tell you that. You just assumed that was what I was. Besides, does it make any difference? I’m no better or no worse than any attendant. I’m just someone doing a job for the hotel line.”

“Probably not but it was a surprise for us when we found out that you were the CEO.”

“There were a lot of surprises over that twenty-four hours but from what I can see, they were all good surprises.”

“I hope so, Phillip.”

“I hope so too, Goyse.”

We continued on our trip. Lyn spent some time reading the information taken from the glove compartment. She said that Phillip had not only organized accommodation but had also thrown in meal vouchers for each day at some of the top restaurants.

After that, my attention was focused on the pending water ski event. The first few days were spent measuring out the courses and setting up the measuring instruments. Everything had to be as exact as possible to avoid the possibility of protests. Lyn came with me most of the time and contributed as we went about our tasks. On the third day she was not with me and once most of the work was completed, I went looking for her.

Lyn was sitting with a small group of women. Most were younger than she was. I could tell by what they were wearing that at least half of them were competitors. I assumed that the others would be wives of competitors. Once I knew where she was, I returned to run over the measurement of the courses again.

By that afternoon, we were sure that the courses were as close to perfect as we could get them which allowed me to join Lyn. She was still with the group of girls. She introduced each of them to me and then told me that Julie would be joining us for dinner at the hotel that night.

Julie was not one of those that I had identified as a competitor. My assumption that all the other girls would be wives was not correct. It was obvious that Julie was extremely fit. She had a body that most women would love to have that can only be achieved with a life of energetic exercise and healthy living. I asked Julie what brought her to the worlds. She told me that she was a competitor but not good enough to be eligible to compete at this level. She then added, yet.

She was a committed water skier who was on the way up in the sport. I told her that we had three days before the events started and if she wanted we could hire a boat so I could give her some coaching. Julie accepted immediately without hesitation. I looked past her as we talked and saw Lyn smile. She then gave me a little wink which made me wonder what she was up to.

Dinner that night was enjoyable. Although there were other guests, my attention was taken up by Lyn who sat on my left side and Julie who had chosen to sit on my right side. Julie dominated the conversation while Lyn and I listened intently to her telling us of her family, her experiences learning to water-ski and what she hoped to achieve within the sport.

Once dinner finished, Lyn invited Julie to join us in our hotel room for after dinner drinks. I was a little surprised but guessed that Lyn was perhaps feeling a little lonely, being away from her family and friends in a strange environment. One would have expected her to invite others but she only invited Julie. She did so in such a way that others were not aware. Once our meal was over, we excused ourselves from the group and made our way to our apartment.

Every time that we were in a restricted space like an elevator, Lyn had always made a point of standing adjacent to me. It had been one of the signs that I had observed that had told me that Lyn and I had a close connection. On the way to our room on this occasion, Lyn stood to the right of Julie so that I was forced to stand next to Julie on her left. This was a surprise to me. Not only did she do this but I noticed that Lyn seemed to crowd Julie to force her to move closer to me. Julie didn’t seem to be concerned by our closeness.

Once we were at the apartment, I went to make us drinks. Lyn excused herself and moved to the bedroom. I assumed that she was going to the washrooms. I returned to Julie and we continued talking about water-skiing. Julie had sat next to me which in itself was not a surprise. What came as a surprise was Lyn’s return. She had changed and now wore one of the black nighties that I had purchased for her in Singapore. It was not as revealing as some that she owned but it could only be described as sexy, very sexy.

When she entered the room, both of us stopped talking and looked her way. I heard Julie take a sharp breath. I understood because she had that impact on me as well. She made her way down to where we sat, moved around behind Julie and pushed her breasts against her. Julie turned her head and they kissed. My mind was in a whirl. What was happening? Was this something that they planned or was it a spur of the moment thing? Was I about to witness these two women making love?

Then I felt it, a hand on my leg. I automatically assumed that it was Lyn’s hand but then I saw that both of Lyn’s arms were wrapped around Julie’s body. It had to be Julie who was gradually moving up along my leg. They broke their kiss and Lyn leaned across toward me and we kissed. She then moved back to kiss Julie again. I was stunned. What was happening? It was Lyn who spoke.

“Come on Julie. Let’s move to the bedroom.”

Julie got up and she and Lyn started to move towards the bedroom. I was still stunned. What was happening? It was then that Lyn turned around and asked me, “Are you coming, Goyse.”

I got up and followed like a little puppy dog following its master. I still wondered what was happening. Things were just progressing too fast for me. Being a little stunned and I guess a little stupid as well, I had to ask, “What’s happening?”

“Just come with us. I’ll explain later. Right now we need to help Julie. She has come back with us for more than coffee. Let’s not disappoint her, Goyse.”

I followed them to the bedroom. What else could I do? Besides, Julie was a very attractive young lady. Not many men could say no to such a woman especially if their partner had been the instigator. Lyn was stripping clothes off Julie as they went so by the time they arrived at the bed, Julie was naked except for her bikini panties. She may have looked attractive when dressed but that word didn’t come near to describing the nude Julie.

Her tits which were ample had not a sign of droop which some women in their late twenties show. Although her hips were wider than her waist (some refer to this as ‘child-bearing hips’) there was no sign of fat on her whole body. I could see the top end of a landing strip just showing out of the top of her panties. Lyn was working her over, kissing her and stroking her body. She pressed against her to force her onto her back on the bed and proceeded to stroke her body. I stood back and watched.

Julie’s hands were working on Lyn’s breasts. With Lyn leaning over Julie I had a clear view of Lyn’s pussy. I could see that it was showing just a little dampness between her lips. By this time, I was erect and felt like moving up behind Lyn and pushing into her. The reason that I didn’t was what Lyn had said, “Julie’s after more than coffee.” Should I be saving myself for Julie? I certainly hoped so.

Lyn started to move down along Julie’s body. She worked over her tits with her tongue and after a while continued to move south. She worked over her belly button and then reached for her panties. Julie must have expected it as she raised her hips even before Lyn had her fingers in the tops of her bikini panties.

Her pussy suited her body. It was closed although a little moisture could be detected on the lower extremity of her slit. Lyn did not hesitate. She placed a hand on each side of her pussy and pulled it open. Her hole was now visible and it was very small but extremely wet. Lyn’s tongue darted into her depths. She raked it upwards across her clit and Julie announced her excitement with a long, low pitched groan.

“Come here Goyse.”

I moved across to the bed shedding my clothes as I went.

“Give her what she wants but be gentle. Julie has not had anyone of your size before.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I am doing this for you. Julie wants you so don’t disappoint us. Don’t you want her?”

“Of course I want her. She’s beautiful and very sexy. What man would not want her? What about you?”

“You gave me Phillip and I told you I would make it up to you. Now it’s your turn. Fuck her, Goyse. Do her good. She wants you to.”

I took over Lyn’s position between her legs. I didn’t go for her hole like Lyn did but just worked around the extremities. I knew this teasing would really get her hot and I wasn’t wrong. She kept moving her hips to try to get my tongue to penetrate her. As I had done many times before with Lyn, Marg and Sue and the other women that I had made love to I extended my movement down to her anus. The effect was unmistakable.

“Oooohhh fuck.”

Each time she moaned and groaned I moved my attention to another part of her crotch. After circling from her clit to her anus several times, I saw the unmistakable clenching and unclenching of her rear hole that indicated she was moving towards her orgasm. I then moved my whole attention to her little clit. A few seconds later she went over the top.

“Oooohhh fuck, Oooohhh fuck, Oooohhh fuck, Oooohhh fuck, aaahhhhh,” she called out as her body shook like a palm tree in a storm.

“Fuck me please, fuck me, Goyse. I want you to fuck me, pleaseeee.”

I moved over the top of her and pushed into her. I slid in no more than an inch. She was very tight. I remembered the first time with Marg. This was very similar. I pulled back and pushed again and gained another inch. I repeated and each time I penetrated just a little more. Julie was lifting her hips to meet me as I slowly worked my way in.

I was almost all the way inside her when I felt contact with her cervix. “Oh, take it a little easy. That hurt a bit,” she said.

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I kissed her and started to stroke inside her making sure that I didn’t penetrate past that point. Her movements were becoming more and more aggressive. After a while, I realized that I was fully embedded inside her.

“That’s nice, keep that up and I’ll cum again.”

I kissed her again and her arms went tightly around my neck and she started to use my body as leverage to work her hips. I was fighting the urge to erupt inside her. I started to think of judging a barefoot trick run and the possible mistakes that I could make in my judging. It had the desired effect and my urge subsided.

“Oooohhh fuck, Oooohhh fuck, Oooohhh fuck, Oooohhh fuck,” she screamed once more as she reached her second orgasm. Once more her body was shaking all over.

Once she settled down I withdrew.

“Did you cum in me?”

“No, I almost did but I was not sure if you were protected.”

“I should be safe but I’m not on the pill or anything like that.”

“I did the right thing then.”

“I wanted to feel you do it inside me.”

“Maybe I will later when we have some protection for you.”


“Lyn, come here.” She moved across to the bed, “On your back.”

Lyn fell down onto her back. She placed her arms around my neck and pulled me down to her. I slid my cock into her soaking wet pussy. She felt as wet as when I followed after Phillip had finished with her.

“Fuck, you’re wet.”

“Yes, I know. That was exciting watching you and Julie. I was rubbing myself and had a little cum when she did. I was hoping I would see you shoot into her. Julie told me that she was not using protection and my mind was saying, ‘give it to her.’ In my thoughts, she was ovulating and you were about to shoot into her fertile little pussy and give her your baby. Then I thought of you trying to get Sally pregnant and I started to cum. I wish I had been there to see that.”

While she was talking I was stroking in her pussy. It felt wonderful and as she talked I ejected my sperm deep inside her. I raised my head to look for Julie and was met by her lips.

“Fuck, you pair really get into it, don’t you?”

“Yes, we are very much in love, Julie.”

I rolled over and immediately Julie took me into her mouth. Initially, she licked me clean of our combined juices and then sucked me deep into her mouth. I had not expected this and in no time at all, I was rock hard again.

She pulled back and looked at Lyn and asked, “Can I?”

“Yes, you can but only if you give me the same treatment.”

Julie pulled away from me. She moved down between Lyn’s legs and started to clean up my creampie. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Julie who appeared to be as tight as a virgin appeared to have considerable sexual experience. I made a mental note to ask her about it when I had a chance.

After a few minutes, she returned to me and once more licked me to an erection. She then rolled over on top of me and guided my cock into her pussy. She felt just as tight as the first time but appeared to be much wetter. In no time at all she reached orgasm. I pulled out of her and moved across to Lyn. We kissed and hugged for some time. I had not felt Julie move for a while so looked across to her. She was fast asleep.

Lyn and I made slow gentle love once more and then like Julie, we entered the world of dreams.

I was awakened by movement the next morning. It was Julie. She was getting dressed.

“What’s happening, Julie?” I asked.

“I was just going to slip out while you and Lyn were asleep.”

“Don’t go just yet. Breakfast will arrive soon. There will be enough for the three of us.”

“I need to go home to get cleaned up and get clothes.”

“You are welcome to wash up here. Lyn will have clothes that will fit you and I always carry an extra toothbrush in my travel pack. I’d like you to stay at least for breakfast and for the day if you can.”

“Okay, if that’s alright with Lyn.”

“Lyn will love you to stay. Didn’t you see how much she liked being with you last night? I’ll need to check with Lyn but if it is up to me, I would like you to stay with us until we head west in a week’s time. We just need to get you some protection.”

Lyn awoke shortly afterwards. Julie went off to shower which gave us time to talk. I was keen to know what had led to Julie being here.

“How did that come about?”

“Julie is bi-sexual. She made her interest known by advances toward me so I told her that I was looking for someone to join us in a threesome. She jumped at the chance.”

“You seem to know a lot about her?”

“When you were out measuring the last course she and I came back here and we made love. I explained to her that it could only happen if she was willing to make love to you. I wanted to repay you for letting Phillip fuck me. I told you I would remember?”

“Yes, I remember but I didn’t expect it and certainly not this quickly. I’ve asked her to stop with us for the week if it’s okay with you.”

“Of course, it’s okay with me. She is your present from me to you for being so good to me. All you need to remember is that you only get to fuck her when I okay it. Once we get home things may need to change though.

“That suits me fine.”

“Well, you had better get in there and scrub her back for her then. I’ll organize some clothes for her and a little makeup. It’s okay for you to bend her over if she wants it.”

I kissed Lyn and moved off to join Julie in the shower. We kissed a lot as I soaped her up but when I tried to enter her she told me she was a little sore. I had a raging hard-on by then so she dropped to her knees and in no time at all, I had blasted the back of her throat. I turned around to see Lyn watching us from outside the shower.

“Breakfast has been delivered, you two.”

We dried off and joined Lyn. We all ate breakfast in the nude. It felt wonderful to have two beautiful women, one each side of me. Our bodies regularly touched. It was as if the girls had a competition going on who could get me the most aroused. Once breakfast was done, they both headed towards the bedroom each giving me a kiss as they departed. I organized the breakfast dishes to be picked up and sat in the lounge waiting for the girls to reappear.

I made a couple of phone calls. I not only found a boat but access to private water for us to train Julie on. Within an hour, we were on the water and ready to go. I asked Lyn to drive so that I could demonstrate a trick run for Julie.

After I returned to the boat, Julie complimented me on my run. “I wish that I had someone with your ability in my crew,” she said.

“Thanks, Julie. Now let’s see what you can do.”

Julie was a very accomplished skier. She required some initial training in how to make the moves quickly and efficiently so that she conserved her energy. We spent the morning demonstrating how that could be achieved. After lunch, we then focused on teaching her a couple of new tricks. She was a fast learner and by the end of the day, she had improved her score for her trick run by up to 50%. She was ecstatic. With her new knowledge, she would have potential to challenge most of the national champions in the women’s category. With another two days of training, I was certain that she would be able to beat most.

We returned the boat. We booked it and the lake out for the following few days. Julie asked us to take her back to her hotel. She collected her gear and came back to our hotel. On the way back, we purchased the morning after pill and Julie made an appointment to see a doctor about going on the pill.

“How am I ever going to repay you, Goyse,” Julie asked as we entered the apartment.

“You already have. Besides, Lyn is the one who brought us together. You should be thanking her.”

“Don’t worry, I will be but you’re the one that has taught me so much in just a few hours. From what you have taught me I can now compete at national level. You have helped me realize my dream.”

“All I have done is speed up your learning. You were always going to make it. We need to organize some proper coaching for you before Lyn and I go home.”

“I’ve got a better idea. What if I come back to Australia with you? That way you can continue to coach me. I’ve always wanted to travel and I have the money. What do you think?”

I looked at Lyn. She pulled a funny face, shrugged her shoulders and replied, “Why not?”

“Yes, why not? Welcome aboard, Julie. Australia here she comes! Make way Aussie girls for a new national champion.”

Julie rushed over to me, threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. She then turned to Lyn and did the same to her.

That night, we had a massive feast together. Everyone was in high spirits. When we returned to the apartment, I excused myself and made a phone call. After my call, I came back to Julie and asked, “What about a passport and the other paperwork to allow you to come home with us?”

“I have a passport and a relative who can help me with the other stuff. I’ll give him a call now and see what he can do. When are you flying back?”

“You’ve got about three weeks.”

Julie left and came back to tell us that everything was underway. She added that if it is not ready by the time we leave she would follow us as soon as everything was sorted. She then asked about accommodation once she arrived. Lyn immediately told her she could bed down with her and they both laughed.

“Julie, I have something to ask you.”

“Yes, Goyse.”

“During the worlds, they run demonstrations where up and coming water-skiers do special runs near to the public. I hope you don’t mind but I have just put your name down to fill a slot as one of the females to put on a demonstration.”

“Do you think I’m good enough for that?”

“Not yet but you should be if we practice at every opportunity till then. We have almost a week. What I would like to teach you is a special trick that no woman skier can do. I watched you today and I’m fairly sure that you can learn it by then. If you do, then to the best of my knowledge, you will be the first female to achieve it. There are a couple of men who have learned it but no women.”

“So I’ll be the first.”

“Yep, that will raise a few eyebrows. What is in it for you is that top-level coaches will want to take you on when you return to the states.”

“What is in it for you?”

“That’s obvious, isn’t it? Lyn and I get to spend more time with you.”

“If that’s the case I may not want to come back to the US.”

“Lyn, does Julie know about Sue?”

“Yes, I’ve told her that you’re married.”

“How do you feel about that Julie?”

“I accepted that you and Lyn are a couple so it’s not going to make a lot of difference to me either way. Why were you worried?”

“You can’t afford to get emotionally involved, that’s all.”

“Like Lyn, you mean.”

I shook my head, “Yes, I guess… like Lyn.” I suddenly felt that I had spoiled our night. I glanced at Lyn who was looking at the floor. When I looked back at Julie she was frowning.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

“No, I guess not but then I shouldn’t have asked the question. Lyn!”


“I love you. Come here.”

I took Lyn into my arms and we kissed.

“Should I leave?”

“No, Julie. It’s important that you stay. Would you take Lyn to bed for me while I clean up?”

I prepared our gear for the next day. I looked through my luggage to find a video of what I was about to teach Julie so that I could show her while we ate breakfast in the morning. I had made a big mistake mentioning my wife, Sue and I felt dreadful about it. I knew that to apologize to Lyn was to make her think a little more about what was waiting for us when we got home and I didn’t want that.

When I entered the bedroom, Lyn and Julie were in each other’s arms and kissing. I moved over to Lyn and watched them hugging and kissing. I still felt that I had destroyed the moment but could not reclaim it so I just lay there and watched. Before long I was asleep.

I awake with a start. Someone was so close to me that my eyes could not focus. They had said something but I had not heard. Maybe I had heard but not understood.

“What was that?”

“I love you, big boy.” It was Lyn’s voice.

“I love you too, sexy lady.”

“She’s ready for you.”

“Who, ready for what?”

“Julie. She wants you. I’ve got her ready for you. All you have to do is slip into her. She told me she needs you to fuck her.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“She has made love to me and now I want you to make love to her.”

I looked across and Julie smiled at me. I got up and walked around to her side of the bed. As I did so she turned towards me. I took her into my arms and we kissed. She put her arms around me and held me very tight. When we broke from the kiss I looked across to Lyn and her expression told me that she was not overly happy. I wondered why but guessed it had been the mention of Sue.

“Are you okay, Lyn?”

“I guess so, Goyse. I just remembered that we have to go home in a few weeks. You’ll go back to the bitch and I’ll be alone again, that’s all.”

“You could move over west closer to me.”

“It wouldn’t fix the real problem, would it?”

“No, I guess not but we may see more of each other.”

“If you’re going to train Julie then we will see more of each other anyway.”

“I had plans to organize a top level coach for Julie and only oversee her training. That way it wouldn’t interfere with my work.”

“Oh, I think Julie wants you to train her. Is that right Julie?”

“Well, I had assumed that was the way it would be.”

“You would have to move over closer to where I live in the west to allow that to happen.”

“Would that be a problem?”

“I guess not. Could you come over to the west with her, Lyn?”

“I could consider it. I would need some time to think about it. There are the girls to consider and I would need to find another job.”

“The work is not an issue. We need an assistant at work and have been having trouble finding someone with your qualifications. There is a fantastic private school close that the girls could attend. Julie and I will need a good driver if I’m to train her and you’re one of the best there is.”

“You’ve missed your calling. You should have been a salesman.”

“Are you buying, that’s the big question?”

“Maybe, we’ll see.”

I reached across Julie and kissed Lyn. She responded. I then moved my attention back to Julie. Julie rose up to meet my lips and placed her arm around my neck. She pulled me in hard against her. The kiss went on for some time. Julie was not going to let me go. She only let me escape when Lyn spoke.

“Hmmm, yes, maybe I should go. Someone needs to keep an eye on you pair.”

We all laughed. It was a great night. We made love for several hours in all types of combinations before drifting off to sleep.

During the next few days, Julie trained very hard. She was a remarkable skier and a very quick learner. She easily learned several new tricks which she performed in her demonstration at the worlds. Two of those tricks no woman had ever completed in front of an audience that I was aware of. Following that she was approached by some of the best coaches in the game to train with them but she simply told them that she already had a good coach.

With the worlds over, the three of us set off across Route 66. California here we come. It was at that stage that I received a phone call from over home. It was Sally with good news. I was to be a father once again. She had missed her period and the test kit had confirmed it.

Roy was going to be in big trouble when he gets home. All these years, he had told Sally that she could not bear children. He conned her into believing that if she allowed him to take on multiple partners sooner or later one of them would bear her the baby that she dearly desired.

After telling me, she finished off by saying that she would make damn sure that I got my wife back from the lying, cheating bastard. The way she spoke was enough for me to feel sorry for Roy knowing what she had in store for him, the wrath of a woman scorned!


Written by goyse
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