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Transcendent Sensuality - 4

"Karla plans a holiday party. The experience expands and sensuality is heightened."

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“We need to host a holiday party,” Karla announced to Kevin nearly two months after their last meeting with Julian.

“Okay,” Kevin said, unwilling to argue. “Who are you thinking of inviting?”

“Well, Tom and Tanya, Don and Denise, Gary and Gloria, to start.”

“Doesn’t sound too heavy a guest list.”

“Well, those are the ones I thought of at first blush. I’m sure we can come up with others.”

The sun beamed through the small kitchen window and cast rhombic squares of light on the list that Karla generated in her neat, feminine hand. She sipped at her coffee, checking the contact list on her phone.

“Jeremy and Jasmine,” she intoned. She smiled at that thought. Jeremy was a lanky, six-foot two, blond, landscape architect. His work with stones made his hands rough. Jasmine was a delicate, beauty with short black hair and dark eyes. She emphasized her Goth look by wearing mostly black outfits, black wristbands, painting her nails dark, and using very dark eyeliner. Her lips were full and painted dark red. The pair looked like opposites, but Karla knew they were devoted to each other.

Her targets for the evening were Tom and Tanya. Tom could have been a double for his namesake, Tom Hanks, as he had appeared in the 1990s. Karla counted Tanya as one of her best friends. They shared everything. Tanya was aware of Karla’s proclivities when it came to her escapades in extra-marital sex. She expressed her envy of Karla’s daring and Kevin’s acquiescence and assent. Stunningly blonde with an amazing figure, Tanya was nearly six-feet tall. She wore the highest heels in which she could maneuver. Unlike other tall girls Karla knew, Tanya had none of the sloped-shoulder stoop that afflicted them. Tanya accentuated and gloried in her height.

Just reading Tom and Tanya on her guest list made Karla tingle. She couldn’t resist dialing her friend. She checked the clock to make sure she wouldn’t be interrupting anything. At 1:30 in the afternoon, she decided, Tanya would be available to chat.

“Hello, gorgeous,” Tanya’s voice came through the Bluetooth.

“Aren’t you sweet?” Karla replied. “How’s tall, lanky, and stunning this afternoon.”

“Good. What’s up?”

“Am I interrupting anything?”

“Not really. Doing laundry. Got myself off during the spin cycle, so I’m pretty mellow.”

“No you didn’t,” Karla challenged.

“I did,” Tanya confirmed. “Got to do something to make up for Tom’s indifference lately.”

“You remember what I offered?”

“I remember.”

“Kevin and I are putting together a holiday party, probably in early December. I was making up the guest list. You and Tom are on it, so I thought I’d call.”

“So you think your plan would break us out of our rut?”

“Honey, it’s worked for me. You know I love Kevin to death. Fact is, though, since we started our little escapades he hasn’t been able to get enough.”

“What about you? How are you feeling about it?”

“Let’s just say that I haven’t found anything that kindles my fires like the feel of a strange cock. Not every time has been glorious, but good enough to keep Kevin and me interested in each other.”

“So that’s what this is all about?”

“It’s a delightful by-product. Initially, it was Kevin’s idea. But now that we’ve done it, I’ve become the driving force, you know? I’d be really disappointed if he made me stop.”

“Well, if it works for you, I’m glad.”

“So you haven’t talked to Tom about the possibility?”

“Yeah. No, I haven’t. ‘Tom, darling. Do you think it would excite you to see me fucked by some guy?’ No, I don’t think he’d react real well to that.”

“Well, duh! You can’t do it like that. The reason it worked for Kevin and me is because he suggested it. I don’t know if he knew I wanted to get laid like that, but after a little phony resistance from me, we’re great guns.”

“I don’t think I can plant that idea in his head without him getting suspicious.”

“How about the ‘Do me a favor’ angle.”

“’Do me a favor and screw Karla for me?’ Is that what you mean?”

“Like we talked about, yes. Then, you’re free to seduce Kevin.”

“The only problem is, what if Kevin declines?”

Karla laughed. “Honey, he’ll do what I ask him. I’ll beg him to do you. He won’t decline.”

“What about Tom, though? What if he goes ballistic?”

“I’ll take care of Tom; whisper sweet nothings in his ear like, ‘It’s only fair, darling. You’re fucking me.’ I’ll keep him in line. Once he sees you with Kevin, he’s going to want you. He’s going to crave you. I promise.”

“You sure you want to do this?”

Karla laughed again. “What is it with you and Kevin? Both of you asking me if I really want to do this. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be setting it up.”

“Are you going to tell Kevin beforehand?”

“Nope. It’s going to come as a surprise. But, I do know this. He’s crazy about you. It’s like a teenage crush. Nothing will make him happier than the four of us going out somewhere afterwards with you on his arm.”

“So we’re not going to do this once and then quit?”

“I doubt that. I mean, I’m sure I’m going to want to do Tom on a regular basis. You think you’ll want to continue with Kevin?”

“Unless he really sucks at it.”

“Take my word for it, he’s great. So, if you want it, and I want it, and I know Kevin will, the only question is Tom. You think Tom will want to fuck me more than once?”

“Probably so. Yeah. Once he crosses that first threshold, I’d say he’d be all in.”

“Is that going to bother you?”

“Oh, hell no! We’re not stealing them from each other, just enjoying them on the odd occasion, right?”


“Sounds like a plan. Makes me wet to think about it. I’m going to have to do another load of laundry.”

Six couples confirmed attendance at the holiday party to be hosted by Kevin and Karla. Karla described it as an intimate little get together. Only she and Tanya knew how intimate.

They began arriving at seven on the Friday evening of the event. Karla and Tanya had worked together to set things up, supervising the caterers, and making sure the bar was stocked. Tanya finally left at five-thirty to clean up, change, collect Tom, and return. The invitations had firmly stated “No Gift Exchange Planned”. It was simply an opportunity to socialize around the holiday season.

The evening was festive. Twinkling lights and traditional music created an ambience of mature expectation. Karla insisted that Kevin dance with her in the cleared area to encourage the other couples to do the same. Soon, the floor was full of dancing pairs. Karla managed to slide into Tom’s arms as an orchestral version of “Let It Snow” began, and held him close, enjoying the sensation of pressing herself into him and feeling his involuntary reaction. She pulled her head back and looked into his eyes.

“Enjoying yourself?” she asked easily.

“I am,” he nodded. “This is lovely.”

She pulled him close and whispered in his ear. “You and Tanya are so dear to us. Thank you for being here.” She emphasized her point by rocking her hips forward and feeling the swelling in his trousers.

“You’re going to embarrass me,” he protested softly.

“Uh-uh,” she denied. “You don’t know how good it makes me feel to know I can still arouse a man. Besides, I hope it’s a natural reaction.”

Tom chuckled. “Well, you’re soft and warm, and you smell fantastic.”

She pulled her head back to look at him, her eyes glistening with excitement. “I would so love to kiss you right now,” she whispered. “But I doubt the others would understand.”

“Best to attempt some level of decorum,” he replied with a grin. “But I’ll be looking forward to a lovely goodnight kiss.”

“Hmmm,” she hummed, pressing back into him so he couldn’t see the devilish smile she was unable to restrain.

Karla’s eyes scanned the room and caught sight of Kevin dancing with Jasmine. He had his hands at her waist, but Jasmine had wrapped her arms around his neck. Her darkly-painted fingers were rubbing the hairline around Kevin’s ears. Karla saw Jeremy, Jasmine’s husband stiffly dancing with the much taller Tanya.

“As much as I hate to do this,” she whispered in Tom’s ear, “I need you to rescue Kevin. Would you cut in and dance with Jasmine while I reclaim my husband from the Goth destroyer.”

“Certainly,” Tom replied chuckling.

“Thank you, darling,” she said, planting a soft kiss on his temple. “I promise our night is not over.”

Tom eased toward Kevin and Jasmine and tapped Kevin lightly on the shoulder. “Her husband has absconded with my wife,” he joked. “Do you mind?”

“Not at all,” Kevin said, relieved to be release from the obvious attempt of Jasmine’s seduction.

Jasmine released Kevin and looked at Tom. She smiled, her teeth gleaming between the dark lips. “He won’t hurt her, you know,” she cooed.

“That may be true,” Tom chuckled, “But fair is fair.”

Kevin stepped back and turned in time to see his wife approaching.

“Welcome home, my love,” she grinned at him, gathering him into her arms.

“Thank you,” he grumbled softly.

“Oh, nonsense,” she replied. “You were loving it. I can feel your boner.”

“Did you see her suck my earlobe?” he asked. He gave a little shudder.

“Oh, she was definitely trying to seduce you,” Karla grinned.

“Hmph,” he growled. “I’m not sure I could stand the screaming and scratching, not to mention the hair everywhere.”

“Why darling,” Karla cooed. “I have been led to believe she’s completely bare down there. Smooth as a baby’s backside.”

“Really,” Kevin said in astonishment.

“Perhaps at some time in the future I’ll let you have a taste of that forbidden fruit. But I have other plans for tonight.”

“Do you?” he asked. “I don’t suppose I’m permitted to inquire.”

“You’re not,” Karla said. “But as a hint, I am soaking down there. I just hope my arousal isn’t too noticeable.”

“And who, might I ask, has gotten you so excited?”

“You’ll find out soon enough, my darling. For now, just press that rod against me so I can keep you in the same state.”

The couples began to make noises of departure, claiming babysitters and children, a weekend of chores ahead, and work-week fatigue. Karla managed to steer Kevin into the arms of Tanya, pleading the necessity of hostess duties as the guests departed. When the final couple left, Karla turned to see Kevin still enfolded in Tanya’s grasp as Tom sat smiling in an easy chair.

“Come on,” she beckoned her friend’s husband. “I told you that our night was not over.”

Tom rose and felt himself enveloped in Karla’s warm arms. They swayed easily to the music, Karla pressing her breasts into his chest. After a few moments she whispered into his ear.

“Everybody’s gone,” she noted. “Do you suppose we could have that kiss now?”

“Well, there is your husband and my wife,” he chuckled. “They might object.”

“Should we ask, or just do it and see what happens?”

Not giving Tom an opportunity to answer, Karla pressed her lips onto his. She opened her mouth and let her tongue explore his lips, feeling his hardness pulse.

“Karla and Tom are kissing,” Tanya whispered to Kevin.

“Oh, dear,” Kevin replied with a sigh. “Perhaps they’ve had too much. What should we do?”

Tanya looked at him and smiled. “I think we should get even.”

“You want me to kiss you?” Kevin asked.

She nodded. “I think it’s only fair.” Her lips descended on his before he could answer.

“Tanya, darling,” Kevin said in a low, breathy protest. “You know I adore you. But, I’m afraid we can’t do this.”

“I can feel you, sweetheart,” she replied breathily. “I know you want me.”

“The body is willing,” he answered, “But propriety says…”

“Oh, fuck propriety,” Tanya breathed into his mouth before pressing her lips to his and driving her tongue between his teeth. When she released him, she continued to speak into his mouth.

“I know you’ve been letting her fuck other men. Tonight we’re going to make sure you get laid, too.”

“But, that’s not our agreement,” he protested more firmly.

“What agreement?” Karla asked, releasing her lip-lock on Tom.

“You told Tanya about our trips out of town? That agreement.”

“She knows,” Karla said. “And she’s right. It’s hardly fair that I get laid and you don’t. So, tonight we’re both going to get laid.”

“Karla,” Kevin protested.

“Darling,” she cut him off. “Do you mind if I fuck Tom tonight?”

“I don’t, if that’s what you want. But it’s a little more complicated than normal.”

She looked in Tom’s eyes. “Do you want to fuck me tonight?” she asked breathily.

“It’s, uh, an intriguing idea, but I don’t want to cause any trouble between the two of you,” he replied warily. “And then there’s my wife.”

“Tanya?” Karla went on. “Can I fuck Tom tonight?”

“Yes,” Tanya replied emphatically. “Yes, you can.”

“You mean that, Tanya?” Tom asked with astonishment in his voice.

“Of course. Get laid. She’s not going to keep you just borrow you for the night.”

“Then,” Karla urged, “Would you please take my husband and give him the fucking he so richly deserves and desires.”

“Now wait a minute,” Kevin started before Tanya interrupted.

“Shut up, Kevin. I want to get naked and nasty with you. Please!”

“Yes, Kevin. Please,” Karla chimed in.

“But Tom,” Kevin began. “He’s got to have something to say about this. Besides, Karla, we haven’t ever disussed…”

Karla pressed her lips to Tom’s ear. “Tell him yes. Tell him you want him to fuck Tanya so that you and I can fuck.”

“All right,” Tom exhaled. “Go ahead, the two of you. If this is what you want.”

“Thank you, Tom,” Tanya said gratefully. “I love you.”

“Thank you, Tom,” Karla whispered. “I’m going to love you so good.”

“Now wait a minute,” Kevin continued to protest. “Karla, we didn’t do this so I could get laid.”

“Don’t you want to fuck me, Kevin?” Tanya purred.

“That is not the question at all,” Kevin stated irritably.

“What is the question?” Karla asked in a voice just above a whisper.

“I,” he began. He looked at the floor. “I don’t want to be unfaithful to you.”

Karla turned her back to Tom. “Unzip me, darling,” she directed him.

“Are you sure?” Tom asked her.

She huffed indignantly. “You people need to stop asking me if I’m sure. I’m sure. I wouldn’t be here; I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t sure.”

“No need to get testy,” Kevin admonished.

Tom ran the zipper down the back of her dress.

“Kevin, honey,” she said softly as she shrugged out of the dress and stood in her bra, panties and heels, “Tanya needs somebody to fuck her tonight. I’m going to be fucking her husband. You’re our choice, Tanya’s and mine. I want this for you. Make me happy.”

“Don’t ask her if she’s sure,” Tanya recommended.

Amidst the tangle of sheets, legs, arms, and torsos on the king-sized bed in Kevin’s and Karla’s bedroom, Karla held Tanya’s hand as Kevin pounded into her from behind.

“Did I lie?” she asked her friend.

“About what?” Tanya gasped.

“That wonderful feeling of first penetration?”

“Oh, mercy!” Tanya said. “Glorious.”

“And you,” Karla turned to look into Tom’s face beneath her. His cock was still embedded in her tight love canal after his explosion insider her. “You doing all right.”

“Whew!” Tom replied. “Yeah. I’m doing great.”

“Look how beautiful your wife looks while she’s being fucked,” Karla ordered.

“I can see,” Tom said, still panting.

“Fix that image in your mind. I want you to remember that if we’re not with them sometime in the future. I want you to see her in your mind looking just like that.”

“We’re not going to be together?” Tom asked.

“Sometimes we will. Sometimes we won’t. Sometime I may want you all to myself alone. Tanya may want the same thing with Kevin. No matter what, though, just remember how gorgeous she looks.”

“Oh, fuck!” Tanya gasped.

“You coming?” Karla asked her.

“Oh, fuck, yeah.”

“He’s good, isn’t he?”

“Mmm-hmm,” Tanya hummed. “Oooh, boy!”

“You ready for me to get up?” Karla asked Tom.

“I guess. Are we done?”

“Oh, hell no! We’re just getting started. I have lots planned for you tonight.”

“Oh, good,” Tom softly moaned. “I get to recover some, though, right?”

Karla laughed. “Of course, darling. I want to fuck you, not kill you.”

“That’s good to hear,” he chuckled.

Karla leaned forward and kissed him tenderly. “I’m going to get off you now,” she whispered. “I think you should play with your wife’s tits and help her have a couple more orgasms before he comes inside her. You’ll love feeling him thrust inside her. I’m betting it will make you hard again in a shorter time than normal.”

“Normal is about fifteen minutes,” Tom grinned at her.

“It’s ten fifty-five,” Karla said. “Eleven ten. I’m thinking by five after you’ll be ready for the next go.”

She eased herself off Tom and ran for a towel, feeling his come ease down the inside of her leg. She wiped herself down and carried the towel toward the bed. She came up behind her husband, still plunging in and out of Tanya. Tossing the towel to Tom, Karla knelt down and watched her husband’s cock pounding her friend. With her left hand she reached up between Kevin’s legs and cupped his balls in her hand.

“Oh, wow!” Kevin gasped.

“Can’t do that when we’re fucking,” she teased him joyfully.

“Oh, Fuck!” Tanya called out. “Coming!”

Karla smiled with complete delight. “She’s coming, sweetie. You probably should, too.”

“You want me to?”

“You bet. I’ll squeeze you here a little to help you.”

“I’m going to come,” he announced.

“Fuck! Yes! Come!” Tanya called. “Oh, Fuck! It feels so good!”

Kevin pushed himself forward hard and buried his cock into her pulsing depths. Karla massaged his scrotum, squeezing his balls to encourage him. He groaned long and loud as Tanya wailed. He pumped no less than five spurts of his ooze into Tanya as his wife kneaded his sack.

Karla took the proffered towel from Tom and handed it to her husband.

“Not just yet,” Kevin said. He began and easy rocking motion, gently massaging Tanya’s clasping hole with his cock.

“Oh, man!” Tanya gasped. “Holy fuck! That’s beautiful!”

“Uh, huh,” Karla told her husband. “You’re loving her. You did that with me.”

“I know,” he gasped. “Different sensation, though. She’s still pulsing.”

“I think she likes the way you fuck her.”

“Yeah!” Kevin exhaled in a large gasp.

Tanya shifted toward her husband. She kissed him a few times, interrupted by trying to catch her breath.

“Thank you, baby,” she managed to get out.

“Karla was right. You do look beautiful, you know, when you’re…”

“Getting fucked?” Tanya asked. “It’s okay. You can say it. And I really liked that I could see you; that you were watching me. That was too hot for words.”

“I want you to know I’m still crazy about you.”

She put a hand along his face. “I know, baby. Ditto.” Her eyes rolled upward. “Oh, mercy!” she gasped. “He’s still stroking.”

“Give the girl a break, why don’t you?” Karla told Kevin.

“Don’t you dare!” Tanya snapped. “That feels glorious! You keep going as long as you like.”

“You’re making a mess of my sheets,” Karla scolded. She grabbed the towel and laid it between Tanya’s knees.

“Oh, my!” Tanya gasped, resting on her elbows, her head on the bed next to her husband’s ear.

“What is it?” Tom asked. “Tell me.”

“It’s, like very gentle. He’s not completely hard, but still enough to…” She moaned softly. “It’s like he’s stroking me in there tenderly, lovingly.”

“He’ll keep going until he’s hard again,” Karla warned.

“Hmmm,” Tanya hummed contentedly. “I believe I’m going to get fucked all over again.”

“Three times in an hour?” Karla chuckled. “Did you know your wife was such a slut?”

“I guess you’ve created a beast,” Tom chided her, looking lovingly at his wife.

Karla lay down behind Tom and wrapped her topmost arm around him. “I don’t think so,” she murmured. “She was always there. We’ve just freed her.”

There was a mood of easy congeniality among the four of them, with the underlying tone of placid sensuality. Karla tenderly smoothed her hand along Tom’s body as he stroked his wife’s arm and shoulder. Tanya’s eyes gleamed with anticipation. Kevin held Tanya’s hips gently in his hands as he docilely eased himself into her acquiescing body. The once-labored breathing had relaxed into normalcy. At the same time, there was an escalating sense of arousal.

“This is nice,” Karla noted at large. “I love that we can all have this little respite of tenderness.”

“I guess we really like each other,” Tom said. “A couple of days ago I wouldn’t have dreamed I’d be so content with your husband imbedded in Tanya like this. Now I know it isn’t hurtful.”

“Are you content embedded in me?” Karla asked with a gleam in her eye.

“Yeah, I think I am.”

“Would you mind if I put you inside and we could just be like that for a little while? I haven’t ever done that, and I’d like to try it.”

“At your service, madam,” Tom grinned.

Karla straddled him, held his cock in her hand and eased it inside her. She groaned as she felt him pass her ring of resistance.”

“That gives me chills when that happens,” she noted.

“Feels nice and warm to me,” Tom replied.

“How you doing, Tanya?” Karla asked.

“Hmmm,” she hummed. “This is great. I love how his cock feels inside me. I can feel him firming up. His timing is perfect. I’m just about ready for him to seriously fuck me again.”

Karla grinned, pulled her auburn mane across her left shoulder and leaned over to plant her hands on either side of Tom’s head. “You know what’s great about this?” she asked him.

“What’s that?”

“My darling Kevin watched me fuck with two other guys. It excited him. Now, I get to have that same experience. Not only to I get to have you, but I also know he’s making love to Tanya. That’s very satisfying.”

“You’re not jealous?”

“Not in the least. How about you?”

“It would be hard for me to be jealous when I’ve got myself lodged so tightly in your warmth and softness.”

“You shouldn’t be jealous anyway,” Karla told him. “It’s just screwing. He’s not going to steal her away from you. And you know that even though I love having you inside me, that Kevin and I belong together.”

“You’re waxing very philosophic for a naked woman engaged in a carnal coupling with somebody not her husband,” Tom chuckled.

“Jealousy is based in fear. None of us should be afraid. We’re just sharing one another for the joy of the physical experience.”

“I like the physical experience,” he laughed.

“We all do, don’t we? Tanya?”

“Oh, yeah.”


“Delightful. Yeah. This is good.”

“And you, dear Tom?”


“You ready for me to fuck you now?”

“I’d say I am.”

“Good. Put your hands up by your ears, palms up.”

He did as he was instructed. Karla put her hands on top, interlocking her fingers with his. She pushed them down into the bed.

“You’re mine, now,” she growled softly. “You’re mine until you shoot your come inside me and I release you.” She raised her hips and pushed herself down forcefully on his hardness.

The Tuesday sun was bright and hot. Karla and Tanya were seated in lounge chairs at the gated community pool where Tanya and Tom lived sipping cooling drinks. Both wore large sun glasses and minimal bikinis.

“You should always wear your hair up like that,” Karla told her friend.

“Should I cut it short?” Tanya asked.

“Oh, definitely not. No, the length lets you do different things, a French role, or bun, even a pony tail. But I like it up.”

“And I thought the sexy look was flowing and wavy.”

“Maybe. But you’ve got that gorgeous neck. That’s sexier than the wavy, long look.”

“Is that your opinion, or did you hear it from somebody else?”

“Kevin? Well, he did mention it. But, I think he’s right.”

“So the two of you are talking about the weekend?”

“I think it worked out very well, don’t you?”

“You know I thought you were crazy when you suggested it.”

“So you said.

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But, it worked out just the way I said, didn’t it?”

“For the most part.”

“What does that mean? Did something happen that you hated?”

“Not at all. No. The part I didn’t expect was what happened when Tom and I got home.”

“Oh? Was he mad at you?”

“Just the opposite. I’m glad he had to go to work yesterday and today. I needed a break.”

Karla smiled. “Yeah. They kind of get crazed, don’t they?”

“Kevin do the same with you?”

“Want to fuck all the time? Yeah, pretty much. But he’s been like that since the beginning.”

“Since you started screwing around?”

“It’s not screwing around, Tanya. He’s always been there.”

“I don’t think I want to do that. Screwing Kevin is one thing. I’m not sure I’d want to do anybody else.”

“You don’t know Julian,” Karla laughed. “He’s marvelous. You’d love screwing him.”

“So you plan to keep fucking him?”

“Well, whenever we have to travel to Minneapolis. Or Chicago.”

“How is he in both places?” Tanya wondered.

“Oh, I just call him and tell him where to meet us.”

“And he just goes there? Just like that?” Tanya asked in wonder.

“I guess I’m that good,” she laughed.

“No doubt about that,” Tanya replied.

“Tom tell you that?”

“Actually, he didn’t. In fact, we haven’t talked much about you.”

“Well, that’s disappointing.”

“Don’t be disappointed. I know Tom loved fucking you. But he’s fixated on Kevin fucking me.”

“Really? I guess I can understand that. Kevin does that, too.”

“Can I tell you something? It’s very personal and kind of embarrassing.”

“Honey, I love you. You can tell me anything.”

“Sunday night, Tom was, you know, licking me?”

“Eating your pussy?”

“Yeah, that. He lifted up his head and says, ‘You know, I saw Kevin’s cock pounding into this pussy. I loved that.’ He actually loved seeing Kevin fuck me. He wasn’t a bit put off by it.”

“You’re surprised?”

“Yeah. I thought he wouldn’t want, you know, to lick anywhere Kevin’s cock had been.”

Karla laughed. “Kevin’s the same way, honey. He just loves it. It turns him on.”

“They’re weird.”

“I don’t think so. I think they like remembering it. Kevin gets incredibly hard when I suck his cock and remind him about it being inside you. Then he tells me how hot he got watching me cusk Tom’s dick.”

“Fuck! It makes me wet thinking about it,” Tanya griped.

“Oh, so you hated it?”

“Oh, no!” she protested. “I just…Man! I remember how wonderful it felt when he eased into me the first time. I kept thinking, ‘This isn’t Tom’s cock.’ Drove me nuts.”

“And don’t you love how different it feels? You know, there are those little differences between how they do it. I’m hooked on that.”

“So when are we going to do it again?”

“Whenever you want, darling.”

“I don’t want it to become stale, though. You know. Like being married?”

Karla smiled. “Honey, we started. We can go to your place. That will be different. We can do it in different rooms. We can do shower sex. We can do it together like last weekend, or we can pair up and split up. You take Kevin home with you, and I’ll keep Tom with me. We can screw our own spouses and switch. There are lots of things we can do to keep it interesting. The last time with Julian, I sucked him off while Kevin fucked me. We can do that with Tom and Kevin. You can suck Tom while Kevin fucks you. You can suck Kevin while Tom fucks you. I even had a though, really nasty, while watching you and Kevin this past weekend.”

“Tell me,” Tanya demanded.

“I wanted to tongue his cock while he was fucking you.”

“You’re kidding!”

Karla shook her head. “I told you it was nasty. But I really wanted to try it. Like I said, there are lots of things we can try.”

“So, when do we do it again? This weekend?”

“You want to?”

“I do. You and Kevin come over Friday night.”

“Kevin and I usually waited a month, but if you want, we can do that.”

“I want to suck Tom off while Kevin fucks me.”

“That’s your objective for the night?”

“Yeah. That’s a real turn-on for me. Do you mind?”

“Of course not.”

“Friday night, then?”

“Should I tell Kevin, or just let it be a surprise.”

“Tell him you’re coming over. Don’t tell him about my intentions, though.”

“Tom and Tanya want us for dinner Friday,” Karla told Kevin.

“So soon?”

“It’s just dinner/”

“So you don’t want Tom to fuck you again?”

“Did I say that?”

Kevin breathed out a sigh of exasperation.

“Then it isn’t just dinner,” he said.

Karla placed a hand on his cheek. “I love you, baby,” she cooed. “And we’ve had wonderful sex this week.”

“I sense there’s more.”

“Didn’t you think about Tanya even once when we were fucking?”

“A fleeting thought, maybe.”

“Well, I did. I thought about how it looked when she took you in her mouth the first time. Did you know you groaned?”

“Hm,” he said. “I didn’t.”

Karla smiled at him. “After all you’ve given me it was delightful to be able to return the favor.”

“Still, you know my preference.”

“I do, my darling. You like to watch me getting fucked. But, I really liked watching you, too.”

“So, it isn’t just dinner,” he concluded.

“I promise you can watch Tom fuck me. But you have to let me watch you with Tanya. It makes me gush when I see you putting your cock inside her.”

Kevin shook his head and smiled. “Now you know how I feel watching you. I just never imagined you’d enjoy that. I’m your husband, after all.”

“I know,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. “But it’s so hot watching your face. You’re so serious. I love watching you while I’ve got a cock deep inside me.”

“You’re making me hard, Karla,” he groaned.

“Oh, good!” she replied with a wicked grin. “We can go practice for this weekend.”

“So, it’s not just dinner.”

Karla smiled and shook her head. “Dinner and dessert.”

Dinner was excellent. The two couples sat at Tom and Tanya’s round table. Tanya rubbed Kevin’s leg with her foot, all the while speaking trivialities with Tom and Karla. Finally, the conversation turned sexual. It was Karla who broached the subject and took the lead.

“So have the two of you been fucking like bunnies all week? Kevin and I have.”

“Karla!” Kevin scolded.

“Well, we have. Twice a day, at least. I think Kevin likes to close his eyes and imagine I’m Tanya.”

“Tom’s been like that, too,” Tanya said. “Imagining I’m Karla.”

“Not true,” Tom denied.

“Well, something’s been going on,” Tanya claimed.

“I bet he was reliving Kevin fucking you,” Karla offered. “Kevin does that.”

Tom shrugged. “I never thought it would be so hot watching my wife have sex with somebody else. I always thought I’d be so jealous.”

“Were you?” Karla asked.

“I’m not sure I had time,” he grinned at her. “You kept me kind of occupied.”

“What about in retrospect?” Kevin asked him.

Tom looked at him and then turned to his wife. He turned to Karla next. His eyes finally settled on his wife, again.

“What do you think?” he softly asked Tanya.

She smiled tenderly at him. “I think you loved it.”

“The thing is,” Kevin said, dabbing at his lips with the napkin before folding it roughly and laying it on the table, “There was a lot going on for each of us. There was the excitement, of course. There may have been a little guilt, but that was quickly overcome as we observed one another. Then, there was the thrill of new and different physical sensations. Somewhere in there may have even been a touch of jealousy.”

“Were you jealous?” Karla asked him directly.

“You know better than that,” he replied.

“Kevin had seen it before,” she told them. “He’d watched me. He was accustomed to it.”

“Well, I don’t know if that would be the right word,” Kevin added a little defensively.

“My point is,” Karla countered, “This was completely new and different for the two of them. Tanya knew because I’d told her. I don’t know if Tom knew.”

“I didn’t,” Tom interjected.

“I told you I wanted you to screw her,” Tanya replied.

“True,” Tom continued, “But the rationale excluded the possibility of a complete swap.”

“It didn’t exclude it,” Tanya protested. “It was never discussed.”

“The point is,” Kevin said sternly, “How do we all feel now? Individually, I mean.”

“Okay,” Karla volunteered, “I’ll go first. We all know I’m great with it. I like Tom. He makes me feel good.”

“You don’t feel guilty about screwing your friend’s husband?” Kevin asked her.

“I don’t, because we’re not sneaking around screwing. And, besides, if she wants she can screw my husband. I hope she will.”

“The only thing that gives me pause,” Tom said, “Is wondering how Tanya feels about it. As long as she’s, I don’t know, entertained, I guess? If she’s okay, then I’m delighted.”

“Tanya?” Kevin asked.

“You first,” she demanded.

“Okay. Well, watching Tom with Karla is wonderful for me. That shouldn’t come as a surprise.”

“Yeah,” Karla said. “But how do you feel about screwing Tanya?”

Kevin looked toward the tall blonde. “She’s exquisite,” he smiled. “She’s beautiful, sexy, and obviously enthusiastic. Even though it wasn’t part of the original agreement between Karla and me, I’m delighted things have developed this way.”

“So you like fucking her. You don’t feel guilty about it?” Karla pressed.

“No. I like it. I love it. And, more to the point, I love that she seems to enjoy it as well.”

“Tanya?” Karla asked. “Do you?”

“Enjoy it? Oh, yes,” she replied. “Karla was right about the thrill. The best part is that we all seem to like each other. We all want one another to have fun and get the thrill of exploring it with each other.”

“So,” Karla said, “We’re all in agreement, then?”

There were nods and smiles around the table.

“Then I suggest we clean up this area and get on with it.”

Tom and Tanya loaded the dishwasher as Kevin and Karla cleared the table. The four of them retired to the bedroom once their chores were completed.

Karla backed up against Kevin and pulled his arms around her. “I like it when you strip me for him,” she whispered. “I know it makes you hard when you do it, too.”

Kevin chuckled. He leaned forward and pulled her hair off her neck, planting several soft kisses along the curve of her flesh. “Um hmm,” he agreed. “It’s like giving you permission to be bad.”

“I don’t want to be bad,” she whispered coyly. “I want to be good. Naughty, but good.”

“You are so incredibly hot,” he murmured in her ear.

“What are you two whispering about over there?” Tanya asked as she and Tom stripped the coverings off the bed.

“Just about getting me ready,” Karla teased. “And him.”

Kevin unbuttoned the three buttons on her blouse as she leaned back against him moaning in satisfaction. He caressed her breast over the top of her flimsy bra, continuing to kiss her neck. Karla sighed and shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

“You’re getting anxious,” he murmured in her ear.

“Yesss,” she hissed gently. “I love the feel of your hands on my skin.”

Kevin tugged the tail of her blouse from her skirt and pulled it off her shoulders. He looked up to see Tanya watching in fascination.

“We have an audience,” he muttered to Karla.

“Oh my god, that is so exciting,” Karla murmured. “Are they watching us?”

“Mmm hmm,” Kevin hummed affirmatively as his hand pushed into the cup of her bra and found the hard flesh of her nippled.

“You’d better strip,” Tanya told her husband. “I’ve got the feeling she’s going to be hotter than hell when he turns her loose.

Tom beamed at her and stripped off his clothes in just a few seconds. “What about you,” he asked his wife.

“I want him to do that to me,” she replied, bobbing her head toward Kevin and Karla.

“My skirt!” Karla gasped. “Hurry, please!”

Kevin grinned, kiss the back of her shoulder and reach down to unfasten the button and zip of the garment.

“What are you wearing under there?” he murmured into her ear.

“Panties,” she whispered dreamily. “Very tiny, very wet panties.”

Kevin pushed the skirt over her hips and down her legs until they pooled at her feet. He brushed her hair back and licked up the edge of her ear, delighting as Karla groaned. While his fingers grasped the clasp of her bra it looked at Tom.

“Come here,” he directed.

Tom stepped over toward them, fixated as Karla’s bra slid away, revealing her full, soft breasts.

“Have you tasted my wife’s pussy?” Kevin asked him in a low voice.

“Not yet,” Tom replied, his heart pounding.

“She tells me it’s very wet. You should probably pull down her panties and tasted her.”

Kevin felt Karla’s legs go rubbery for a moment. He supported her with an arm wrapped around her waist and Tom knelt in front of them tugged her panties down her thighs.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” Karla gasped. “You’re going to hold me while he licks my pussy?”

“Mmm hmmm,” Kevin hummed into her ear.

“And you’re going to caress my breasts and tug my nipples while he’s doing it?” she asked softly and urgently.

“Of course,” Kevin replied. “And I’m going to hold you while he makes you come.”

“Oh my god,” she breathed out.

Kevin felt her spread her legs so Tom could have easier access to him, and felt her shudder as Tom’s tongue licked the length of her slit.

“Oh, sweet Jesus,” she moaned. “What are you going to do then?” she asked her husband.

“Ah,” Kevin whispered in her ear, hearing her warbled softly as Tom’s tongue invaded her. “Then I’m going to give you to him so he can fuck you.”

“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” she whimpered. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.”

Kevin held his wife tightly, massaging her breasts, and delighting in her gasps as Tom licked and sucked her clit. He felt her body stiffen; heard her ragged gasps, and felt her hands grip him tightly as she approached her orgasm.

“Come, come, come, come, come!” she keened, gasping and panting as the crest broke over her and her knees gave way. Were it not for the support of Kevin’s arms she would have fallen to the floor.

Tom backed away and looked up at Kevin. He received a nod.

“Take her,” Kevin ordered. “Pleasure her. Give her everything she deserves.”

Tom stood up and took Karla in his arms. “I’ve got her,” he acknowledged.

Kevin stepped back and watched as Tom led her to the bed and gently laid her down, her auburn locks spread gloriously across the sheet.

He looked up toward Tanya who stood at the foot of the bed, her face reflecting desire and amazement. He smiled at her.

“You look stunning,” he said easily. “I love the way you’ve put your hair up.”

“That was the hottest, most incredible, sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” she said huskily.

Kevin smiled and gave a little shrug. “I love her.”

“What can I do?” she asked.

“I don’t understand,” he replied.

“I want to do something special for you; something that approaches what I’ve just seen. What can I do?”

“Ah,” Kevin nodded. “Hmm. Well, you’re tall and glorious,” he said. “Let’s play on that.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Use me for your clothes rack,” Kevin said. “Take off your blouse and skirt and lay them on my shoulders. The same for your underthings. Leave your shoes.”

“Is that sexy?” she asked as she pulled her top over her head, careful not to disturb her hair.

“I think it will be. Let’s try it.”

Tanya placed the top across his left shoulder in a small roll, and unknotted the rope-like belt from her skirt. She held the waistband and stepped out of it, folding it in half and laying it on his right shoulder.

The aroma of her reached Kevin’s nostrils. His already hard meat twitched. “It’s hot,” he told her.

“All right,” she replied, unconvinced. She unhooked her bra and laid it over his left shoulder next to her top. Kevin pulled it to him and inhaled.

“Definitely sexy.”

She grabbed his hand to steady herself as she pulled her thong off, working it around her shoes, and stood naked in front of him. She draped the tiny garment over his right shoulder atop her skirt.

She looked down at him. “Now?”

“I want,” she began. “I don’t know. I want something raw. Tell me.”

He smiled, picking the pieces of her wardrobe off his shoulders and tossing them toward a nearby chair. “I told you. You’re tall and gorgeous. You should dominate. Be on top.”

“What should I do?” she said, pulling up on his chin so their eyes met.

“Push me down,” he directed. “Push me to the floor. Then straddle me and make me eat your pussy.”

“Oh, fuck!” Tanya said. “That is hot!”

“Do it,” he ordered.

She put both hands on his shoulders and leaned down on him. “Lay on the floor,” she commanded. “You’re going to service me.”

Kevin’s eyes gleamed. “That’s right,” he answered, kneeling in front of her. “You’re a goddess. How may I serve you.”

“Lie down on your back,” she ordered him.

Kevin managed to lay on his back, feeling the stiffness of the floor under the carpet. His gaze fixated on her pussy as she towered over him. He watched as it spread, the lips revealing themselves as she straddled him, then approaching as she knelt. His mouth watered in anticipation.

“Suck my pussy,” she demanded, hiking herself forward until his face was buried in her nether parts. “Suck my pussy,” she repeated, “And I might let you fuck me.”

“Mm hmm,” he hummed. He stretched it tongue forward and licked tenderly at the moist, soft flesh of her essence, delighting in her little gasp as his tongue made contact with her engorged clit.

“A fully clothed man is eating my pussy,” she whispered huskily. “Now that is incredibly hot.”

Kevin hummed an agreement from beneath her.

“Am I your goddess?”

Another hum.

“Serve me,” she breathed.

Over on the bed, Karla was harshly gasping. Tom stood next to the elevated sleeping surface. Karla’s legs were on his shoulders. His hands gripped her thighs and his cock was imbedded in her love canal. He stroked in and out of her firmly, causing her to whimper in excitement.

“Oh god. You’re fucking me. You’re not my husband and you’re fucking me,” she wailed.

“Your husband gave you to me to fuck,” Tom growled. “He knows you need hard cock.”

“I do. I need hard cock. I love your cock. Fuck me harder.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You can hurt me. Fuck harder. Pound me with your cock. Make me come!”

“What do you want?”

“I want to fuck. I want to be fucked. I want to feel your cock pounding me. I want to come on your cock and I want your come hot inside me.”

“What can I do?”

“Keep fucking me. Don’t stop. Make me scream. Make me weep. Fill me up with your seed and keep fucking me. I don’t ever want it to stop. I want to come and come and come.”

Tom growled in the back of his throat, increased the speed and force of his penetration.

“You hear your wife wanting to be fucked?” Tanya asked Kevin in a lowered voice.

He hummed his acknowledgement.

“Am I your goddess?” she repeated.

He hummed affirmatively again.

“Lick me,” she ordered breathily. “Lick my hole. Fuck me with your tongue. Suck my clit. Make me come.”

Kevin groaned and redoubled his efforts.

“That’s it,” Tanya gasped. “Like that. Yes! Make me come. Make your goddess come in your mouth!”

Her hips hitched forward and back in a staccato, irregular rhythm as she sought his stimulation. She groaned and gasped. She leaned backwards and placed her hands on his hips.

“Do it!” she ordered. “Lick my pussy. Lick my hole. Lick my asshole! Yes! Fuck! Make me come!”

Kevin groaned again, plunging his tongue into her love hole, licking her from back to front, and even testing the tight pucker of her backside.

On the bed, Karla was pleading. “Come in me, Tom. Come in me! I’m coming. Fill me with your hot come!”

Tom grunted as he felt himself cross the threshold of his own orgasm. “I’m coming!” he growled at her.

Karla wailed as she contracted around Tom’s throbbing cock. “Oh, Fuck!” she cried. Her fingers pulled and twisted her nipples as her hips hitched in and irregular rhythm of her climax. “I feel it!” she moaned. “Come, come, come! Oh, baby, yes! That’s so good!”

Tom snorted as he pumped his essence into her, holding himself buried in her depths. His cock pulsed time and again as Karla’s come-hungry cunt squeezed on his engorged rod.

“Tongue-fuck my cunt!” Tanya ordered Kevin. “Listen to your wife coming and shove your tongue up inside me!”

Kevin shoved his tongue into the juicy hole in a rapid cadence, mentally urging the blonde to climax on him. He felt the pressure of her vaginal walls on his probing tongue as Tanya crashed in climax.

“Oh, fuck, yes!” Tanya gasped out. “Don’t stop! Keep doing it! I’m coming!”

Kevin looked up and saw her gorgeous features contort in her orgasm. He smiled inwardly, content with his ability to make her come just as Karla rolled over the top in her own climax.

Tanya did look like a goddess, he noted, with her golden hair pulled back to reveal her classic features, the smallish, cone-shaped breasts erect with arousal, and the long, flat expanse of her abdomen. Every inch of her toned body called out to be kissed and licked, and he knew that he would answer that call at some time during the night.

She fell forward, planting her hands on the carpet above his head. Her hips rose slightly off him, releasing the intense pressure she’d exerted on him, allowing him to tenderly lick and kiss her gushing pussy.

“Enough!” she called down to him.

He gave her a final kiss, lightly running his tongue across the swollen nub of her clit. She rose up on her hands and knees, pulling herself out of his reach. He swiped the back of his hand across his face while she crawled away, twisting around so her face was over his. Her lips descended to his and her tongue probed into his mouth.

“What now?” she whispered after she released him.

“You’re the goddess,” he replied. “You get to decide. But I’d like to get off the floor.”

“A good idea,” she smiled at him. “You can get naked and we’ll move to the bed.”

Kevin struggled to his feet as Tanya watched, sitting on her haunches. He saw Tom sitting on the bed on the other side of his wife. Karla lay there, still breathing hard, her knees in the air and her arms crossed over her eyes. Kevin disrobed in seconds and turned to face Tanya.

“Lie down next to your wife,” Tanya directed him.

Kevin did as instructed and looked to his left to see Karla’s breast still heaving with her heavy breathing. He smiled and watched as Tanya climbed onto the bed, straddling his legs.

Tanya took hold of his hardness and rucked herself forward and back as she moved him along her soaking slit. Her breath whistled through her teeth as she positioned him at her opening and descended on him. Kevin groaned when he felt himself penetrate her and his cock was enveloped in her hot, soft, moist flesh. Tanya placed her hands on each of his shoulders and looked into his face.

“That’s marvelous,” she whispered.

“You’re fucking my husband, you shameless slut,” Karla told her.

“That’s goddess shameless slut to you,” Tanya quipped.

“She does look like a goddess,” Karla agreed, turning to look at her husband.

“Feels like one, too,” Kevin grinned at Karla as Tanya began to rock her hips back and forth on Kevin’s.

Karla right hand reached over and grabbed hold of Tanya’s left wrist where her hand pressed on Kevin’s left shoulder. Tanya slid Karla’s hand down her wrist until their hands were clasping in a tight grip. Her eyes never left Kevin’s as she rocked back and forth on his hard cock.

“That is so hot!” Karla whispered to her husband. “I know what you feel like watching me.”

“Hmmm,” Kevin grunted. “Only more so.”

“Really?” Karla asked tenderly.

“Shoosh!” Tanya hissed. “I’m trying to concentrate here.”

Karla felt Tanya’s grip intensify on her hand. She rolled to her left and placed her free hand on Tanya’s thigh, stroking it tenderly.

“Oh, geez!” Tanya gasped. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Nothing,” Karla said softly and innocently. “You just look so beautiful up there.” She stroked the thigh from the knee all the way up to her waist. “I can’t wait to watch you come on him.”

“Oh, fuck!” Tanya gasped, squeezing Karla’s hand even tighter.

“Feels good having him inside you, doesn’t it?” Karla grinned.

Tom lay down behind her and spooned her, propping his head on his hand so he could watch his wife on Kevin and Karla encouraging her. He brushed her hair back from her shoulder and kissed her tenderly.

“Getting ready for another?” Karla giggled to him.

“Just watching,” he murmured.

“Oh, fuck!” Tanya cried again. She increased the tempo and force of her thrusts on Kevin’s cock.

“Don’t you love watching them fuck?” Karla asked Tom over her shoulder.

“I love watching my wife,” he admitted. “It’s like seeing her in a completely new light.”

“But you saw her last week,” Karla reminded him.

“That was different,” Tom murmured. “He fucked her last week. I’ve never seen her fuck him like this. I love knowing she wants it this bad.”

“Uh oh,” Kevin grunted.

“He’s going to come,” Karla commented.

“Oh, yeah!” Tanya wailed. “Come in me!”

“This is making me hard,” Tom remarked softly, kissing Karla from the shoulder to the neck.

“I can feel it,” Karla grinned.

“You going to ride me like that?” he asked her.

“It that’s what you want. After they come.”

“Oh, please, yes, god!” Tanya called out. “He’s swelling.”

“I’m coming,” Kevin grunted, raising his hips to achieve maximum penetration of Tanya.

“Yeah! Fuck!” Tanya yelled, squeezing Karla’s hand and Kevin’s cock, pressing herself onto his swelling, pumping rod.

Thirty seconds later, she released her grip on Karla and leaned forward on Kevin, panting with the exertion and exhilaration of her climax.

“Don’t you just love him?” Karla asked.

“I don’t know about that,” Tanya panted raggedly. “But I love the feeling of him coming inside me.”

“Nothing like those hot spurts of come,” Karla grinned at her. “Got to love that.”

“Oh, yeah,” Tanya gasped. She planted a couple of kisses on Kevin’s forehead. “Man, you are a good fuck!”

“You kind of did all the work,” Kevin noted.

“Yeah, but you made it all worth it.”

Karla moved her hand from Tanya’s thigh to rub Tom’s. “You want to fuck now?”

“Always and everywhere with you, my dear,” Tom responded. “You ready to ride me?”

“Hmmm,” Karla grinned, turning around and preparing to straddle him. “Let’s do this.”

Written by aldenbradley
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