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Transcendent Sensuality - 2

"Karla delves into her emotional conflict after additional engagements with her lover."

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When Julian left the room, Karla rolled over and hiked herself on some of the pillows. Her long fingers wiped viciously at her cheeks to remove the remnants of her tears. She took a series of deep breaths and then turned to look at Kevin.

“Do you hate me now?” she asked.

He chuckled. “Absolutely not. I love you more than ever.”

“Did you see what a slut I was? I sucked his cock. Then I let him eat my pussy. I was the one who put his cock inside me. And then I screamed like a whore when he fucked me.”

“And what part of that did you hate?”

“None of it!” she blurted. “That’s the point! And I did all of that in front of you; watching your face as I fucked him!”

“I kind of thought that was the whole point,” Kevin laughed gently.

“But I wasn’t supposed to love it like that!” she protested.

“Why not? I did.”

“You liked watching your wife behave like a whore?”

“Not a whore, sweetie. Whores fuck for money, not for the fun of it.”

“Okay. A slut, then.”

“I don’t care what you call it, Karla. I thought you were sensual and enthusiastic, a women of incredible sexual energy. That woman is my wife and I love her.”

“And I love you, too, Kevin. Maybe that’s why I’m so conflicted.”

“Why is that?”

“Because,” she began then paused. “Because, I want you to make love to me.”

“That will happen.”

“But I also want him to fuck me again. I mean, his come is still dripping from me and I want to fuck him again.”

Kevin laughed. “Good! You enjoyed it. Great! I wanted you to enjoy it.”

“I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want you to be humiliated.”

“I am neither hurt nor humiliated. You told me you love me. You told me you want to make love with me. That’s all I need to hear. That’s what’s most important. You want the raw sex with him? Well, if that’s what you want, then that’s what I want for you.”

“You’re willing to tolerate that?”

“We already did that, Karla. It was hot, sexy, visceral, raw, and exciting. I loved seeing you like that. So, yes. It isn’t about the sex. Sex is just, you know, fucking. The loving is much more important.”

“It may take me some time to wrap my mind around that.”

“That’s fine. In the meantime, enjoy the sex.”

“And you’ll still love me.”

“I told you I would. Lean over here and kiss me.”

“I can’t do that! I kissed him. I sucked his cock!”

“So what? I love you and want to kiss you.”

She leaned over and let him kiss her, keeping her lips tightly closed.

“Stop that,” he demanded. “Let me kiss you properly.”

He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. She softened, and allowed him to press his tongue between them. She groaned as his tongue delved into her mouth. She sucked on him.

“Was that so awful?” he asked as he released her.

“No,” she admitted. “But if he had come in my mouth…”

“You’d swallow it all. I know you. I’d still kiss you. It’s you I’m kissing; the wife I love and cherish.”

“And allow to fuck and suck other men,” she reminded him.

“Men?” he asked with a chuckle. “Will you want to do this again?”

“I didn’t mean that.”

“That is what you said.”

“We’ll have to talk about that.”

Julian emerged from the bathroom, freshly showered, his middle wrapped in a towel. “So,” he asked. “Shall I dress and leave now?” he asked.

Karla looked at Kevin, who shook his head almost imperceptibly. “No,” she said definitively. “I’m going to shower now. Then I want to have a nap between my husband and my lover. So, please stay, Julian. I may need you later.”

Julian looked questioning toward Kevin.

“She’s in charge,” Kevin told him. “Whatever she wants is what I want.”

“It is the truth that I have no plans until Monday,” Julian said. “If the lady wants, and the gentleman agrees, I will stay.”

“We want you to stay,” Kevin told him. “Same conditions apply. I will not interfere.”

“Very well,” Julian said. “I will call the front desk for a razor and toothbrush.”

“You could use mine,” Karla volunteered. “I’ve sucked your cock and you’ve licked my pussy, not to mention the marvelous kisses we’ve shared.”

“A kind offer,” Julian said with a grin. “I will call the front desk. They have these items for their forgetful guests.”

Karla scampered into the bathroom leaving Kevin, fully clothed, still in the tux he’d worn for his wife when they’d gone shopping for her lover, and Julian, wrapped only in a towel, standing next to the bedside table, speaking on the phone to the front desk.

“Room number?” he asked Kevin.

“Uh, sixteen thirty,” Kevin replied.

“Sixteen thirty,” Julian said into the phone. “Ten minutes? That is quite acceptable. Thank you.”

He hung up the phone. “Is this acceptable for you, as well?” he asked.

Kevin nodded. “Believe me. It is.”

“I have to say,” Julian told him, “This is a unique relationship you have.”

“I know. I’m grateful to you for being willing to satisfy Karla.”

“Ah, well. She is a beautiful and thoroughly engaging woman.”

Kevin smiled. Neither of them had ventured into the forbidden realm of discussing Karla’s sexual nature.

“Your accent,” Kevin said after a brief pause. “Your English is immaculate, but it’s obvious you are not American.”

“Actually, I am,” Julian replied. “South American. Buenos Aires.”

“I’d imagined something exotic. Moldavia, perhaps, or Milano. Buenos Aires fits.”

Julian nodded. “And so,” he said. “It is difficult for our interaction not to be strained?”

“I hope not,” Kevin replied. “Nothing has happened that has made me uncomfortable.”

“The situation, though. Pleasuring your wife? It is unusual.”

“As you said, it is unique. Be assured, I am quite content. I hope you will be the same. This has been a longtime desire of mine. You have avoided humiliating me, which would have made this a much more difficult situation. The agreement between Karla and me is that I will permit and encourage her as long as I am not degraded or humiliated, verbally or in any actions.”

“How can the activity not be humiliating in itself? This I do not understand.”

“It is a gift, Julian. I have given Karla this gift, and done so with honor. Karla is also a gift to you. Her joy, excitement, and satisfaction are in your hands. It is not humiliating because it is freely given for her benefit, primarily. Any benefits that accrue to you are a by-product of the gift to her.”

“But she is your wife.”

“She is. And I am her husband. There is no ownership, however. It is a partnership. Within this partnership are various freedoms.”

The knock on the door interrupted the conversation. Julian pointed to himself and then the door.

Kevin nodded. Julian walked to the door and opened it to the bellman carrying the toilet articles he had requested.

“I am sorry,” Julian said to the bellman, patting his towel. “If you will permit me a moment…”

Kevin stood up and reached for his wallet. “Here,” he said. “Allow me.” He handed the bellman a ten-dollar bill.

“Thank you, sir,” the bellman said, nodding and pulling the door closed as he departed.

“And I thank you,” Julian said. “You must allow me to repay you.”

Kevin stood in front of him and looked into his dark eyes. “Give my wife pleasure,” he said softly. “That is all the payment I desire.”

Julian looked at him. “You will forgive me. I must ask. Is there something not correct with the two of you? An ailment or something?”

Kevin laughed. “No, no, Julian. Nothing like that. I’m quite capable and Karla is willing. No, this is simply an exploration into the broadest aspects of her sexuality. That’s all.”

The bathroom door opened and Karla stepped into the room. A towel enveloped her from the breasts down, and another wrapped her hair turban style.

“Is everything all right?” she asked cautiously.

“It is,” Kevin replied. “Julian’s toiletries have just arrived.”

“Oh, good,” she said. “Darling, you should have a shower and come to bed.”

“I will,” Kevin replied.

Karla and Julian retired to the bedroom as Kevin stripped off his clothing, hung it in the closet and went into the bathroom.

“You washed your hair,” Julian observed.

“I had to,” Karla replied lightly. “You made my scalp sweat.”

Julian chuckled. “With delight, I hope.”

“Oh, please tell me you’re not suffering from performance anxiety.”

“Not that,” he laughed. “Your husband and I had an interesting talk. He has a unique perspective. You should consider yourself substantially affirmed.”

“What does that even mean?”

“He supports you. He adores you. He affirms you.”

“Where do you come from, Julian?”

“Buenos Aires, originally.”

“Okay. Let me tell you about Kevin.” She moved toward the bed, tossing pillows toward the center of the headboard. She crawled across it, sat up in the center and patted the side to her left. Julian dutifully sat down, then twisted around to lay facing her. “Kevin is a wonderful man,” she began.

“I am beginning to see that.”

“Hush, now. Let me finish. Kevin is a wonderful lover, a great father, and a respected lawyer. He is also a pretty good writer of erotic literature.”

“Really?” Julian sounded genuinely surprised.

“Yes. Very few people know that about him. But, as he has written his stories, he has really studied the psychology of his characters. His ideas are what have led to our being here tonight.”

“He explained some of this to me. But I certainly was not aware of the origins of his thoughts.”

“What Kevin knows is that in a marriage, there is a natural tendency to be, I don’t know, restrained? I don’t want my husband to know what a depraved whore I am, so I don’t usually do what we’ve done tonight. So, he arranged this to let me be that nasty slut you fucked earlier.”

“I did not find you to be such,” Julian protested.

“Ah, well,” Karla chuckled, “If I had done that stuff with my husband, he might think I wasn’t worth his respect. So, he lets me do it with you, because it’s going to be short-term.”

“I regret that,” he said.

“Really, dear Julian? Do you want to continue fucking me? Do you want me to be your slut-whore?”

“I do not consider you that.”

“But I am, Julian. Kevin knows that I like to fuck, and that I love being fucked. But a wife and mother and member of the PTA can’t act like that. So, we have this brief interlude when I’m allowed to fuck and be fucked to the fullest. Kevin lets me do that.”

“He explained it as a gift.”

“It is. You’re my gift from him.”

“And, yes. I would like to continue with you.”

“That’s so sweet of you. Am I really that good a fuck?”

“You are engaging, beautiful of course, and very enthusiastic.”

“My husband wants to see me fuck. Not make love. Fuck. So, that’s what you’re getting.”

“It is delightful.”

“And it will be with us forever. This night will be burned in my memory. In Kevin’s, too, I imagine.”

“In mine, as well.”

“And, who knows. We might be invited to a repeat performance.”

“By Kevin?”

“By Kevin,” Karla confirmed. “Until then, though, we have tonight. So, lose that towel and come give me one of those passionate Latin American kisses that have so endeared you to me.”

When he emerged from the bathroom, Kevin found his wife still propped on her pillows, her eyes closed, and Julian’s head between her thighs, licking and suckling on her bare pussy.

He sat on the edge of the bed in his towel, causing Karla to open her eyes.

“Oh, darling,” she whispered breathily, “Would you turn off the lights and come lay here next to me?”

“Of course,” he replied, smiling as Karla’s lust-filled eyes closed. Her hands rested on the back of Julian’s head as he supped on her nectar. He moved around the room to extinguish the three lamps that remained burning the last on the bedside table where he sat. The room fell into darkness and Kevin lay down next to Karla. She moaned lightly, and stretched a hand out to touch him. He felt her grasp his arm tightly in the darkness.

“Julian, darling,” she pleaded. “I need to sleep for just a little.”

Julian paused and looked up. Unable to see anything in the darkened room, he planted a series of tiny kisses on her vulva.

“I apologize,” he said. “The taste and texture of you has me enchanted.”

“Later,” Karla sighed. “I promise. For now, come up here so I can hold you in my sleep.”

Julian eased upward on the bed. Karla’s hand searched out his member and wrapped around it. With her other hand she searched for Kevin’s.

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When she located it, she held it in a gentle grasp.

“This way,” she whispered, “I know you’ll both be here when I wake up and want you.”

What woke Kevin remained undetermined. He reached to the bedside table and tapped the code to open the screen. A soft light glowed into his face and showed the time as 3:37 a.m. He replaced the phone on the table and turned to look to his left. The soft light of the phone’s screen showed his wife with her head toward the foot of the bed as she knelt across Julian’s body. The towel from her hair was gone and the strands nearly hid her face. What wasn’t hidden was the vision of his wife’s lips around Julian’s stiff rod. Kevin rolled to his side and recognized that she was in a kneeling squat over Julian’s torso. He had his face buried in her pussy as she licked and sucked his rod. Kevin couldn’t resist pressing his hand against her smooth thigh. Karla moaned acknowledgement of his touch.

She was, Kevin noted, engaged and intent on making Julian come with her lips and mouth. She moaned and gasped, humming as she worked him with her lips and tongue. Her hands pressed on this thigh. The long strands of her hair waved forward and back as she moved on him.

Julian’s hands grasped her knees, pulling her toward his own active lips and tongue. Karla groaned, her mouth never breaking contact with his erect cock. Her hips twitched as she reacted to Julian’s efforts. The groan extended into a long, humming expression of arousal. She released her oral lock long enough to gasp out an orgasm.

“Oh, Fuck, Julian! You made me come!”

And affirmative hum came from her lover.

“It’s your turn now. Come in my mouth, Julian,” she ordered. She took hold of his shaft with two fingers and a thumb, closing her lips just over his crown. With her hand she pumped him furiously, all the time licking around the head of his meat, sucking as if to draw out his essence.

From beneath, Julian groaned. Kevin could see his hips thrusting upward. He heard Karla’s hum of approval and encouragement.

“Um hmmm! Um hmmm! Um hmmm!” she urged him.

Julian groaned and plunged his tongue into her love canal, raising his hips and finally releasing his essence into Karla’s waiting mouth.

Kevin watched fascinated as his wife sucked and bobbed on the pulsing shaft. He could see her swallow as she absorbed the torrent of viscous fluid. She hummed in delight, continuing to suck his rod until his hips dropped back onto the bed. Karla released her handhold, sucked the full extent of him into her mouth and pulled slowly up, licking and cleaning him as she went. She reached the tip and Kevin saw her suck it ferociously, drawing out the last remnants. She finally released him gently. She rocked forward, essentially rising to all fours and reversed her position. Her face over his, she whispered, “Stay hard. I want to fuck you.”

While her husband observed, Karla lowered herself onto her lover’s rod. He saw her face go through the transitions of lust, determination, and fulfillment as she accepted the intrusion of his cock into her welcome love canal. Her mouth pursed into an “O” as she expelled a long breath with a quavering sound of anticipation. She placed her hands on his chest as she began to rock on him, her eyes alternately closing in concentration and opening as if to confirm she was really fucking someone other than her husband. Her easy motion became more determined. The rocking developed into a pounding of her hips onto his. She sat up into a vertical position, thrusting herself forward and back, delighted in feeling his hardness moving back and forth within her.

Karla looked to her left and saw Kevin watching. Her face set in determination. She reached left and grasped Kevin’s hand in hers. He was surprised at the strength with which she held it, squeezing it tightly as she hitched her hips forward in back in an increasingly rapid, tenacious, violent manner.

Her breaths came in gasps with the exertion. “Oh, fuck,” she whispered into the dark. “Feels good.” She clamped her lips shut and hummed fiercely. Her tempo of thrusts increased. She enthusiastically pounded on her lover, squeezing her husband’s hand tighter and tighter. She gritted her teeth and hissed. She stopped, clutching Kevin’s hand powerfully, gave three hard thrusts and gasped aloud in her release. Kevin heard the quavering groan of her climax before she slumped forward over Julian in exhaustion, panting and gasping.

“I’m sorry, Julian,” she managed to interject between her panting breaths. “I know you didn’t come. I’m sorry.”

“Too soon after the other,” Julian replied soothingly. “My pleasure was feeling your wonderful body in its orgasm.”

She pressed her lips to his temple, still heaving as she attempted to recover. “You’re a darling,” she gasped. “I want to sleep like this, cradled against you, feeling you inside me.”

“Do you?” he chuckled. “A delight. Please make yourself comfortable.”

She turned her head toward Kevin, pulled their joined hands to her lips and kissed his knuckles. “Thank you, darling,” she whispered. “I love you.”

Kevin realized the incongruity of it; her telling him of her love as she lay atop Julian with his hardness lodged inside her. He smiled, nodded gently, and allowed himself to drift off into sleep once again.

What woke him next was no mystery to Kevin. The bed he lay on was definitely jerking. He looked at the ceiling for a moment to gather his awareness; then looked to his left.

Karla lay on her back, her hands gripping Julian’s shoulders. He was propped just above her in the traditional missionary position. Julian was driving his cock into Karla who had her legs raised, knees to the ceiling, and ankles lock around his backside. Her eyes were closed and her mouth just open as she grunted with each of Julian’s thrusts. Kevin saw, however, that she was fully engaged. Her heels prodded his ass and her hips rose to meet him each time he plunged into her.

Kevin smiled to himself and stealthily rolled off the bed.

“Don’t leave me!” Karla cried out softly.

Her eyes were on him as he stood next to the bed. “You’ll be fine,” he told her. “Enjoy. I’m not leaving. I’m just going to shower and shave.”

“You’re supposed to watch me,” she protested.

Kevin chuckled. “Seen that. Loved it. Now you should do it for you rather than for me. I’ll just be in there,” he nodded toward the bathroom. “I love you.”

Karla’s tossed her head from side to side. “Oh, fuck,” she whispered with a moan.

He had been in the shower for about ten minutes. His hair was lathered with shampoo and his eyes closed when he felt the body move in beside him. He scrubbed the foam from his eyes and saw Karla pressing against him.

“Hello, there,” he grinned at her.

“Hello, my darling,” she whispered. “Are you all right?”

“Of course. How about you?”

“Honestly? I’m sore.”

“Where’s Julian?”

“He left. He said he had a room. Twenty-one oh three.”

“Really? That’s like, a penthouse, I think.”

“Do you know who he is?”

“Who is he?”

“He’s some sort of aeronautical consultant with the Argentine consulate.”

“That’s impressive,” Kevin said.

“He lives here. In the hotel.”

“Which would explain why he was in the lounge last night.”

“Was it only last night?” she asked. “It seems like it was days ago.”

“Did you have fun?”

“Yes,” she said softly. “For the most part. What about you?”

“Yeah. It was fun watching you.”

“Did you get jealous?”

“Oh, constantly,” he laughed.

“You weren’t supposed to get jealous.”

“I expected I would. But I thought I controlled it pretty well.”

“Do you hate me now?”

“Why would I hate you?”

She wiped the water off her face. “Because I fucked him. Because I sucked him. Because I let him fuck me, and you’re supposed to be the only one who does any of that.”

Kevin wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t hate you. I love you. And I loved watching you, watching your behavior and reactions. I saw you do everything. I heard your moans, your cries. And all I could think of was how much I loved you and how proud I was that you are my wife. You’re my incredibly hot, sexy, sensual and exciting wife.”

“Your slutty, immoral, out-of-control, unfaithful wife.”

“You sound like you’re feeling guilty.”

“I guess I am, a little.”

“Karla, do you remember holding my hand while you fucked him last night?”

“This morning. Yes.”

“Why did you do that?”

“Because I love you and I didn’t want you to hate me because I liked it.”

“You were supposed to enjoy it. We agreed.”

“But I liked it so much, Kevin. I loved it! I’m ashamed that I loved it so much.”

“You shouldn’t be ashamed. You are so beautiful and sensual.”

“But you’re my husband. I’m not supposed to fuck anybody else and I am certainly not supposed to like it.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s wrong.”

“I don’t think it was wrong. Why do you?”

“I don’t know. It just is.”

“It isn’t, Karla. Let’s dry off and finish this up back in the room.”

They returned to the bedroom in towels and lay across the bed. His head faced the door. Hers was toward the window.

“So,” he began, “Are you in love with Julian?”

“Of course not,” she said scornfully.

“So you weren’t unfaithful.”

“But I was, Kevin.”

“I was here, Karla. I knew. Hell, I saw it. And I saw your passion.”

“Nobody’s supposed to fuck me but you.”

“Who says that?”

“Everybody! Anybody with any sense.”

“What they say is that you’re not supposed to cheat. You didn’t cheat. You weren’t unfaithful. You didn’t deceive me. You didn’t do it to hurt me. You’re not looking for somebody to replace me. Right?”

“Right. But,…”

He interrupted her. “You held my hand while you were riding him. Essentially, you were fucking him and you held my hand.”

“I wanted you to know that I…”

He interrupted her again. “Would it be wrong if you danced with him?”

“No. I mean if you said it was okay. But I wouldn’t have an orgasm dancing with him.”

“You could, if the dance was sexy enough.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“Karla, I’m not going to be able to convince you. You’re going to have to convince yourself. So, you answer these questions, and then come to a conclusion, okay?”


“Is there a difference between having sex and making love?”


“Did you make love with Julian?”


“Why not?”

“I don’t love him.”

“So the sex was physical.”


“You enjoyed it? The excitement? The sensations? The orgasms?”


“So, tell me, if you enjoyed all of that, but you still love me, and I still love you, what’s the difference?”

“I don’t know. I just know that … I don’t know. It’s just not right.”

“But I told you that it was all right. I wanted you to enjoy it. If it’s all right with me, what is the problem?”

“Because it isn’t.”

“Are you changed, physically? Damaged? Injured?”

“No, not really.”

“Are we going to still be able to make love?”


“Then all this is about a physical thing with no emotional attachments, and both of us agree that it was a good, thrilling, exceptional occurrence, with no lasting physical or emotional changes or damages. Right?”

“You make it sound so reasonable.”

“I don’t care how you get your orgasms. It’s just fucking, Karla, not falling in love. You’re okay and I’m okay. We’ve shared a great experience. It was fun, like riding a roller coaster or playing an ambitious set of tennis. You get tired, hot, sweaty, and you may even have an orgasm or six.”

“It was like I couldn’t get enough.”

“I know. You looked, acted, and sounded so wonderfully aroused and passionate.”

She rolled toward him and placed her hand on this thigh under the damp towel. “What about you?”

“I told you it was exciting for me to see you like that.”

“Did you come? I mean, were you ever so turned on that you came?”

“I didn’t. I was just so enthralled watching you.”

“Did you want to fuck me, too?”

Kevin laughed. “Yes,” he said. “A couple of times I was just aching for you.”

She slid her hand under the towel until she captured his manhood. “You’re not hard now.”

“You’re not screwing now.”

“When I sucked him last night, did you want me to suck you, too?”

“I remembered the feelings. I was a little envious.”

“You should have told me.”

“I promised him I would not interfere.”

“I would have done it. I would have sucked you just like I did him.”

“That would have been making love, though.”

“Next time, I want to suck you. And I want you to fuck me, too.”

“Next time? Do you think there will be a next time? Do you think you’ll want to do this again?”

“I know,” Karla sighed. “In spite of everything, I loved being the center of sexual attention. I hope we can do it again, sometime. Not next Tuesday, but sometime in the future.”

“Honey, you’re making me hard.”

“I know. I like it. It gives me a sense of power when I do it.”

“But you’re too sore for us to make love.”

“True. But there’s nothing wrong with my mouth. I want to make love to your cock with my mouth.”

“Karla,” he said gently, “You don’t have to do that.”

She sighed and moved the towel aside so she could see his growing erection. “I want to,” she whispered. “You haven’t come. I want to make you come, feel your hot juice in my mouth and consume you right here in this bed where you let me fuck all night long.”

She moved her head toward him, pushed her lips against his rod, and began to lick and kiss his length before she engulfed him in her soft mouth.

“I love this new creature that you’ve become, Karla,” he whispered. He was rewarded with a long, reverberating hum as she agreed with him.

Written by aldenbradley
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