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Transcendent Sensuality

"With her husband's encouragement, Karla begins to explore her sexuality."

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“Are you sure you want me to do this?” Karla asked her husband.

Kevin sat in a chair across the bedroom, still attired in his tux. He nodded. “Yes.” The voice was just a whisper.

Karla was clad only in the black bra and panty set she had worn beneath her short cocktail dress, the black thigh-high stockings and the four-inch heels that gave her backside the tantalizing motion that beckoned her potential lover. She looked down and saw the arms of the man, still covered in the sleeves of his shirt. His strong hands caressed her naked abdomen and the underside of her bra-covered left breast. She leaned back into him and tilted her head so she could see him. Her auburn, nearly red hair draped in luxurious waves as she looked into his strong face. Her backside pressed into his groin and she could feel the pressure of his erection.

The excitement of the moment had Karla’s ears ringing. Her mind whirled around the prospect of what was about to happen. Married for twelve years, the mother of two, a business woman of some accomplishment, and a pillar of their small community, Karla had allowed herself to become an object of passion, a vessel of desire, and to surrender to the sensual urge to turn loose of her inhibitions and experience the full spectrum of a truly sexual experience.

She looked into the dark eyes of the man who held her in his arms from behind. “He said yes,” she whispered. “Take me for your pleasure.”

The dark-haired man chuckled in the back of his throat and pressed his hand beneath the band of her panties. “Our pleasure, together,” he murmured. His words had a slight accent. Karla couldn’t tell if it was French, Italian, or some other more obscure and exotic language. She knew it enchanted her. “If you do not have your pleasure,” he continued, “Then I will have failed.”

Karla gasped as his fingers brushed against the flesh beneath her panties. She pulled his head toward hers, her lips seeking out his, aching to repeat the experience of mingling they had shared as she launched herself at him just after Kevin unlocked the door. That was before he had unzipped his wife’s black dress to expose her charms to the man she’d chosen to take as her first extra-marital lover since their wedding.

The decision had been made months earlier. Kevin had coaxed and cajoled her. She had initially resisted on impulse. There was so much they could lose. It was depraved. It just wasn’t right. Yet, as Kevin continued to offer possibilities and options, it seemed to become a nearly imaginable prospect. Of course he would always love her. She would have complete discretion in the selection with the understanding that he would always be present. This was a gift for her from him and for him, as well. The experience and excitement would be exhilarating to a level that could only be imagined. Her beauty, elegance and sensuality mandated an exploration into the heights of her sexuality.

Her instinctive negative reaction gradually moved from, “No!” to “I couldn’t” and eventually to “I shouldn’t.” Kevin continued to encourage her. They experimented with limited tests of her attractiveness in various social situations and advanced into role-playing simulations. He challenged her to select a likely candidate and imagine the experience in the course of their own love-making. With Kevin’s seemingly limitless enthusiasm and reassurance, Karla finally agreed.

They sat next to each other on the plane, hand in hand. “That thing,” she asked him, “That thing we’ve been talking about. Do you really think we should?”

“The tryst?” he asked.

She nodded.

“This would be the perfect opportunity,” he said calmly, in spite of the ravaging excitement that pulsed through him.

“I think I could do it,” she acknowledge softly. “But you have to be there. You have agree, you have to support me, convince me, protect me.”

“Always,” he replied.

“And you will still love me?”

“We are life-mates, Karla,” he replied. “Nothing changes that.”

“Now, tell me one more time why we, why I, should even consider this.”

“For both of us, Karla. Mostly for you to experience the full realm of your sexuality. And for me, to watch your beauty, allure, and enthusiasm as you have uninhibited sex with someone who’s opinion matters not one whit.”

“And I will be safe?”

Kevin nodded. “Absolutely.”

Karla sat quietly for a moment. “Tell me again how we would do this?”

They had a dinner at one of the city’s finest restaurants and shared a two bottles of wine. Kevin was fascinated with Karla’s appearance. She had dressed and made-up exquisitely. He was conscious of other diners close to them, especially the males, who cast frequent glances toward his elegant and desirable wife. His loins stirred with anticipation.

In discussing the next stage of their search for Karla’s potential lover, they agreed on the lounge of the hotel rather than a nightclub.

“In the hotel will be businessmen and travelers,” he noted. “Most will probably be married but unaccompanied. That would be ideal. The club scene is much less restrictive and more dangerous.”

“The hotel bar, then,” Karla agreed. “And what do I do?”

“I’ll go in first and get a seat at the bar. You come in after and see if you can find a table. Order a drink and I’ll tell the bartender I’ll cover it. Then you just go to your seat and wait.”

“What am I waiting for?”

“A likely prospect. You’ll have to survey the crowd and make your selection.”

“What do I do then?”

“Send the barmaid or whomever to the guy and ask him to join you. That way you can get to know him a bit before, well, you know. Just to make sure he’s safe.”

Of course it didn’t happen that way at all. Kevin took his seat at the bar. When Karla made her entrance, she was immediately joined at her table by the man who currently held her in his arms. They had talked and shared drinks. Karla found him engaging and delightful. He confessed to being a visitor in the city. He listened attentively as she told him about her family, her job, and her life. He even managed to ask a few cogent questions.

“So, you are a married lady, then?” the man inquired.

“And the mother of two children,” Karla replied.

“You are remarkably beautiful,” he told her. “And your husband has left you alone?”

“Not really,” she admitted. “He is here, watching me.”

“So, I must be on my best behavior,” he concluded with a smile.

“He is not looking for a fight,” Karla assured him with a light laugh. “He is, I mean, we are looking for a lover.” Her heart tripped over itself and her throat virtually closed up as she realized that she had actually said it. This could be the man, she thought, who she would take inside her.

“A lover?” he asked. “For him?”

“No,” Karla laughed. “For me. Someone like you, young and attractive, who might be willing to have sex with me.”

He looked into her face. “This is unusual,” he said.

She laughed nervously. “I know it seems that way. But, would you be interested?”

“If you were alone, I would certainly. But, if your husband becomes enraged,” he shrugged.

She raised her glass to her lips and downed the contents. “I promise he will not. He wants this for me.”

“How can I be certain?”

“We could go meet him. He can tell you himself. He’s watching me right now.” She pointed a finger toward her partner in conversation. “I’ve just told him I have chosen you.”

The man shifted uneasily. “Where is he?”

“Sitting at the bar,” she said, nodding and smiling at Kevin.

Kevin raised his glass and waited. The man watched him carefully. He cautiously raised his own glass and the two men drank their silent toast.

“You see?” Karla asked.

“It is still unusual.”

“I know. Would you order me another drink while I visit the ladies? Then I will introduce you.”

“Of course,” he replied, standing at the table as Karla gathered her small clutch and made her way out of the room.

He stood and stepped to the bar near where Kevin sat.

“The lady would like another drink,” he told the bartender.

“She’s quite something, isn’t she?” Kevin said.

“Indeed. Her story is quite incredible.”

“But it is the truth.”

“I understand you are the husband?”

“Kevin Williams,” Kevin replied, extending his hand to be shaken.’

“Julian Artegos,” the man replied.

“Nice to meet you,” Kevin responded.

“Let me ask you, why do you do this?” Julian queried.

“Do you see how beautiful and exquisite she is?”

Julian nodded. “Breathtaking.”

“She has been a marvelous and faithful wife. She is the mother of our two children. Now, I would like to see this beautiful, marvelous, breathtaking woman in the throes of multi-orgasmic passion. She deserves that. She should have that.”

“So you intend to observe?”

“I won’t interfere. I will sit quietly in the corner and just watch. Karla has chosen you. I hope you’ll accept our invitation.”

“She is quite beautiful. A man would be a fool to refuse this opportunity. And, yet…” He paused.

“Look, Julian,” Kevin said. “I know this may sound weird. But the fact is, she wants you. What more do you want? You want money?”

“Ah, please!” Julian burst out. “Please! Do not insult me.”

“No insult intended. I just am having trouble figuring out why a man like you would resist the charms of my wife when she has chosen him to be her lover.”

“This is, as you say, the real deal?”

Kevin nodded. “Completely on the level.”

The bartender approached. “Who’s got this one?” he asked.

“Let the gentleman pay,” Kevin suggested. “That way he’ll have an investment.”

“Well, isn’t this cozy,” Karla said as she strode up to the bar where the two men were talking. “Kevin, this is Julian. Julian, my husband Kevin.”

“We’ve introduced ourselves, Karla,” Kevin said, putting his face up for a kiss. She kissed him tenderly. “Julian seemed unconvinced.”

Julian looked up from signing the tab for Karla’s fresh drink. “Not unconvinced,” he smiled. “Actually, I am much more at ease now than in the beginning.”

“Is this for me?” Karla asked as she reached for her glass.

“It is,” Julian replied. “My pleasure.”

Karla raised her glass. “To pleasure,” she grinned.

“So, are we all agreed here?” Kevin asked his wife and Julian.

“You seriously wish that I make love to your wife?” Julian asked.

Karla leaned into Julian, pressing herself against him. Her heart thundered as she put her lips next to his ear. “Not make love, darling. Fuck,” she said in a half whisper so Kevin could hear.

Kevin reached into his pocket and pulled out the key card. “I have the key to our suite right here,” he said, looking into Julian’s eyes. “I suggest we move there so we can all have some privacy.”

“Is this truly what you wish?” Julian asked Karla.

She looked at him for a moment. Then she grasped his face between her hands and planted a long, soft, moist kiss on his lips. When she released his lips she looked into his eyes. “Yes, dear Julian,” she said in a low murmur. “I want you to come to our room and fuck me while my husband watches us.”

“A return on my investment?” Julian quipped to Kevin.

“Exactly,” Kevin agreed, rising from his place and tossing a twenty on the bar before leading his wife and Julian from the lounge and into the lobby toward the elevators.

Kevin slowly removed his tie and loosened his collar while he watched his wife in Julian’s arms. The mixture of emotions, excitement, arousal, and a tinge of jealousy raced through his mind and body as he saw the man push her thick waves of auburn hair away from her shoulder and neck, lowering his lips to the soft, warm flesh. Kevin knew all too well the effects those kisses would have on Karla, and his knowledge was confirmed by the soft, moaning sigh that welled up from her throat. He saw the man’s fingers slide beneath the cup of her bra and tantalize the nub of her erect nipples. Karla’s right hand dropped to Julian’s trousers and pressed against the bulge his swelling member created. She stroked it as if petting a beloved animal, her eyes half closed and her mouth half open as she sought the oxygen her arousal demanded.

She turned in his arms to face him. The contrast of her near nakedness against his fully clothed body caused a sharp intake of a gasp from Kevin. He saw Julian’s hand move tenderly along the naked skin of her back, coming to rest on the thin strip of fabric on either side of the catch of her brassiere. Her hands, meanwhile, attended to the buttons of Julian’s shirt. Her hips pressed forward in search of the stimulation of his growing bulge.

Kevin saw the release of the brassiere strap and the expanse of Karla’s skin as Julian released his grip and the ends fell to each side of his wife’s frame. Julian tenderly maneuvered the thin strips of supporting straps toward and over her shoulders, releasing them to descend down her arms. “You’re making me naked,” he heard his wife observe in a breathy statement. Kevin’s own member lurched inside his trousers.

“You are so beautiful,” Julian remarked, leaning forward to plant tender kisses along her collar bone and up to her neck. Karla pushed back the tiniest bit to allow the freed bra to fall away, and her full, heaving breasts, with their engorged projecting nipples came into view. Julian bent forward to capture each nipple in a lightly sucking kiss that sent shudders through Karla’s body. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other, planting her hands against the front of his shoulders.

“Help me with this,” she directed, tugging at the waistband of his trousers, and allowing her hand to drift downward to stroke and caress his growing protrusion.

Julian raised his right hand to her left breast. He thumbed across the nipple as he used his other hand to release the cufflink. Just as quickly, he shifted his attention to the other breast, applying a gentle tugging to the nipple while he freed the opposite sleeve.

“Quickly now,” she whispered into his mouth as her lips sought his. “I want to feel your naked skin against mine.” She captured his lips with her own, pressing her tongue into his mouth, and groaning as he sucked on the offered organ and rapidly dispensed with the remaining buttons on his shirt, stripping it off and tossing it carelessly aside.

Karla’s hands pressed against his chest and slid across to his shoulders, her mouth never leaving his as he quickly worked the catch of his trousers and allowed them to fall to his ankles. She finally pulled away and looked into his eyes. She dropped to a knee in front of him and took hold of one shoe, then the other, and stripped off his socks, one after the other.

Her mission accomplished, she looked up to his face. Between them, the bulge in his dark, plaid boxers was pronounced and beckoning.

“I like these,” she breathed, caressing the side of the garment. “May I have them?”

“Of course,” Julian replied.

She grasped the waistband and pulled. The silken shorts slid down his thigh until they caught on his member. She tugged the garment forward and over the protrusion. She held them until Julian stepped out of them, then she tossed them toward a chair.

“Oh, my,” she whispered, her eyes and a hand capturing the completely erect rod of flesh that she had uncovered.

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“This is magnificent.” She moved it slowly side to side, as if inspecting it.

“This is the first,” she murmured, “Since Kevin and I married. This is very special to me.”

“You should kiss it,” Kevin offered from his chair.

Karla looked surprised, almost startled to hear his voice. “Do you think I should?” she asked. “I want to, but…” she paused.

“Nothing is reserved,” Kevin said. “If you want to, then you should do it.”

Julian interlaced his fingers in her thick hair, neither pulling nor pushing; neither encouraging nor discouraging what Karla might choose to do.

She leaned forward a bit and put a soft, gentle kiss on the side of the shaft, her hand steadying it.

“It’s like satin covered steel,” she remarked almost casually, She placed her lips against it, closer to the tip. This kiss she held for much longer. “This is wonderful,” she said.

A small bead of clear liquid on the tip caught her attention. She flattened her tongue and pressed the center of it on the tip, dragging the droplet with her as her tongue swept across the head.

She closed her mouth, leaned back, and appeared to test the flavor, pressing her tongue along the roof of her mouth. “Oh,” she murmured. “That was wonderful. It tasted sexy, salty, savory and decadent.”

“Don’t tease him, Karla,” Kevin directed.

“Just a sample,” she told Julian. She put her lips to the tip and pressed him into her mouth.

Julian groaned as her lips enveloped him and her tongue pressed and dance under and around his hardness. She sucked him deliberately, her tongue emphasizing the action by rubbing along the underside. Her eyes caught those of Kevin as he sat in his chair. She wondered what his mind and body would experience as he watched his beloved wife’s lips wrapped around the hard cock of another man. Kevin smiled and nodded in approval. Karla returned her focus to Julian and his firm rod sliding between her lips.

Kevin was enjoying this, Karla concluded. He liked seeing her all but naked with the meat of Julian in her mouth, one hand pulling his ass forward and the other stroking and gently scratching his balls. Julian was enjoying it, too, she presumed from his tender stroking of her scalp under the mane of her hair. He wasn’t face-fucking her. He stood still and let Karla determine the depth and rhythm of her mouth on him. Her nipples ached with arousal as she concluded that her most earnest desire was to feel that cock penetrate her.

She pulled away, sucking her saliva off Julian’s hardness as she withdrew. Her eyes looked into his as she tenderly kissed the tip. She stood up in front of him. Julian surprised her when he grasped her chin and pulled her lips to hers. His tongue invaded the space where his cock so recently resided. Karla’s juices flowed as she realized that Julian wanted to taste himself on her tongue. He wanted her to know that he was not put off by any part of what had happened.

After a few moments, she pulled back with a labored gasp. She put her lips to the ridge of his jawline just in front of his ear. “To the bed,” she urged him. “Come fuck me now.” She stepped back, grabbed the waist string of her thong and pulled it off her hips, down her thighs and over the stockings and heels. She turned and backed toward the bed, grasping his hand and pulling him with her.

“Soon,” Julian said, as she sat on the edge and pushed herself back toward the center. He knelt on the bed between her legs and aimed his head toward the top of her stockings.

“Not now, please,” Karla pleaded. “I want you inside me.”

“Trust me,” Julian replied. He kissed the inside of her thigh once or twice before moving directly to the smooth, clean, tender flesh glistening with the moisture of her arousal. “I simply must taste this nectar,” he murmured to her.

“Oh, please,” she cried. “I’m aching for you.”

Karla’s next sound was nearly a scream as Julian’s tongue divided the folds and pressed into the already erect tissue of her clit. She moaned and raised her hips, her hands grasping at the bed clothes. She squeezed her thighs on his head for a second before opening them as wide as possible to grant him access.

She looked beyond the bed to where Kevin was sitting. His face was serene and joyful. Karla gasped, “I want him to fuck me, Kevin. I want him so bad.” All the while her hips thrust forward and back in reaction to Julian’s oral ministrations.

“He will,” Kevin assured her, more calmly than he imagined he would be able. His chest thundered with excitement watching his gorgeous wife consumed in desire.

Karla grabbed the underside of her thighs and pulled them toward her chest and spread them as wide as she could. She rolled her hips upward and felt Julian’s tongue invade her. She moaned in abandon. “Oh, please fuck me,” she pleaded. “Fuck me, Julian.”

He raised his dark head for a moment. “Come for me first,” he said, “And then we will fuck.”

“Yes,” Kevin said distinctly from his seat. “Come for him. Come for me. Come for both of us and then you will get your fucking.”

Julian pulled away. He looked down at Karla, crawled up beside her and whispered, “I want you to kneel across my head. I wish to look up and see your face as you come.”

Karla scrambled to her knees, straddled Julian, and eased herself forward until his hands clasped her backside and pulled her onto him.

Julian whispered into her pussy just before it enveloped him. “Perfect. Now come for me.”

Karla put her hands against the wall and rocked her hips on Julian’s face. Kevin could hear the telltale short series of breaths that preceded her orgasm.

“Put your tongue in me,” she ordered. “That’s it,” she said. “Oh, fuck! That’s it.”

She moaned and wailed and cried out as the orgasm swept over her. “Oh! Oh! Oh!” she cried. “There! There! There! Ahhhhhhhhh!” She was gasping and panting. She had the presence of mind to slide backwards off Julian’s face so he could breathe.

“You are marvelous,” he murmured. “So beautiful in the orgasm.”

“Mmmm,” Karla hummed in acknowledgement. “Will you please fuck me now?”

“No,” he replied. “But I will allow you to fuck on me.”

“What?” Karla seemed confused.

“You are now on top. If you wish it, I am hard and ready for you.”

“But I want to be fucked,” she protested.

“And it will be so. But, for the first time, you must have the control.”

“You want me…?”

“Lower yourself on top of me,” he explained. “You give yourself to me rather than me taking from you.”

Karla crawled down Julian’s body. She knelt over him, took his cock in one hand, swiped it across her flooded slit and placed the head at her entrance. She turned her head to the left so she could see Kevin. “No going back,” she told him.

“I know,” he replied. “Please.”

She released her handhold on Julian’s cock and began to ease down on him. She felt him at the ring of her resistance and paused. “We’re going to fuck now,” she told Julian softly and eased him into her depths.

“Ah, yes!” Julian breathed as she absorbed him.

“Oh, fuck!” Karla moaned. “That feels so good. It’s full, and nasty, and wonderful.” She paused to allow herself to adjust to the feeling.

“You look stunning,” Kevin offered from his corner of the room.

Karla just hummed. She looked down at Julian, her eyes glistening. “Good?” she whispered.

“Your husband is correct. You are stunning. It is very good.”

“I want to move,” she murmured, putting her hands on his shoulders. “But, I love feeling right there where you are.”

He smiled into her face. “You choose,” he suggested.

She began to rock easily on him, feeling the partial withdrawal and full insertion as she did.

“Oh,” she gasped. “That feels so fucking good!’

Julian reached up to grasp her breasts gently. His thumbs played across the swollen flesh of her nipples.

“If you do that, I’ll come,” she warned him.

“Rather the idea isn’t it?” he said with a grin. He watched as her hair swung back and forth while she rocked on him.

Kevin noticed the same motion as he watched his wife. He could also clearly see the hardened flesh rod of her lover as it appeared and disappeared, being absorbed into her body. His own cock was uncomfortably confined in his trousers. He shifted slightly, opened the zipper and freed his member. It stood nearly vertical and throbbed as he saw his wife accept the penetration of that strange cock.

“Oh, fuck!” he heard her mutter. This new, bizarre, highly charged sexual situation apparently encouraged her to use words he’d rarely heard from her. He’d noted it before, when she’d told Julian she wanted him to fuck her, for example. He smiled and nodded as he absorbed the vision and sounds of her release to ultimate carnality.

In her search for additional stimulation, Karla adjusted her motion to include a rise and fall action to the rocking. The rhythm increased, as did her breathing. “I want to fuck,” she gasped in a tempo, each word accenting a motion. “I want to get fucked,” she continued in the same pattern.

“Soon,” Julian replied with a slight strain in his voice. “Come again for us.”

Karla lowered her head and allowed her hips to pound on Julian’s thighs. Kevin could hear the slap as her flesh impacted his.

“I’m there,” he heard her state. “Just a few more…Oh! Oh! Oh! … Agghhhh!” she groaned, yet continuing to pound on Julian. The ferocity diminished after a few more strokes and she allowed herself to fall forward, her forearms on either side of Julian’s head.

“Good?” he asked her.

“Oh, fuck, yes!” she replied somewhat breathlessly.

“Slide up here, then, so I may taste the goodness.”

“What?” she asked.

“Come, come,” he instructed, tugging at her hips.

“You’re crazy,” she said, rising up on all fours. His cock slipped out of her. “We’ve been fucking.”

Julian smiled. “It is you and it is me. I have tasted you and you have tasted me. Now I will taste the two of us together.”

“But I want your cock,” Karla argued, nearly weeping. She knelt above his head and put her hands against the wall.

“And you shall have it,” Julian replied. “But for now, let me taste us.”

Karla sighed as Julian’s tongue went to work among her delicate, used folds. The sigh turned into a quavering sound as found the perfect spot to excite her.

Julian licked and suckled at her nether parts for just a few moments before his hands raised her backside off his face. “Enough,” he said. “On your hands and knees facing your husband.”

Karla rolled off him and turned to see Kevin in the corner, slowly stroking himself as he watched. She smiled wanly. “Is this all too awful for you?” she whispered tenderly.

Kevin shook his head. “It is everything I’d hoped it would be. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, my darling,” she replied.

“Look into his eyes,” Julian directed, lining himself up with her and easing his hardness into her moist love canal.

“Oh, fuck,” Karla whispered. “He’s going to fuck me now, I think.”

“Enjoy, my darling,” Kevin said. “You are incredible.”

This is exactly what Kevin imagined as they had explored the possibilities over the past few months. He watched his wife’s face while she was fucked, and thrilled at the changes that swept over her. There was the surprise of the initial contact, her eyes wide and mouth open. Both closed and her jaw pulsed as she was fully penetrated. Her eyes opened and he saw her focused on him as her lover established his rhythm. He saw the lust there along with her love for him. Her hands alternately formed into fists, and then opened, spread wide and flattened on the bed sheet. Her mouth formed into a small “O” as her breathing became a ragged series of gasps. Her soft, auburn hair trailed over her left shoulder, shimmering and waving as her body shuddered in response to her lover’s thrusts. Her hands gripped the sheets and her head lowered for a moment, obscuring his view of her face. She raised it up again to look at Kevin as she moaned in ecstasy. He saw the surprise and determination flicker across her countenance as the orgasm approached and crested, accompanied by her cry of release.

“You are so beautiful,” he said softly as she came down from her crest.

“Uh, hmm, hmm, hmm,” she grunted as the regular impact of Julian’s cock continued. “How did you know?” she gasped. “How did you know I would love to get fucked like this?”

He smiled gently. He did know. The signs had been there in their own lovemaking. It was both tender and enthusiastic. There was an edge. He sensed she wanted something else; something more. It was the difference between making love and getting fucked. He had tried, but knew that she was holding back, afraid that he might lose respect for her if she was too wanton.

She lowered her head to the bed and grunted each time Julian’s thrusts pounded into her. A long moan escaped her throat as the next climax approached.

“Oh, FUCK!” she cried. “I’m going to come again!”

“Me, too,” Julian gasped. “You must tell me where? On your ass? Over your back? Inside you?”

Karla raised her head to look at Kevin. “Inside me,” she said, staring hard into Kevin’s face. “Fill me with your hot come!”

Kevin smiled and nodded. She was protected. She wanted the full experience. He wanted it for her.

He saw Karla grit her teeth and look straight into his eyes. He knew she was intent that she should see her face when she came and when he blasted his come deep inside her.

“Come! Come! Come!” she chanted as Julian pounded into her.

Suddenly, everything stopped.

Karla seemed frozen, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. Julian had buried his cock to its full extent within her, grasping her hips and pulling her onto him. He groaned in a loud cry.

Karla’s right fist pounded the bed and she screamed. “Fuck! FUCK! Coming! Yes! Coming! Oh, FUCK!”

Kevin sat in in chair, trying to force himself to breathe. He saw Karla still kneeling on the bed, her forehead pressed onto the sheet. Her auburn tresses formed a curtain obscuring her features. But he though he saw her shoulders shaking in an irregular pattern.

Julian had withdrawn and collapsed in a chair near the window, trying to regain a regular pattern of breathing.

“Are you all right, Karla?” her husband asked gently.

He saw her hair move as she nodded, but was sure he could hear the occasional sob among the gasps of breath. Kevin stood and tucked his softening member in his trousers, zipping them. He took the three short steps toward the bed and his wife. He tenderly lifted a corner of the mane of her hair. She raised her head and looked at him, tears streaming down her cheeks.

He hurriedly knelt on one knee beside the bed. “What is it, darling,” Kevin whispered. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“Oh, god, Kevin,” she said. “I’m not hurt. That was just the most… I don’t know…the most incredible thing.”

Kevin chuckled in the face of her tears. He wiped them away. “So good it made you weep?”

She nodded, still panting. “I came so much,” she gasped. “And I just kept coming and coming. And then Julian came and I was just…I don’t know. It was like, I almost passed out.”

He looked across the hunched frame of his wife at Julian who was now leaning forward in his chair with a look of concern on his face.

“So it was a good thing?” Kevin asked his wife.

“It was wonderful,” she sobbed. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

Kevin smiled at Julian and nodded to indicate that all was well. Julian relaxed in his chair.

“Why don’t you roll over and lie down?” Kevin suggested to Karla.

She eased over onto her side and Kevin swept the hair out of her face. She dabbed at her eyes.

“What the hell?” she asked in an angry tone. “What’s wrong with me?”

“Nothing, darling,” Kevin replied. “Just an emotional overload, maybe?”

“Perhaps I should leave the two of you?” Julian suggested, rising from his seat.

“No!” Karla replied sharply. “You stay.”

Julian looked at Kevin with a cocked eyebrow.

“Um, why don’t you use the bathroom, or shower off, or something,” Kevin suggested.

“Thank you,” Julian said, moving toward the bathroom.

Written by aldenbradley
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