Twenty-eight year old Lacey showed up at the office at the beginning of the year; a bright shiny face, alluring smile and the type of pleasing, slightly hippy ass that grabs your attention. It certainly grabbed mine.
Since that day, had I masturbated to thoughts of Lacey? Of course. However, the notion that this late twenty-something would entertain the thought of rolling around naked with a VP from the office, seemed as ridiculous as you might imagine.
Lacey has the type of teenaged-sized breasts that are seductively deceiving. Sometimes you’d catch a glance and they exuded sensuality-- prominent and perky. At other times, you might pass her in the office and they seemed to have all but disappeared; swimming somewhere beneath a fashionable blouse and blazer combo. At best, I figured them to be the size of small, ripe navel oranges, always beckoning you to steal another quick glance. I even contemplated risking more than I should, to snap a stealthy cell pic of her peek-a-boo, 36B, boobies.
Instead, I opted for leveraging my outgoing personality to develop a workplace friendship. I’d pop into her office on a frequent basis, drinking up that overabundance of girl-next-door mystique, all the while chatting her up about life outside work. She seemed to appreciate my humor and, while twenty years separated us in age, we often shared the kind of laughs that help to breakup the workday routine. She almost always flashed her bubbly, bright smile when I ducked into the doorway, but my favorite encounters were when she was sporting the sexiest pair of dark rimmed computer glasses-- perfectly framing her sparkling green eyes. At times, it was hard to avoid simply staring at her, she was just so damn sexy!
Lacey has a light golden glow to her skin tone. She sports bouncy, dirty blonde hair that falls just below her shoulders and perfectly matches her cheery facial expressions. However, it leaves me with the distinct notion that if there was a “carpet,” it’s unlikely to match the “drapes.”
Full disclosure: So, I’m the kind of guy that appreciates a nicely groomed medium bush. It’s a naturally erotic visual on a woman’s body, and it’s a shame that so many young women have in their head the need to shave themselves bare; the unfortunate consequences of Madison Avenue marketing.
Perhaps my favorite days to see Lacey were Fridays. I often had a reason to touch base with her regarding office matters, and the dress code for the end of the week was usually business casual. Plus, there were weekend plans to chat about. We would converse about weekends on a fairly personal level. As relative newlywed, she’d often fill me in on what she and her husband, Joey, had in store for the days ahead. I, of course, reciprocated. This type of casual friendship had continued over the better part of the past year, since she had joined the firm.
Now don’t get me wrong, my wife and I have been very happily married for many years. Though were in our forties now, we continue to have an amazingly adventurous and satisfying sex life; we share lots of good times. We’re blessed to be both successful and affluent, having worked hard in the years leading up to today, to enjoy a very enviable lifestyle.
That said, it’s hard not to appreciate the vibrant personality of what might be the most sexually attractive, “average girl” I’ve regularly laid eyes on in quite some time. The rest of the talent in our office has long had a history of being marginal, at best! Fortunately, that’s been changing somewhat over the past few years, as several attractive women have joined the office, including a young Latina that others seem to really be taken with-- which has left Lacey and I to fraternize completely under the radar; theirs, yet admittedly, probably not hers.
I’m a sucker for a sexy, lacy panties and bra set-- particularly if they’re light pink. On friskier days, I could almost imagine her wearing just such undergarments beneath her work attire. She often wore low heeled pumps that artfully elevated her slightly wider than average butt, and I welcomed the mornings when she was in the break room, wearing that style of shoe, as I went to grab a morning cup of coffee. Her ass cheeks were lifted into a position that I found to be perfectly suited for coming up on her from behind; just a really nice visual. Don’t get me wrong, this was all just a far-fetched fantasy that I have never taken seriously-- just typical guy thoughts.
So, then, as summer faded into fall, I stopped by Lacey’s office late one Friday afternoon just to say hi and see what was up for the weekend ahead.
“Hey there,” she said, looking up from her cell phone, “I was just texting with my mom. She’s coming into town tonight and I’m suppose to meet her over at the Hyatt Place. Looks like she’s going to be later than expected.”
Of course, my first thought was that her mother was probably about my age, but I dismissed that concern.
“Yeah, Joey is out of town and mom was coming in to spend the weekend with me. She likes to stay out of my hair, so, anyway, I was going to meet her at the hotel, but it looks like she won’t be there until after 9pm,” she frowned a bit as her voice tailed off.
I wished her a nice weekend with her mom and turned to walk out of her office.
“Hey!” she called out, “what have you got going on? Want to meet me for a drink in the hotel bar while I wait for mom?”
I paused for a moment to contemplate her question before speaking up, “Sure.”
“Great! I should be able to finish up in the next half hour,” she responded with a smile, “I meet you there.”
I have to admit that I had a youthful spring in my step as I walked to the car and made my way over to the hotel. I was familiar with Hyatt Place, having met clients there for a breakfast meeting on a number of occasions, so I knew the layout and made my way to the cozy bar located just past the reception area. As you might suspect, the patrons were folks traveling on business.
Sitting down at the bar, I ordered my usual Jack and Coke, and delved into some people watching while I waited.
Perhaps, it was situational fate, but my wife had headed down to the beach for a few days with her girlfriend, so there was no place I needed to be. I spent a half hour trying to stereotype a few of the patrons and enjoyed a stiff double, which had me relaxed in, seemingly, no time at all.
A few minutes later, I turned around and saw Lacey making her way into the bar. She had ditched the blazer and I watched as her small-ish titties bounced within the confines of her silky white blouse. She flashed a smile as she spotted me; however, my eyes nonchalantly focused on her sexy gait, as she made her way towards me in low heels and a pair of black jeans. I wanted to pretend it had no effect on me, but it did.
Lacey saddled up to the bar and I ordered her a glass of wine.
For the next half hour or so, we chatted about small stuff, making previously unspoken observations about various co-workers and such. I sat in a barstool, turned towards her, and she stood at the bar facing me. I took advantage of the setting and focused on the seductive qualities of her gleaming brown eyes. Her lashes set her stare off perfectly. I must admit that I took note of her darkened eyebrows, and my mind wandered a bit.
A few minutes later, the guy on the next barstool piped up to engage us in small talk. Lacey politely turned to chat with him, and in doing so, she hefted her ass, nesting herself on my knee. I immediately felt the heat that emanated from between her legs. Instinctually, I placed my hand just above her hip, as if to steady her.

We finished a few more rounds of drinks and things continued to heat up. I’m certain the other patrons at the bar assumed we were a couple, and I guess, maybe, we were. Lacey had moved in and positioned herself between my knees. We were in close quarters, as she stood between my stool and the bar rail. She giggled and flirted through our conversation, before reaching into the front pocket of her jeans and nonchalantly taking out a tube of lip gloss. She casually applied it as we chatted. Moments later, Lacey leaned in and gently placed her lips on mine; the tips of our tongues tangled briefly and I tasted the scented strawberry gloss as they parted. I reached up slowly and my fingertips traced down the front of her blouse, lightly brushing her breast and across the slight protrusion of her turgid areola. She broke our kiss and opened her eyes-- her shimmering stare locked with mine.
The next hour passed with a playful game of sexually-charged flirtation.
In the midst of her sentence, Lacey caught a familiar face across the floor that redirected her attention.
“Mom!” she called out.
I turned to look and saw a pretty woman; 5’ 7”, maybe twenty-three or twenty-four when she had Lacey. Making her way towards our seats the bar, other than her brunette hair, she could easily have been mistaken for Lacey’s older sister-- they were even dressed the same!
Her mother’s breasts were just a bit larger; medium-sized orbs with the slightly heavier look you’d might expect from a more mature woman. Her hips had, perhaps, an extra pound or two, but still, she had an ass that had a similar appeal to that of her daughter. I was fine with that.
Lacey’s voice broke my trance as I inconspicuously surveyed her mom’s body.
“Mom, this is Dawson,” smiling, as she introduced us. “He works in my office. Dawson, this is my mom, Jen.”
I smiled, telling Jen it was a pleasure to meet her; our eyes met as I did.
“Dawson accepted my invitation to join me for a drink while I waited for you to arrive,” Lacey stated, as if attempting to justify my presence.
I stole another glance at Jen’s 36C breasts as she turned to her daughter an apologized for being late. I’m not a fake tit guy, and it was my luck that Jen’s were both natural and alluring. There’s something about a fortyish woman who wears a well-fitted bra that accents her shape, but still can’t completely hide the slightest sag that comes with age. Natural breasts the size of navel oranges, that just call out to be hefted.
I ordered another round of drinks and the three of us commiserated about what a hassle travel has become these days. Jen’s trip had, apparently, provided her a number of humorous observations. Oddly enough, even though I’m fairly certain she had some suspicions that the budding friendship her daughter and I were engaged in, was perhaps crossing a line, however, the conversation among us was fun and relaxed.
I found myself almost mesmerized by how much the two of them shared the same mannerisms. It was hard for me not to stare at Jen as her brown hair bobbed with expressive gestures. With each sip of my highball, I’d steal a peek at the subtle way her boobs swayed with her movement. This was an intriguing and incredibly titillating predicament.
The girls soon excused themselves and headed toward the ladies room together.
While they were gone, I began to second guess myself. ‘Had Jen seen Lacey and I in a rather promiscuous position,’ I wondered? ‘It might be best for me to call it a night and let them spend some mother-daughter time together.’
I was lost in thought when I was jolted back to the present, as two hands came from behind to cover my eyes.
“Hey there, sexy! Guess who?” Lacey’s voice sounded playful, almost giddy, in my ear. With my eyes still covered, she ducked around and quickly planted a wet kiss on my cheek.
Once my vision was returned I practically fell off my stool! Jen staring right at me with a mischievous smile flashing across her face. I was more than a little perplexed, though I did my best to play it off.
It certainly wasn’t easy, especially when Jen said, “Well,” pausing briefly, “that’s enough to make a girl jealous!”
Lacey turned towards the bartender and raised her hand to order the group another round. I was just beginning to wonder how I was going to make it home, when Jen put her hand on my thigh and asked if I would help her in getting her luggage up to her room a bit later. I shifted my attention back down to her breasts as I tried to comprehend her intent, before acknowledging her request.
“Of course, Jen,” I replied, with a smile.
Lacey twirled back around and asked if I was interested in grabbing something to eat? Both girls simultaneously glanced at each other, as I shrugged my shoulders.
“Sure, if you two do,” I said.
Jen looked back towards the bar before chiming in, “Why don’t we finish our drinks and get my luggage up to the room and we can decide from there?”
We all agreed and continued the party. I was curious to find out a little more about Jen’s situation and asked . What I discovered was that Lacey’s dad had passed away unexpectedly about five years ago. Her mom had dipped in and out of the dating scene from time to time, but had no real interest in getting remarried, at least for the time being.
One thing is for sure, I definitely took notice of a different, upbeat, almost sexually-charged vibe to our conversation since the girls had returned from the bathroom. They seemed to share looks between themselves frequently. Just as I pondered to myself about it again, Lacey glanced at her mom, and reached over and touched my knee.
“You know,” her voice trailing off with slight hesitation, “if you’re not absolutely starving, perhaps,” sheepishly pausing again.
“What?” I questioned, “what are you thinking?”
Her eyes darted about our surroundings before continuing. “I’m not famished. I’m not sure about you, mom, but if Dawson isn’t starving, maybe...” Again, Lacey looked over at her mom before continuing, “Like I said, I’m not that hungry. I’d be content just to watch you eat mom's pussy!” she winked with a smile as she came out with it.
I must have looked like a deer in headlights!
‘What did Lacey just...’ my thought abruptly interrupted.
“Mom and I even thought it might be fun if you were up to being a judge in our little contest-- a taste-off, of sorts,” she giggled nervously at the words that had just left her mouth, “I mean, if you think you’re hungry enough?”
I was speechless, but I had a quick imagination, and the thought of a two natural muffs perched open, begging for my attention, was the instant visual!
Jenny was certainly a MILF, and let’s face it, probably only a couple of years older than me, and, there had definitely been plenty of flirting that had lead us to this point in the evening. Still, the whole thing just seemed so surreal!
Jen broke the awkward silence with her own brand of reassurance. She reached over an placed her hand directly over my stirring crotch. She rubbed it gently as she spoke.
“Why don’t we grab another drink, baby,” Jen closed the space between us as she her voice softened. “We can have fun with my daughter’s idea and, then, if you’ll help me to get my luggage up to my room, I’m sure the two of us can help you take a load off. This girl is no vegetarian!” Jen quipped as she smiled. “My daughter might be, but even still, every girl needs her protein.”
My dick quickly stiffened under Jen’s attentive palm. Seconds later, we all reached for our drinks.