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The Victory Selfie

"Some messages are better left unsent."

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⁤It all started on a typical Thursday morning for Kendra Russo. ⁤⁤She got out of bed as usual, being cautious not to wake Cameron, her husband of sixteen years, who was still cuddled up under the blankets. ⁤⁤She paused for a moment to look down at his portly form, a stark contrast to her well-maintained physique.

The room was filled with the unpleasant sound of loud snoring, which had become an all too frequent soundtrack to their nights. His mouth was slightly ajar, a detail that, combined with the snoring, painted a less-than-flattering picture. ⁤⁤Her gaze drifted to the outline of his manhood, subpar in both size and function.

Kendra shook off these thoughts and tiptoed across the room, her mind already transitioning to the day ahead. She turned on the coffee maker in the kitchen, and soon the room was filled with a delicious aroma that brought her a little comfort.

She filled two glasses, setting one in front of Cameron's customary place at the breakfast table. Their Thursday morning ritual had grown to be a pillar of their marriage. It was a moment for light discussion, a break before the responsibilities of the day took them apart.

But this morning, Kendra noticed that her mind kept going back to the previous evening. It had been another in a long series of unpleasant sexual encounters with her husband. He lasted only a few minutes before prematurely ejaculating, rolling off of her, and falling asleep. Their intimacy, if it could be called that, left her feeling empty and unfulfilled. Afterwards, she would slip away into the guest bedroom, using a vibrator and her fingers to find relief. Last night was no different.

One may have assumed the couple would use the summer to rekindle their sex life while their fourteen-year-old son William and eleven-year-old daughter Emily were away at their respective summer camps. However, Cameron preferred spending his time at home kicking back on the couch, aloof and disengaged. He would be departing tonight on his usual Thursday-Sunday three-city trip as a pilot for Southwest Airlines. He had been on this schedule for the past two years.

With a disappointed expression on his face, Cameron looked around as he sat down at the breakfast table. "No eggs this morning?" he said, annoyance apparent in his voice. Scrambled eggs for breakfast was a crucial aspect of his flyout day routine, which was partially driven by his OCD. Kendra had only hoped that he wouldn't make a big deal out of it this time. She should have known better.

Kendra sighed internally, feeling a familiar agitation bubble up. "I'm sorry, we’re out," she replied.

Cameron frowned, pushing his chair back with a scrape. "You know I like having scrambled eggs on Thursday mornings. Could you hurry over to the supermarket and get some?" His request was more of a directive than a question, and it struck a nerve in Kendra.

"Fine, I'll go get the eggs," she said, her voice steady but laced with bitterness. As Kendra got dressed to go to the supermarket, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. At forty-five, she still took pride in her appearance. She admired the reflection that greeted her – a testament to her commitment to self-care. She maintained regular hair and waxing appointments, not for Cameron, but for herself. It was her way of affirming her worth and attractiveness.

Her shoulder-length dirty blonde hair framed her face, giving off an aura of calm beauty. Her luscious lips and expressive hazel eyes gave her look a glamorous touch while also demonstrating her inner fortitude and resilience. Her tits were perky and lacked the typical sag that accompanied women in their forties. Her ass was the envy of many, and her jeans accentuated it in just the perfect manner. It was a feature she was quietly proud of, one that effortlessly captured attention, whether she was in a casual pair of jeans or more formal attire.

Daily exercise was a ritual that provided her mental and physical strength. Kendra had always held out hope that Cameron would be as passionate about fitness as her, but it was not to be. Over the years, she had made countless attempts to get him to accompany her on her morning runs or to the gym, but all of her efforts had been in vain. Despite being overweight and physically unfit by anyone’s standard, Cameron had little desire to alter his way of life at forty-eight years old.

In the grocery store, Kendra was browsing the dairy aisle when she caught sight of a younger man with a chiseled physique. He was probably in his mid-to-late twenties, and he exuded a confident vibe that was difficult to ignore. His symmetrical face was perfectly framed by his short, well-groomed brown hair, with a hint of stubble that only enhanced his rugged charm.

His t-shirt hugged his muscular arms and chest in a way that left little to the imagination. He was perusing the milk options, his well-toned arms flexing slightly with each movement. As their eyes met, he flashed her a charming smile and approached.

"Hi there," he said, his voice smooth and inviting. "I couldn't help but notice you from across the aisle. I hope this isn't too forward, but you're absolutely stunning."

Kendra felt a surge of excitement. She had never been approached by someone as attractive as this man. His compliment sent a thrill through her. "Thank you, that's very kind of you to say," she replied, trying to maintain her composure despite the exhilaration she felt.

"I'm Scott,” he continued, extending his hand. "And you are?"

“Kendra,” she replied, her clit throbbing as she shook his strong hand.

They struck up a conversation about the most mundane things – the best fruits to buy, recipe ideas – but to Kendra, it felt electrifying. His confidence was alluring, yet he carried himself with an air of genuine respect that was refreshing.

As their conversation flowed, Kendra was acutely aware of how wet she was becoming, a reaction she hadn't experienced in years. She was both excited and perplexed by the sudden and powerful sensations.

"You must be a great cook," Scott commented, his eyes lingering on her with evident admiration.

Kendra laughed, "I try my best. Cooking is one of my passions."

"I can see that," Scott replied. "You know, I'd love to get to know you better. Give me your number and we'll meet up for coffee sometime.”

Kendra's heart sank as she realized the gravity of the situation. She hesitated, the internal struggle evident in her eyes. Her mind raced as her marital vows clashed with the intense attraction she felt. With a heavy sigh, she responded, "I... I'm sorry, I can't. I'm married." It took every ounce of strength for her to decline.

Scott’s face fell slightly, he glanced at the diamond on her left ring finger and mentally slapped himself for not noticing earlier. "I respect that. Your husband is a lucky guy. I didn’t mean to overstep. Take care, Kendra.”

As he turned to leave, Kendra felt a pang of regret, an emotion so strong it took her by surprise. A reckless impulse seized her, and she called after him, "Wait, Scott.”

He turned back, a curious glimmer in his eyes.

"Maybe... maybe I could take your number instead. For... just in case,” she suggested. “If things ever change, you’ll be the first to know."

"Absolutely," he said, his face lighting up with a smile. He quickly recited his number and Kendra entered it into her phone, her fingers trembling slightly.

"Thank you, Kendra. I hope you'll use it one day,” he said, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made her pussy quiver.

As Scott walked away, Kendra felt a whirlwind of emotions. Nobody, not even Cameron in his prime, had ever made her feel the way Scott did. She left the store with more than just a carton of eggs; she carried with her a renewed sense of self. For the first time in years, she felt desired and alive.

The encounter with Scott at the grocery store had ignited something within Kendra. It was as if a long-dormant part of her had come to life, a part that begged for passion and excitement. With Cameron away on his three-city trip, Kendra found herself alone with these newfound feelings, a mix of exhilaration and rejuvenation.

Each night that weekend, she drew herself a luxurious bubble bath, creating a sanctuary where she could be alone with her thoughts and vibrator. Her mind drifted to Scott as she lay in the warm water; his alluring smile, his toned body, and the way he made her feel seen and wanted. She channeled the energy from these fantasies into a series of deeply satisfying sessions. Orgasm after orgasm, she let herself be carried away by the vivid imagery of what it might be like to have sex with Scott.

While these fantasies gave her a fresh lease on life, they also cast a harsh light on the reality of her sex life with Cameron. The contrast between her dreams and their realities was painfully obvious when he returned from his travels. Cameron did not change; he had no desire to delve into the depths of closeness that Kendra was now yearning for. She tried to start more, to bring some of the passion she experienced in her alone time to their shared bed, but Cameron remained unmoved. He was still the three-minute man he had always been, adhering to his routine with an indifference to Kendra's growing dissatisfaction.

A month later, Kendra finally decided to broach the subject of their lackluster sex life to Cameron. It was another quiet Thursday morning, Kendra was seated across from Cameron at the breakfast table, a mixture of nervousness and resolve whirling inside of her. For days, she had been thinking about the talk and practicing her speech in an attempt to figure out how to bring up such a sensitive but important topic.

"Cam, I've been thinking," Kendra began, her voice steady yet gentle. "I feel like we've been struggling with our intimacy for a while now, and I really believe we could benefit from seeing a therapist to help us improve our sex life."

Cameron's expression abruptly changed. His brows furrowed, and there was a hint of defensiveness in his tone. "What do you mean? I think our sex life is fine as it is."

Kendra tried to maintain a composed and empathetic tone. "I know you might feel that way, but I don't. I believe we can have a much more fulfilling intimate relationship if we work on it together, with professional help."

Cameron became even more defensive. "So, you're saying I'm not good enough? Look, I know couples who don't even have sex anymore. We're not like them."

Kendra persisted, hoping to get through to him. "It's not about anyone else. It's about us, both of us, being happy and satisfied. I just think we have different needs and expectations, and a therapist could help us bridge that gap."

He wouldn’t back down. Cameron’s lack of self awareness and refusal to acknowledge his shortcomings in the bedroom made him dismiss her concerns. "I don't need someone else telling me how to be with my own wife. Forget it, Kendra."

Cameron turned away from Kendra and resumed eating his breakfast. Her heart sank as she realized the gap between them seemed insurmountable. His unwillingness to even consider therapy, to work on enhancing their connection, was a clear indication of how deeply entrenched his beliefs and attitudes were.

After the tense silence, Kendra, taking a deep breath, turned back to Cameron. She decided to try a different approach.

"Cam, something happened last month that made me think," she began cautiously. "I was at the grocery store, and this young, attractive guy in his twenties came up to me. He was muscular, charming, and he asked for my number."

Cameron looked up, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"I declined, of course," Kendra continued. "But it made me realize there are men out there who find me desirable, Cam. Even younger ones."

Cameron scoffed, unimpressed. "Oh please, Kendra. It goes both ways. I could easily attract a younger woman if I wanted to."

Kendra couldn't help but laugh. "Cam, come on. You think younger women are into beer bellies? I take care of myself, exercise, and stay fit. I can easily attract younger men. Besides, good luck satisfying a younger woman if you can’t even last 5 minutes with me."

The last sentence seemed to land with a blow. Cameron’s demeanor changed, and the anger in his eyes was palpable. He broke eye contact and stared up at the ceiling, his mind churning. After a long silence, he came up with an idea. "Alright, I think you need a reality check. How about this? I’m off to Chicago tonight for the first leg of my trip. Let's make a bet. I bet you I can attract a younger woman there before you can attract a younger man here."

Kendra burst into uncontrollable laughter, her howling echoed through the kitchen. The sheer absurdity and unexpectedness of Cameron's proposal struck her as hilariously outrageous. She laughed until tears formed in her eyes, and she struggled to catch her breath.

Finally, as she calmed down, she noticed Cameron's stern expression hadn't changed. Realizing he was serious, her amusement faded, replaced by a mix of disbelief and curiosity. "Wait, you're serious?" she asked, wiping away a tear.

“You’re damn right I’m serious,” Cameron shot back. “If I win, you drop this whole sex therapist nonsense. If you win, I'll do it."

Kendra, still trying to process the surreal turn their conversation had taken, tilted her head in confusion. "And how would we prove it without... you know, cheating?"

Cameron thought for a moment and then suggested, "We get a selfie with our younger partner once we get them into bed. Absolutely no intercourse allowed. After the selfie, we immediately end things and send it. Then we explain to our younger partner that we were just trying to win a bet against our spouse."

Kendra raised an eyebrow, "Why does the selfie have to be in bed?"

"Because that's the challenge, Kendra,” he retorted. “It's easy to take a photo with some random stranger on the street, but it's much harder to convince them to get in bed with you."

Kendra understood the logic. "Alright, it’s a deal. But this isn’t just a game, Cam. It’s about us, our marriage."

Cameron nodded, a mix of determination and smugness in his eyes. Kendra was fired up and eager to prove her desirability to Cameron and make him take her concerns about their sex life seriously.

The two discussed some more ground rules before Cameron left for the airport: They would both wait until 9pm Chicago time to go out on the prowl, which is 7pm for Kendra back in San Jose. They can’t pay anyone to help them win the bet. They also have to target someone who appears to be in their 20s or 30s. Additionally, they can’t tell their younger partner about the bet until after the bed selfie has been taken. The first one to send a selfie with their younger partner in bed wins the bet.

As the clock struck 6pm in San Jose, Kendra knew that the games were about to begin. She sensed that the ultracompetitive Cameron would be out of his hotel room in no later than one hour from now. Although Kendra promised she wouldn’t go out until 7pm, she had an advantage, a secret card up her sleeve that Cameron wasn't aware of.

Kendra wasn't entirely truthful to Cameron when she recounted the story of getting hit on by the younger man at the grocery store. Yes, she didn’t give out her number, but she cleverly left out the detail about her taking his number. Was it right to use him to win the bet? She couldn't help but question the fairness of that.

She reasoned that Cameron had not specified any rules about who they could or couldn't choose for this bet. He had only mentioned the criteria of attracting a younger partner. It was, after all, just a playful bet, a test of their seduction skills.

Kendra's internal debate concluded, and she ultimately decided that Cameron's lack of specificity had left the door open for her to use her own resources. This was her best chance to win the bet and get Cameron to take her concerns about their sex life seriously. She believed using the younger man she met at the grocery store was a fair move.

With a deep breath, Kendra grabbed her phone and opened the contact she had saved as SCOTT GROCERY STORE. She hadn't spoken to him since that fateful day at the grocery store, and she wondered if he would even remember her.

She pressed the call button, and her heart pounded in her chest. The phone rang twice before a familiar voice answered. “Hello?”

Kendra tried to sound casual, even though her excitement was palpable. “Hi, Scott. It's Kendra. We met at the grocery store last month. Remember?” she said, her voice carrying a hint of mischief.

There was a pause on the other end, and then a burst of excitement in Scott's voice. "Kendra! I can't believe you called. I thought I'd never hear from you again."

Kendra couldn't help but smile, her confidence growing with each passing second. "I couldn't resist," she replied coyly. "I had a really nice time talking to you then, and I thought it would be fun to catch up."

Scott's enthusiasm was contagious. “That sounds wonderful. So, how have you been?”

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, as they shared stories about their lives, dreams, and aspirations. Kendra felt a renewed sense of desire and attraction, this time mixed with the thrill of the challenge she and Cameron had undertaken.

As the minutes ticked away, Kendra knew it was time to put her plan into motion. "Hey, Scott," she began, her tone growing a touch more seductive, "I was thinking, it's such a beautiful night. Maybe we could meet up for a drink or something?"

There was a hint of excitement in Scott's voice as he agreed, “Tonight? Yeah, I’d love that, Kendra. Where and when?"

Kendra felt a mix of relief and excitement. "How about Willow Den Public House on Lincoln Avenue? Say around 7:30pm?”

“Sounds great, Kendra. I’ll be there,“ he replied, his voice brimming with anticipation.

After they exchanged flirty goodbyes, Kendra hung up the phone with a triumphant smile. Kendra could sense Scott’s eagerness, and she was confident in her ability to win this bet.

She called the Hilton Hotel to reserve a room for the night, ensuring her plan was set in motion. Next, Kendra knew she needed an outfit that struck the perfect balance between casual and alluring. She rummaged through her wardrobe, selecting pieces that would accentuate her figure while maintaining an air of effortless charm.

Finally, she settled on something. She pulled out a pair of tight, dark jeans that hugged her curves in all the right places. The jeans were a perfect blend of casual and sexy, highlighting her well-toned legs and the curves of her hips. To pair with it, she chose a silky, cream-colored blouse. The top was subtly seductive, with a hint of cleavage and a flow that hinted at the contours of her body without revealing too much.

Kendra then turned to her lingerie, choosing a matching set that made her feel both confident and desirable. Even though Scott probably wouldn’t see them, she knew that the right undergarments were crucial because of how they made her feel.

As she dressed, she considered her makeup and hair. She opted for a look that was elegant yet not overly done – light makeup and natural, glossy lips. Her hair, she left loose and flowing, cascading down in smooth waves.

Slipping into a pair of sleek, heeled boots, Kendra gave herself one last look in the mirror. The outfit was perfect – casual enough not to raise suspicions, yet undeniably sexy. She smiled to herself, a mix of nerves and excitement. Kendra took a deep breath and stepped out of the house. She was ready for the night, ready to prove to herself and to Cameron that she was still desirable, and ready to seduce Scott just long enough to win the bet.

As Kendra entered the dimly lit Willow Den Public House, her heart was aflutter with anticipation. She had chosen this cozy bar as their meeting place, a setting that exuded an air of intimacy. The soft glow of candles cast warm, flickering shadows on the tables, creating an atmosphere that seemed tailor-made for an efficient seduction.

She had arrived a bit early and was seated at a corner table, her eyes scanning the room for Scott. It wasn't long before she spotted him, looking just as attractive and charming as she remembered. His eyes met hers across the room, and a smile of recognition played on his lips as he approached her with a confident stride.

"Kendra, it's so good to see you again. You look incredible,” his eyes taking in her appearance with an appreciative glance.

Kendra returned his smile, her eyes locking onto his. "Likewise, Scott," she purred, her voice laced with a hint of seduction. "I've been looking forward to this."

Their conversation meandered through various topics, each enjoying the other's company. Scott's charm and confidence were evident, and Kendra found herself increasingly drawn to him. She checked her phone occasionally to see if there were any text messages from Cameron. There were none. So far, so good.

"So, Scott, tell me more about what you do," Kendra leaned in, her eyes locked on his.

"I'm actually a personal trainer," Scott replied, his tone proud yet humble. "I love helping people achieve their fitness goals. It's rewarding."

"That's impressive," Kendra smiled, genuinely interested. "I can tell you're good at training yourself as well," she used the comment as an excuse to take an extended gaze at his sculpted body.

"I am, I have to practice what I preach, right?" Scott winked playfully, causing Kendra to laugh. The chemistry between them was undeniable, and the attraction simmered beneath the surface like an electric current.

Kendra had Scott wrapped around her finger, and it couldn’t have been more obvious. Sensing the moment was right, she asked, "Scott, are you free for the rest of the night?" Her voice was low and suggestive.

Scott's eyes widened slightly, realizing where the conversation was heading. "Um... yeah. Uh... I’m free,” he stammered.

Kendra leaned forward, her confidence radiating. "My husband, he's an airline pilot, and he's gone until Sunday. I booked a hotel room for the night. I was wondering if you'd like to join me..." she trailed off seductively.

The realization hit Scott like a wave – this was really happening. He was both overwhelmed and exhilarated. His nerves transformed into determination and excitement. "Yes, Kendra. I'd love nothing more than to join you."

"Good," Kendra said with a satisfied smile. "Let's head over there now. I'm in Room 1137 at the Hilton on South Almaden Avenue."

Scott nodded, his eagerness palpable. "I'll follow you there."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, Cameron found himself wandering through the bustling nightlife of Chicago, a sense of urgency and dread mingling within him. The bet weighed heavily on his mind as he ventured into several bars and clubs, trying to attract the attention of younger women.

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His first stop was a trendy rooftop bar, where the crowd was young and vibrant. Cameron tried to blend in, but he felt out of place amongst the lively groups. He approached a few younger women, attempting to strike up a conversation and showcase his charisma and charm, but his attempts were met with polite disinterest or outright dismissal. His usual confidence faltered as they were unimpressed with his corpulent physique.

Checking his phone for the umpteenth time, Cameron was relieved to see no message from Kendra yet. He couldn't help but wonder how her night was going, if she was facing the same rejections.

Moving on to a more upscale lounge, Cameron hoped his luck would change. He bought a drink and positioned himself at the bar, trying to appear casual and approachable. However, his attempts at small talk were met with brief, unenthusiastic responses. The younger women seemed more interested in their groups or phones than in engaging with him.

As the night wore on, Cameron's dread grew. He continued obsessively checking his phone, each time with a sinking heart, expecting to see a victorious message from Kendra. But as the hours passed and his phone remained silent, a part of him started to hope that maybe Kendra was struggling as much as he was.

Back in San Jose, Kendra's heart pounded in her chest as she led Scott into her hotel room. When they stepped inside, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation and tension. She turned to him, her voice slightly shaky. "Thank you for coming with me, Scott. I hope this isn't too forward."

Scott, his eyes reflecting a mix of amusement and desire, smiled reassuringly. "I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now. You're an incredible woman, Kendra."

Kendra stepped closer, her hands reaching up to unbutton his shirt, revealing his toned chest. "I've been thinking about this since we met at the grocery store," she murmured. Scott's breath hitched as her fingers deftly worked the rest of the buttons. His shirt now open, Kendra allowed her hands to explore his well-defined chest and six-pack abs. Her panties were drenched with her pussy juices.

Scott reciprocated, his hands moving to the buttons of her blouse. They exchanged smiles as he undid each one, revealing her sexy black lace bra and smooth skin. Her heart raced as she felt the cool air against her skin.

Their eyes locked, filled with a mutual desire. As Kendra’s blouse fell to the floor, Scott leaned in and kissed her passionately. She felt herself getting lost in the moment, her body responding to his touch. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer.

Amidst their intense kissing, Kendra remembered the purpose of this encounter. She took control and guided him towards the bed. They fell onto it together, still locked in their embrace. Their kisses grew more fervent, and Kendra could feel the heat rising between them.

Anxiety was starting to set in for Kendra. She knew she needed to end things and take the selfie. Breaking away from the kiss, she pulled her phone out of her back pocket, her hands shaking slightly.

She raised the phone, angling it to capture both of them together on the bed. Scott looked puzzled, but smiled. "You're full of surprises, Kendra."

"Scott, I've never been with a man as sexy as you. I want to cherish this moment forever." She angled the phone to capture both of them together on the bed.

Scott looked into the camera, smiling genuinely. "I'm honored, Kendra."

After she took the selfie, Scott gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and excused himself to the restroom. "I'll be right back, just need to use the restroom," he said, stepping away.

Alone for a moment, Kendra stared at the selfie on her phone, a mix of triumph and disbelief in her eyes. She had done it. She had proven to Cameron, and to herself, that she was desirable, that she could attract a young stud like Scott.

She was about to send a text message with the winning selfie to Cameron, but she paused as her thoughts turned to Scott. She wanted to resolve things with him first and reveal the truth to him, that this was all part of a bet. Rehearsing her words in her mind, she hoped he would understand, that he wouldn't feel too used. She took a deep breath, preparing herself for the conversation ahead.

Kendra's thoughts were abruptly derailed as Scott emerged from the restroom. Her jaw dropped as she took in the breathtaking sight before her. Scott stood there, leaning against the bathroom door frame, clad only in boxer briefs. His physique was reminiscent of a Chippendale's dancer – muscular, inviting, and sculpted to perfection.

Kendra's eyes involuntarily trailed down to the outline of his massive bulge, noticeably larger than anything she had ever encountered. The realization of his endowment left her momentarily breathless and triggered a visceral reaction within her.

She was overcome with a primal and insatiable lust that completely consumed her. All thoughts of the bet, sending the selfie to Cameron, and the conversation she had planned to have with Scott evaporated from her mind.

Scott noticed her reaction and a knowing smile played across his lips. As he approached the bed, Kendra's heart pounded in her chest. She took in every detail of Scott's body, from the contours of his muscles to the promise of pleasure hinted at by his enticing bulge.

This was a rare opportunity, one that she might never encounter again if she lets it slip away – the chance to be with a man who possesses the skills and equipment to fulfill her deepest desires.

Unable to resist any longer, Kendra's movements were almost instinctual as she dropped to her knees. She began to slowly peel off Scott's boxer briefs, revealing the impressive sight of his enormous cock. Desire was burning hot within her veins. Her eyes widened, practically turning her into a zombie.

She couldn't wait to explore every inch of his manhood. Her fingers could barely touch her thumb on the other side when she gripped his magnificent shaft. She marveled at the firmness and warmth of his erection. Her touch sent shivers of pleasure through Scott, eliciting low, guttural moans from him. Kendra's tongue became her primary instrument as she explored his shaft and cum-filled balls with an insatiable hunger. She was no longer in control of her actions.

Language had deserted them, and in its place were only moans, slurping sounds, and gasps of pleasure. The fervor with which Kendra caressed, licked, and sucked, left him breathless. He couldn't help but marvel at her enthusiasm. His hands found their way into her hair, gripping tightly as he moaned in pleasure. She continued to work him with her mouth, using her lips and tongue to tease and tantalize him.

As she tried to envelop him, she could barely make it past his bulbous cock head without feeling the urge to gag. The girth was overwhelming, stretching her mouth to its limits. Adjusting her technique, she focused on the head with her lips and tongue while her hands explored and stroked the rest of his length. As she continued, Kendra found a rhythm that seemed to drive him wild.

Scott could feel the intensity building within him. He was not ready to cum just yet, so he gently pulled Kendra's mouth off his throbbing shaft. Her chin and lips were coated with pre-cum and saliva. Their eyes met, filled with a shared hunger, and he whispered huskily, "It's your turn."

He pulled Kendra up and they tumbled onto the bed together. With a slow, deliberate motion, Scott peeled off Kendra's bra, revealing her luscious breasts. His lips descended upon her skin, tasting, licking, and sucking her sensitive flesh. She moaned in response, her fingers threading through his hair, urging him on.

He suckled, licked, and caressed her breasts with a passionate intensity that left Kendra gasping for air. Finally deciding to give her tits a break, he let tender kisses travel down her stomach, igniting a trail of desire along her skin. Her body quivered in anticipation as he peeled off her jeans and panties.

His pupils dilated as his hungry gaze descended to her wet, hairless pussy. Never before had Kendra seen such a primal, unfiltered lust in a man's eyes. She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and pride. It was an ego boost like no other.

As Scott's lips and tongue began their exploration, he knew exactly where to focus his attention, zeroing in on her engorged clit and the inflamed, sensitive folds of her pussy lips. She gasped and arched her back as waves of pleasure coursed through her body.

Kendra finally broke her silence. "Oh, Scott," she gasped, her voice filled with fervor as she urged him on. “It feels so good. Don't stop."

Scott responded to her encouragement, his tongue expertly teasing and pleasuring her, leaving her breathless and panting with pleasure. Each flick and lick of his tongue drove her to the brink of ecstasy.

With a final, animalistic cry, Kendra erupted, her climax crashing over her like a tidal wave. She shuddered with delight, her body quivering in the throes of her contractions. Scott’s face was covered in her juices.

He remained where he was, his lips and tongue continuing to caress and soothe Kendra's sensitive and inflamed pussy as she rode out the aftershocks of her orgasm. For a few minutes, they lay there, panting and sweating, catching their breath and basking in the afterglow.

When Kendra finally recovered from her climax, she was ready for some real action. Scott lay flat on his back, his hand guiding his rigid member to point straight upward, a tantalizing sight that made her drool. His solid, throbbing erection stood proudly like a flagpole. She let out an involuntary whimper of desire. Scott grinned and nodded in its direction, a summons that Kendra eagerly accepted.

With a hunger that burned deep within her, she straddled Scott as she positioned herself above his towering erection. She reached down, her hand guiding him toward her entrance. She felt the head of his engorged shaft teasingly rub along her folds, igniting a fiery desire that supercharged her pussy.

With a slow, meticulous descent, inch by inch, Kendra lowered herself onto his rock-hard cock, her gasps and moans echoing in the room as she was gradually consumed by the electrifying sensation. The thick head of his cock stretched her tight pussy, causing her to bite her lip in a mix of pleasure and delicious discomfort.

It took a few minutes of wriggling and bouncing, their bodies finding a rhythm, before Kendra finally reached the base. She felt so full, so impossibly stretched that she thought she might burst. And burst she did, letting out a series of guttural screams that filled the room.

"Oh, Scott!" she cried out. “You're so thick, it feels so fucking good.”

He pulled her down to meet his lips in a fiery kiss. Scott's hands roamed hungrily over her, fondling her breasts as they swayed and jiggled with each bounce. Scott brought his mouth to her delectable breasts, licking and sucking on them and tracing circles around her sensitive nipples. Kendra continued to ride him with unrelenting fervor.

Suddenly, Kendra slowed her movements, then completely stopped. She lifted herself off him, leaving his towering erection, as hard as ever, throbbing with anticipation and glistening with her juices. Scott looked up at her, a mix of surprise and longing in his gaze.

Kendra, flashing a mischievous smile, slowly rotated her body and turned around, presenting her back to Scott. His eyes widened at the sight of her sexy ass, his hands eagerly reaching out to caress her beautiful backside. "Hell yeah," he breathed out, his voice thick with desire.

She positioned herself for reverse cowgirl, teasing the tip of his cock with her entrance. Scott's arousal grew as he watched her every move, his breath quickening.

Kendra lowered herself onto Scott again, feeling him slide into her more smoothly this time, a testament to how he had broken her in. She gasped at the different, more intense sensation this angle provided, as Scott filled her completely.

“Oh God, this feels incredible,” Kendra moaned, her voice laced with ecstasy.

Scott was mesmerized by the sight of her bouncing up and down on him. His hands roaming over her hips and ass, caressing and gripping in rhythm with her movements. He grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling it gently as she rode him, intensifying their wild rhythm.

Kendra responded by riding him with renewed vigor, her movements becoming more pronounced and confident. "You like that, huh?" she teased, looking over her shoulder with a sultry smile.

"I love it," Scott replied, his grip on her hair tightening just enough to send a thrilling mixture of pleasure and pain through her.

Her body responded instinctively to his touch, her rhythm quickening as she rode him with abandon. Kendra was having the time of her life, completely lost in the exhilaration and raw passion of the moment.

Scott's breathing grew increasingly labored as was nearing the point of no return. Kendra, sensing his impending climax, slowed her movements, teasing him.

"You're gonna make me cum, Kendra. I can't hold back," Scott gasped, his voice strained with pleasure.

"It's okay, go ahead," Kendra urged, glancing over her shoulder with a naughty grin.

With her words, Scott lost his last shred of control and exploded. A torrent of pleasure ripped through his body as he blasted several spurts of thick, creamy cum deep within her womb. As his climax rolled through him, he let out guttural, primal sounds that were half-human, half-animal. Kendra continued to ride him through it, savoring every pulse and throb.

Kendra finally collapsed backwards onto Scott, both of them were breathing heavily. Scott gently rolled them both on their sides. When he withdrew his cock from Kendra's pussy, a small sigh of pleasure escaped her lips. He flipped her around so that they were facing each other, their gazes locked in a post-coital haze.

Scott couldn't help but grin, his fingers gently brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "Wow, that was amazing. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be ready for another round," he replied with a playful and determined glint in his eye.

"I believe I can speed things up a bit," she whispered seductively in his ear. Her fingers trailed down to massage his flaccid cock.

Back in Chicago, Cameron found himself wandering from one bar to another, each time with a growing sense of futility. He started his evening with a certain swagger, confident in his ability to win the bet with Kendra. However, as the night progressed, his confidence waned.

As the night wore on, Cameron's attempts became less and less enthusiastic. He started to feel the weight of his years, his self-assuredness replaced by a creeping sense of inadequacy. The lively chatter and music around him seemed to mock his efforts.

Checking his phone became an all-consuming ritual. He half-expected, half-feared a text from Kendra boasting of her success. But as hours ticked by, his screen remained devoid of any such message.

In one of the bars, a sleek, modern place pulsing with music, Cameron's spirits lifted momentarily when he noticed a woman in her early 30s glancing in his direction. She had an effortless style, and her smile seemed inviting. Seizing the opportunity, Cameron approached her with a cautious optimism.

"Hi there, I couldn't help but notice your smile from across the bar. I'm Cameron," he introduced himself, trying to sound confident yet approachable.

The woman looked up, her eyes appraising him for a moment. "Hi, I'm Lisa," she replied, her tone friendly but guarded.

Cameron, encouraged by the interaction, offered, "Can I buy you a drink?"

Lisa's smile widened. "Sure, that would be lovely. I'll have a cosmopolitan, thanks."

As Cameron signaled the bartender and ordered the drinks, he attempted to initiate a conversation. "So, what brings you out tonight?"

"Just unwinding after a long week at work," Lisa replied, accepting the drink he handed her. "Thanks for this, by the way."

"No problem at all. It's nice to have some company," Cameron said, hoping to extend the conversation.

They chatted for a few minutes, with Cameron trying to subtly showcase his charm. However, as the conversation progressed, he began to sense a lack of genuine interest from Lisa. She seemed more engaged with her phone than with him.

After finishing her drink, Lisa stood up, her demeanor shifting. "Thanks for the drink, Cameron. I should really be getting back to my friends," she said, offering a polite but distant smile.

Cameron felt a twinge of disappointment. "Sure, it was nice talking to you," he replied, trying to mask his letdown.

This encounter, like his other attempts throughout the night, left him feeling increasingly out of place and disconnected from the younger crowd he had hoped to impress.

He returned to his bar stool, nursing his drink, and reflecting on the stark contrast between his expectations and the reality of the evening. The initial flicker of hope with Lisa had quickly extinguished, adding to the growing sense of futility he felt about the bet with Kendra.

Finally, at 2am, feeling exhausted and defeated, Cameron trudged back to his hotel. The streets of Chicago felt clammy and unwelcoming as he made his way back, the night's failures weighing heavily on him.

Back at his hotel room, Cameron sat on the edge of the bed, his phone in hand. He pondered over the evening's events, the stark contrast to what he had imagined. With a deep sigh, he typed out a message to Kendra. "No luck for me tonight. I'm guessing the same for you?"

As he sent the message, there was a part of him that felt relieved. Knowing Kendra, she would have sent him a text by now to gloat about her victory had she been successful. Kendra had surely failed, and that provided him a glimmer of consolation.

But there was also a nagging sense of failure, not just in the bet, but in his ability to attract a younger woman. This night had been a stark reminder of the distance between his current self and the man he once was, or believed himself to be. This was a lost opportunity to prove to himself and to Kendra that he still had it. He lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for Kendra's reply, hoping against hope that she was indeed unsuccessful.

Lying in her dimly lit hotel room in San Jose, Kendra felt a pleasant soreness between her legs, a testament to the night's activities. She turned her gaze to Scott, who was lying on his side, his muscular back rising and falling with each breath as he rested. A smile curled on her lips as she reminisced about their intense lovemaking. They had explored every position imaginable, and she managed to squeeze five rounds out of him.

Kendra heard her phone buzzing on top of the nightstand. Wondering what it could be this time of the night, she reluctantly tore her gaze away from Scott's masculine form and grabbed it. Her mind raced when she saw a text message notification and Cameron’s name on the screen.

She opened Cameron's text message and read it: No luck for me tonight. I'm guessing the same for you?

As Kendra stared at the screen, panic started to set in. The reality of the bet, the rules they had agreed upon, forgetting to send the victory selfie, it all came crashing down on her. She had become so lost in the moment with Scott that she had completely forgotten about everything. It was a total disaster.

Her conscience weighed heavily on her. She knew the right thing to do would be to confess everything to Cameron and beg for his forgiveness. She began frantically typing out a message. But as she was crafting her confession, a realization struck her like a bolt of lightning. Her experience with Scott had been eye-opening and transformative, not just physically, but emotionally. It had shed light on what was truly missing in her marriage: passionate, fulfilling sex. This realization brought with it a sense of clarity and empowerment.

She thought about Cameron. He's a wonderful father to their children, and a man who, despite his shortcomings in the bedroom, has always been a devoted partner in every other aspect of life. It’s not entirely his fault that he doesn't possess the endowment, physique, and sexual prowess of a man like Scott.

They have a stable, happy family life. Their children are thriving, and they have built a life together that is the envy of many in the community. She cherishes their partnership and the life they have created. The thought of jeopardizing all of that by confessing her indiscretion was terrifying.

This experience with Scott had irrevocably altered her perspective on what she wanted and needed sexually. She had never gone more than two rounds with Cameron, and she nearly tripled that with Scott. She had never experienced an orgasm during vaginal intercourse with Cameron, a feat already achieved multiple times with Scott. She also couldn't do certain positions with Cameron due to his smaller member, but with Scott, the possibilities are endless.

Kendra realized that there was no going back to living a life of dutiful monogamy to Cameron, not after experiencing such intense sexual fulfillment. It also became painfully clear that no amount of therapy or communication could bridge the gap between Cameron’s abilities and what she had just experienced with Scott.

She knows she can continue to indulge in discreet extramarital sex to get the satisfaction her pussy craves. Cameron's frequent business trips give her ample opportunities, and she has the allure to attract younger, virile men like Scott.

With all these thoughts swirling in her mind, Kendra deleted the half-typed confession. She replaced it with a carefully worded response, a blend of truth and omission: Same here. Tonight taught me to cherish what we have. Don’t worry, I won’t bug you about seeing a sex therapist anymore. Love you and have a good night.

As she sent the message, Kendra felt a mix of relief and a newfound resolve. She had crossed a line she never thought she would, but in doing so, she had discovered a path to her own happiness without upending the world she and Cameron had built. It was a dangerous path, fraught with risks and moral dilemmas, but for the first time in years, Kendra felt alive, vibrant, and in control of her own desires.

Kendra turned off her phone and placed it gently on the nightstand. As she did, she felt Scott shifting behind her. Scott, awake from his nap, wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. The warmth of his large, muscular frame pressed against her back reignited a flicker of desire within her.

She nestled in closer. Teasingly, she wiggled her hips against him, a silent invitation. When she felt his cock stir, she got a devilish grin on her face. The night was far from over.

Written by KurtVonnecunt
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