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The Promotion

"Hot wife submits to boss for promotion."

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It would be an understatement to say that Eric, my husband, was ambitious. He joined a local gym when he heard his boss was a member, dressed in a similar style, hoping to get noticed. We even moved into the same dockside apartment block as his boss, though we had a hokey little flat several floors below his boss's three bedroomed penthouse where he lived alone since divorcing his wife.     

We started dropping into a wine bar which his boss frequented on Friday’s after work.

Eric would have me wear short skirts and revealing sexy dresses to impress his boss. I certainly got noticed alright by David, his boss, who is about fifty.

 David looks much younger and is a very handsome, muscular and fit man of Scandinavian descent. He would come over sometimes and buy us a drink and chat.

Eric always directed the conversation to work and trying to impress David. I could tell David really didn’t care about work chat once Friday came around. We started going to this place on Friday nights on a regular basis. David always made a point of stopping over and greeting us.

 This last time, however, David put his hand on my thigh as I sat perched on a bar stool. I politely removed his hand, but when we got home, Eric said, “Why did you move his hand? He's my boss, don't embarrass him.”

I responded, “Are you serious? You like seeing him touch me?" Eric denied it, but the look on his face told me differently.

A week later in the bar again, David's hand was back on my thigh, so I left it there. I could tell David knew that Eric was trying to get noticed, to ingratiate himself for a promotion. David was pushing to see how far he could go before Eric was forced to say something, probably hoping Eric would leave him alone about work.

It amused me, watching them both, Eric’s face was a picture as David pushed his luck, and his hand getting higher up my legs each time we saw him at the bar and Eric watching it happen.

I did find David attractive and an entertaining man and I was getting used to the attention and his touching me. I found my pussy getting wet as his big hands warmly resting on my leg and his fingers only inches from my panties and occasionally brushing his hands over my tits when no one could see him.


Still, Eric said nothing and I realized just how pathetic he was. Eric was prepared to let his boss grope me in the hope it furthered his career.    Eric was using my sexy body to please his boss, making me dress up wearing sexy clothes and letting his boss touch me.

Let me tell you about myself. I’m a very attractive 29-year-old, slim build, 5’5”, shapely legs pretty face with big puffy kissable lips. 36EE tits that are too big for my body frame. For those of you that don’t know what that means, it means Huge Tits that protrude from my chest about six inches with 3” diameter puffy dark brown nipples, probably inherited from my Latina grandmother.

They do sag a little, but you can’t have tits this big and not have them hang a little. If you look at me from behind you can see them sticking out on the sides of me. My pussy has nice big lips and folds of skin with a nice triangle patch of trimmed black hair. I turn heads whenever I walk into a room and have since I was sixteen.

The following Friday we went again and this time Eric and I sat in a booth across from each other. I was wearing a pair of tight fitting shorts and a body hugging almost sheer white top with no bra. My tits stuck out like torpedoes and you could see the outline and hint of brown color of my nipples.

When David arrived, he chatted with a few people and then made his way over to our booth and Eric invited him to sit down and of course, he sat next to me sort of forcing me into the corner.

David and Eric talked about work again and of course, David had his right hand between my legs under the table.

Then Eric decided he had to use the bathroom and asked David to stay and chat with me while he went. I’m thinking Holly Shit I know what’s next. I can’t believe Eric is leaving me alone with David.

David started telling me how good I looked and that he missed having a woman around since his divorce and how lucky Eric was to have me. David didn’t waste any time, my legs had parted and his right hand was on my pussy rubbing it through my shorts. Then he put his other hand on my tits rubbing them and pinching my hardening nipples. I tried to protest but David is very strong and persistent and I didn’t want to make a scene. I gave in to him and let him feel me up.

I was frozen and couldn’t move. He softly talked to me telling me how beautiful I was and how attracted he was to me. It was like I was frozen in time and dazed while he was doing things to me and making me do things to him, my pussy getting wet and my nipples getting hard.

Then I could see Eric returning, I said, “David, Eric is coming, please stop. David! Please don’t let Eric see you doing this.” but he didn’t stop, he kept fondling me and squeezing my swelling tits. Eric got to the booth and David made sure Eric saw him groping my tits and gave them one more good squeeze and nipple pinch to each of my tits looking straight at Eric.     

Eric just slid into his side of the booth watching David fondle me saying nothing and looking kind of timid not knowing what to do or say.

David spoke up and said. “Eric, I really like Niley’s tits, you’re a lucky guy.” Eric then brought up work conversation again and David played along and stopped to chat with him about work and let me go.

I’m like, OH MY GOD I can’t believe this just happened. That moment pretty much sealed the deal for David, when Eric said nothing after seeing David feeling my tits. David knew I was his to fuck. David continued to play with my legs and pussy under the table until the work conversation wore out and it was time to go home.

When we all decided to call it a night, before we all got out of the booth, David put his right arm around me and with his left hand grabbed my tits again pinching my nipples and rolling them in his fingers making them puffy and hard.

David, Looking Eric straight in the eye said. “I’m going to go home and masturbate thinking about Niley and her luscious tits.” I’ll get a rubber and fill it with lotion and put it on, then get on my bed with a bunch of pillows under me and fuck them until the rubber is overflowing with my cum.

Eric just sat there and watched him play with my tits. David gave me a quick kiss on my lips and said hope to see you again soon. We all got up to leave. My nipples were so puffed up and hard that people were looking at them and me as we walked out of the place.

When we got home that night, I told Eric that when he went to the bathroom that David leaned into me grabbing my tits and whispering in my ear that he hadn’t had sex since his divorce a year ago and wanted to fuck me and wanted to know if you would be willing to share me.

"Then he took my hand and unzipped his pants and put my hand in his pants and made me touch his cock. "Eric, It’s Big…Eric; It’s Really, Really big…I think ten inches big and thick. He made me wrap my hand around it and hold it until just before you got back.

Eric, he asked me for my cell phone number. I didn’t know what to do…so I gave it to him. Eric, you know he’s going to call me for a date, You know what he’s going to do to me on that date? Don’t you?  Are you Okay with him doing that to my tits?

Eric, He’s going to fuck me with his big cock if you let him take me out. Is that what you want? Eric…your boss wants to FUUUUCK me! What should I do?"

Eric sheepishly and not making eye contact with me, said, “He’s my boss, I don’t think there is anything I can do. Maybe it was just the drinks he had. Why don’t we just sleep on it and forget about it?”

I was beside myself. Eric wasn’t going to do or say anything he was going to let his boss do whatever he wanted to me. I guess I was on my own.

 We went to bed and Eric was fucking me. He was on top of me and doing it slowly. I looked up at him and whispered softly with a little smile on my face.

Eric, “David is on his bed pillows right now pretending to fuck me. I think you will be letting him fuck me soon. What do you think”?

Eric just closed his eyes and started fucking me harder then came inside me as if talking about David doing it to me got him off. Eric collapsed on top of me panting. I whispered in his ear again.

“Eric, You know David is going to Fuck me. Don’t you Eric.?" Eric was silent.

Two nights later we were in bed making love again and I thought I would experiment again. As Eric was fucking me, I asked him what he thought David would do to me in bed.

"Eric, Are you thinking about what he was doing to my tits in front of you in that booth? Your boss David was rubbing my tits and pinching my nipples so much that people could see them through my top when we walked out. Are you thinking of me with my hand inside his pants zipper holding his big cock?

He was getting hard in my hand you know. As his cock grew hard, I could not wrap my whole hand around it and he made me pump it up and down. Are you thinking about your boss fucking me Eric? You know he wants too. He told me he wants to fuck me. He said he wants you to share me with him. Are you going to give me to him, Eric? You know David is probably on his pillows right now pretending to fuck me. Does that turn you on?"

There was no response, but sure enough, Eric started pounding me really hard as I talked about his boss. I could tell he was about to explode then he pulled out and shot his seed all over my tits and face. More cum than I had ever seen him shoot. It really turned Eric on that I talked about his boss. He didn’t say anything about it, but I could tell by the way he fucked me so hard and came so much. Usually, Eric just cums inside me and rolls off and falls asleep.

It was a quiet week of thinking after that. David never called, but we exchanged a few sexy text messages. Teasing him, I asked him how his pillows were doing and sent him a picture of me to look at while he was in bed with them.

He said he hoped to see us again the coming Friday. Eric’s work week went normally, but David scheduled a Monday morning meeting with him at 8am and asked if he and I were going to be at the wine bar Friday night.

I have to admit I found myself fantasizing about David’s body during the week and what it would be like to be with him. David was a former athlete and still works out. He is 6’2” tall with big muscular arms and chiseled body. He is quite a handsome and successful man.

After a few days of nervous thinking about David and the events that have happened so far, I pretty much conceded to myself that this handsome older man was going to take me and I was very willing and wet thinking about it. The thought occupied my mind most of the week.

I thought about what David did to me in that booth and how his strong hands felt as he felt my tits and how scared or exciting it was when Eric saw what he was doing to me and how his cock felt in my hand.

I conceded that it was inevitable that David was going to have his way with me and I actually liked the idea.

As the next Friday approached, I asked Eric if we were going again. Eric just said

“We should if it’s okay with you."

Translation: It would be good for my carrier if you dressed in something sexy and let my boss feel your tits up and play with your pussy.

If Eric’s not going to do anything I’m just going to let it happen. I decided to wear my shortest pleated white tennis style skirt the next Friday night. A Skirt that when I sit on a bar stool if I wasn't careful, my panties would be visible, except that I wasn't going to wear panties and I wasn't going to be careful and I was going to show David my pussy.

I didn't tell Eric all I would have under my skirt would be my wet pussy, and the little gold ring piercing my pussy lips. No bra, just an almost sheer white spaghetti strap silk crop top, with my perky nipples sticking out and spike-heeled shoes.

I smiled to myself at the reaction I would get from David in this outfit. We got there quite early and stood chatting to some people we knew, keeping an eye on the door for David. I'd made sure I was next to a stool at the end of the bar in the corner, close to the table David usually took.

He arrived, and I caught his eye as he fetched drinks for himself and a couple he was with, then as he came over and sat on the stool next to mine. I hitched myself on the stool swiveling towards him, letting my legs part briefly flashing my pussy before crossing my legs.

The couple had their backs to me, David was the only one who could see and he nodded his approval and licked his lips at what he'd seen. I was careful no one else could see.

Eric was turned away from me chatting to the couple. I slowly uncrossed my legs, sitting heels hooked on the stool footrest, knees together, my hand resting on my thigh. A quick check again that no one else could see as I parted my legs, just a couple of inches. I could see the look in David’s eyes urging me to open my legs more. I could feel my juices seeping from my pussy, I guessed my wet cunt was visible, but I went further, moving my legs apart, sitting spread for 10 or 15 seconds.

I was getting aroused exposing myself to him, and moved my hand from my thigh and ran a finger along my slit, feeling it open under my touch, my finger slipping inside until I felt my clit ring. I gave it a quick rub, stroking my hard little erect clitty under my fingertips while David watched.

I suddenly became aware that Eric had said something to me and was turning, just managing to remove my hand and close my legs before he saw.

I didn't get another chance to flash David and about twenty minutes later saw him going to the door with the couple. I thought he was leaving but he saw them off then came over and bought a round of drinks and squeezed in between Eric and me.

He bent down, whispered in my ear.

“You’ve made my dick hard you sexy little thing, I'm going to fuck you as soon as I get the chance.”

I smiled and said, “I know.”

As usual, his hand was soon on my thigh and as he moved it higher, I parted my legs slightly, until his fingers were brushing my pussy. He pushed my legs further apart, slid a finger in my wet hole, dipping it in and out rubbing my clit with his thumb whilst he chatted to Eric. I gasped, loud enough for Eric to glance at me. I was close to cumming from the attention my sensitive clitty was receiving. I  smiled at him, reluctantly removing David’s hand from my pussy at the same time.

We stayed for about another hour, and another drink, David’s hands straying up my skirt several more times when Eric wasn’t aware. David dropping hints about changes he was thinking of making at the company. Then David invited us up to his apartment for a nightcap.

Eric couldn't accept quickly enough. He looked like he just won the Lottery. We left with David and walked to his apartment suite.

Going up in the lift I listened as David told Eric how impressed he was with his work. Entering his apartment, he was telling Eric that he had a great future with the company. Bullshitting him, but I suppose that's why he's successful and Eric's just a gullible wanker. He was lapping it all up, agreeing that it was important to please the boss.

I could see where this was going even if he couldn't. I was admiring the view from the picture window and checking out the pad, bar, hot tub, piano, 80” TV, etc..

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Then David said, “Niley, come over here would you.”

I put my drink down and waited to see what was next.

He turned back to Eric, “You're lucky having Niley, she could be a real asset to your future.”

Eric agreed.

I'm glad you agree,” David told him.

“Now...... undress her for me.”

“What?" Eric stammered.

I thought I was going to laugh but bit my lip.

“You Heard me, Eric. Take Niley’s clothes off for me. I want to see her big tits and her pussy”.

Eric just stood there mouth hanging open, turning bright red.

“It's a simple task, Eric. Strip your sexy wife for me. I want to see her beautiful naked body”.

I waited, hoping Eric would not stand up to him and just do what David asked.

He looked over at me, I just shrugged my shoulders and slowly lifted the hem of my little skirt revealing my hot wet pussy, I think I saw a moment of realization cross Eric’s face.

I didn't move for nearly ten seconds I just glared at Eric hoping he would do what he was told. I couldn't believe this was happening, but I was very excited.

I nodded to Eric and softly said, “It’s Okay.”

Finally, Eric came up behind me and pulled the spaghetti straps off my shoulders as I stared at David to see his reaction.  The white silk top barely covered my large soft tits. The thin material showed the outline of my now stiff puffy nipples that had grown immediately erect. I had goosebumps all up and down my arms.

"Take it off Eric," David said with a low voice and hungry look.

Eric gently slipped my arms out from the straps that held up the lingerie style top, hesitated a few seconds and then pulled it down over my tits to my waist.

There I stood, in front of my husband’s handsome boss with my big tits exposed and nothing on but my short skirt and stiletto heels and no panties and my wet pussy quivering with nervous excitement.

David nodded appreciatively and smiled. "Those are absolutely beautiful tits, Niley. Jiggle them for me.”

Keeping my arms at my side, I slowly swayed back and forth while looking into David’s eyes.

"Lift them up and offer them to me Niley,"  David said, "Hold them up high."

David stepped back a little, I cupped my breasts from below and held them up for David to see.

"When did you grow those big tits Niley? How old were you?"

"Sixteen," I answered quietly.

David stepped close in front of me and then began to remove his clothes, first his shirt revealing his bare chest and six-pack abs and muscled arms, then unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the floor. Looking at David, I kept my hands under my tits moving them around slowly and touching my nipples as he asked.

Eric backed up and sat or fell down into a chair in shock I think watching his wife offer herself to another man like this.  Next looking at Eric and then me he slowly dropped his shorts, out flopped the biggest semi hard cock I had ever seen. It was a full 10.5” and thick like 2.5” diameter, and it fell against me as he moved closer.

I thought Eric was going to faint. David threw Eric his phone and said he wanted pictures of him and me and not to stop clicking until he was told.

 Biting my lip nervously and not knowing whether to smile or cry I looked at Eric and then at David. I knew this was it. David then put his hands on my waist and pulled me into him mashing my tits into his chest he gently started kissing me. I opened my mouth to accept his tongue in my mouth. David had his hands all over me.

His cock hardening and the big circumcised head starting to leak precum and putting wet spots on my body. He took my hand and guided it to his cock so I could hold the shaft and feel it growing hard.

Telling Eric again to keep taking pictures. He wanted pictures of me holding his cock and several different poses. David asked Eric “Do you mind me kissing your wife, Eric?” Eric just stood back, mouth open and stammered something we couldn’t understand, but a visible tent was forming in his pants, while David again pulled me into his arms kissing me and fondling my tits, and pinching my nipples.

As the kiss broke David held me and I whispered in his ear.

“David, I guess I’m all yours, please go ahead and take me but be gentle.”

David reached down and lifted my breasts feeling their weight, rolling them in his hands, squeezing and letting go, then pinching my puffy nipples between his fingers firmly.

I closed my eyes and exhaled heavily giving a little moan.

Then he reached down under my skirt and ran his fingers up my pussy lips and tickled my clit. That’s when I lost it. I started shaking and fluid started squirting out of my pussy onto his hands and down my legs onto the floor.

My legs starting to collapse he invited me to sit on the couch with him and began kissing me again and his hands spread my legs to rub my already wet pussy as Eric sat in the chair and watched David stick his fingers in me and rub my clit. David took my hand placing it on his cock again and I could hardly grasp around its full size. He was hard as a rock, I half rolled on my side, wanking his ten inches, pulling him closer until I could wrap my lips around his big cock head and sucked it tasting that salty precum.

 As I sucked him, he instructed Eric to keep taking pictures.

He slipped his dick from my mouth and he finished undressing me removing my skirt. David stood stroking his erection and asked Eric if he liked what he was seeing. Eric just nodded and rubbed his dick through his pants.

I gently enveloped his dick head between my soft lips and began to pump again, applying a little more pressure each time and alternately flicking my tongue up and down the underside of his shaft.

"That's it. Now give me the best blowjob you've ever given in your life while Eric watches. Look at me while you suck my dick, Niley,"

I looked up at him, my eyes filled with lust. David let me work hard at it for close to ten minutes, relishing every second. David then placed his hand on my head and began to thrust his cock into my mouth.

"I'm gonna cum soon, baby, I'm gonna blow my wad right into your mouth."

I let out a sustained, "Nghhhhhhh," that made it clear I didn't much like the idea of David cumming in my mouth.

"You don't want me to come in your mouth?"

I made the same noise again and shook my head slightly as he continued to pump away. My pleading eyes began to well up.

"That's okay, baby," he whispered, getting short of breath. I like it this way too."

  With that, he quickly withdrew his cock from my mouth and groaned loudly as his cum burst forth, spraying me in the face with a stream of hot white sticky liquid coating my lips and face.

I was in shock as the second wave splashed across my tits. He pumped his cock with his hand as a third series of spurts gave me a textbook pearl necklace. David was panting as he took his cock and spread his cum all over my lips. I remained motionless as I was being bathed in his semen and opened my mouth to take the cum covered dick head into my mouth.

David pulled me up and gently kissed me full on my cum covered lips and massaged the rest of it into my breasts. It was slippery at first, but as it began to dry, it stiffened and tightened over the flesh of my soft, brown, puffy nipples and big swelling tits. The musky smell of the semen rubbed all over me was intoxicating. No man had ever done that to me before or kissed me with cum in my mouth.

With my face, hair and breasts splashed with his sperm, I stared into David’s eyes.

As David said "I know you probably won't believe this," he said gently, "but I think you look incredibly beautiful right now covered in my cum."

Eric had also lost his wad in his pants and was wondering what to do with the mess in his pants. He was attempting to clean himself up when David told him not to get any of that on his phone because we need more pictures.

 David sat me down on the couch and got down between my legs, and using his fingers to hold my pussy lips open he started to lick and suck my soaking cunt, paying lots of attention to my clitoris, driving me wild, with the marvelous sensations as he brought me to orgasm.

Eric was still sitting in a chair opposite us. David lifted me up in his arms like a bridegroom carrying his bride over a threshold.

David stood up holding me with his once again hard dick sticking straight out, he told Eric to take a few more pictures of us like this (Him holding me with cum all over me, and David with an again hardening cock).

David Told Eric to show himself out when he was ready and instructed him to be in his office at 8am on Monday for the meeting to talk about his future with the company.

"Niley will be staying the night here with me Eric, in my bed. We’ll call you later if we have time."

I looked at Eric with kind of a pouty look and gave him a finger wave Bye, then wrapped my arms around David’s neck and kissed him as David turned and carried me to his bedroom closing the door behind him and locking it.

I knew I was about to get the fucking of my life and my husband was probably in the next room listening.

David lay me down on his bed and began to eat me again. He slid two fingers in me and found my G spot and told me to let my juices go whenever I felt the urge. That was all it took, I started flooding his hand with love pee.

My legs spread and David positioned between my legs he slowly entered me with his monster cock. It took some time, and he went slowly at first, but he soon filled me with all 10.5” of thick man meat. He just laid there inside me at first kissing me as he enjoyed the feeling of being inside me. Then fucked me slow and gentle at first, Kissing me more and sucking on my tits tasting his own cum on them. Then increasing his speed to fast and hard, bringing me to climax three or four times over the next forty-five minutes before he came inside me.

He was far better than any man I had ever had.

David fucked me hard three more times more during the night and before we got out of bed in the morning. The more David fucked me, the hornier I became. I know he was using Viagra or something because his dick never got soft but I didn’t care, I have never been fucked so hard, and I loved having his big dick in me.

Sometime in the night he was in me again fucking me slow and steady when he pulled his phone off the nightstand and hit a speed dial number. It was about 11:00pm, and Eric answered.

I’m like, “Oh my God David we’re fucking what are you doing?”

David asked Eric how he was doing then said, "Guess what I’m doing. I’m fucking Niley."

Say something Niley. David handed me the phone and began to really fuck me hard, pulling all ten inches out most of the way and then slamming it back into me and then pulling out part way and a few short strokes before slamming it all in again. I was trying to talk to Eric, but all I could do was babble, moan, pant and scream, “Oh my God! oh my God.”

Then David slowed his pace and got back on the phone and told Eric, I would be returning sometime late tomorrow and wished him a good night. David put the phone back on the nightstand but didn’t hang up. David then withdrew and had me get on my hands and knees and entered me from behind doggie style. He pounded me from behind while the phone was on the nightstand and I’m sure Eric heard my moaning and the slapping sound of David slamming me. I’m not sure how long Eric listened to us, but I’m sure he got an ear full and jerked off again.

 Next morning the whole place smelled like sex. I have to admit that I liked the musky smell of it, and I could still smell David’s cum that he'd rubbed all over my tits.

We showered together and that was romantic too. Shooting soap cream all over me and rubbing my body with it. It must be a thing for him shooting white cream on me and rubbing it in.

He took me out to brunch wearing the skirt and top from the night before, still no undies. He had his hands all over me more than ever, my tits, my pussy, my ass. There was no minute when he wasn’t fondling something.

We returned from brunch about one and David taking my hand, led me right back into the bedroom to fuck me again. David didn’t even bother to take my skirt and top off, he just laid me on the bed took his pants down and jumped on me fucking me with the skirt on and feeling my tits through the silky top.

We fucked until I went back to my flat at about 9pm that Saturday night with a short break for dinner.

I had been making love to another man for twenty-four hours. I must have looked like a mess when I came home, hair all messed, same clothes on that David just fucked me in, with one shoulder strap ripped off the silk top, and his cum still dripping from my pussy and my tits with suck marks all over them. I haven’t had a hickey since high school and David gave me one for each time he fucked me. I had eight in total on various parts of my body, my neck, my tits, down by my pussy.

Eric just looked at me. All he wanted to know was if David had said anything about the Monday morning meeting. It seemed that if letting his boss treat him like shit and fucking his wife would help his career it was fine. It was fine with me too, I was enjoying being treated like a lady and a slut and getting the best sex of my life. He thought I was doing it to help his carrier.

Monday morning arrived and Eric was off to work early for his big meeting at 8am. At 7:45 I got a text from David that said he was taking the day off after the meeting with Eric and wanted me to come up to his place at 10am.

I asked him what was up. He texted back that we were going to celebrate Eric’s’ promotion and I should dress in something sexy.

I knew what going up to David’s suite meant. He was going to fuck me again.

I showered and put on a pair of metallic gold tight fitting hot pants with no underpants. My ass cheeks sticking out the bottom and so tight my pussy camel toe was outlined perfectly. On my top another shear red crop top with no bra. This one you could see right through and the color went well with my big dark nipples.

When I arrived at David’s, he was in a robe and already had a hard-on.

David said God you look sexy, Opened up his robe and pulled me in for a hug, a kiss, and a boob grab with nipple pinch then took me by the hand and lead me to the living room.

He was streaming the pictures in his 80” TV that Eric took of us. David sat down and pulled me down on his lap and we started at each other where we left off.  Hands all over my heaving tits and rubbing my pussy through my shiny gold hot pants he said, "I have good news for you."


"Eric got a nice promotion, raise, and he is moving into his new office right now, AND he will be traveling for work two times a month for four or five days at a time."

I looked up at David and said, "I know what that means."

David said, "I’m sure you do. Before you leave today, I’m going to give you my credit card to go to Fredrick’s of Hollywood and Victoria’s Secret and anywhere else you want to go to buy some slutty outfits to wear for me."

Then he picked me up and took me to the bedroom.  He had the maid put clean satin sheets on the bed.

  “Let's get started Niley.”

I went home to Eric that night at dinner time with three more hickies, two more on my tits and another on my neck. Eric asked about them, so I had to tell him. “David gives me one for every time he fucks me. I have three new ones today, eleven in total. David really likes fucking me.”

 “How is your new job position going?”



Written by Youjuan
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